20 research outputs found

    Trend Publication of Computational Thinking in Mathematics Education: Bibliometric Review

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    Computational thinking and mathematics are closely related, namely mathematics plays a role in overcoming challenges and understanding concepts in computational thinking, while computational thinking ultimately simplifies and abstracts situations by formulating and presenting problems in mathematical form. The purpose of this study is to identify trends and research patterns with the topic of computational thinking in mathematics education using bibliometric analysis. Data is obtained from the dimensions database which has been refined through 4 stages (identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion). The results showed that the peak of publications related to computational thinking in mathematics education research occurred in 2022. The Journal of Science of Education and Technology became the most influential journal with the most citations, namely 877 citations even though it only with 7 publications. The United States is the most influential country in this field because of the good number of publications, the number of citations is the highest of any other country. There are three research focuses related to computational thinking in mathematics education research on the dimensions database from 2013-2023, namely, 1) mathematics, study, teacher; 2) problem, child, learning; 3) student, steam, CT skil

    Strengthening programming skills among engineering students through experiential learning based robotics project

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    This study examined the educational effects in strengthening programming skills among university’s undergraduate engineering students via integration of a robotics project and an experiential learning approach. In this study, a robotics project was conducted to close the gap of students’ difficulty in relating the theoretical concepts of programming and real-world problems. Hence, an experiential learning approach using the Kolb model was proposed to investigate the problem. In this project, students were split into groups whereby they were asked to develop codes for controlling the navigation of a wheeled mobile robot. They were responsible for managing their group’s activities, conducting laboratory tests, producing technical reports and preparing a video presentation. The statistical analysis performed on the students’ summative assessments of a programming course revealed a remarkable improvement in their problem-solving skills and ability to provide programming solutions to a real-world problem

    Machine Medical Ethics

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    In medical settings, machines are in close proximity with human beings: with patients who are in vulnerable states of health, who have disabilities of various kinds, with the very young or very old, and with medical professionals. Machines in these contexts are undertaking important medical tasks that require emotional sensitivity, knowledge of medical codes, human dignity, and privacy. As machine technology advances, ethical concerns become more urgent: should medical machines be programmed to follow a code of medical ethics? What theory or theories should constrain medical machine conduct? What design features are required? Should machines share responsibility with humans for the ethical consequences of medical actions? How ought clinical relationships involving machines to be modeled? Is a capacity for empathy and emotion detection necessary? What about consciousness? The essays in this collection by researchers from both humanities and science describe various theoretical and experimental approaches to adding medical ethics to a machine, what design features are necessary in order to achieve this, philosophical and practical questions concerning justice, rights, decision-making and responsibility, and accurately modeling essential physician-machine-patient relationships. This collection is the first book to address these 21st-century concerns

    Tensões entre a abordagem educacional STEM e a filosofia escolar: uma abordagem do estado da arte

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    This article is an approach to the state of the art of two heterogeneous fields of knowledge that are updated in the XXI century school: the school philosophy and the STEM educational approach, both fields are in tension, therefore, STEM education agency the transformation of the school for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (education 4.0) and the school philosophy is emerging as a knowledge subdued by the proliferation of discourses that focus their attention on technical-scientific knowledge. The revised documents are presented in order to establish the most recurrent themes and locate there the intensities that relate one document to another, all this in response to the “pragmatics of multiplicity” proposed by Deleuze and Guattari (2015). By stabilizing the intensities in a plane of consistency, there are two axes of tension, the first one goes from the didactic transposition of philosophy as school knowledge to the competences of the XXI century, the second axis stresses the educational approaches of school philosophy with the practices educational engineering. It is concluded that in the research field of education in Colombia there is a theoretical void regarding the relationship between STEM education and school philosophy, a void that can be filled with research that amplifies the tensions exposed in this article.              Este artículo es una aproximación al estado del arte de dos campos heterogéneos del saber que se actualizan en la escuela del siglo XXI: la filosofía escolar y el enfoque educativo STEM. Ambos campos se encuentran en tensión, pues la educación STEM agencia la transformación de la escuela para la cuarta revolución industrial (educación 4.0) y la filosofía escolar se perfila como un saber sometido por la proliferación de discursos que centran su atención en saberes técnico-científicos. Los documentos revisados se presentan inicialmente con el fin de establecer las temáticas de mayor recurrencia y localizar allí las intensidades que relacionan un documento con otro. Todo esto, atendiendo a la “pragmática de la multiplicidad” propuesta por Deleuze y Guattari (2015). Al estabilizar las intensidades en un plano de consistencia se presentan dos ejes de tensión, el primero va de la transposición didáctica de la filosofía como saber escolar a las competencias del siglo XXI, el segundo tensiona los enfoques educativos de la filosofía escolar con las prácticas educativas en ingeniería. Se concluye que en el campo investigativo de la educación en Colombia existe un vacío teórico sobre la relación entre educación STEM y filosofía escolar, vacío que puede llenarse con investigaciones que amplifiquen las tensiones expuestas en este artículo.Este artigo é uma aproximação ao estado da arte de dois campos heterogêneos do conhecimento que se atualizam na escola do século XXI: a filosofia escolar e a abordagem educacional STEM, ambos os campos estão em tensão, portanto, a educação STEM. agência a transformação da escola para a quarta revolução industrial (educação 4.0) e a filosofia escolar desponta como um saber subjugado pela proliferação de discursos que enfocam o saber técnico-científico. Os documentos revisados ​​são apresentados a fim de estabelecer os temas mais recorrentes e aí localizar as intensidades que relacionam um documento a outro, tudo isso em resposta à “pragmática da multiplicidade” proposta por Deleuze e Guattari (2015). Ao estabilizar as intensidades em um plano de consistência, surgem dois eixos de tensão, o primeiro vai de a transposição didática da filosofia como saber escolar para as competências do século XXI, o segundo eixo enfatiza as abordagens pedagógicas da filosofia escolar com as práticas engenharia educacional. Conclui-se que no campo da pesquisa em educação na Colômbia existe um vazio teórico a respeito da relação entre a educação STEM e a filosofia escolar, vazio que pode ser preenchido com pesquisas que ampliam as tensões expostas neste artigo

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Computational Thinking dalam Persiapan Tantangan Bebras 2022 Pada Siswa SD Kanaan Jakarta

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    Computational thinking merupakan suatu metode pemecahan masalah secara terstruktur dan sistematis yang menerapkan cara kerja sistem komputasi. Salah satu bentuk evaluasi pemahaman siswa terhadap metode tersebut adalah melalui tantangan bebras. Tantangan bebras adalah kompetisi yang diadakan oleh Bebras Indonesia dan berisi persoalan yang menuntut siswa untuk menyelesaikannya dengan menerapkan konsep informatika dan computational thinking. Universitas Paramadina merupakan salah satu biro yang berperan dalam menyiapkan peserta untuk mengikuti kompetisi tersebut. Biasanya, Universitas Paramadina akan memberikan pelatihan kepada calon peserta yang tergabung didalamnya mengenai konsep computational thinking dan melakukan simulasi pelaksanaan tantangan bebras. Salah satu fokus peserta pelatihan tersebut adalah siswa SD yang terdiri dari tingkat Sikecil atau kelas 1-3 dan Siaga atau kelas 4-6. Selain karena pesertanya cukup banyak, juga sangat penting untuk mengajarkan konsep computational thinking pada anak sejak dini. Pada pelaksanaan Tantangan Bebras 2022, Universitas Paramadina akan meningkatkan prestasi siswa yang tergabung dalam biro tersebut

    Approaches and Models for Teaching Digital Ethics in Information Systems Courses – A Review of the Literature

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    The value and importance of teaching Digital Ethics within Information Systems and ICT courses is widely recognized and stand-alone or integrated digital ethics units are broadly implemented across degree courses. However, how such courses should be taught and what content they should include is a little explored topic. Using a narrative literature review methodology, this paper reviews the pedagogical theories underpinning digital ethics courses discussed in the literature and outlines approaches that deploy standalone ethics units, integrated ethics teaching, and hybrid teaching approaches and the use of interdisciplinary models. The paper identifies the employment of, and emphasis given to various moral theories in digital ethics education. The paper then discusses how our findings relating to different pedagogical approaches, degree of integration of ethics teaching, the use of interdisciplinary models and use of moral theories—are related to each other. The discussion explores trends in approaches and models for teaching digital ethics highlighted in the review, and makes recommendations for further exploration and inquiry. It concludes that the effective teaching of digital ethics will likely involve a considered combination of approaches, models and techniques, which may also be tailored to the needs of different roles and industries

    Bringing computational thinking to K-12 and higher education

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Computer ScienceWilliam H. HsuSince the introduction of new curriculum standards at K-12 schools, computational thinking has become a major research area. Creating and delivering content to enhance these skills, as well as evaluation, remain open problems. This work describes different interventions based on the Scratch programming language aimed toward improving student self-efficacy in computer science and computational thinking. These interventions were applied at a STEM outreach program for 5th-9th grade students. Previous experience in STEM-related activities and subjects, as well as student self-efficacy, were surveyed using a developed pre- and post-survey. The impact of these interventions on student performance and confidence, as well as the validity of the instrument are discussed. To complement attitude surveys, a translation of Scratch to Blockly is proposed. This will record student programming behaviors for quantitative analysis of computational thinking in support of student self-efficacy. Outreach work with Kansas Starbase, as well as the Girl Scouts of the USA, is also described and evaluated. A key goal for computational thinking in the past 10 years has been to bring computer science to other disciplines. To test the gap from computer science to STEM, computational thinking exercises were embedded in an electromagnetic fields course. Integrating computation into theory courses in physics has been a curricular need, yet there are many difficulties and obstacles to overcome in integrating with existing curricula and programs. Recommendations from this experimental study are given towards integrating CT into physics a reality. As part of a continuing collaboration with physics, a comprehensive system for automated extraction of assessment data for descriptive analytics and visualization is also described

    Robotics, AI, and Humanity

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    This open access book examines recent advances in how artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have elicited widespread debate over their benefits and drawbacks for humanity. The emergent technologies have for instance implications within medicine and health care, employment, transport, manufacturing, agriculture, and armed conflict. While there has been considerable attention devoted to robotics/AI applications in each of these domains, a fuller picture of their connections and the possible consequences for our shared humanity seems needed. This volume covers multidisciplinary research, examines current research frontiers in AI/robotics and likely impacts on societal well-being, human – robot relationships, as well as the opportunities and risks for sustainable development and peace. The attendant ethical and religious dimensions of these technologies are addressed and implications for regulatory policies on the use and future development of AI/robotics technologies are elaborated

    Data ethics : building trust : how digital technologies can serve humanity

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    Data is the magic word of the 21st century. As oil in the 20th century and electricity in the 19th century: For citizens, data means support in daily life in almost all activities, from watch to laptop, from kitchen to car, from mobile phone to politics. For business and politics, data means power, dominance, winning the race. Data can be used for good and bad, for services and hacking, for medicine and arms race. How can we build trust in this complex and ambiguous data world? How can digital technologies serve humanity? The 45 articles in this book represent a broad range of ethical reflections and recommendations in eight sections: a) Values, Trust and Law, b) AI, Robots and Humans, c) Health and Neuroscience, d) Religions for Digital Justice, e) Farming, Business, Finance, f) Security, War, Peace, g) Data Governance, Geopolitics, h) Media, Education, Communication. The authors and institutions come from all continents. The book serves as reading material for teachers, students, policy makers, politicians, business, hospitals, NGOs and religious organisations alike. It is an invitation for dialogue, debate and building trust! The book is a continuation of the volume “Cyber Ethics 4.0” published in 2018 by the same editors

    A Suggested Strategic Roadmap for Public Egyptian Universities to Adopt and Adapt to the Requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Society 5.0 to Prepare Students for the Future Labor Market

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    Currently, the world is facing an unprecedented challenge which is “youth bulge” with a high rate of unemployment. It is argued that the employability challenges will be compounded by the impacts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and Society 5.0, and “Open talent economy” is the new economy replacing traditional permanent employees with talented “free lancers” to perform the required work from anywhere in the world. Currently, institutions around the world prefer to employ those who have skills for specific projects. Gig economy primarily depends on two forms of work: “crowd work” and “work on-demand”. In addition, in the last five years, "artificial intelligence" (AI) has begun to replace people in many of routine jobs, and will continue to replace people in new unimaginable jobs that may arise in the future due to the continuous developments of smart technologies. Accordingly, universities all over the world will face a new problem of preparing students for a new way of life and work with a somewhat uncertain future in the coming era that involves a new industrial revolution whose repercussions are unprecedented.Accordingly, there is increasing trend that calls for the necessity of preparing a flexible or liquid workforce able to constantly adapt itself to the requirements of fast-changing labor market, and establishing a culture of flexibility in moving between businesses according to the needs of the labor market which witnessed the emergence of new types of labor across the world. If universities failed to align employability competences with the requirements of 4IR and Society 5.0, the unemployment gap will increase. Thus, the main objective of this study is to propose a strategic roadmap for public Egyptian universities to adopt and adapt to the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution and society 5.0 to prepare students for the future labor market. To achieve this objective, the author adopted both descriptive and exploratory research design, and used mixed methods research approach. Since the requirements of 4IR and Society 5.0 and Gig economy do not depend on national educational institutions that operate in accordance with national standards, but reliance is on the standards set by transnational "digital institutions" and platform companies, so the national contexts will have minor influence on practices and structure of university education systems, therefore the suggested strategic proposal may be applied by many universities in different educational contexts. Keywords: The Fourth Industrial Revolution; Society 5.0; Strategic Roadmap; Education 4.0; Work 4.0; Egyptian Universities; Gig economy. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-29-03 Publication date:October 31st 202