115 research outputs found

    A framework for evaluating the quality of modelling languages in MDE environments

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    This thesis presents the Multiple Modelling Quality Evaluation Framework method (hereinafter MMQEF), which is a conceptual, methodological, and technological framework for evaluating quality issues in modelling languages and modelling elements by the application of a taxonomic analysis. It derives some analytic procedures that support the detection of quality issues in model-driven projects, such as the suitability of modelling languages, traces between abstraction levels, specification for model transformations, and integration between modelling proposals. MMQEF also suggests metrics to perform analytic procedures based on the classification obtained for the modelling languages and artifacts under evaluation. MMQEF uses a taxonomy that is extracted from the Zachman framework for Information Systems (Zachman, 1987; Sowa and Zachman, 1992), which proposed a visual language to classify elements that are part of an Information System (IS). These elements can be from organizational to technical artifacts. The visual language contains a bi-dimensional matrix for classifying IS elements (generally expressed as models) and a set of seven rules to perform the classification. As an evaluation method, MMQEF defines activities in order to derive quality analytics based on the classification applied on modelling languages and elements. The Zachman framework was chosen because it was one of the first and most precise proposals for a reference architecture for IS, which is recognized by important standards such as the ISO 42010 (612, 2011). This thesis presents the conceptual foundation of the evaluation framework, which is based on the definition of quality for model-driven engineering (MDE). The methodological and technological support of MMQEF is also described. Finally, some validations for MMQEF are reported.Esta tesis presenta el método MMQEF (Multiple Modelling Quality Evaluation Framework), el cual es un marco de trabajo conceptual, metodológico y tecnológico para evaluar aspectos de calidad sobre lenguajes y elementos de modelado mediante la aplicación de análisis taxonómico. El método deriva procedimientos analíticos que soportan la detección de aspectos de calidad en proyectos model-driven tales como: idoneidad de lenguajes de modelado, trazabilidad entre niveles de abstracción, especificación de transformación de modelos, e integración de propuestas de modelado. MMQEF también sugiere métricas para ejecutar procedimientos analíticos basados en la clasificación obtenida para los lenguajes y artefactos de modelado bajo evaluación. MMQEF usa una taxonomía para Sistemas de Información basada en el framework Zachman (Zachman, 1987; Sowa and Zachman, 1992). Dicha taxonomía propone un lenguaje visual para clasificar elementos que hacen parte de un Sistema de Información. Los elementos pueden ser artefactos asociados a niveles desde organizacionales hasta técnicos. El lenguaje visual contiene una matriz bidimensional para clasificar elementos de Sistemas de Información, y un conjunto de siete reglas para ejecutar la clasificación. Como método de evaluación MMEQF define actividades para derivar analíticas de calidad basadas en la clasificación aplicada sobre lenguajes y elementos de modelado. El marco Zachman fue seleccionado debido a que éste fue una de las primeras y más precisas propuestas de arquitectura de referencia para Sistemas de Información, siendo ésto reconocido por destacados estándares como ISO 42010 (612, 2011). Esta tesis presenta los fundamentos conceptuales del método de evaluación basado en el análisis de la definición de calidad en la ingeniería dirigida por modelos (MDE). Posteriormente se describe el soporte metodológico y tecnológico de MMQEF, y finalmente se reportan validaciones.Aquesta tesi presenta el mètode MMQEF (Multiple Modelling Quality Evaluation Framework), el qual és un marc de treball conceptual, metodològic i tecnològic per avaluar aspectes de qualitat sobre llenguatges i elements de modelatge mitjançant l'aplicació d'anàlisi taxonòmic. El mètode deriva procediments analítics que suporten la detecció d'aspectes de qualitat en projectes model-driven com ara: idoneïtat de llenguatges de modelatge, traçabilitat entre nivells d'abstracció, especificació de transformació de models, i integració de propostes de modelatge. MMQEF també suggereix mètriques per executar procediments analítics basats en la classificació obtinguda pels llenguatges i artefactes de mode-lat avaluats. MMQEF fa servir una taxonomia per a Sistemes d'Informació basada en el framework Zachman (Zachman, 1987; Sowa and Zachman, 1992). Aquesta taxonomia proposa un llenguatge visual per classificar elements que fan part d'un Sistema d'Informació. Els elements poden ser artefactes associats a nivells des organitzacionals fins tècnics. El llenguatge visual conté una matriu bidimensional per classificar elements de Sistemes d'Informació, i un conjunt de set regles per executar la classificació. Com a mètode d'avaluació MMEQF defineix activitats per derivar analítiques de qualitat basades en la classificació aplicada sobre llenguatges i elements de modelatge. El marc Zachman va ser seleccionat a causa de que aquest va ser una de les primeres i més precises propostes d'arquitectura de referència per a Sistemes d'Informació, sent això reconegut per destacats estàndards com ISO 42010 (612, 2011). Aquesta tesi presenta els fonaments conceptuals del mètode d'avaluació basat en l'anàlisi de la definició de qualitat en l'enginyeria dirigida per models (MDE). Posteriorment es descriu el suport metodològic i tecnològic de MMQEF, i finalment es reporten validacions.Giraldo Velásquez, FD. (2017). A framework for evaluating the quality of modelling languages in MDE environments [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90628TESI

    Primary objects: developing a new type of furniture for the early elementary classroom

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    The traditional North American elementary classroom is dominated by traditional passive furniture. With the continual use of the traditional typologies of desks and chairs, the classroom furniture fails to challenge the student's development and engage the imagination of the users. As research shows that children learn most through movement, emotions, and exploration, the passive furniture hinders a well-rounded learning experience. In this study, the approach for designing new furniture that fosters a sense of creativity, independence, and active learning is not only guided by the researcher's experiences, but also involves insight from elementary students and teachers. This thesis investigation used a participatory approach to enable the examination of the current activities and interactions occurring within the first and second grade classroom. Using the characteristics of middle childhood, the third teacher theory, and affordance, the researcher developed a line of furniture for active learning that enables the students to shape their learning environment and experience. The resulting classroom furniture provides for intimate interactions, physical activity, social development, and personal customization

    In the shadow of freedom : life on board the oil tanker

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    The aim of this study was to look at the freedom of ordinary people as they construct it. The scope, however, was limited to contemporary Finnish sailors and their freedom discourses. The study belongs to the field of the anthropology of religions, which is part of comparative religion. Worldview, which is one of the key concepts in comparative religion, provided the broader theoretical basis of the study. The data consisted of 92 interviews with Finnish professional seafarers conducted in 1996, 1999, 2000 and 2005, field journals that were written during two periods of fieldwork in 1996 and 1999-2000, and correspondence with some of the seafarers during 1999-2005. The analysis process incorporated new rhetoric and metaphor theory. The thesis is in three parts. The first part discusses the methodological challenges of this type of ethnography, the second an ethnography of modern Finnish shipworld focuses on work, organization, hierarchy and gender, and the third part discusses the freedom concepts of seafarers. It was found that seafarers use two kinds of freedom discourse. The first is in line with the stereotypical Jack Tar, a free-roving sailor who is not bound to land and its mundane routines, and the second views shipworld as freedom from freedom, meaning one is not responsible for one s own actions because one is not free to make a choice. It was also found that seafarers are well aware of the stereotypical images that are attached to their profession: they not only deny them, but also utilize, reflect on and construct them.Työ käsittelee nykyajan suomalaisten merimiesten tapoja rakentaa vapautta puheessaan. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu liki 100 suomalaisen merimiehen kanssa vuosina 1996 2005 tehdyistä haastatteluista, sekä kenttätyöstä merillä vuosina 1996 2000. Kirjoittaja on itse toiselta ammatiltaan merimies ja siten työssä kuuluu myös tätä kautta sisäryhmäläisen ääni. Merimiesten vapauskäsityksiä tarkastellaan maailmankuvan ja arvojen viitekehyksen avulla. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä on käytetty diskurssianalyysia, retoriikan ja metaforatutkimuksen avulla. Työ koostuu kahdesta osasta: ensimmäinen on nykyajan laivamaailman etnografia, jossa kuvaillaan elämää ja työtä öljytankkerilla. Tarkastelunäkökulmina ovat organisaatio, hierarkia ja sukupuoli. Toinen osa käsittelee merimiesten vapauden rakentamista. Aineistosta nousi kaksi keskeistä vapausdiskurssia, joista toinen kertoo villistä ja vapaasta merimiehestä, Kalle Aaltosesta , joka ei ole maakrapujen ankean elämän vanki. Toinen vapausdiskurssi taas näyttää merimiehen elämän vapautena vapaudesta , jossa hän ei ole vastuussa itsestään eikä teoistaan. Tutkimus myös osoitti, että merimiehet ovat hyvin tietoisia ammattikuntaansa heijastetuista stereotypioista ja he myös leikittelevät näillä stereotypioilla omissa vapausdiskursseissaan. Työ on etnografia suomalaisista nykyajan merimiehistä, mutta laajemmassa kontekstissaan se tarkastelee tavallisten ihmisten tapoja rakentaa vapautta. Väitöskirja on myös ensimmäinen suomalaisesta nykyajan laivamaailmasta tehty etnografia

    Examining the Attitudes of Preservice Teachers toward English Learners

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    The rapid growth of the K-12 English Learner (EL) student population in the United States raises concerns related to their learning and growth in schools. Teachers are central figures in their students’ achievement. The influence of teachers’ attitudes on student learning and development validates the need to examine these in research studies. What influences teachers’ attitudes is an important part of understanding teachers’ attitudes towards their EL students. Certain individual characteristics including teachers’ training, may be associated with their positive attitudes. Studies have shown that effective teacher preparation programs can change preservice teacher attitudes in general and specifically towards their EL students. The majority of studies are survey-based. The surveys have consistently shown that teachers do not have adequate training and skills to meet the needs of their EL students. The studies have shown that attitudes make a difference in teacher actions and students learning. This study builds on the past research using surveys to continue to extend our knowledge of teacher attitudes towards ELs to a new context and populations of preservice teachers. The purpose of this dissertation study was to examine the preservice teachers’ attitudes toward ELs. This study collected 162 surveys on undergraduate preservice teachers’ attitudes towards ELs. Analysis of survey data indicated that undergraduate preservice teachers at a diverse, public university reported positive overall attitudes towards ELs and supporting their learning in mainstream classrooms. Participant degree program membership showed differences in attitudes, but most demographic variables did not. Taking courses in teaching ELs (ELAD) was not strongly related to differences in preservice teacher attitudes. Results also showed that teacher preparation programs need to directly address preservice teacher attitudes towards ELs

    Vice in the Veil of Justice: Embedding Race and Gender in Frontier Tourism

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    This dissertation analyzes how frontier discourses in Fort Smith, Arkansas simultaneously constitute mythological narratives that elide the deleterious effects of imperialism, racism, and sexism, while they operate as marketing schemes in the wager that they will attract cultural heritage tourists. It examines material exhibits and interpretive history programs at locations including the Fort Smith National Historic Site, Fort Smith Museum of History, Miss Laura\u27s Visitor\u27s Center, and the Clayton House; in texts such as the 1898 book by Samuel Harman whose title forever branded Fort Smith as Hell on the Border; in the subsequent branding and marketing derived from the novel and film versions of True Grit; and in performances by local reenactment troupes such as Wild West Shooters, Quantrill\u27s Raiders, Indian Territory Pistoliers, and Baridi Nkokheli\u27s portrayal of Bass Reeves. In this diverse assemblage of narratives and performances, the identity of Fort Smith as a border town teetering on the precarious edge between civilization and savagery, white and colored, rugged masculinity and domestic femininity, is constructed and celebrated. My thesis is that the frontier myths told in Fort Smith about the presence of the military fort and the principle figures of Judge Isaac Parker, Bass Reeves, Laura Zeigler, and Belle Starr, are mythologies that serve to legitimate and rationalize discourses that locate the role of Fort Smith as a doorway to the Southwest in the nation\u27s campaign of manifest destiny. Locally, Fort Smith is veiled as a noble protector of Indians while Indian Territory is systematically and literally severed and railroaded into becoming a state. This frontier discourse operates on several levels. For the Chamber of Commerce and the Convention and Visitors Bureau it is the foundation for branding the city as a frontier town in order to grow the industry of cultural heritage tourism as the local manufacturing base shrinks. For many reenactors, the frontier resonates deeply, serving as a talisman for protecting narrow notions of race, gender, and justice, as it elides their complexity, ignores their ambiguity, and reinforces Social inequalities. Still others find the frontier discourse as a way of transcending centuries of discrimination

    IS Reviews 1999

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    Constructions of Identity and Otherness in Jack Kerouac's Prose

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    This thesis is inspired by the abiding academic and public interest in Kerouac’s work and aims to advance new readings of Kerouac’s prose in a contemporary literary and cultural context. It is particularly concerned with a deconstructive reading of Kerouac’s prose and engages with his negotiations of race, gender, spirituality and origins within the framework of post-war America’s accelerated culture. Kerouac’s indebtedness to modernist techniques notwithstanding, this thesis argues that in its historical and thematic preoccupations Kerouac’s prose is vividly conversant with postmodern strategies. Without losing perspective of the late forties and fifties background from which Kerouac’s works emerged, the thesis explores the ways in which his thematic, linguistic and structural concerns interact with contemporary theory. Tracing the Kerouacian narrator’s problematization of the search for meaning in an accelerating culture, it examines his prose in a post-war context of uncertainty and ambiguity. In active dialogue with his contemporary America, Kerouac addresses and often challenges the dominant cultural practices of his time. Foregrounding the conflicts of his era, he anticipates subsequent social developments and philosophical debates, gesturing towards and at times capturing a postmodern sensibility. The four chapters of the thesis analyse Kerouac’s approach to the concept of simulation, his position towards Western representations of Eastern spirituality, his negotiation of the image of the exotic other and his narrative constructions of ethnicity and identity. Using the work of theorists such as Baudrillard, Virilio and Derrida, and also drawing on postcolonial studies, I demonstrate how Kerouac produces a highly performative prose in his projections of identity and heterogeneity. It is this ability to converse with literary and cultural developments up to the present day that best illuminates the contemporary appeal of Kerouac’s deconstructive approach to the notions of identity and otherness and most vividly illustrates the continuing vitality of Kerouac’s writing

    Conferentie informatiewetenschap 2003, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 20 november 2003 : proceedings

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    Emotional intelligence, social intelligence and students’ strategic learning behavior

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    There has been an increase in the enrolment of students in Institution of Higher Education in Thailand. However, retention of students has become a problem for Thai institutions of higher education and especially for Songkla Rajabhat University. While the enrolment of students at Songkhla Rajabhat University is increasing throughout the years, the number of students graduating is drastically decreasing. This study was therefore conducted to examine the level of students’ emotional intelligence, social intelligence and strategic learning behaviour; the influence of emotional and social intelligence on students’ strategic learning behaviour and the role of demographic factors on the relationship between emotional intelligence, social intelligence and strategic learning behaviour. A survey method was used to gathered information from 569 first year students. The questionnaire covers demographic factors, emotional intelligence, social intelligence and strategic learning behavior. The results showed that emotional intelligence (3.80) and social intelligence (3.77) were high while strategic learning behaviour (3.52) was at medium level. It was also revealed that there was no significant on emotional intelligence; social intelligence and strategic learning behavior base on demographic factors. Social intelligence and emotional intelligence were significantly related to strategic learning behaviour. Therefore, this study implies that social and emotional intelligence are important factors to consider in enhancing students’ strategic learning behavior and this will help the lecturers, school administrators, policy makers and the government in designing strategies to enhance graduation rate

    Conferentie informatiewetenschap 2003, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 20 november 2003 : proceedings

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