5,171 research outputs found

    Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research

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    This paper reviews the published articles on eTourism in the past 20 years. Using a wide variety of sources, mainly in the tourism literature, this paper comprehensively reviews and analyzes prior studies in the context of Internet applications to Tourism. The paper also projects future developments in eTourism and demonstrates critical changes that will influence the tourism industry structure. A major contribution of this paper is its overview of the research and development efforts that have been endeavoured in the field, and the challenges that tourism researchers are, and will be, facing

    Artificial Intelligence in Smart Tourism: A Conceptual Framework

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    Smart tourism destination as: an innovative tourist destination, built on an infrastructure of state-of-the-art technology guaranteeing the sustainable development of tourist areas, accessible to everyone, which facilitates the visitor’s interaction with and integration into his or her surroundings, increases the quality of the experience at the destination, and improves residents’ quality of life. Lopez de Avila (2015). Smart tourism involves multiple components and layers of “smart” include (1) Smart Destinations which was special cases of smart cities integration of ICT’s into physical infrastructure, (2) Smart experience which specifically focus on technology-mediated tourism experience and their engagement through personalization, context-awareness and real-time monitoring, (3) Smart business refer to the complex business ecosystem that creates and supports the exchange of touristic resource and the co-creation of tourism experience. Gretzel et al, (2015). Smart tourism also clearly relies on the ability to not only collect enormous of data but to intelligently store, process, combine, analyze and use big data to inform business innovation, operations and services by artificial intelligence and big data technique. The rapid development of information communication technology (ICT) such as artificial intelligent, cloud computing, mobile device, big data mining and social media cause computing, storage and communication relevant software and hardware popular. Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Google have risen rapidly since 2000. In recent years, Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Thing, Robotic, Cyber Security, 3D printer and Block chain also accelerate the development of industry toward digital transformation trend such as Fintech, e-commerce, smart cities, smart tourism, smart healthcare, smart manufacturing... This study proposes a conceptual framework that integrates (1) artificial intelligence/machine learning, (2) institution/organizational and (3) business processes to assist smart tourism stake holder to leverage artificial intelligence to integrate cross-departmental business and streamline key performance metrics to build a business-level IT Strategy. Artificial intelligence as long as the function includes (1) Cognitive engagement to (voice/pattern recognition function) (2) Cognitive process automation (Robotic Process Automation) (3) Cognitive insight (forecast, recommendation)

    O papel da quarta revolução industrial no turismo acessível: estudo e conceptualização de uma aplicação web

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    The world is experiencing the beginning of the fourth Industrial Revolution, responsible for implementing a new digitalization era. This revolution originated in manufacturing, with industry 4.0 bringing a new reality to organizations. However, the scope of this new technological revolution is vast, and other sectors can benefit from the new digital era. In the Services Industry, tourism is an example of that, as Tourism 4.0 is the result of the impact of the fourth industrial revolution in this sector. Tourism 4.0 is the result of the impact of the fourth industrial revolution in tourism. An interesting challenge that this technological era brings to tourism is the social inclusion of people with disabilities. The accessible tourism market reveals huge potential, but despite this, this market is still largely ignored. Several technologies that promoted the fourth industrial revolution present capabilities to promote accessible tourism by improving tourism’s access conditions to people with disabilities. The present work developed a study in accessible tourism, understanding the main requirements for this market, and conceptualizing a Web application, for promoting accessibility in tourism. This Web application work as a mediator between the principal stakeholders. To gather requirements for the system, a triangulation matrix was elaborated using three methodological approaches: i) Literature Review; ii) website accessibility analysis of hotels located in the central region of Portugal; and iii) content analysis of some concurrent platforms. The requirements triangulation matrix allowed the identification of what requirements are crucial for the system success, which were used to conceptualize the solution with UML notation. This work intends to demonstrate the technological impacts of the fourth industrial revolution on society, especially on the promotion of a more accessible tourismO mundo encontra-se hoje no início da quarta revolução industrial, responsável pela promoção de uma nova era caracterizada pela digitalização. Apesar desta revolução ter surgido no setor industrial, com o conceito de Indústria 4.0, a sua aplicação é muito mais vasta, existindo outros sectores que podem igualmente beneficiar desta nova era tecnológica. O setor dos serviços, nomeadamente o Turismo, é um exemplo disso, e o conceito de Turismo 4.0 é o resultado do impacto da quarta revolução industrial nesse setor. Um desafio interessante que esta nova era tecnológica traz para o turismo é o da inclusão social, promovendo o turismo para todos. De facto, o mercado do turismo acessível, apesar de ter imenso potencial, tem sido relegado no contexto dos negócios. Por outro lado, o potencial tecnológico associado a esta nova revolução industrial sugere uma grande capacidade na promoção do turismo acessível, na medida em que podem facilitar as condições de acesso ao turismo, por parte de pessoas com algum tipo de incapacidade e ou necessidade especial. O presente trabalho visa conduzir um estudo na área do turismo acessível, por forma compreender os principais requisitos deste tipo de mercado e, consequentemente, conceptualizar uma aplicação Web, com o propósito de promover a acessibilidade no turismo, funcionando como um mediador de informação entre os principais stakeholders. Para a obtenção dos requisitos do sistema foi feita: i) uma revisão da literatura; ii) um estudo que avalia a acessibilidade dos websites dos hotéis da zona centro de Portugal, e, ainda iii) um estudo com base em análise de conteúdo de algumas plataformas potencialmente concorrentes. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de uma matriz de triangulação, onde é possível identificar a fonte dos requisitos identificados, sendo posteriormente utilizados para conceptualizar a solução proposta com recurso à notação UML. Pretende-se com este trabalho demonstrar o potencial e o efeito que as tecnologias existentes na era designada por quarta revolução industrial podem ter na sociedade, nomeadamente na promoção de um turismo para todosMestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Smart tourism – city tourism radar : a tourism monitoring tool at the city of Lisbon

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceThe increasing demand for Lisbon has led to an uncontrolled access to the city’s main attractions, which is reflected in the number of visitors that can be encountered at the city. Smart Tourism Destinations are gaining relevance in Smart Cities in everyday life, and technology is intricated more than ever in the cities and its citizens. Open Governance is a vital concept in any modern city and data is shared and available like never before. It is proposed a conceptual model to a city tourism dashboard and its materialization using Open Data from the city’s public portal, produced by the Lisbon City Council and other partners. It is also suggested a method to the conception of this tool and the main indicators that must be included based on the actual state of the art. It concludes with a proposal of future developments to perform on the smart tourism destinations area.O aumento da procura de Lisboa como destino turístico conduziu a um acesso descontrolado aos seus principais pontos turísticos, refletindo-se no elevado número de visitantes que se visitam a cidade. As Smart Tourism Destinations estão a ganhar cada vez mais importância no dia-a-dia das Smart Cities, e a tecnologia está cada vez mais intrínseca nas cidades e nos seus cidadãos. Open Governance é um conceito vital em qualquer cidade atual, já que existem dados e informação disponíveis hoje em dia como nunca existiram antes. Neste trabalho, é proposta uma framework conceptual para visualizar a informação adequada à tomada de decisão no turismo de uma cidade onde são apresentados os principais indicadores que devem ser incluídos na mesma, com base no estado de arte atual. É também sugerido um método de instanciação desta ferramenta, utilizando dados abertos do portal público de dados abertos produzidos pela Câmara Municipal de Lisboa e por outras entidades. Este trabalho é concluído com uma proposta de futuros desenvolvimentos a realizar na área de Smart Tourism Destinations

    Exploring ways to improve personalisation: The influence of tourist context on service perception

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    © 2019 Texas A and M University. The heterogeneity and dynamic nature of tourist needs requires an advanced understanding of their context. This study aims to investigate the effects of observable factors of internaland external contexts on tourist perceptions towards personalised information services performance. An exploratory approach is used to test measurement invariance and the moderating effects of personal, travel, technical and social parameters of the tourist context, when applicable. The findings demonstrate that contextual factors motivate tourists to attribute different meanings to the parameters of the service, that have already been personalised for them. Individually developed personalisation design solutions are required for each travel context

    Enhancing travel experience with the combination of information visualization, situation awareness, and distributed cognition

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    With the new forms of travel introduced by new technologies of transportation and communication, a satisfied travel experience could be affected by various factors before and during a trip. Especially for road trips, traveling by car provides freedom on time control while leading to more possibilities of rescheduling initial plans made under time constraints. When overwhelmed with the need for changed travel context to avoid unexpected events that will require a serious change of initial plans, travelers need to find and access helpful contextual information quickly. This is a context-related decision making process that requires amplifying human situation awareness and supporting distributed cognition, since travel information offers multiple choices. To solve this problem, I applied information visualization as the main design solution. When comparing it with a traditional representation of lists, information visualization displays the advantages of visual representation of abstract data to clarify and depict the information and amplify cognition while improving travel experience intuitively in the domain of user experience design. Therefore in this thesis I will address the approach of implementing recontextualized situation awareness, distributed cognition, and information visualization in a travel-aid system. By using both theoretical and practical design perspectives, I will discuss how to enhance travel experience with represented contextual information that users desire or expect before and during a road trip. I will also explore the new values of this design with strategic business support. Additionally, after conducting research and analysis on existing interaction design parts, I selected a smartphone app to serve as a proper platform with connected multifunctions. Briefly, I begin the thesis with a review of previous theories and aspects of travel planning, information visualization as it relates to travel, situation awareness, and distributed cognition in the design context and related smartphone apps. Then I discuss the process of identifying the specific issues to be solved or improved with a preliminary research of empirical study, followed by an interview, online survey, insights synthesis, and business model design. After a visual-system design was developed, heuristic evaluation was employed to assess the outcome. Lastly, a new round of refined design results is introduced based on outcomes of the evaluation

    The value of intelligent services and intelligent destination: From the perspective of residents

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    Destinations are considered brands that must be properly managed to increase not only tourist arrivals but also the quality of life of residents. Brand equity plays an important role in achieving such objectives. Simultaneously, the integration of ICT in the territory has led to the concept of “smart destinations”. In this context, the aim of the paper is to develop a value model of smart destinations from the perspective of residents (key actor of destinations as they project their image and influence the tourist experience). Our model includes smart services related to safety, health, heritage, mobility and environment. Our results confirm that smart destination value is formed by recognition, image, perceived quality and loyalty. In addition, safety, environment and mobility services are the main antecedents of smart destination value

    Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes: Comportamientos tecnológicos urbanos versus rurales

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    The tourism paradigm has changed with technology. ICTs have altered the entire tourist travel model: before buying, during its realization, and after completion. The current trend is to generate business and tourist destinations based on technological criteria. The first objective is always to guarantee maximum tourist connectivity with the new ICT applications. Neither the academic literature nor the businessmen consider the existence of tourist experiences outside the ICTs. This paper aims to determine from a market segmentation which attributes, or services, are more critical to differentiate types of tourists based on their behavior and use of ICTs. The differences between tourism that goes to a city destination versus a rural destination have been studied, analyzing the relationships between technological applications, social networks, and its use in the destination by the tourist. It has been possible to determine indicators based on the strategic segmentation of tourist experiences from the use and availability of information technologies. To this end, the data obtained through two studies carried out within the framework of the CSO2014-59193-R project have been used.El paradigma del turismo ha cambiado con la tecnología. Las TIC han alterado todo el modelo de viaje turístico: antes de comprar, durante su realización y después de su finalización. La tendencia actual es generar destinos comerciales y turísticos basados en criterios tecnológicos. El primer objetivo siempre es garantizar la máxima conectividad turística con las nuevas aplicaciones TIC. Ni la literatura académica ni los empresarios consideran la existencia de experiencias turísticas fuera de las TIC. Este documento tiene como objetivo determinar a partir de una segmentación del mercado qué atributos o servicios son más críticos para diferenciar los tipos de turistas en función de su comportamiento y uso de las TIC. Se han estudiado las diferencias entre el turismo que se dirige a un destino de la ciudad frente a un destino rural, analizando las relaciones entre las aplicaciones tecnológicas, las redes sociales y su uso en el destino por parte del turista. Ha sido posible determinar indicadores basados en la segmentación estratégica de las experiencias turísticas a partir del uso y la disponibilidad de tecnologías de la información. Para este fin, se han utilizado los datos obtenidos a través de dos estudios realizados en el marco del proyecto CSO2014-59193-R

    Critical review of strategic planning research in hospitality and tourism

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    Strategic planning remains one of the most popular management tools, but theoretical and empirical developments in the academic literature have been a slow burn. This paper addresses this gap and provides an up-to-date review of hospitality and tourism strategic planning research. We review strategic planning research from 1995 to 2013 in seven leading tourism academic journals, and adopt a modern and broad conceptualization of strategic planning. While there is some awareness of effective tourism strategic planning processes, academic research has not kept pace with practice. To stimulate a resurgence of research interest, we provide future research directions. We observe a methodological introspection and present some new research methodologies, which are critically important in researching the turbulent, chaotic and nonlinear tourism environment