771 research outputs found

    Recovery from Non-Decomposable Distance Oracles

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    A line of work has looked at the problem of recovering an input from distance queries. In this setting, there is an unknown sequence s∈{0,1}≤ns \in \{0,1\}^{\leq n}, and one chooses a set of queries y∈{0,1}O(n)y \in \{0,1\}^{\mathcal{O}(n)} and receives d(s,y)d(s,y) for a distance function dd. The goal is to make as few queries as possible to recover ss. Although this problem is well-studied for decomposable distances, i.e., distances of the form d(s,y)=∑i=1nf(si,yi)d(s,y) = \sum_{i=1}^n f(s_i, y_i) for some function ff, which includes the important cases of Hamming distance, ℓp\ell_p-norms, and MM-estimators, to the best of our knowledge this problem has not been studied for non-decomposable distances, for which there are important special cases such as edit distance, dynamic time warping (DTW), Frechet distance, earth mover's distance, and so on. We initiate the study and develop a general framework for such distances. Interestingly, for some distances such as DTW or Frechet, exact recovery of the sequence ss is provably impossible, and so we show by allowing the characters in yy to be drawn from a slightly larger alphabet this then becomes possible. In a number of cases we obtain optimal or near-optimal query complexity. We also study the role of adaptivity for a number of different distance functions. One motivation for understanding non-adaptivity is that the query sequence can be fixed and the distances of the input to the queries provide a non-linear embedding of the input, which can be used in downstream applications involving, e.g., neural networks for natural language processing.Comment: This work has been presented at conference The 14th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS 2023) and accepted for publishing in the journal IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Fréchet Distance for Uncertain Curves

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    In this article, we study a wide range of variants for computing the (discrete and continuous) Fréchet distance between uncertain curves. An uncertain curve is a sequence of uncertainty regions, where each region is a disk, a line segment, or a set of points. A realisation of a curve is a polyline connecting one point from each region. Given an uncertain curve and a second (certain or uncertain) curve, we seek to compute the lower and upper bound Fréchet distance, which are the minimum and maximum Fréchet distance for any realisations of the curves. We prove that both problems are NP-hard for the Fréchet distance in several uncertainty models, and that the upper bound problem remains hard for the discrete Fréchet distance. In contrast, the lower bound (discrete [5] and continuous) Fréchet distance can be computed in polynomial time in some models. Furthermore, we show that computing the expected (discrete and continuous) Fréchet distance is #P-hard in some models.On the positive side, we present an FPTAS in constant dimension for the lower bound problem when Δ/δis polynomially bounded, where δis the Fréchet distance and Δbounds the diameter of the regions. We also show a near-linear-time 3-approximation for the decision problem on roughly δ-separated convex regions. Finally, we study the setting with Sakoe-Chiba time bands, where we restrict the alignment between the curves, and give polynomial-time algorithms for the upper bound and expected discrete and continuous Fréchet distance for uncertainty modelled as point sets.</p
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