14 research outputs found

    Triplet-based similarity score for fully multilabeled trees with poly-occurring labels

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    Motivation: The latest advances in cancer sequencing, and the availability of a wide range of methods to infer the evolutionary history of tumors, have made it important to evaluate, reconcile and cluster different tumor phylogenies. Recently, several notions of distance or similarities have been proposed in the literature, but none of them has emerged as the golden standard. Moreover, none of the known similarity measures is able to manage mutations occurring multiple times in the tree, a circumstance often occurring in real cases. Results: To overcome these limitations, in this article, we propose MP3, the first similarity measure for tumor phylogenies able to effectively manage cases where multiple mutations can occur at the same time and mutations can occur multiple times. Moreover, a comparison of MP3 with other measures shows that it is able to classify correctly similar and dissimilar trees, both on simulated and on real data

    The complexity of comparing multiply-labelled trees by extending phylogenetic-tree metrics

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    A multilabeled tree (or MUL-tree) is a rooted tree in which every leaf is labelled by an element from some set, but in which more than one leaf may be labelled by the same element of that set. In phylogenetics, such trees are used in biogeographical studies, to study the evolution of gene families, and also within approaches to construct phylogenetic networks. A multilabelled tree in which no leaf-labels are repeated is called a phylogenetic tree, and one in which every label is the same is also known as a tree-shape. In this paper, we consider the complexity of computing metrics on MUL-trees that are obtained by extending metrics on phylogenetic trees. In particular, by restricting our attention to tree shapes, we show that computing the metric extension on MUL-trees is NP-complete for two well-known metrics on phylogenetic trees, namely, the path-difference and Robinson Foulds distances. We also show that the extension of the Robinson Foulds distance is fixed parameter tractable with respect to the distance parameter. The path distance complexity result allows us to also answer an open problem concerning the complexity of solving the quadratic assignment problem for two matrices that are a Robinson similarity and a Robinson dissimilarity, which we show to be NP-complete. We conclude by considering the maximum agreement subtree (MAST) distance on phylogenetic trees to MUL-trees. Although its extension to MUL-trees can be computed in polynomial time, we show that computing its natural generalization to more than two MUL-trees is NP-complete, although fixed-parameter tractable in the maximum degree when the number of given trees is bounded

    Generating functions for multi-labeled trees

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    Multi-labeled trees are a generalization of phylogenetic trees that are used, for example, in the study of gene versus species evolution and as the basis for phylogenetic network construction. Unlike phylogenetic trees, in a leaf-multi-labeled tree it is possible to label more than one leaf by the same element of the underlying label set. In this paper we derive formulae for generating functions of leaf-multi-labeled trees and use these to derive recursions for counting such trees. In particular,weprove results which generalize previous theorems by Harding on so-called tree-shapes, and by Otter on relating the number of rooted and unrooted phylogenetic trees

    Computing galled networks from real data

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    Motivation: Developing methods for computing phylogenetic networks from biological data is an important problem posed by molecular evolution and much work is currently being undertaken in this area. Although promising approaches exist, there are no tools available that biologists could easily and routinely use to compute rooted phylogenetic networks on real datasets containing tens or hundreds of taxa. Biologists are interested in clades, i.e. groups of monophyletic taxa, and these are usually represented by clusters in a rooted phylogenetic tree. The problem of computing an optimal rooted phylogenetic network from a set of clusters, is hard, in general. Indeed, even the problem of just determining whether a given network contains a given cluster is hard. Hence, some researchers have focused on topologically restricted classes of networks, such as galled trees and level-k networks, that are more tractable, but have the practical draw-back that a given set of clusters will usually not possess such a representation

    A generalized Robinson-Foulds distance for labeled trees

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    Background: The Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance is a well-established measure between phylogenetic trees. Despite a lack of biological justification, it has the advantages of being a proper metric and being computable in linear time. For phylogenetic applications involving genes, however, a crucial aspect of the trees ignored by the RF metric is the type of the branching event (e.g. speciation, duplication, transfer, etc). Results: We extend RF to trees with labeled internal nodes by including a node flip operation, alongside edge contractions and extensions. We explore properties of this extended RF distance in the case of a binary labeling. In particular, we show that contrary to the unlabeled case, an optimal edit path may require contracting “good” edges, i.e. edges shared between the two trees. Conclusions: We provide a 2-approximation algorithm which is shown to perform well empirically. Looking ahead, computing distances between labeled trees opens up a variety of new algorithmic directions. Implementation and simulations available at https://github.com/DessimozLab/pylabeledrf

    A generalized Robinson-Foulds distance for labeled trees.

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    The Robinson-Foulds (RF) distance is a well-established measure between phylogenetic trees. Despite a lack of biological justification, it has the advantages of being a proper metric and being computable in linear time. For phylogenetic applications involving genes, however, a crucial aspect of the trees ignored by the RF metric is the type of the branching event (e.g. speciation, duplication, transfer, etc). We extend RF to trees with labeled internal nodes by including a node flip operation, alongside edge contractions and extensions. We explore properties of this extended RF distance in the case of a binary labeling. In particular, we show that contrary to the unlabeled case, an optimal edit path may require contracting "good" edges, i.e. edges shared between the two trees. We provide a 2-approximation algorithm which is shown to perform well empirically. Looking ahead, computing distances between labeled trees opens up a variety of new algorithmic directions.Implementation and simulations available at https://github.com/DessimozLab/pylabeledrf

    Edit distance metrics for measuring dissimilarity between labeled gene trees

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    Les arbres phylogénétiques sont des instruments de biologie évolutive offrant de formidables moyens d'étude pour la génomique comparative. Ils fournissent des moyens de représenter des mécanismes permettant de modéliser les relations de parenté entre les espèces ou les membres de familles de gènes en fonction de la diversité taxonomique, ainsi que des observations et des renseignements sur l'histoire évolutive, la structure et la variation des processus biologiques. Cependant, les méthodes traditionnelles d'inférence phylogénétique ont la réputation d'être sensibles aux erreurs. Il est donc indispensable de comparer les arbres phylogénétiques et de les analyser pour obtenir la meilleure interprétation des données biologiques qu'ils peuvent fournir. Nous commençons par aborder les travaux connexes existants pour déduire, comparer et analyser les arbres phylogénétiques, en évaluant leurs bonnes caractéristiques ainsi que leurs défauts, et discuter des pistes d'améliorations futures. La deuxième partie de cette thèse se concentre sur le développement de mesures efficaces et précises pour analyser et comparer des paires d'arbres génétiques avec des nœuds internes étiquetés. Nous montrons que notre extension de la métrique bien connue de Robinson-Foulds donne lieu à une bonne métrique pour la comparaison d'arbres génétiques étiquetés sous divers modèles évolutifs, et qui peuvent impliquer divers événements évolutifs.Phylogenetic trees are instruments of evolutionary biology offering great insight for comparative genomics. They provide mechanisms to model the kinship relations between species or members of gene families as a function of taxonomic diversity. They also provide evidence and insights into the evolutionary history, structure, and variation of biological processes. However, traditional phylogenetic inference methods have the reputation to be prone to errors. Therefore, comparing and analysing phylogenetic trees is indispensable for obtaining the best interpretation of the biological information they can provide. We start by assessing existing related work to infer, compare, and analyse phylogenetic trees, evaluating their advantageous traits and flaws, and discussing avenues for future improvements. The second part of this thesis focuses on the development of efficient and accurate metrics to analyse and compare pairs of gene trees with labeled internal nodes. We show that our attempt in extending the popular Robinson-Foulds metric is useful for the preliminary analysis and comparison of labeled gene trees under various evolutionary models that may involve various evolutionary events