172 research outputs found

    Nurses Perception of Instructional Design Elements of Microlearning for Professional Development Training

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    Microlearning is a relatively new educational technology that allows students to learn through short, direct segments using various modalities. The nursing profession has used microlearning to provide continuing medical education (CME). The problem addressed through this study was that instructional designers who create microlearning for medical professional development training have yet to readily access nurses’ feedback and preferences for learning in this modality to may improve the training they develop for nurses. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore nurses’ perceptions of the microlearning they participated in for professional development training. The technology acceptance model was the conceptual framework used to answer the research questions of benefits, challenges and suggestions related to microlearning. Twelve U.S. nurses who had participated in microlearning-based CME were purposefully selected. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the transcripts from the semistructured interviews. Results showed that nurses perceived microlearning to be concise and fit their learning styles and be flexible for their busy schedules. Challenges included a lack of interactivity or hands-on elements, limitations related to technology, and suboptimal quality. Nurses believed microlearning could be improved by better appealing to their learning styles and updating content. The insights gained from this study have the potential to influence positive changes at individual and organizational levels, ultimately leading to improved instructional designers’ use of educational technology for improving microlearning that might better support nursing practice and patient outcomes

    A study of learner experience design and learning efficacy of mobile microlearning in journalism education

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    With the increasing number of mobile technologies, people rely on smartphones to connect with the world and obtain news and information. The emergent use of mobile technologies changes the way journalists produce and disseminate news. It is important for journalism educators to know how to support journalists' digital skills development, particularly digital skills of mobile technologies, and understand which new forms of learning are suitable and feasible for those learners in the journalism sector. Previous research has shown that mobile microlearning (MML) can be a promising learning approach for specific learning needs. Mobile microlearning basically means learning no more than five minutes of lessons that are distributed on the smartphone. However, there is only a little evidence on the design and effects of MML in the context of journalism education research. Hence, this dissertation aims to examine whether MML can be a useful approach to facilitate mobile journalists' digital skills learning with smartphones. Adapting a sociotechnical-pedagogical learner experience framework with a usercentered design process, a four-phase formative research cycle was conducted in this dissertation: Phase 1, a systematic literature review of mobile microlearning (Study 1), Phase 2, a needs assessment for an understanding of mobile journalists' learning needs and requirements (Study 2), Phase 3, an iterative design and development of a mobile microcourse and studying its usability and user experience (Study 3), and Phase 4, an examination of the learning efficacy (i.e., effectiveness, efficiency, and appeal) and learner experience of the developed mobile microcourse (Study 4). A mixed-method data collection and analysis approach was applied throughout this dissertation. The results in this research provided evidence-based findings and indicated that MML is a feasible and effective approach to support mobile journalists' just-in-time learning when the MML designs follow four sequential design principles: (a) an aha moment to help with the learners connecting their previous experiences to the importance of current learning topics, (b) interactive content, (c) short exercises, and (d) instant automated feedback. Lastly, the dissertation discussed the results and addressed insights and implications of the MML design to improve learner experience and learning efficacy.Includes bibliographical references


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    This study aims to reveal the critical thinking skills indicators and microlearning features integrated in the English reading materials for vocational school students in Indonesia. A content analysis was employed to examine reading materials available in the English Coursebook Work in Progress for SMA/SMK/MA Grade X published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia 2022. The critical thinking skills analysis was meant to capture to what extend do the reading materials coverage signify to the lifelong learning, while the microlearning features investigation was meant to portray how the reading materials are presented to support self-directed learning. 8 critical thinking skills indicators proposed by Anderson and Krathwohl. (2001) were hired as the parameters in determining the integration of the critical thinking skills. Microlearning framework proposed by Allela (2021) were used to determine the reading lesson sequences, with which instructional methods associating each sequence. The results revealed that the reading materials for grade X are presented in 8 printed texts covered descriptive, recount, procedures, expository and narrative. These texts have potentially carried critical thinking skills indicators. The contexts are all pictures and instructions that have potentially presented 3 critical thinking skill indicators. The activities cover 15 comprehension activities and 4 beyond the comprehension activities; 7 Critical thinking indicators are potentially embedded in this part. The reading materials presentation, one set are clearly sequenced in the framework of microlearning covers pre-text, text, and post-text. While the other 7 sets sequenced text and post-text. The analysis indicated most of the critical thinking indicators integrated in the reading materials are under analysis and evaluation.

    Development and implementation of the MobILcaps application for the teaching and development of information literacy in Higher Education

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    This paper aims at develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the MobIlCaps mobile application. On the basis of cognitive, constructivist and connectivist theories, it has been developed on an instructional design model, based on the user experience. In the context of mobile teaching in higher education, an innovative application is proposed for the self-learning of information literacy by students of Social Sciences. With the collaboration of both teachers and students, the application was developed, following the ADDIE model, through the phases of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The last phase provided the improvement proposals for the optimization of the final version of the tool, a progressive open access website. The application is organized into six capsules that follow the framework of ACRL (2015): learn, search, evaluate, create, research and disseminate. It includes multimedia resources in the form of microcontents that highlight readability, organization and visualization as characteristics. The app focuses on the user and is a relevant instrument to facilitate teaching The different analyses, followed by proposals for improvement and revisions, led to the achievement of a very useful application for students, teachers and librar

    Aplicabilidade da microaprendizagem para dispositivos móveis

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    A literatura apresenta um aumento significativo de trabalhos sobre a microaprendizagem, principalmente pela possibilidade de aprendizagem informal através de dispositivos móveis. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em investigar como está sendo aplicado o microaprendizado móvel, e também identificar quais os seus principais benefícios e desafios. O método utilizado foi uma revisão sistemática da literatura através da técnica snowballing. Como resultados, destacam-se as principais diretrizes para construção de plataformas de microaprendizagem móvel, um fluxo instrucional e a relação entre microaprendizado e gamificação. Ademais, apresentam-se as principais contribuições e limitações para os diferentes níveis de ensino e para o ambiente corporativo

    Conceptual framework for programming skilss development based on microlearning and automated source code evaluation in virtual learning environment

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    Understanding how software works and writing a program are currently frequent requirements when hiring employees. The complexity of learning programming often results in educational failures, student frustration and lack of motivation, because different students prefer different learning paths. Although e-learning courses have led to many improvements in the methodology and the supporting technology for more effective programming learning, misunderstanding of programming principles is one of the main reasons for students leaving school early. Universities face a challenging task: how to harmonise students’ education, focusing on advanced knowledge in the development of software applications, with students’ education in cases where writing code is a new skill. The article proposes a conceptual framework focused on the comprehensive training of future programmers using microlearning and automatic evaluation of source codes to achieve immediate feedback for students. This framework is designed to involve students in the software development of virtual learning environment software that will provide their education, thus ensuring the sustainability of the environment in line with modern development trends. The paper’s final part is devoted to verifying the contribution of the presented elements through quantitative research on the introductory parts of the framework. It turned out that although the application of interactive features did not lead to significant measurable progress during the first semester of study, it significantly improved the results of students in subsequent courses focused on advanced programming


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    Penelitian ini berfokus pada merancang materi microlearning membaca bahasa Inggris berbasis web dan menanamkan keterampilan berpikir kritis untuk siswa kelas tujuh. Pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) digunakan dengan menggunakan metode ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). Ada empat temuan yang diperoleh dari empat pertanyaan penelitian. Pertama, bahan yang ada digunakan, baik buku teks dan materi berbasis web, tidak sepenuhnya diresapi dengan keterampilan berpikir kritis terutama aspek CTS 7 (mengidentifikasi dan memahami masalah), CTS 9 (mengevaluasi opsi dan rekomendasi untuk mengambil keputusan), dan CTS 11 (mengevaluasi efektivitas solusi yang diimplementasikan). Di sisi lain, materi itu tidak sepenuhnya terintegrasi dengan microlearning, terutama untuk McL 9 (siswa menghabiskan sedikit waktu untuk mempelajari materi) yang termasuk dalam aspek pembelajaran gaya belajar. Data dalam analisis kebutuhan dan fase desain adalah teks dan aktivitas dalam bahan bacaan yang ada. Kedua, prosedur untuk merancang bahan bacaan bahasa Inggris dijelaskan sebagai berikut: 1) Menentukan deskriptor berpikir kritis dan deskriptor pembelajaran mikro; 2) menganalisis bahan yang ada menggunakan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan deskriptor belajar mikro; 3) mengategorikan deskriptor yang belum dimasukkan dalam bahan pengajaran yang ada; 4) menggabungkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan deskriptor belajar mikro ke dalam bahan bacaan yang relevan; 5) merancang skrip bacaan bahasa Inggris; 6) Mengembangkan skrip menjadi digitalisasi video untuk pra-membaca, infografis untuk membaca, dan kuis untuk pasca-membaca untuk dimasukkan ke dalam situs web. Fase pengembangan melibatkan bahan bacaan bahasa Inggris yang telah diintegrasikan dengan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan deskriptor pembelajaran mikro. Ketiga, skrip bahan bacaan bahasa Inggris dirancang, dikembangkan, dan diimplementasikan menggunakan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan deskriptor pembelajaran mikro ke dalam tahap belajar menurut Capaian Pembelajaran di Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar. Fase implementasi melibatkan prototipe bahan microlearning membaca bahasa Inggris berbasis web yang diresapi dengan keterampilan berpikir kritis untuk siswa kelas tujuh. Keempat, desain bahan bacaan bahasa Inggris telah dievaluasi untuk keterbacaan dan validitas oleh pedagogi dan validator media. Proses evaluasi ini telah disesuaikan dengan deskriptor dan telah diuji pada siswa dalam skala kecil. Hasil evaluasi menerima respons yang baik. Kata Kunci: Materi Ajar Membaca, Pengembangan Bahan Ajar, Pembelajaran Mikro, Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis, Pembelajaran Berbasis Website, Metode ADDIE, Siswa Kelas Tujuh. ***** This research focused on designing web-based English reading microlearning materials and infused critical thinking skills for seventh grade students. The Research and Development (R & D) approach was employed by using the ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) method. There are four findings obtained from four research questions. First, the existing materials utilized, both textbooks and web-based materials, are not fully infused with critical thinking skills mostly the aspects of CTS 7 (identifying and understanding problems), CTS 9 (Evaluating options and recommendation to come to a decision), and CTS 11 (evaluating the effectiveness of implemented solutions). Additionally, those are not fully integrated with microlearning, mainly for McL 9 (students spend little time to learn the materials) which belong to the learning style microlearning aspects. The data in the need analysis and design phases was texts and activities in the existing reading materials. Second, the procedures for designing English reading materials is described as follows: 1) determining critical thinking descriptors and microlearning descriptors; 2) investigating existing materials using critical thinking skills and microlearning descriptors; 3) categorizing descriptors that have not been included in existing teaching materials; 4) incorporating critical thinking skills and microlearning descriptors into relevant reading materials; 5) designing English reading scripts; 6) developing scripts into digitalization of video for pre-reading, infographics for while-reading, and quizzes for post-reading to be put in a website. The development phase involved English reading materials that has been integrated with critical thinking skills and microlearning descriptors. Third, English reading material scripts are designed, developed, and implemented using critical thinking skills and microlearning descriptors into the learning stages according to Capaian Pembelajaran in Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar. The implementation phase involved the prototype of web-based English reading microlearning materials infused with critical thinking skills for seventh graders. Fourth, the design of English reading material has been evaluated for readability and validity by pedagogy and media validators. This evaluation process has been adjusted to the descriptor and has been tested on students on a small scale. The evaluation results received a good response. Keywords: English Reading Materials, Materials Development, Microlearning, Critical Thinking Skills, Websites-Based Learning, ADDIE Method, Seventh Grade Students

    How can the technology be integrated in Outdoor Movement Education for children and the youth with special needs?

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    The technological innovations of the last decade have caused countless changes to everyone's lifestyle, especially in the number of hours spent in front of a screen. These generational differences are even more marked if the new generations of students are taken into consideration, in fact, even at the school level, technological innovations have brought changes. Just as lifestyle and teaching have changed, what is considered as the "needs" of pupils and how they live and relate both in formal and informal environments have also changed. Considering the emergency period caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, greater attention has been paid to the importance of exercising and everyone has also re-evaluated the beauty and benefits of exercising outdoors. Outdoor Movement Education in this sense can be a key that allows the new generations to experience the emotions and sensations that can be felt during outdoor moving activities. This work is a reflection on how technology can be a tool to increase the benefits in Outdoor Movement Education considering children and youth with special needs. The results of this work have shown how the use of technology in Outdoor Movement Education brings numerous advantages both under the didactic profile (i.e., life skills) and with regard to the cognitive (i.e., attention and concentration), motor (i.e., motor skills, fundamental movement skills) and affective (i.e., enjoyment) domains of learning respectively