578 research outputs found

    A message passing framework with multiple data integration for miRNA-disease association prediction

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    Micro RNA or miRNA is a highly conserved class of non-coding RNA that plays an important role in many diseases. Identifying miRNA-disease associations can pave the way for better clinical diagnosis and finding potential drug targets. We propose a biologically-motivated data-driven approach for the miRNA-disease association prediction, which overcomes the data scarcity problem by exploiting information from multiple data sources. The key idea is to enrich the existing miRNA/disease-protein-coding gene (PCG) associations via a message passing framework, followed by the use of disease ontology information for further feature filtering. The enriched and filtered PCG associations are then used to construct the inter-connected miRNA-PCG-disease network to train a structural deep network embedding (SDNE) model. Finally, the pre-trained embeddings and the biologically relevant features from the miRNA family and disease semantic similarity are concatenated to form the pair input representations to a Random Forest classifier whose task is to predict the miRNA-disease association probabilities. We present large-scale comparative experiments, ablation, and case studies to showcase our approach’s superiority. Besides, we make the model prediction results for 1618 miRNAs and 3679 diseases, along with all related information, publicly available at http://software.mpm.leibniz-ai-lab.de/ to foster assessments and future adoption

    Data-mining of potential antitubercular activities from molecular ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines

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    Background. Traditional Chinese medicine encompasses a well established alternate system of medicine based on a broad range of herbal formulations and is practiced extensively in the region for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. In recent years, several reports describe in depth studies of the molecular ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines on the biological activities including anti-bacterial activities. The availability of a well-curated dataset of molecular ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines and accurate in-silico cheminformatics models for data mining for antitubercular agents and computational filters to prioritize molecules has prompted us to search for potential hits from these datasets.Results. We used a consensus approach to predict molecules with potential antitubercular activities from a large dataset of molecular ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines available in the public domain. We further prioritized 160 molecules based on five computational filters (SMARTSfilter) so as to avoid potentially undesirable molecules. We further examined the molecules for permeability across Mycobacterial cell wall and for potential activities against non-replicating and drug tolerant Mycobacteria. Additional in-depth literature surveys for the reported antitubercular activities of the molecular ingredients and their sources were considered for drawing support to prioritization.Conclusions. Our analysis suggests that datasets of molecular ingredients of traditional Chinese medicines offer a new opportunity to mine for potential biological activities. In this report, we suggest a proof-of-concept methodology to prioritize molecules for further experimental assays using a variety of computational tools. We also additionally suggest that a subset of prioritized molecules could be used for evaluation for tuberculosis due to their additional effect against non-replicating tuberculosis as well as the additional hepato-protection offered by the source of these ingredients

    RNA-RNA competitive interactions: a molecular civil war ruling cell physiology and diseases

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    The idea that proteins are the main determining factors in the functioning of cells and organisms, and their dysfunctions are the first cause of pathologies, has been predominant in biology and biomedicine until recently. This protein-centered view was too simplistic and failed to explain the physiological and pathological complexity of the cell. About 80% of the human genome is dynamically and pervasively transcribed, mostly as non-protein-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), which competitively interact with each other and with coding RNAs generating a complex RNA network regulating RNA processing, stability, and translation and, accordingly, fine-tuning the gene expression of the cells. Qualitative and quantitative dysregulations of RNA-RNA interaction networks are strongly involved in the onset and progression of many pathologies, including cancers and degenerative diseases. This review will summarize the RNA species involved in the competitive endogenous RNA network, their mechanisms of action, and involvement in pathological phenotypes. Moreover, it will give an overview of the most advanced experimental and computational methods to dissect and rebuild RNA networks

    Nucleotide Complementarity Features in the Design of Effective Artificial miRNAs

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    L'importance du miARN dans la régulation des gènes a bien été établie. Cependant, le mécanisme précis du processus de reconnaissance des cibles n'est toujours pas complètement compris. Parmi les facteurs connus, la complémentarité en nucléotides, l'accessibilité des sites cibles, la concentration en espèces d'ARN et la coopérativité des sites ont été jugées importantes. En utilisant ces règles connues, nous avons précédemment conçu des miARN artificiels qui inhibent la croissance des cellules cancéreuses en réprimant l'expression de plusieurs gènes. De telles séquences guides ont été délivrées dans les cellules sous forme de shARN. Le VIH étant un virus à ARN, nous avons conçu et testé des ARN guides qui inhibent sa réplication en ciblant directement le génome viral et les facteurs cellulaires nécessaires au virus dans le cadre de mon premier projet. En utilisant une version mise à jour du programme de conception, mirBooking, nous devenons capables de prédire l'effet de concentration des espèces à ARN avec plus de précision. Les séquences guides conçues fournissaient aux cellules une résistance efficace à l'infection virale, égale ou meilleure que celles ciblant directement le génome viral par une complémentarité quasi-parfaite. Cependant, les niveaux de répression des facteurs viraux et cellulaires ne pouvaient pas être prédits avec précision. Afin de mieux comprendre les règles de reconnaissance des cibles miARN, les règles de couplage des bases au-delà du « seed » ont été approfondies dans mon deuxième projet. En concevant des séquences guides correspondant partiellement à la cible et en analysant le schéma de répression, nous avons établi un modèle unificateur de reconnaissance de cible par miARN via la protéine Ago2. Il montre qu'une fois que le « seed » est appariée avec l'ARN cible, la formation d'un duplex d'ARN est interrompue au niveau de la partie centrale du brin guide mais reprend plus loin en aval de la partie centrale en suivant un ordre distinct. L'implémentation des règles découvertes dans un programme informatique, MicroAlign, a permis d'améliorer la conception de miARN artificiels efficaces. Dans cette étude, nous avons non seulement confirmé la contribution des nucléotides non-germes à l'efficacité des miARN, mais également défini de manière quantitative la manière dont ils fonctionnent. Le point de vue actuellement répandu selon lequel les miARN peuvent cibler efficacement tous les gènes de manière égale, avec uniquement des correspondances de semences, peut nécessiter un réexamenThe importance of miRNA in gene regulation has been well established; however, the precise mechanism of its target recognition process is still not completely understood. Among the known factors, nucleotide complementarity, accessibility of the target sites, and the concentration of the RNA species, and site cooperativity were deemed important. Using these known rules, we previously designed artificial miRNAs that inhibit cancer cell growth by repressing the expression of multiple genes. Such guide sequences were delivered into the cells in the form of shRNAs. HIV is an RNA virus. We designed and tested guide RNAs that inhibit its replication by directly targeting the viral genome and cellular factors that the virus requires in my first project. Using an updated version of the design program, mirBooking, we become capable to predict the concentration effect of RNA species more accurately. Designed guide sequences provided cells with effective resistance against viral infection. The protection was equal or better than those that target the viral genome directly via near-perfect complementarity. However, the repression levels of the viral and cellular factors could not be precisely predicted. In order to gain further insights on the rules of miRNA target recognition, the rules of base pairing beyond the seed was further investigated in my second project. By designing guide sequences that partially match the target and analysing the repression pattern, we established a unifying model of miRNA target recognition via Ago2 protein. It shows that once the seed is base-paired with the target RNA, the formation of an RNA duplex is interrupted at the central portion of the guide strand but resumes further downstream of the central portion following a distinct order. The implementation of the discovered rules in a computer program, MicroAlign, enhanced the design of efficient artificial miRNAs. In this study, we not only confirmed the contribution of non-seed nucleotides to the efficiency of miRNAs, but also quantitatively defined the way through which they work. The currently popular view that miRNAs can effectively target all genes equally with only seed matches may require careful re-examination

    Pathway-Based Multi-Omics Data Integration for Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017