6 research outputs found

    Adaptive hypermedia for education and training

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    Adaptive hypermedia (AH) is an alternative to the traditional, one-size-fits-all approach in the development of hypermedia systems. AH systems build a model of the goals, preferences, and knowledge of each individual user; this model is used throughout the interaction with the user to adapt to the needs of that particular user (Brusilovsky, 1996b). For example, a student in an adaptive educational hypermedia system will be given a presentation that is adapted specifically to his or her knowledge of the subject (De Bra & Calvi, 1998; Hothi, Hall, & Sly, 2000) as well as a suggested set of the most relevant links to proceed further (Brusilovsky, Eklund, & Schwarz, 1998; Kavcic, 2004). An adaptive electronic encyclopedia will personalize the content of an article to augment the user's existing knowledge and interests (Bontcheva & Wilks, 2005; Milosavljevic, 1997). A museum guide will adapt the presentation about every visited object to the user's individual path through the museum (Oberlander et al., 1998; Stock et al., 2007). Adaptive hypermedia belongs to the class of user-adaptive systems (Schneider-Hufschmidt, Kühme, & Malinowski, 1993). A distinctive feature of an adaptive system is an explicit user model that represents user knowledge, goals, and interests, as well as other features that enable the system to adapt to different users with their own specific set of goals. An adaptive system collects data for the user model from various sources that can include implicitly observing user interaction and explicitly requesting direct input from the user. The user model is applied to provide an adaptation effect, that is, tailor interaction to different users in the same context. In different kinds of adaptive systems, adaptation effects could vary greatly. In AH systems, it is limited to three major adaptation technologies: adaptive content selection, adaptive navigation support, and adaptive presentation. The first of these three technologies comes from the fields of adaptive information retrieval (IR) and intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). When the user searches for information, the system adaptively selects and prioritizes the most relevant items (Brajnik, Guida, & Tasso, 1987; Brusilovsky, 1992b)

    Mixed media modelling of technological concepts in electricity, methods for supporting learning styles

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    The overarching objective of this research is to recognize the learning styles of engineering and technology students and to propose pedagogical methods for the comprehension of technological concepts in electricity. The topic of electrical resistor-capacitor (RC) circuits has been chosen because it is fundamental to engineering and technology courses. There is substantial evidence to suggest that students find such a concept difficult to grasp. The focus of the research lies in explicating undergraduate students cognitive structures about RC circuits, and proposing a method related to students learning styles of how these cognitive structures may be enhanced. The main thesis argument claims that the transfer of knowledge from familiar RC circuit configurations to unfamiliar RC circuit configurations does not occur easily even if the problem-space is kept identical. The methodology used in this research is a mixed-method approach employing qualitative and quantitative data-gathering and analysis processes. This research concludes that the reasons for lack of transfer of knowledge stem from conceptual and perceptual constraints. Constraints involve: (a) which analogical models are employed in relation to the RC circuit, (b) how the circuit schematic diagram is drawn, and (c) relations between analogy, circuit schematic diagram, voltage-time graphs and verbal jargon used to describe circuit behaviour. The research presents a variety of novel, custom-designed learning aids which are employed within the research methodology to rectify the lack of transfer of knowledge for the RC circuits considered in the study. The design of these learning aids is based on the concept of embodied cognition and mainly makes use of visual and kinaesthetic means to appeal to students who may have different learning styles. The use of such learning aids is proposed as a complementary teaching strategy. The approach taken in this research and its outcomes are significant because they continue to inform the research and educational communities about how human development may be fostered through engineering and technology education (Barak and Hacker, 2011)

    Collision of two communities: Developing higher education student teachers’ creativity in design through a social networking collaboration with professional designers

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    This study examines the activity of an online community in developing design creativity. This involved undergraduate Malaysian university students and their tutor from the School of Education, and professional designers in a private online community using the social network site - Facebook - to improve interface design (websites or interactive courseware). Two research processes adapted from different communities - the creative industries and the higher education communities - were applied in the collaboration. Each community embraces distinctive methods, objectives, instruments, rules and roles in producing design. Contradictions and tensions resulting from incorporating these two communities were analysed. In addition, the effect of social interactions on students’ performance, awareness, and perspectives were also investigated. A qualitative approach was utilized and data consisted of online semi-structured questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, field documentation on Facebook, and Facebook chat. The process of analysis is divided into two parts: initial analysis and substantive analysis of four case studies. Thematic (Braun and Clarke, 2006) and comprehensive data treatment (Silverman, 2010) approaches were used to analyse the initial data. Activity systems analysis (Engeström, 1999) was employed in the substantive analysis to explore the contradictions within the collaboration. The results indicate that contradictions occurred due to the new practice introduced by the community of practitioners (the designers). The collision of new practice positioned students in a disequilibrium stage but managed to also improve students’ design outcomes and promote awareness of the importance of producing purposeful design. However it also revealed the importance of both cognitive and emotional support during the process as the harsh nature of the feedback from designers could potentially hinder creativity. The findings of this study contribute to our understanding that the social-cultural process of creativity can be nurtured within higher education through the use of social network sites such as Facebook. It concludes that more research exploring online social interactions between a learning community and a community of practitioners is required in order to better understand the benefits it has to offer for creativity development

    Collision of two communities: Developing higher education student teachers’ creativity in design through a social networking collaboration with professional designers

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    This study examines the activity of an online community in developing design creativity. This involved undergraduate Malaysian university students and their tutor from the School of Education, and professional designers in a private online community using the social network site - Facebook - to improve interface design (websites or interactive courseware). Two research processes adapted from different communities - the creative industries and the higher education communities - were applied in the collaboration. Each community embraces distinctive methods, objectives, instruments, rules and roles in producing design. Contradictions and tensions resulting from incorporating these two communities were analysed. In addition, the effect of social interactions on students’ performance, awareness, and perspectives were also investigated. A qualitative approach was utilized and data consisted of online semi-structured questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, field documentation on Facebook, and Facebook chat. The process of analysis is divided into two parts: initial analysis and substantive analysis of four case studies. Thematic (Braun and Clarke, 2006) and comprehensive data treatment (Silverman, 2010) approaches were used to analyse the initial data. Activity systems analysis (Engeström, 1999) was employed in the substantive analysis to explore the contradictions within the collaboration. The results indicate that contradictions occurred due to the new practice introduced by the community of practitioners (the designers). The collision of new practice positioned students in a disequilibrium stage but managed to also improve students’ design outcomes and promote awareness of the importance of producing purposeful design. However it also revealed the importance of both cognitive and emotional support during the process as the harsh nature of the feedback from designers could potentially hinder creativity. The findings of this study contribute to our understanding that the social-cultural process of creativity can be nurtured within higher education through the use of social network sites such as Facebook. It concludes that more research exploring online social interactions between a learning community and a community of practitioners is required in order to better understand the benefits it has to offer for creativity development

    Tutorització Intel·ligent de Comunitats Virtuals d'Aprenentatge

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    L’evolució de la tecnologia ha produït canvis profunds en els paradigmes de l'ensenyament i, particularment, en l'aplicació d'aquests a l’aprenentatge en línia (e-learning). De fet va ser la pròpia revolució tecnològica la que va fer néixer aquest nou model d'aprenentatge virtual i, actualment, poques són les institucions que no compten amb alguna aplicació de l'e-learning, ja sigui com a alternativa al model educatiu tradicional o com a complement (blended learning). La introducció de l'e-learning, i en general de les Tecnologies de la Informació i Comunicació (TIC), al món educatiu ha fet que la teoria instructivista de l'educació tradicional s'hagi desplaçat cap a un paradigma constructivista, generant un model molt més centrat en l'alumne. Les eines educatives han anat evolucionant cap aquest nou paradigma, on la personalització i l’adaptació són fils conductors, i els Sistemes Tutors Intel·ligents (STI) en són un bon exemple. Tanmateix, l'arribada de la Web 2.0 ha desencadenat un moment social que ha acabat marcant de nou el món educatiu. El desplegament de la teoria connectivista, sorgida de l'aplicació de la Web Social en l’àmbit educatiu, i la implantació de múltiples iniciatives d'e-learning han afavorit la proliferació d'Entorns Virtuals d'Aprenentatge (EVA) i de diferents tecnologies educatives basades en Web. Atès que la tecnologia associada a Internet està en constant evolució, però, tot fa pensar que els entorns d’aprenentatge hauran d’evolucionar en els propers anys de manera paral·lela a com ho està fent la pròpia Web. Així, és probable que les següents generacions d'e-learning implementin característiques pròpies de la Web 3.0 (semàntica) i de la Web 4.0 (simbiòtica) i esdevinguin entorns on els agents intel·ligents hi tinguin un paper significatiu. En aquesta tesi s’analitza en primer lloc quina ha estat la trajectòria que ha seguit l’educació al llarg de la història i quina influència ha tingut en la implantació dels sistemes d’aprenentatge en línia, des dels més senzills i poc adaptatius, fins als més moderns i pensats per millorar l’experiència en l’aprenentatge. A més, en vistes de la trajectòria tecnològica que es divisa, es proposa una nova arquitectura que permeti incloure, d’una banda, les capacitats dels entorns ja existents d’aprenentatge en línia, i, de l’altra, els agents intel·ligents que convertiran l’experiència de l’ensenyament a distància en una experiència adaptativa i social, on el concepte de grup tindrà cabdal importància. Els sistemes educatius intel·ligents futurs, per tant, hauran de disposar d'una part complexa de computació avançada, aspecte abordat des del camp de la Intel·ligència Artificial, que permeti reconèixer quina és l’evolució de l’alumne en el seu aprenentatge i com aquest està interactuant i rendint amb els companys de la seva classe virtual. A més, la quantitat d'interaccions produïdes en aquests entorns generarà un gran volum de dades educatives, la Big Learning Data, amb informació vital que caldrà processar per millorar i adaptar el sistema a l’alumne a mesura que el curs avança, i per recollir informació valuosa per a la seva tutorització. Així, la darrera part d’aquesta tesi mostra les contribucions realitzades en Intel·ligència Artificial i els resultats de la seva implementació per crear la part intel·ligent d’aquesta arquitectura, podent extreure d'aquesta manera el màxim rendiment d’aquests nous entorns d’aprenentatge col·laboratiu que seran realitat d’aquí a pocs anys.La evolución de la tecnología ha producido cambios profundos en los paradigmas de la enseñanza y, particularmente, en la aplicación de éstos en el aprendizaje en línea (e-learning). De hecho fue la propia revolución tecnológica la que hizo nacer este nuevo modelo de aprendizaje virtual y, actualmente, pocas son las instituciones que no cuentan con alguna aplicación del e-learning, ya sea como alternativa al modelo educativo tradicional o como complemento (blended learning). La introducción del e-learning, y en general de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), en el mundo educativo ha hecho que la teoría instructivista de la educación tradicional se haya desplazado hacia un paradigma constructivista, generando un modelo mucho más centrado en el alumno. Las herramientas educativas han ido evolucionando hacia este nuevo paradigma, donde la personalización y la adaptación son hilos conductores, y los Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes (STI) son un buen ejemplo. Sin embargo, la llegada de la Web 2.0 ha desencadenado un momento social que ha marcado de nuevo el mundo educativo. El despliegue de la teoría conectivista, surgida de la aplicación de la Web Social en el ámbito educativo, y la implantación de varias iniciativas de e-learning han favorecido la proliferación de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje y de diferentes tecnologías educativas basadas en Web. Dado que la tecnología asociada a Internet está en constante evolución, todo hace pensar que los entornos de aprendizaje deberán evolucionar en los próximos años de manera paralela a como lo está haciendo la propia Web. Así, es probable que las siguientes generaciones de e-learning implementen características propias de la Web 3.0 (semántica) y de la Web 4.0 (simbiótica) y se conviertan en entornos donde los agentes inteligentes tengan un papel significativo. En esta tesis se analiza en primer lugar cuál ha sido la trayectoria que ha seguido la educación a lo largo de la historia y qué influencia ha tenido en la implantación del e-learning, desde los más sencillos y poco adaptativos, hasta los más modernos y pensados para mejorar la experiencia en el aprendizaje. Además, en vistas de la trayectoria tecnológica que se divisa, se propone una nueva arquitectura que permita incluir, por un lado, las capacidades de los entornos ya existentes de aprendizaje en línea, y, por otro, los agentes inteligentes que convertirán la experiencia de la enseñanza a distancia en una experiencia adaptativa y social, donde el concepto de grupo tendrá capital importancia. Los sistemas educativos inteligentes futuros, por tanto, deberán disponer de una parte compleja de computación avanzada, aspecto abordado desde el campo de la Inteligencia Artificial, que permita reconocer cuál es la evolución del alumno en su aprendizaje y como éste está interactuando y rindiendo con los compañeros de su clase virtual. Además, la cantidad de interacciones producidas en estos entornos generará un gran volumen de datos educativos, la Big Learning Data, con información vital que habrá que procesar para mejorar y adaptar el sistema al alumno a medida que el curso avanza, y para recoger información valiosa para su tutorización. Así, la última parte de esta tesis muestra las contribuciones realizadas en Inteligencia Artificial y los resultados de su implementación para crear la parte inteligente de esta arquitectura, pudiendo extraer de este modo el máximo rendimiento de estos nuevos entornos de aprendizaje colaborativo que serán realidad dentro de pocos años.The evolution of technology has produced profound changes in the paradigms of teaching and, particularly, in their application in online learning (e-learning). In fact it was the technological revolution itself that gave birth to this new model of virtual learning and there are currently few institutions that do not have an e-learning application, either as an alternative to traditional methods or to complement them (blended learning). The introduction of e-learning, and in general of the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in the educational world has made the instructivist traditional education theory move to a constructivist paradigm, creating a more focused learning model. Educational tools have evolved towards this new paradigm, where customization and adaptation are the backbone of the model. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) provide a good example of this new methodology. However, the advent of Web 2.0 has created a social era which has rebranded the educational world. The deployment of the connectionist theory, arising from the implementation of the Social Web in education, and the implementation of various e-learning initiatives have led to the proliferation of virtual learning environments and different educational Web-based technologies. Since the technology associated with the Internet is constantly evolving, everything suggests that learning environments should evolve in the coming years in parallel with the Web itself. Thus it is likely that the next generation of e-learning implements own Web 3.0 (semantic) and Web 4.0 (symbiotic) characteristics and create environments where intelligent agents have a significant role. In this thesis we first analyze the path of education throughout history and discuss the influence it has had on the implementation of e-learning, from the simplest and less adaptive measures to the most modern, designed methods to enhance the learning experience. Furthermore, in view of the visible technological background, we propose a new architecture to include, on the one hand, the capabilities of existing online learning environments, and secondly, intelligent agents which can convert the experiences acquired in distance learning into an adaptive and social experience, where the group concept is of paramount importance. Future intelligent educational systems must therefore have an intricate part of advanced computing, an aspect from the field of Artificial Intelligence, which recognizes the evolution of students in their learning and how they interact and perform with their virtual class mates. In addition, the number of interactions produced in these environments will generate a large volume of educational data, the Big Data Learning with vital information that must be processed to improve and adapt the system to the student as the course progresses, and to collect valuable information for tutorship. So, the last part of this thesis shows the contributions made in Artificial Intelligence and the results of their implementation to create the intelligent part of this architecture. The benefits of these new collaborative learning environments will enable us to optimize performance in coming years

    Sistemática para a implantação de testes adaptativos informatizados baseados na teoria da resposta ao item

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2011Essa tese apresenta uma sistemática para a implantação de Testes Adaptativos Informatizados baseados na Teoria da Resposta ao Item (SITAI), com a finalidade de servir como um suporte para a orientação nas etapas do desenvolvimento e elaboração de um TAI. A literatura existente sobre Testes Adaptativos Informatizados (TAI) geralmente está focada no que diz respeito ao algoritmo do TAI. Dessa forma, existe uma carência em encontrar um método para a implantação de TAIs. Nessa tese, foi desenvolvido um método, constituído por diretrizes, que sistematiza etapas para a elaboração de um TAI qualquer, independente das características particulares de cada um, onde o pesquisador poderá utilizá-lo como um guia para o desenvolvimento do TAI que deseja elaborar. A sistemática desenvolvida nessa tese pretende servir como um guia, principalmente ao usuário leigo que deseja desenvolver e implantar um TAI, orientando-o quanto à criação das etapas do teste, salientando os cuidados necessários na elaboração do mesmo, e indicando os métodos e critérios adequados para o teste a ser construído, de acordo com as características e especificações do teste. Nesse trabalho, também foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico exaustivo sobre TAIs, um levantamento bibliográfico sucinto sobre a TRI voltado para a aplicação de TAIs, foram definidas as etapas necessárias para a implantação de um TAI, segundo as características específicas do teste, foram identificados os mais diferentes métodos e critérios utilizados para a elaboração de um TAI e foi realizado um estudo de caso na avaliação teórica para a obtenção da carteira de habilitação de motorista realizada pelo Departamento de Trânsito do Estado de Santa Catarina (DETRAN-SC) a fim de aplicar e validar a sistemática desenvolvida. Embora a SITAI não tenha sido aplicada em sua plenitude, nas etapas em que ela foi aplicada, pode-se constatar que ela proporciona uma boa referência para a implantação de TAIs. Não houve grandes dificuldades para seguir a SITAI em relação à definição do teste, à calibração do banco de itens, à elaboração do algoritmo e à análise da precisão e da validade. Os resultados mostraram as deficiências e as vantagens potenciais da implantação de um TAI no DETRAN-SC