31 research outputs found

    The syntax and semantics of quantitative type theory

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    We present Quantitative Type Theory, a Type Theory that records usage information for each variable in a judgement, based on a previous system by McBride. The usage information is used to give a realizability semantics using a variant of Linear Combinatory Algebras, refining the usual realizability semantics of Type Theory by accurately tracking resource behaviour. We define the semantics in terms of Quantitative Categories with Families, a novel extension of Categories with Families for modelling resource sensitive type theories

    A Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Probabilistic Class PP

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    Probabilistic complexity classes, despite capturing the notion of feasibility, have escaped any treatment by the tools of so-called implicit-complexity. Their inherently semantic nature is of course a barrier to the characterization of classes like BPP or ZPP, but not all classes are semantic. In this paper, we introduce a recursion-theoretic characterization of the probabilistic class PP, using recursion schemata with pointers

    A Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Probabilistic Class PP

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    Probabilistic complexity classes, despite capturing the notion of feasibility, have escaped any treatment by the tools of so-called implicit-complexity. Their inherently semantic nature is of course a barrier to the characterization of classes like BPP or ZPP, but not all classes are semantic. In this paper, we introduce a recursion-theoretic characterization of the probabilistic class PP, using recursion schemata with pointers

    Lambda-Definable Order-3 Tree Functions are Well-Quasi-Ordered

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    Asada and Kobayashi [ICALP 2017] conjectured a higher-order version of Kruskal\u27s tree theorem, and proved a pumping lemma for higher-order languages modulo the conjecture. The conjecture has been proved up to order-2, which implies that Asada and Kobayashi\u27s pumping lemma holds for order-2 tree languages, but remains open for order-3 or higher. In this paper, we prove a variation of the conjecture for order-3. This is sufficient for proving that a variation of the pumping lemma holds for order-3 tree languages (equivalently, for order-4 word languages)


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    Strictification of weakly stable type-theoretic structures using generic contexts

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    We present a new strictification method for type-theoretic structures that are only weakly stable under substitution. Given weakly stable structures over some model of type theory, we construct equivalent strictly stable structures by evaluating the weakly stable structures at generic contexts. These generic contexts are specified using the categorical notion of familial representability. This generalizes the local universes method of Lumsdaine and Warren. We show that generic contexts can also be constructed in any category with families which is freely generated by collections of types and terms, without any definitional equality. This relies on the fact that they support first-order unification. These free models can only be equipped with weak type-theoretic structures, whose computation rules are given by typal equalities. Our main result is that any model of type theory with weakly stable weak type-theoretic structures admits an equivalent model with strictly stable weak type-theoretic structures


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    Proof complexity of positive branching programs

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    We investigate the proof complexity of systems based on positive branching programs, i.e. non-deterministic branching programs (NBPs) where, for any 0-transition between two nodes, there is also a 1-transition. Positive NBPs compute monotone Boolean functions, just like negation-free circuits or formulas, but constitute a positive version of (non-uniform) NL, rather than P or NC1, respectively. The proof complexity of NBPs was investigated in previous work by Buss, Das and Knop, using extension variables to represent the dag-structure, over a language of (non-deterministic) decision trees, yielding the system eLNDT. Our system eLNDT+ is obtained by restricting their systems to a positive syntax, similarly to how the 'monotone sequent calculus' MLK is obtained from the usual sequent calculus LK by restricting to negation-free formulas. Our main result is that eLNDT+ polynomially simulates eLNDT over positive sequents. Our proof method is inspired by a similar result for MLK by Atserias, Galesi and Pudl\'ak, that was recently improved to a bona fide polynomial simulation via works of Je\v{r}\'abek and Buss, Kabanets, Kolokolova and Kouck\'y. Along the way we formalise several properties of counting functions within eLNDT+ by polynomial-size proofs and, as a case study, give explicit polynomial-size poofs of the propositional pigeonhole principle.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure