20 research outputs found

    Restricted Space Algorithms for Isomorphism on Bounded Treewidth Graphs

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    The Graph Isomorphism problem restricted to graphs of bounded treewidth or bounded tree distance width are known to be solvable in polynomial time [Bod90],[YBFT99]. We give restricted space algorithms for these problems proving the following results: - Isomorphism for bounded tree distance width graphs is in L and thus complete for the class. We also show that for this kind of graphs a canon can be computed within logspace. - For bounded treewidth graphs, when both input graphs are given together with a tree decomposition, the problem of whether there is an isomorphism which respects the decompositions (i.e. considering only isomorphisms mapping bags in one decomposition blockwise onto bags in the other decomposition) is in L. - For bounded treewidth graphs, when one of the input graphs is given with a tree decomposition the isomorphism problem is in LogCFL. - As a corollary the isomorphism problem for bounded treewidth graphs is in LogCFL. This improves the known TC1 upper bound for the problem given by Grohe and Verbitsky [GroVer06].Comment: STACS conference 2010, 12 page

    Derandomizing Isolation in Space-Bounded Settings

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    We study the possibility of deterministic and randomness-efficient isolation in space-bounded models of computation: Can one efficiently reduce instances of computational problems to equivalent instances that have at most one solution? We present results for the NL-complete problem of reachability on digraphs, and for the LogCFL-complete problem of certifying acceptance on shallow semi-unbounded circuits. A common approach employs small weight assignments that make the solution of minimum weight unique. The Isolation Lemma and other known procedures use Omega(n) random bits to generate weights of individual bitlength O(log(n)). We develop a derandomized version for both settings that uses O(log(n)^{3/2}) random bits and produces weights of bitlength O(log(n)^{3/2}) in logarithmic space. The construction allows us to show that every language in NL can be accepted by a nondeterministic machine that runs in polynomial time and O(log(n)^{3/2}) space, and has at most one accepting computation path on every input. Similarly, every language in LogCFL can be accepted by a nondeterministic machine equipped with a stack that does not count towards the space bound, that runs in polynomial time and O(log(n)^{3/2}) space, and has at most one accepting computation path on every input. We also show that the existence of somewhat more restricted isolations for reachability on digraphs implies that NL can be decided in logspace with polynomial advice. A similar result holds for certifying acceptance on shallow semi-unbounded circuits and LogCFL

    Pure Nash Equilibria: Hard and Easy Games

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    We investigate complexity issues related to pure Nash equilibria of strategic games. We show that, even in very restrictive settings, determining whether a game has a pure Nash Equilibrium is NP-hard, while deciding whether a game has a strong Nash equilibrium is SigmaP2-complete. We then study practically relevant restrictions that lower the complexity. In particular, we are interested in quantitative and qualitative restrictions of the way each players payoff depends on moves of other players. We say that a game has small neighborhood if the utility function for each player depends only on (the actions of) a logarithmically small number of other players. The dependency structure of a game G can be expressed by a graph DG(G) or by a hypergraph H(G). By relating Nash equilibrium problems to constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), we show that if G has small neighborhood and if H(G) has bounded hypertree width (or if DG(G) has bounded treewidth), then finding pure Nash and Pareto equilibria is feasible in polynomial time. If the game is graphical, then these problems are LOGCFL-complete and thus in the class NC2 of highly parallelizable problems

    Theoretically optimal datalog rewritings for OWL 2 QL ontology-mediated queries

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    We show that, for OWL2QL ontology-mediated queries with (i) ontologies of bounded depth and conjunctive queries of bounded treewidth, (ii) ontologies of bounded depth and bounded-leaf tree-shaped conjunctive queries, and (iii) arbitrary ontologies and bounded-leaf tree-shaped conjunctive queries, one can construct and evaluate nonrecursive datalog rewritings by, respectively, LOGCFL, NL and LOGCFL algorithms, which matches the optimal combined complexity

    Tree Projections and Constraint Optimization Problems: Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Parallel Algorithms

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    Tree projections provide a unifying framework to deal with most structural decomposition methods of constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Within this framework, a CSP instance is decomposed into a number of sub-problems, called views, whose solutions are either already available or can be computed efficiently. The goal is to arrange portions of these views in a tree-like structure, called tree projection, which determines an efficiently solvable CSP instance equivalent to the original one. Deciding whether a tree projection exists is NP-hard. Solution methods have therefore been proposed in the literature that do not require a tree projection to be given, and that either correctly decide whether the given CSP instance is satisfiable, or return that a tree projection actually does not exist. These approaches had not been generalized so far on CSP extensions for optimization problems, where the goal is to compute a solution of maximum value/minimum cost. The paper fills the gap, by exhibiting a fixed-parameter polynomial-time algorithm that either disproves the existence of tree projections or computes an optimal solution, with the parameter being the size of the expression of the objective function to be optimized over all possible solutions (and not the size of the whole constraint formula, used in related works). Tractability results are also established for the problem of returning the best K solutions. Finally, parallel algorithms for such optimization problems are proposed and analyzed. Given that the classes of acyclic hypergraphs, hypergraphs of bounded treewidth, and hypergraphs of bounded generalized hypertree width are all covered as special cases of the tree projection framework, the results in this paper directly apply to these classes. These classes are extensively considered in the CSP setting, as well as in conjunctive database query evaluation and optimization

    STYPES: nonrecursive datalog rewriter for linear TGDs and conjunctive queries

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    We present STYPES, a system that rewrites ontology-mediated queries with linear tuple-generating dependencies and conjunctive queries to equivalent nonrecursive datalog (NDL) queries. The main feature of STYPES is that it produces polynomial-size rewritings whenever the treewidth of the input conjunctive queries and the size of the chases for the ontology atoms as well as their arity are bounded; moreover, the rewritings can be constructed and executed in LOGCFL, indicating high parallelisability in theory. We show experimentally that Apache Flink on a cluster of machines with 20 virtual CPUs is indeed able to parallelise execution of a series of NDL-rewritings constructed by STYPES, with the time decreasing proportionally to the number of CPUs available

    Small space analogues of Valiant\u27s classes and the limitations of skew formula

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    In the uniform circuit model of computation, the width of a boolean circuit exactly characterises the ``space\u27\u27 complexity of the computed function. Looking for a similar relationship in Valiant\u27s algebraic model of computation, we propose width of an arithmetic circuit as a possible measure of space. We introduce the class VL as an algebraic variant of deterministic log-space L. In the uniform setting, we show that our definition coincides with that of VPSPACE at polynomial width. Further, to define algebraic variants of non-deterministic space-bounded classes, we introduce the notion of ``read-once\u27\u27 certificates for arithmetic circuits. We show that polynomial-size algebraic branching programs can be expressed as a read-once exponential sum over polynomials in VL, ie mboxVBPinSigmaRcdotmboxVLmbox{VBP}inSigma^R cdotmbox{VL}. We also show that SigmaRcdotmboxVBP=mboxVBPSigma^R cdot mbox{VBP} =mbox{VBP}, ie VBPs are stable under read-once exponential sums. Further, we show that read-once exponential sums over a restricted class of constant-width arithmetic circuits are within VQP, and this is the largest known such subclass of poly-log-width circuits with this property. We also study the power of skew formulas and show that exponential sums of a skew formula cannot represent the determinant polynomial

    Descriptive Complexity of Deterministic Polylogarithmic Time and Space

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    We propose logical characterizations of problems solvable in deterministic polylogarithmic time (PolylogTime) and polylogarithmic space (PolylogSpace). We introduce a novel two-sorted logic that separates the elements of the input domain from the bit positions needed to address these elements. We prove that the inflationary and partial fixed point vartiants of this logic capture PolylogTime and PolylogSpace, respectively. In the course of proving that our logic indeed captures PolylogTime on finite ordered structures, we introduce a variant of random-access Turing machines that can access the relations and functions of a structure directly. We investigate whether an explicit predicate for the ordering of the domain is needed in our PolylogTime logic. Finally, we present the open problem of finding an exact characterization of order-invariant queries in PolylogTime.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Computer and System Science