358 research outputs found

    Krausz dimension and its generalizations in special graph classes

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    A {\it krausz (k,m)(k,m)-partition} of a graph GG is the partition of GG into cliques, such that any vertex belongs to at most kk cliques and any two cliques have at most mm vertices in common. The {\it mm-krausz} dimension kdimm(G)kdim_m(G) of the graph GG is the minimum number kk such that GG has a krausz (k,m)(k,m)-partition. 1-krausz dimension is known and studied krausz dimension of graph kdim(G)kdim(G). In this paper we prove, that the problem "kdim(G)3""kdim(G)\leq 3" is polynomially solvable for chordal graphs, thus partially solving the problem of P. Hlineny and J. Kratochvil. We show, that the problem of finding mm-krausz dimension is NP-hard for every m1m\geq 1, even if restricted to (1,2)-colorable graphs, but the problem "kdimm(G)k""kdim_m(G)\leq k" is polynomially solvable for (,1)(\infty,1)-polar graphs for every fixed k,m1k,m\geq 1

    Anomaly Detection on Graph Time Series

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    In this paper, we use variational recurrent neural network to investigate the anomaly detection problem on graph time series. The temporal correlation is modeled by the combination of recurrent neural network (RNN) and variational inference (VI), while the spatial information is captured by the graph convolutional network. In order to incorporate external factors, we use feature extractor to augment the transition of latent variables, which can learn the influence of external factors. With the target function as accumulative ELBO, it is easy to extend this model to on-line method. The experimental study on traffic flow data shows the detection capability of the proposed method

    Ontologies on the semantic web

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    As an informational technology, the World Wide Web has enjoyed spectacular success. In just ten years it has transformed the way information is produced, stored, and shared in arenas as diverse as shopping, family photo albums, and high-level academic research. The “Semantic Web” was touted by its developers as equally revolutionary but has not yet achieved anything like the Web’s exponential uptake. This 17 000 word survey article explores why this might be so, from a perspective that bridges both philosophy and IT