94 research outputs found

    Model-Based Analysis of Role-Based Access Control

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been extensively studied. Many directions have been explored, sometimes with the dream of providing a fully integrated approach for designers, developers and other stakeholders to create, reason about and modify models representing software systems. Most, but not all, of the research in MDE has focused on general-purpose languages and models, such as Java and UML. Domain-specific and cross-cutting concerns, such as security, are increasingly essential parts of a software system, but are only treated as second-class citizens in the most popular modelling languages. Efforts have been made to give security, and in particular access control, a more prominent place in MDE, but most of these approaches require advanced knowledge in security, programming (often declarative), or both, making them difficult to use by less technically trained stakeholders. In this thesis, we propose an approach to modelling, analysing and automatically fixing role-based access control (RBAC) that does not require users to write code or queries themselves. To this end, we use two UML profiles and associated OCL constraints that provide the modelling and analysis features. We propose a taxonomy of OCL constraints and use it to define a partial order between categories of constraints, that we use to propose strategies to speed up the models’ evaluation time. Finally, by representing OCL constraints as constraints on a graph, we propose an automated approach for generating lists of model changes that can be applied to an incorrect model in order to fix it. All these features have been fully integrated into a UML modelling IDE, IBM Rational Software Architect

    Modeling Support for Role-Based Delegation in Process-Aware Information Systems

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    In the paper, an integrated approach for the modeling and enforcement of delegation policies in process-aware information systems is presented. In particular, a delegation extension for process-related role-based access control (RBAC) models is specified. The extension is generic in the sense that it can be used to extend process-aware information systems or process modeling languages with support for processrelated RBAC delegationmodels.Moreover, the detection of delegation-related conflicts is discussed and a set of pre-defined resolution strategies for each potential conflict is provided. Thereby, the design-time and runtime consistency of corresponding RBAC delegation models can be ensured. Based on a formal metamodel, UML2 modeling support for the delegation of roles, tasks, and duties is provided. A corresponding case study evaluates the practical applicability of the approach with real-world business processes. Moreover, the approach is implemented as an extension to the BusinessActivity library and runtime engine

    Model-Based Analysis of Role-Based Access Control

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been extensively studied. Many directions have been explored, sometimes with the dream of providing a fully integrated approach for designers, developers and other stakeholders to create, reason about and modify models representing software systems. Most, but not all, of the research in MDE has focused on general-purpose languages and models, such as Java and UML. Domain-specific and cross-cutting concerns, such as security, are increasingly essential parts of a software system, but are only treated as second-class citizens in the most popular modelling languages. Efforts have been made to give security, and in particular access control, a more prominent place in MDE, but most of these approaches require advanced knowledge in security, programming (often declarative), or both, making them difficult to use by less technically trained stakeholders. In this thesis, we propose an approach to modelling, analysing and automatically fixing role-based access control (RBAC) that does not require users to write code or queries themselves. To this end, we use two UML profiles and associated OCL constraints that provide the modelling and analysis features. We propose a taxonomy of OCL constraints and use it to define a partial order between categories of constraints, that we use to propose strategies to speed up the models’ evaluation time. Finally, by representing OCL constraints as constraints on a graph, we propose an automated approach for generating lists of model changes that can be applied to an incorrect model in order to fix it. All these features have been fully integrated into a UML modelling IDE, IBM Rational Software Architect

    An Access Control Model to Facilitate Healthcare Information Access in Context of Team Collaboration

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    The delivery of healthcare relies on the sharing of patients information among a group of healthcare professionals (so-called multidisciplinary teams (MDTs)). At present, electronic health records (EHRs) are widely utilized system to create, manage and share patient healthcare information among MDTs. While it is necessary to provide healthcare professionals with privileges to access patient health information, providing too many privileges may backfire when healthcare professionals accidentally or intentionally abuse their privileges. Hence, finding a middle ground, where the necessary privileges are provided and malicious usage are avoided, is necessary. This thesis highlights the access control matters in collaborative healthcare domain. Focus is mainly on the collaborative activities that are best accomplished by organized MDTs within or among healthcare organizations with an objective of accomplishing a specific task (patient treatment). Initially, we investigate the importance and challenges of effective MDTs treatment, the sharing of patient healthcare records in healthcare delivery, patient data confidentiality and the need for flexible access of the MDTs corresponding to the requirements to fulfill their duties. Also, we discuss access control requirements in the collaborative environment with respect to EHRs and usage scenario of MDTs collaboration. Additionally, we provide summary of existing access control models along with their pros and cons pertaining to collaborative health systems. Second, we present a detailed description of the proposed access control model. In this model, the MDTs is classified based on Belbin’s team role theory to ensure that privileges are provided to the actual needs of healthcare professionals and to guarantee confidentiality as well as protect the privacy of sensitive patient information. Finally, evaluation indicates that our access control model has a number of advantages including flexibility in terms of permission management, since roles and team roles can be updated without updating privilege for every user. Moreover, the level of fine-grained control of access to patient EHRs that can be authorized to healthcare providers is managed and controlled based on the job required to meet the minimum necessary standard and need-to-know principle. Additionally, the model does not add significant administrative and performance overhead.publishedVersio

    Model-driven Run-time Enforcement of Complex Role-based Access Control Policies

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    A Role-based Access Control (RBAC) mechanism prevents unauthorized users to perform an operation, according to authorization policies which are defined on the user’s role within an enterprise. Several models have been proposed to specify complex RBAC policies. However, existing approaches for policy enforcement do not fully support all the types of policies that can be expressed in these models, which hinders their adoption among practitioners. In this paper we propose a model-driven enforcement framework for complex policies captured by GemRBAC+CTX, a comprehensive RBAC model proposed in the literature. We reduce the problem of making an access decision to checking whether a system state (from an RBAC point of view), expressed as an instance of the GemRBAC+CTX model, satisfies the constraints corresponding to the RBAC policies to be enforced at run time. We provide enforcement algorithms for various types of access requests and events, and a prototype tool (MORRO) implementing them. We also show how to integrate MORRO into an industrial Web application. The evaluation results show the applicability of our approach on a industrial system and its scalability with respect to the various parameters characterizing an AC configuration

    Role-Based Access-Control for Databases

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    Liikudes üha enam paberivaba ari suunas, hoitakse üha enam tundlikku informatsiooni andmebaasides. Sellest tulenevalt on andmebaasid ründajatele väärtuslik sihtmärk. Levinud meetod andmete kaitseks on rollipõhine ligipääsu kontroll (role-based access control), mis piirab süsteemi kasutajate õiguseid vastavalt neile omistatud rollidele. Samas on turvameetmete realiseerimine arendajate jaoks aeganõudev käsitöö, mida teostatakse samaaegselt rakenduse toimeloogika realiseerimisega. Sellest tulenevalt on raskendatud turva vajaduste osas kliendiga läbirääkimine projekti algfaasides. See omakorda suurendab projekti reaalsete arenduskulude kasvamise riski, eriti kui ilmnevad turvalisuse puudujäägid realisatsioonis. Tänapäeva veebirakendustes andmebaasi ühenduste puulimine (connec-tion pooling ), kus kasutatakse üht ja sama ühendust erinevate kasutajate teenindamiseks, rikub vähima vajaliku õiguse printsiipi. Kõikidel ühendunud kasutajatel on ligipääs täpselt samale hulgale andmetele, mille tulemusena võib lekkida tundlik informatsioon (näiteks SQLi süstimine (SQL injection ) või vead rakenduses). Lahenduseks probleemile pakume välja vahendid rollipõhise ligipääsu kontorolli disainimiseks tarkvara projekteerimise faasis. Rollipõhise ligipääsu kontorolli modelleerimiseks kasutame UML'i laiendust SecureUML. Antud mudelist on võimalik antud töö raames valminud vahenditega genereerida koodi, mis kontrollib ligipääsu õiguseid andmebaasi tasemel. Antud madaltasemekontroll vähendab riski, et kasutajad näevad andmeid, millele neil ligipääsu õigused puuduvad. Antud töös läbiviidud uuring näitas, et mudelipõhine turvalisuse arendamise kvaliteet on kõrgem võrreldes programmeerijate poolt kirjutatud koodiga. Kuna turvamudel on loodud projekteerimise faasis on selle semantiline täielikkus ja korrektsus kõrge, millest tulenevalt on seda kerge lugeda ja muuta ning seda on lihtsam kasutada arendajate ja klientide vahelises suhtluses.With the constant march towards a paperless business environment, database systems are increasingly being used to hold more and more sensitive information. This means they present an increasingly valuable target for attackers. A mainstream method for information system security is Role-based Access Control (RBAC), which restricts system access to authorised users. However the implementation of the RBAC policy remains a human intensive activity, typically, performed at the implementation stage of the system development. This makes it difficult to communicate security solutions to the stakeholders earlier and raises the system development cost, especially if security implementation errors are detected. The use of connection pooling in web applications, where all the application users connect to the database via the web server with the same database connection, violates the the principle of minimal privilege. Every connected user has, in principle, access to the same data. This may leave the sensitive data vulnerable to SQL injection attacks or bugs in the application. As a solution we propose the application of the model-driven development to define RBAC mechanism for data access at the design stages of the system development. The RBAC model created using the SecureUML approach is automatically translated to source code, which implements the modelled security rules at the database level. Enforcing access-control at this low level limits the risk of leaking sensitive data to unauthorised users. In out case study we compared SecureUML and the traditional security model, written as a source code, mixed with business logic and user-interface statements. The case study showed that the model-driven security development results in significantly better quality for the security model. Hence the security model created at the design stage contains higher semantic completeness and correctness, it is easier to modify and understand, and it facilitates a better communication of security solutions to the system stakeholders than the security model created at the implementation stage

    Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Representing and Integrating Security Aspects in UML Models

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    Security is a challenging task in software engineering. Traditionally, addressing security concerns are considered as an afterthought to the development process and security mechanisms are fitted into pre-existing software without considering the consequences on the main functionality of the software. Enforcing security policies should be taken care of during early phases of the software development life cycle; this benefits the development costs and reduces the maintenance time. In addition to cost saving, this encourages development of reliable software. Since security related concepts will be considered in each step of the design, the implications of inserting such concepts into the existing system requirements will help mitigate the defects and vulnerabilities present in the system. Although integrating security solutions into every stage of the software development cycle, results in scattering and tangling of security features across the entire design. The traditional security hardening approaches are tedious and prone to many errors as they involve manual modifications. In this context, the need for a systematic way to integrate security aspects/mechanisms into the design phase of the development cycle should be considered. In this work, an aspect-oriented modeling approach for specifying and integrating security aspects in to Unified Modeling Language (UML) design model is presented. This approach allows the security experts to specify generic security aspects and weave them into target software base model early in the software development phase. In contrast to traditional approaches, model-to-model transformation mechanisms discussed in this approach are designed to have an efficient and a fully automatic weaving process. This work further discusses additional components that are introduced into the weaving process. These newly introduced components allow the security experts to provide more appropriate security hardening concepts. Furthermore, the additional components are designed based on object-oriented principles and allow the security experts to exercise these principles in the model-to-model transformation. The additions to the weaver application are tested using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) communicator as a base model. The description of the additional components and the results of testing of the weaving process are discussed further in this thesis

    Comprehensive Specification and Efficient Enforcement of Role-based Access Control Policies using a Model-driven Approach

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    Prohibiting unauthorized access to critical resources and data has become a major requirement for enterprises. Access control (AC) mechanisms manage requests from users to access system resources; the access is granted or denied based on the authorization policies defined within the enterprise. One of the most used AC paradigms is role-based access control (RBAC), in which access rights are determined based on the user’s role. In this dissertation, we focus on the problems of modeling, specifying and enforcing complex RBAC policies, by making the following contributions: 1. the GemRBAC+CTX conceptual model, a UML extension of the RBAC model that includes all the entities required to express the various types of RBAC policies found in the literature, with a specific emphasis on contextual policies. For each type of policy, we provided the corresponding formalization using the Object Constraint Language (OCL) to operationalize the access decision for a user’s request using model-driven technologies. 2. the GemRBAC-DSL language, a domain-specific language for RBAC policies designed on top of the GemRBAC+CTX model. The language is characterized by a syntax close to natural language, which does not require any mathematical background for expressing RBAC policies. The language supports all the authorization policies captured by the GemRBAC+CTX model. 3. MORRO, a model-driven framework for the run-time enforcement of RBAC policies expressed in GemRBAC-DSL, built on top of the GemRBAC+CTX model. MORRO provides policy enforcement for both access and usage control. 4. three tools (an editor for GemRBAC-DSL, a model transformation tool for GemRBAC-DSL, a run-time enforcement framework) have been implemented and released as part of this work. The GemRBAC+CTX model and the GemRBAC-DSL language have been adopted by our industrial partner for the specification of the access control policies of a Web application in the domain of disaster reliefintervention. We have extensively evaluated the applicability and the scalability of MORRO on this Web application. The experimental results show that an access decision can be made on average, in less than 107 ms and that the time for processing a notification of an AC-related event is less than 512ms. Furthermore, both the access decision time and the execution time for processing a notification of an AC-related event scale—in the majority of the cases—linearly with respect to the parameters characterizing AC configurations; in the remaining cases, the access decision time is constant

    A Catalog of Reusable Design Decisions for Developing UML/MOF-based Domain-specific Modeling Languages

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    In model-driven development (MDD), domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) act as a communication vehicle for aligning the requirements of domain experts with the needs of software engineers. With the rise of the UML as a de facto standard, UML/MOF-based DSMLs are now widely used for MDD. This paper documents design decisions collected from 90 UML/MOF-based DSML projects. These recurring design decisions were gained, on the one hand, by performing a systematic literature review (SLR) on the development of UML/MOF-based DSMLs. Via the SLR, we retrieved 80 related DSML projects for review. On the other hand, we collected decisions from developing ten DSML projects by ourselves. The design decisions are presented in the form of reusable decision records, with each decision record corresponding to a decision point in DSML development processes. Furthermore, we also report on frequently observed (combinations of) decision options as well as on associations between options which may occur within a single decision point or between two decision points. This collection of decision-record documents targets decision makers in DSML development (e.g., DSML engineers, software architects, domain experts).Series: Technical Reports / Institute for Information Systems and New Medi

    Aspect-based approach to modeling access control policies, An

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    Department Head: L. Darrell Whitley.2007 Spring.Includes bibliographical references (pages 119-126).Access control policies determine how sensitive information and computing resources are to be protected. Enforcing these policies in a system design typically results in access control features that crosscut the dominant structure of the design (that is, features that are spread across and intertwined with other features in the design). The spreading and intertwining of access control features make it difficult to understand, analyze, and change them and thus complicate the task of ensuring that an evolving design continues to enforce access control policies. Researchers have advocated the use of aspect-oriented modeling (AOM) techniques for addressing the problem of evolving crosscutting features. This dissertation proposes an approach to modeling and analyzing crosscutting access control features. The approach utilizes AOM techniques to isolate crosscutting access control features as patterns described by aspect models. Incorporating an access control feature into a design involves embedding instantiated forms of the access control pattern into the design model. When composing instantiated access control patterns with a design model, one needs to ensure that the resulting composed model enforces access control policies. The approach includes a technique to verify that specified policies are enforced in the composed model. The approach is illustrated using two well-known access control models: the Role- Based Access Control (RBAC) model and the Bell-LaPadula (BLP) model. Features that enforce RBAC and BLP models are described by aspect models. We show how the aspect models can be composed to create a new hybrid access control aspect model. We also show how one can verify that composition of a base (primary) design model and an aspect model that enforces specified policies produces a composed model in which the policies are still enforced
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