255 research outputs found

    The State of the Art in Cartograms

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    Cartograms combine statistical and geographical information in thematic maps, where areas of geographical regions (e.g., countries, states) are scaled in proportion to some statistic (e.g., population, income). Cartograms make it possible to gain insight into patterns and trends in the world around us and have been very popular visualizations for geo-referenced data for over a century. This work surveys cartogram research in visualization, cartography and geometry, covering a broad spectrum of different cartogram types: from the traditional rectangular and table cartograms, to Dorling and diffusion cartograms. A particular focus is the study of the major cartogram dimensions: statistical accuracy, geographical accuracy, and topological accuracy. We review the history of cartograms, describe the algorithms for generating them, and consider task taxonomies. We also review quantitative and qualitative evaluations, and we use these to arrive at design guidelines and research challenges

    Optimal design of spatial distribution networks

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    We consider the problem of constructing public facilities, such as hospitals, airports, or malls, in a country with a non-uniform population density, such that the average distance from a person's home to the nearest facility is minimized. Approximate analytic arguments suggest that the optimal distribution of facilities should have a density that increases with population density, but does so slower than linearly, as the two-thirds power. This result is confirmed numerically for the particular case of the United States with recent population data using two independent methods, one a straightforward regression analysis, the other based on density dependent map projections. We also consider strategies for linking the facilities to form a spatial network, such as a network of flights between airports, so that the combined cost of maintenance of and travel on the network is minimized. We show specific examples of such optimal networks for the case of the United States.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Evaluating Cartogram Effectiveness

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    Cartograms are maps in which areas of geographic regions (countries, states) appear in proportion to some variable of interest (population, income). Cartograms are popular visualizations for geo-referenced data that have been used for over a century and that make it possible to gain insight into patterns and trends in the world around us. Despite the popularity of cartograms and the large number of cartogram types, there are few studies evaluating the effectiveness of cartograms in conveying information. Based on a recent task taxonomy for cartograms, we evaluate four major different types of cartograms: contiguous, non-contiguous, rectangular, and Dorling cartograms. Specifically, we evaluate the effectiveness of these cartograms by quantitative performance analysis, as well as by subjective preferences. We analyze the results of our study in the context of some prevailing assumptions in the literature of cartography and cognitive science. Finally, we make recommendations for the use of different types of cartograms for different tasks and settings

    Drawing graphs for cartographic applications

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    Graph Drawing is a relatively young area that combines elements of graph theory, algorithms, (computational) geometry and (computational) topology. Research in this field concentrates on developing algorithms for drawing graphs while satisfying certain aesthetic criteria. These criteria are often expressed in properties like edge complexity, number of edge crossings, angular resolutions, shapes of faces or graph symmetries and in general aim at creating a drawing of a graph that conveys the information to the reader in the best possible way. Graph drawing has applications in a wide variety of areas which include cartography, VLSI design and information visualization. In this thesis we consider several graph drawing problems. The first problem we address is rectilinear cartogram construction. A cartogram, also known as value-by-area map, is a technique used by cartographers to visualize statistical data over a set of geographical regions like countries, states or counties. The regions of a cartogram are deformed such that the area of a region corresponds to a particular geographic variable. The shapes of the regions depend on the type of cartogram. We consider rectilinear cartograms of constant complexity, that is cartograms where each region is a rectilinear polygon with a constant number of vertices. Whether a cartogram is good is determined by how closely the cartogram resembles the original map and how precisely the area of its regions describe the associated values. The cartographic error is defined for each region as jAc¡Asj=As, where Ac is the area of the region in the cartogram and As is the specified area of that region, given by the geographic variable to be shown. In this thesis we consider the construction of rectilinear cartograms that have correct adjacencies of the regions and zero cartographic error. We show that any plane triangulated graph admits a rectilinear cartogram where every region has at most 40 vertices which can be constructed in O(nlogn) time. We also present experimental results that show that in practice the algorithm works significantly better than suggested by the complexity bounds. In our experiments on real-world data we were always able to construct a cartogram where the average number of vertices per region does not exceed five. Since a rectangle has four vertices, this means that most of the regions of our rectilinear car tograms are in fact rectangles. Moreover, the maximum number vertices of each region in these cartograms never exceeded ten. The second problem we address in this thesis concerns cased drawings of graphs. The vertices of a drawing are commonly marked with a disk, but differentiating between vertices and edge crossings in a dense graph can still be difficult. Edge casing is a wellknown method—used, for example, in electrical drawings, when depicting knots, and, more generally, in information visualization—to alleviate this problem and to improve the readability of a drawing. A cased drawing orders the edges of each crossing and interrupts the lower edge in an appropriate neighborhood of the crossing. One can also envision that every edge is encased in a strip of the background color and that the casing of the upper edge covers the lower edge at the crossing. If there are no application-specific restrictions that dictate the order of the edges at each crossing, then we can in principle choose freely how to arrange them. However, certain orders will lead to a more readable drawing than others. In this thesis we formulate aesthetic criteria for a cased drawing as optimization problems and solve these problems. For most of the problems we present either a polynomial time algorithm or demonstrate that the problem is NP-hard. Finally we consider a combinatorial question in computational topology concerning three types of objects: closed curves in the plane, surfaces immersed in the plane, and surfaces embedded in space. In particular, we study casings of closed curves in the plane to decide whether these curves can be embedded as the boundaries of certain special surfaces. We show that it is NP-complete to determine whether an immersed disk is the projection of a surface embedded in space, or whether a curve is the boundary of an immersed surface in the plane that is not constrained to be a disk. However, when a casing is supplied with a self-intersecting curve, describing which component of the curve lies above and which below at each crossing, we can determine in time linear in the number of crossings whether the cased curve forms the projected boundary of a surface in space. As a related result, we show that an immersed surface with a single boundary curve that crosses itself n times has at most 2n=2 combinatorially distinct spatial embeddings and we discuss the existence of fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for related problems

    Computing Fast and Scalable Table Cartograms for Large Tables

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    Given an m x n table T of positive weights and a rectangle R with an area equal to the sum of the weights, a table cartogram computes a partition of R into m x n convex quadrilateral faces such that each face has the same adjacencies as its corresponding cell in T, and has an area equal to the cell's weight. In this thesis, we explored different table cartogram algorithms for a large table with thousands of cells and investigated the potential applications of large table cartograms. We implemented Evans et al.'s table cartogram algorithm that guarantees zero area error and adapted a diffusion-based cartographic transformation approach, FastFlow, to produce large table cartograms. We introduced a constraint optimization-based table cartogram generation technique, TCarto, leveraging the concept of force-directed layout. We implemented TCarto with column-based and quadtree-based parallelization to compute table cartograms for table with thousands of cells. We presented several potential applications of large table cartograms to create the diagrammatic representations in various real-life scenarios, e.g., for analyzing spatial correlations between geospatial variables, understanding clusters and densities in scatterplots, and creating visual effects in images (i.e., expanding illumination, mosaic art effect). We presented an empirical comparison among these three table cartogram techniques with two different real-life datasets: a meteorological weather dataset and a US State-to-State migration flow dataset. FastFlow and TCarto both performed well on the weather data table. However, for US State-to-State migration flow data, where the table contained many local optima with high value differences among adjacent cells, FastFlow generated concave quadrilateral faces. We also investigated some potential relationships among different measurement metrics such as cartographic error (accuracy), the average aspect ratio (the readability of the visualization), computational speed, and the grid size of the table. Furthermore, we augmented our proposed TCarto with angle constraint to enhance the readability of the visualization, conceding some cartographic error, and also inspected the potential relationship of the restricted angles with the accuracy and the readability of the visualization. In the output of the angle constrained TCarto algorithm on US State-to-State migration dataset, it was difficult to identify the rows and columns for a cell upto 20 degree angle constraint, but appeared to be identifiable for more than 40 degree angle constraint