1,346 research outputs found

    Building and Development of the Knowledge Based Economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Throughout a several last years the transition of the educational system in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been evident. Besides the various formal procedures that the education in Bosnia and Herzegovina has to go through, the system of the overall social transformation has a far greater impact on the process of change. Even the very apprehension of the term „educated person“ has been changed throughout the need for a countinous adjustment and adoption of the new concept of work. In relation to this it is particularly important to set the base for building of a knowledge based society. The aim of this paper is to represent the current position of Bosnia and Herzegovina on its establishment of the knowledge based society through the application of the instruments such as Human Development Index, Knowledge Index and Knowledge Economy Index as well as to sugest potential steps in order to strengthen the process and to make it permanent. Also, the analysis of the fundamental pillars that are leading to the knowledge based economy will be performed in this paper. These pillars are Educated and Skilled Labour Force, an Adequate Information Infrastructure, a Conductive Economic and Institutional Regime and an Effective Innovation System. What will also be represented in this paper is a general overview of opportunities that Bosnia and Herzegovina should use through the educational, research and other scientific institutions in order to apprehend, generate and spread the knowledge.Knowledge Society, Knowledge Based Economy, Human Resource Development

    Universal innovation scoreboards on the example of Arab countries of the mediterranean partnership with the European Union: simulation calculations

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    The paper includes several constructed universal innovation scoreboards on basis EIS, GCI and KA-methodologies for the Arab countries of MEDA and several countries of comparison that allowed to carry out a series of simulation calculations aimed to assist the lagging Arab countries in reaching of target characteristics of more developed countries of comparison. The trend diagnostic chart of competitiveness of the Arab countries of MEDA and four countries of comparison as of 2010 was constructedyesBelgorod State Universit

    AMCIS 2006 Tutorial Paper: A Review of Methods to Assess National Knowledge in the Knowledge Economy

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    The evolving role of knowledge in modern societies has spurred an interest in better evaluating knowledge creation capabilities of a variety of business, non-profit, national or multinational actors. Our field has extensively focused on reviewing knowledge management evaluation and implementation programs at the organizational level. In this paper, which stems from a tutorial presented at AMICS 2006 in Acapulco, we focus on the efforts undertaken by International Development Institutions (IDIs) to assess the role of knowledge as a driver of national wealth and economic development. This paper describes methodological frameworks - such as the knowledge assessments - used to evaluate a country\u27s potential to generate new knowledge. Knowledge assessments comprise of qualitative and quantitative exercises to collect benchmarking data on relative national standing in knowledge endowment (the knowledge indexes). The review suggests some open issues and solicits enhancing the predictive capabilities of current models

    You Can\u27t Lose a Game If You Don\u27t Play the Game: Exploring the Ethics of Gamification in Education

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    Gamification has been hailed as a meaningful solution to the perennial challenge of sustaining student attention in class. It uses facets of gameplay in an educational context, including things such as points, leaderboards and badges. These are clearly efforts to make the student experience more entertaining and engaging, but nonetheless, they are also clearly digital nudges and attempts to change the students’ behaviours and attitudes to a specific set of concepts, and in which case they must, and should, be subject to the same ethical scrutiny as any other form of persuasion technique, as they may be unintentionally eroding the choices that students feel they have. This research therefore discusses some of the key ethical considerations and concerns associated with gamification, and presents a new framework that incorporates ethical tests into each stage of a pre-existing model of instructional design, that can be used when introducing gamification into an educational process

    Multivarijantni pristup u mjerenju inovacija

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    The goal of this research is to propose a procedure of innovativeness measurement, taking Summary Innovation Index methodology as a starting point. In contemporary world, innovative activity is perceived as a source of competitiveness and economic growth. New products, utility models, trademarks and creative projects are an important element of present socio-economic reality. In particular, authors focus on selection and application of multivariable statistical analysis to distinguish factors influencing innovativeness of EU economies to the highest degree. The result of quantitative analyses is linear ordering of EU countries by the level of their innovativeness based on the reduced set of diagnostic variables. The rating was compared with the outcome presented in Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) with Summary Innovation Index (SII). Conducted analysis proves a convergence between authors’ results and existing ratings of innovativeness. Nevertheless, the main conclusion is that the methodology of innovativeness assessment remains an open issue and requires further research. Especially, it should first and foremost concentrate on deeper verification of a small set of variables that have the strongest impact on innovativeness. It is both, in economic and social interest, to get a clear picture of innovativeness driving forces.Cilj ovog istraživanja je predložiti postupak mjerenja inovativnosti primjenjujući metodologiju Sažetka indeksa inovacija (Summary Innovation Index methodology – SII) kao početnu točku. U suvremenom svijetu, inovativna aktivnost percipira se kao resurs konkurentnosti i gospodarskog rasta. Novi proizvodi, modeli korisnosti, zaštitni znakovi i kreativni projekti važni su elementi sadašnje društveno-ekonomske stvarnosti. Konkretno, autori su usredotočeni na izbor i primjenu multivarijantne statističke analize u svrhu razlučivanja čimbenika koji najviše utječu na inovativnost gospodarstava EU. Rezultat kvantitativne analize je linearni poredak zemalja EU prema razini njihove inovativnosti na temelju reduciranog skupa dijagnostičkih varijabli. Ocjenjivanje se usporedilo s rezultatima prikazanim u Sažetku indeksa inovacija. Provedena analiza pokazuje konvergenciju između autorovih rezultata i postojećih ocjena inovativnosti. Ipak, glavni zaključak je da metodologija procjene inovativnosti ostaje otvoreno pitanje i zahtijeva daljnja istraživanja. Prije svega, potrebno se osobito koncentrirati na detaljniju provjeru malog skupa varijabli koje imaju najveći utjecaj na inovativnost. Ujedno, obostrani je interes gospodarstva i društva da se dobije jasna slika o pokretačkoj snazi inovativnosti

    Towards a taxonomy of innovation systems

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    The concept of National Innovation System (NIS) has been recently applied in the context of developing nations even tough it was originally developed in relation to the more developed economies (Japan, Scandinavian countries, US etc.). This raises the methodological problem of knowing whether what was learnt in the study of more advanced NISs is relevant for all sorts of economies regardless the maturity of their actual innovation systems. With this question in mind an exploratory exercise is implemented. First a technique for mapping different NIS is put forward and next based on such mapping a taxonomy of NISs is proposed. The technique although simple in the steps it requires shows analytical potential. The cartography it generates allows one to compare directly different countries, by visualizing in bi-dimensional space the graphic pattern of the relevant dimensions of their respective NISs. This technique is applied to 69 countries (87.4% of the world population) and a set of 29 indicators is used to examine these NISs along eight major dimensions. With the resulting data, and with the help of cluster analysis, a taxonomy of innovation systems is proposed. That taxonomy which contains 6 major types of NISs indicates that what differentiates most the individual systems is their performance in three critical dimensions: innovation, diffusion and basic and applied knowledge. Country size and the natural resources endowment of the economies also emerge as important contingency factors underlying the overall dynamics of different NISs.innovation; national innovation systems; economic development.

    Financial Analysis and Valuation of Daktronics Inc.

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    Daktronics, Inc. and subsidiaries is the world’s largest supplier of large screen video displays, electronic scoreboards, LED text and graphics displays, and related control systems, services and products. The company was founded in 1968 and is based in Brookings, South Dakota