31 research outputs found


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    [Preface] Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017 17th International Conference Trieste, Italy, July 3–6, 2017 Proceedings, Part IV.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Google earth engine as multi-sensor open-source tool for supporting the preservation of archaeological areas: The case study of flood and fire mapping in metaponto, italy

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    In recent years, the impact of Climate change, anthropogenic and natural hazards (such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, tsunamis, fires) has dramatically increased and adversely affected modern and past human buildings including outstanding cultural properties and UNESCO heritage sites. Research about protection/monitoring of cultural heritage is crucial to preserve our cultural properties and (with them also) our history and identity. This paper is focused on the use of the open-source Google Earth Engine tool herein used to analyze flood and fire events which affected the area of Metaponto (southern Italy), near the homonymous Greek-Roman archaeological site. The use of the Google Earth Engine has allowed the supervised and unsupervised classification of areas affected by flooding (2013–2020) and fire (2017) in the past years, obtaining remarkable results and useful information for setting up strategies to mitigate damage and support the preservation of areas and landscape rich in cultural and natural heritage

    SmartFog: Training the Fog for the energy-saving analytics of Smart-Meter data

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    In this paper, we characterize the main building blocks and numerically verify the classification accuracy and energy performance of SmartFog, a distributed and virtualized networked Fog technological platform for the support for Stacked Denoising Auto-Encoder (SDAE)-based anomaly detection in data flows generated by Smart-Meters (SMs). In SmartFog, the various layers of an SDAE are pretrained at different Fog nodes, in order to distribute the overall computational efforts and, then, save energy. For this purpose, a new Adaptive Elitist Genetic Algorithm (AEGA) is “ad hoc” designed to find the optimized allocation of the SDAE layers to the Fog nodes. Interestingly, the proposed AEGA implements a (novel) mechanism that adaptively tunes the exploration and exploitation capabilities of the AEGA, in order to quickly escape the attraction basins of local minima of the underlying energy objective function and, then, speed up the convergence towards global minima. As a matter of fact, the main distinguishing feature of the resulting SmartFog paradigm is that it accomplishes the joint integration on a distributed Fog computing platform of the anomaly detection functionality and the minimization of the resulting energy consumption. The reported numerical tests support the effectiveness of the designed technological platform and point out that the attained performance improvements over some state-of-the-art competing solutions are around 5%, 68% and 30% in terms of detection accuracy, execution time and energy consumption, respectively

    Nonlinear multiscale viscosity methods and time integration schemes for solving compressible Euler equations

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    Este trabalho apresenta duas formulações do método de elementos finitos, utilizando estabilização multiescala, para resolver o sistema de equações de Euler compressíveis bidimensionais em variáveis conservativas. O espaço submalha é definido através de funções polinomiais que se anulam na fronteira dos elementos, conhecidas como funções bolha, permitindo o uso de um complemento de Schur local para definir o problema das escalas resolvidas. Esse procedimento resulta em uma metodologia numérica que permite variações temporais das escalas não resolvidas. As formulações propostas neste trabalho são baseadas em resíduo e consideram viscosidade artificial agindo em todas as escalas de discretização. Na primeira formulação um operador não linear é adicionado sobre todas as escalas, já na segunda formulação diferentes operadores não lineares são incluídos sobre as escalas macro e micro. A eficiência das novas formulações são avaliadas através de estudos numéricos, comparando-as com outras formulações, tais como os métodos SUPG combinado com o operador de captura de choque YZBeta e CAU. Outra contribuição que este trabalho apresenta diz respeito ao avanço no tempo, uma vez que métodos baseados em densidade sofrem com efeitos indesejados em escoamento com baixa velocidade, o que inclui convergência lenta e perda de acurácia. Devido a esse fenômeno, a técnica de precondicionamento local é aplicada às equações no caso contínuo. Uma alternativa para resolver esta deficiência consiste em utilizar esquemas de avanço no tempo com propriedade de decaimento como L-estabilidade. Com esse intuito é proposto um esquema preditor-corretor baseado em Backward Differentiation Formulas (BDF) cuja predição é realizada através de extrapolação

    Human Action Recognition and Monitoring in Ambient Assisted Living Environments

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    Population ageing is set to become one of the most significant challenges of the 21st century, with implications for almost all sectors of society. Especially in developed countries, governments should immediately implement policies and solutions to facilitate the needs of an increasingly older population. Ambient Intelligence (AmI) and in particular the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) offer a feasible response, allowing the creation of human-centric smart environments that are sensitive and responsive to the needs and behaviours of the user. In such a scenario, understand what a human being is doing, if and how he/she is interacting with specific objects, or whether abnormal situations are occurring is critical. This thesis is focused on two related research areas of AAL: the development of innovative vision-based techniques for human action recognition and the remote monitoring of users behaviour in smart environments. The former topic is addressed through different approaches based on data extracted from RGB-D sensors. A first algorithm exploiting skeleton joints orientations is proposed. This approach is extended through a multi-modal strategy that includes the RGB channel to define a number of temporal images, capable of describing the time evolution of actions. Finally, the concept of template co-updating concerning action recognition is introduced. Indeed, exploiting different data categories (e.g., skeleton and RGB information) improve the effectiveness of template updating through co-updating techniques. The action recognition algorithms have been evaluated on CAD-60 and CAD-120, achieving results comparable with the state-of-the-art. Moreover, due to the lack of datasets including skeleton joints orientations, a new benchmark named Office Activity Dataset has been internally acquired and released. Regarding the second topic addressed, the goal is to provide a detailed implementation strategy concerning a generic Internet of Things monitoring platform that could be used for checking users' behaviour in AmI/AAL contexts

    Proceedings of the SUPTM 2022 conference

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    This book includes the proceedings of the 1st international Conference on Future Challenges in Sustainable Urban Planning & Territorial Management celebrated on January 17-19, 2022. Urban planning is an essential tool in our global society's journey towards sustainability. This tool is as important as the territorial management to execute the plans. Both, planning and management, must be efficient to achieve the goal of sustainability inside the general framework of Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations. It does not exist any B planet so, identify urban & territorial challenges in our territories such reaching sustainable mobility, diagnose natural hazards and control land resource consumption is mandatory for our XXI century generation. Planning land uses compatibles with the ecosystem services of territory and manage them by public-private cooperation systems is a greatly challenge for our global society. Human activities do not have very frequently among their objectives to maintain ecosystem services of territory. Therefore, this field of research must help to guarantee the maintenance of natural resources, also called Natural Capital, necessary for social and economic activities of our global society. This conference aims to be a space to share research works, ideas, experiences, projects, etc. in this field of knowledge. We want to put in value that planning and management are subjects that include technological and social matters and their own methodologies. Laws, rules and cultures of different countries around the world are or can be very diverse. But the planet is only one. Technologies are shared, methodologies to analyze territories are also communal to share experiences about the global goal of sustainability, so these events are a necessary way to build our joint future. We trust that the success of this first edition of the SUPTM conference (which has been attended by more than 200 researchers from the five continents) will be an opening step towards international collaboration and the dissemination of knowledge that is so important in this field of urban planning and territorial management

    Eighth International Symposium “Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurement Techniques”

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    The 8th International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurements Techniques" was organized by CNR-IBE in collaboration with FCS Foundation, and Natural History Museum of the Mediterranean and under the patronage of University of Florence, Accademia dei Geogofili, Tuscany Region and Livorno Province. It is the occasion in which scholars can illustrate and exchange their activities and innovative proposals, with common aims to promote actions to preserve coastal marine environment. Considering Symposium interdisciplinary nature, the Scientific Committee, underlining this holistic view of Nature, decided to celebrate Alexander von Humboldt; a nature scholar that proposed the organic and inorganic nature’s aspects as a single system. It represents a sign of continuity considering that in-presence Symposium could not be carried out due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Subjects are related to coastal topics: morphology; flora and fauna; energy production; management and integrated protection; geography and landscape, cultural heritage and environmental assets, legal and economic aspects