17 research outputs found

    A systematic literature review on the semi-automatic configuration of extended product lines

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    Product line engineering has become essential in mass customisation given its ability to reduce production costs and time to market, and to improve product quality and customer satisfaction. In product line literature, mass customisation is known as product configuration. Currently, there are multiple heterogeneous contributions in the product line configuration domain. However, a secondary study that shows an overview of the progress, trends, and gaps faced by researchers in this domain is still missing. In this context, we provide a comprehensive systematic literature review to discover which approaches exist to support the configuration process of extended product lines and how these approaches perform in practice. Extend product lines consider non-functional properties in the product line modelling. We compare and classify a total of 66 primary studies from 2000 to 2016. Mainly, we give an in-depth view of techniques used by each work, how these techniques are evaluated and their main shortcomings. As main results, our review identified (i) the need to improve the quality of the evaluation of existing approaches, (ii) a lack of hybrid solutions to support multiple configuration constraints, and (iii) a need to improve scalability and performance conditions

    MuCIGREF: multiple computer-interpretable guideline representation and execution framework for managing multimobidity care

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    Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) supply evidence-based recommendations to healthcare professionals (HCPs) for the care of patients. Their use in clinical practice has many benefits for patients, HCPs and treating medical centres, such as enhancing the quality of care, and reducing unwanted care variations. However, there are many challenges limiting their implementations. Initially, CPGs predominantly consider a specific disease, and only few of them refer to multimorbidity (i.e. the presence of two or more health conditions in an individual) and they are not able to adapt to dynamic changes in patient health conditions. The manual management of guideline recommendations are also challenging since recommendations may adversely interact with each other due to their competing targets and/or they can be duplicated when multiple of them are concurrently applied to a multimorbid patient. These may result in undesired outcomes such as severe disability, increased hospitalisation costs and many others. Formalisation of CPGs into a Computer Interpretable Guideline (CIG) format, allows the guidelines to be interpreted and processed by computer applications, such as Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS). This enables provision of automated support to manage the limitations of guidelines. This thesis introduces a new approach for the problem of combining multiple concurrently implemented CIGs and their interrelations to manage multimorbidity care. MuCIGREF (Multiple Computer-Interpretable Guideline Representation and Execution Framework), is proposed whose specific objectives are to present (1) a novel multiple CIG representation language, MuCRL, where a generic ontology is developed to represent knowledge elements of CPGs and their interrelations, and to create the multimorbidity related associations between them. A systematic literature review is conducted to discover CPG representation requirements and gaps in multimorbidity care management. The ontology is built based on the synthesis of well-known ontology building lifecycle methodologies. Afterwards, the ontology is transformed to a metamodel to support the CIG execution phase; and (2) a novel real-time multiple CIG execution engine, MuCEE, where CIG models are dynamically combined to generate consistent and personalised care plans for multimorbid patients. MuCEE involves three modules as (i) CIG acquisition module, transfers CIGs to the personal care plan based on the patient’s health conditions and to supply CIG version control; (ii) parallel CIG execution module, combines concurrently implemented multiple CIGs by performing concurrency management, time-based synchronisation (e.g., multi-activity merging), modification, and timebased optimisation of clinical activities; and (iii) CIG verification module, checks missing information, and inconsistencies to support CIG execution phases. Rulebased execution algorithms are presented for each module. Afterwards, a set of verification and validation analyses are performed involving real-world multimorbidity cases studies and comparative analyses with existing works. The results show that the proposed framework can combine multiple CIGs and dynamically merge, optimise and modify multiple clinical activities of them involving patient data. This framework can be used to support HCPs in a CDSS setting to generate unified and personalised care recommendations for multimorbid patients while merging multiple guideline actions and eliminating care duplications to maintain their safety and supplying optimised health resource management, which may improve operational and cost efficiency in real world-cases, as well

    Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi)

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    This is a technical report including the papers presented at the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi) that took place in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in Pisa, Italy on November 13, 2012. The motivation for organizing the workshop was the wish to learn from past experience on Ambient Intelligence systems, and in particular, on the lessons learned on the system architecture of such systems. A significant number of European projects and other research have been performed, often with the goal of developing AmI technology to showcase AmI scenarios. We believe that for AmI to become further successfully accepted the system architecture is essential

    Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi)

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    This is a technical report including the papers presented at the Workshop on Ambient Intelligence Infrastructures (WAmIi) that took place in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) in Pisa, Italy on November 13, 2012. The motivation for organizing the workshop was the wish to learn from past experience on Ambient Intelligence systems, and in particular, on the lessons learned on the system architecture of such systems. A significant number of European projects and other research have been performed, often with the goal of developing AmI technology to showcase AmI scenarios. We believe that for AmI to become further successfully accepted the system architecture is essential

    Real-Time Storytelling with Events in Virtual Worlds

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    We present an accessible interactive narrative tool for creating stories among a virtual populace inhabiting a fully-realized 3D virtual world. Our system supports two modalities: assisted authoring where a human storyteller designs stories using a storyboard-like interface called CANVAS, and exploratory authoring where a human author experiences a story as it happens in real-time and makes on-the-fly narrative trajectory changes using a tool called Storycraft. In both cases, our system analyzes the semantic content of the world and the narrative being composed, and provides automated assistance such as completing partially-specified stories with causally complete sequences of intermediate actions. At its core, our system revolves around events -â?? pre-authored multi-actor task sequences describing interactions between groups of actors and props. These events integrate complex animation and interaction tasks with precision control and expose them as atoms of narrative significance to the story direction systems. Events are an accessible tool and conceptual metaphor for assembling narrative arcs, providing a tightly-coupled solution to the problem of converting author intent to real-time animation synthesis. Our system allows simple and straightforward macro- and microscopic control over large numbers of virtual characters with diverse and sophisticated behavior capabilities, and reduces the complicated action space of an interactive narrative by providing analysis and user assistance in the form of semi-automation and recommendation services

    Data Driven Adaptation of Heterogeneous Service-Oriented Processes

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    Η με βάση τα δεδομένα προσαρμογή διαδικασιών αποτελεί μια επέκταση της έννοιας των Δυναμικών και με βάση τα Δεδομένα Καθοδηγουμενων Συστήματων (DDDAS) όπως αυτά έχουν καθοριστεί από την Δαρεμά. Συγεκριμένα όπως και στα DDDAS συστήματα η προσέγγιση μας επιτρέπει την προσφορά προσαρμοζόμενων διαδικασιών χρησιμοποιώντας διαθέσιμες πληροφορίες και υπηρεσίες. H προσφορά προσαρμοζόμενων διαδικασιών περιλαμβάνει την αναγνώριση και χρήση πιθανών εναλλακτικών μονοπατιών εκτέλεσης (ή διαδρομών) για την επίτευξη των στόχων και υπό-στόχων της κάθε διαδικασίας. Τα εναλλακτικά μονοπάτια λαμβάνουν υπόψη και χρησιμοποιούν σχετικές πληροφορίες ή/και υπηρεσίες (ή συνθέσεις υπηρεσιών). Για την αναζήτηση των πιθανών εναλλακτικών χρησιμοποιούνται τεχνικές από το χώρο της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης Σχεδιασμού (AI Planning) και της υπολογιστικής Πλαισίου (Context-Aware computing) κατά τον χρόνο διάθεσης της διαδικασίας. Κατά τον υπολογισμό των πιθανών εναλλακτικών, στόχος της προσέγγισης μας είναι η μείωση των βημάτων εκτέλεσης, δλδ του πλήθους των εργασιών της διαδικασίας που έχουν οριστείIn principle the Data-Driven Process Adaptation (DDPA) approach is based on the concept of Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems (DDDAS) as this is stated by Darema in [8]. In accordance to the DDDAS notion such systems support the utilization of appropriate information at specific decision points so as to make real systems more efficient. In this regard, DDPA accommodates the provision of adaptable service processes by exploiting the use of information available to the process environment in addition to existing services. Adaptation in the context of our approach includes the identification and use of possible alternatives for the achievement of the goals and sub-goals defined in a process; alternatives include the utilization of available related information and/or services (or service chains). Data-Driven adaptation incorporates AI planning and Context-Aware Computing techniques to support the identification of possible alternatives at deployment time. When calculating the possible alternatives the goal of our approach is to reduce the number of steps, i.e. number of process tasks, defined in the original process