6,310 research outputs found

    PICES Press, Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2011

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    •2010 PICES Science: A Note from the Former Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-4) •2010 PICES Awards (pp. 5-7) •The First Year of FUTURE: A Progress Report (pp. 8-13) •New Chairmen in PICES (pp. 14-19) •Pacific Ocean Interior Carbon Data Synthesis, PACIFICA, in Progress (pp. 20-23) •2011 PICES Calendar (p. 23) •Ecosystems 2010: Global Progress on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management (pp. 24-26) •PICES 2010 Rapid Assessment Survey (pp. 27-29) •PICES Workshop on “An Introduction to Rapid Assessment Survey Methodologies for Application in Developing Countries” (pp. 30-31) •The State of the Western North Pacific in the First Half of 2010 (pp. 32-34) •PICES Interns (p. 34) •The State of the Bering Sea in 2010 (pp. 35-37) •The State of the Northeast Pacific in 2010 (pp. 38-40

    Моніторинг довкілля

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    1. Monitoring dovkillya: Моніторинг довкілля: підручник / В. М. Боголюбов, М. О. Клименко, В. Б. Мокін [та ін.]; за ред. проф. В. М. Боголюбова. Вид. 2-ге, переробл. і доповн. Київ: НУБіПУ, 2018. 435 с. 2. Navchalnyj posibnyk dlya vyvchennya dystsypliny “Monitoring dovkillya”: навч. посібник для вивчення дисципліни «Моніторинг довкілля» для студентів напряму підготовки 6.040106 «Екологія, охорона навколишнього середовища та збалансоване природокористування» освітньокваліфікаційного рівня «Бакалавр». Полтава: ПолтНТУ, 2016. 117 с. 3. Положення про деякі питання здійснення державного моніторингу в галузі охорони атмосферного повітря. Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 14.08.2019 р. № 827. 4. Законодавство України / [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/960-2020-%D0%BF#Text 5. Міністерство захисту довкілля та природних ресурсів України / [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: https://mepr.gov.ua/ 6. International journal on environmental monitoring and analysis. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://journalseeker.researchbib.com/view/issn/2328-7667The course “Environmental Monitoring” introduces students to the basics of monitoring of environmental components through lectures, laboratory exercises, and self-study. Topics ranging from the concept and general ideas about the system, hierarchical levels and regulatory support for environmental monitoring to quality control of the environmental components are explored. It is intended for students specializing in Ecology and Environmental Protection doing their courses in English.Курс «Моніторинг довкілля» знайомить студентів з основами екологічного моніторингу за допомогою лекцій, лабораторних вправ та самостійного вивчення. Досліджуються теми від загальних уявлень про систему, ієрархічні рівні та нормативно-правове забезпечення здійснення моніторингу довкілля до контролю якості компонентів навколишнього середовища. Для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, що навчаються англійською мовою за освітньо-професійною програмою «Екологія та охорона навколишнього середовища»

    Regional geographic information systems of health and environmental monitoring

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    The article describes a new scientific and methodological approach to designing geographic information systems of health and environmental monitoring for urban areas. Geographic information systems (GIS) are analytical tools of the regional health and environmental monitoring; they are used for an integrated assessment of the environmental status of a large industrial centre or a part of it. The authors analyse the environmental situation in Voronezh, a major industrial city, located in the Central Black Earth Region with a population of more than 1 million people. The proposed research methodology is based on modern approaches to the assessment of health risks caused by adverse environmental conditions. The research work was implemented using a GIS and multicriteria probabilistic and statistical evaluation to identify cause-and-effect links, a combination of action and reaction, in the dichotomy "environmental factors - public health". The analysis of the obtained statistical data confirmed an increase in childhood diseases in some areas of the city. Environmentally induced diseases include congenital malformations, tumors, endocrine and urogenital pathologies. The main factors having an adverse impact on health are emissions of carcinogens into the atmosphere and the negative impact of transport on the environment. The authors identify and characterize environmentally vulnerable parts of the city and developed principles of creating an automated system of health monitoring and control of environmental risks. The article offers a number of measures aimed at the reduction of environmental risks, better protection of public health and a more efficient environmental monitoring

    Efficiency analysis of seaports in Russia's Baltic basin: performance evaluation

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    This research presents a comprehensive analysis of the performance efficiency of Russia's Baltic seaports, taking into account various economic indicators and addressing investment planning and management issues. Special attention is given to the sustainable development goals and objectives of the seaports, considering their significance in transport and logistics systems. The primary objective of this work is to develop a system approach for conducting multi-­criteria studies on seaport performance efficiency. The findings obtained through the proposed methodology consider criteria at different levels of seaport management, offering valuable practical implications. Notably, this study fills a gap in the literature as no previous work has provided a comprehensive methodology for studying and analyzing ports from the perspectives of management, logistics, and macroeconomics. The system approach can also incorporate environmental considerations and innovative solutions in port infrastructure management. By proposing a new approach to interpreting statistics on Baltic seaports' performance and presenting empirical research on sustainable development in transport and logistics systems, this study enables a multidimensional examination of seaport performance and establishes a framework for efficiency analysis and evaluation, which is crucial for effective management. The methodological scheme and algorithm for analyzing different categories of managers further facilitate the practical application of the approach. Moreover, it can serve as a strategic tool for informing regional economic policies regarding logistics and transportation

    Geo-management in organic agriculture

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    Information about authors of the monograph Editors: Skrypchuk P., Doctor of Economics, professor, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine, head of NGO «Green Initiatives Rivne», Ukraine, chapter 1.3., 2.1., 2.2., 5.1.; Jozef Zaťko, Dr.h.c. mult. JUDr., Honor. Prof. mult., Prezident ICOCRIM SlovakBureau,Riaditeľ Východoeurópskej agentúry pre rozvoj n.o., Prezident Európsky inštitút ďalšieho vzdelávania, Slovakia, chapter 1.2.; 1. Baldzhy M., Doctor of Economics, professor, Odesa National Economic University, Odesa, Ukraine, chapter 2.2; 2. Breus D., Ph.D. in Agriculture, assistant, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, Ukraine, chapter 2.3.; 3. Dudiak N., Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, Ukraine, chapter 2.3.; 4. Grabovska T., PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, chapter 3.1.; 5. Khomiuk N., PhD in Economics, Doctoral Student of the Department of International Economic Relations and Project Management,Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine, chapter 5.2.; 6. Lavrov V., Doctor of Agriculture, professor, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, chapter 3.1.; 7. Novytska I., post-graduate student, Poltava National Technical University named after Yurii Kondratiuk, Poltava, Ukraine, chapter 3.3.; 8. Panasiuk Damian, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Sciences, Warsaw,Poland, chapter 5.1.; 9. Pichura V., Doctor of Agriculture, associate professor, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, Ukraine, chapter 2.3.; 10. Potravka L., Doctor of Economics, associate professor, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, Ukraine, chapter 2.3.; 11. Rybak V., PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, Khmelnystkyi national university, Khmelnystkyi, Ukraine, chapter 2.1.; 12. Shcherbakova A., PhD in Economics, associate professor, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine, co-founder of NGO "Green Initiatives Rivne», Ukraine, chapter 1.1.; 13. Shevchuk N., PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, Khmelnystkyi national university, Khmelnystkyi, Ukraine, chapter 6.3.; 14. Shpak G., Ph.D. in Economics, senior lecturer, Technical College of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine, chapter 6.1, 6.2.; 15. Skok S., Ph.D. in Agriculture, associate professor, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, Ukraine, chapter 5.3.; 16. Skrypchuk V., student, Matea Bela University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, chapter 1.2.; 17. Stroganov O., graduate student, Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson, Ukraine, chapter 2.3.; 18. Suduk O., PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine, co-founder of NGO "Green Initiatives Rivne», Ukraine, chapter 4; 19. Ternowyi U. PhD in Agriculture, Skvyra Research Station of Organic Production of Institute of Agroecology and Nature Resources Use of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Skvyra, Ukraine, chapter 3.1.; 20. TiutiunnykH., Ph.D. in Economics, Junior Research Fellow, Institute of Market Problems and Economic&EcologicalResearch of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odesa, Ukraine, chapter 3.2.; 21. Trembitska O., PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, chapter 6.3. 22. Trokhliuk T., Ph.D. in Economics, senior lecturer, Berezno Forestry College of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine, chapter 6.1.; 23. Zhukovskyi V., PhD in Technical sciences, senior lecturer, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine, chapter 2.4

    PICES Press, Vol. 20, No. 2, Summer 2012

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    •The 2012 Inter-sessional Science Board Meeting: A Note from Science Board Chairman (pp. 1-4) ◾PICES Interns (p. 4) ◾2012 Inter-sessional Workshop on a Roadmap for FUTURE (pp. 5-8) ◾Second Symposium on “Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans” (pp. 9-13) ◾2012 Yeosu Workshop on “Framework for Ocean Observing” (pp. 14-15) ◾2012 Yeosu Workshop on “Climate Change Projections” (pp. 16-17) ◾2012 Yeosu Workshop on “Coastal Blue Carbon” (pp. 18-20) ◾Polar Comparisons: Summary of 2012 Yeosu Workshop (pp. 21-23) ◾2012 Yeosu Workshop on “Climate Change and Range Shifts in the Oceans" (pp. 24-27) ◾2012 Yeosu Workshop on “Beyond Dispersion” (pp. 28-30) ◾2012 Yeosu Workshop on “Public Perception of Climate Change” (pp. 31, 50) ◾PICES Working Group 20: Accomplishments and Legacy (pp. 32-33) ◾The State of the Western North Pacific in the Second Half of 2011 (pp. 34-35) ◾Another Cold Winter in the Gulf of Alaska (pp. 36-37) ◾The Bering Sea: Current Status and Recent Events (pp. 38-40) ◾PICES/ICES 2012 Conference for Early Career Marine Scientists (pp. 41-43) ◾Completion of the PICES Seafood Safety Project – Indonesia (pp. 44-46) ◾Oceanography Improves Salmon Forecasts (p. 47) ◾2012 GEOHAB Open Science Meeting (p. 48-50) ◾Shin-ichi Ito awarded 2011 Uda Prize (p. 50

    Knowledge status and gaps for the North Sea – focusing on discharges.

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    The Norwegian government will develop a management plan for the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Mapping of the data requirement related to the interaction between land, coast and ocean and identification of specially vulnerable and valuable areas are included. The project focuses on discharges and their impact on the environment in the Norwegian part of the North Sea (part of OSPAR’s Region II, Greater North Sea), however information from other countries and regions within the North Sea is also included. OSPAR is developing a Quality Status Report for the North Sea area entitled the QSR 2010. QSR 2010 is based on regional assessments while this report is a pilot project aiming to identify additional data required for an upcoming management plan for the North Sea. OSPAR QSR 2010 will develop an assessment for the North Sea, however this will probably not be area specific enough to fulfil the needs for a management plan. In addition to the QSR 2010 there will be a need to develop regional plans based on collaboration between the NS countries. EUs directives, conventions and agencies supply a network of laws, directives and agreements relevant for a future management plan for the North Sea. Relevant sources of data and overall estimates of the amounts of nutrients and pollutants discharged from Norwegian sources into the North Sea are presented. An assessment of the knowledge status is given for individual sectors, with a particular focus on areas where present knowledge or data availability is considered insufficient. Effects of discharges on vulnerable and valuable areas are discussed in the context available data from monitoring and future needs to fill the gaps

    Report of the Study Group on Marine Pollutants

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    This report does not provide a comprehensive overview of all pollution issues that are relevant to the PICES community. However, it does give input to the broader PICES community on: • some of the priority pollutants in the North Pacific Ocean as identified by scientists from PICES’ six member countries. • some of the promising indicator approaches or 'sentinel species' that are being used within the PICES community, or elsewhere, and could be used more widely across PICES member countries. • some of the opportunities to share technical information on logistical, analytical, and/or field study methods in support of improved and/or standardized methodologies that could be used by all PICES member countries. The ultimate objective of the SG-MP was to design a proposal (plan) for future PICES activities related to marine pollution

    Methodological bases and practice of sustainable development implementation

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    У монографії досліджено актуальні питання формування методології сталого розвитку. Проаналзіровано основні чинники сталого розвитку. Розглянуто економічні інструменти забезпечення сталого розвитку на різних рівнях управління. Запропоновано науково-методичні підходи до забезпечення сталого розвитку. Особливу увагу приділено науково-прикладним аспектам забезпечення сталого розвитку в галузевому та територіальному розрізах. Адресовано фахівцям з питань економіки природокористування, макроекономічного регулювання, регіонального розвитку, економіки підприємства, інноваційного менеджменту та маркетингу, а також науково-педагогічним працівникам, аспірантам і студентам галузі наук економічних і дисципліни наук про управління.В монографии исследованы актуальные вопросы формирования методологии устойчивого развития. Проаналзированы основные факторы устойчивого развития. Рассмотрены экономические инструменты обеспечения устойчивого развития на различных уровнях управления. Предложены научно-методические подходы к обеспечению устойчивого развития. Особое внимание уделено научно-прикладным аспектам обеспечения устойчивого развития в отраслевом и территориальном разрезах. Адресовано специалистам по вопросам экономики природопользования, макроэкономического регулирования, регионального развития, экономики предприятия, инновационного менеджмента и маркетинга, а также научно-педагогическим работникам, аспирантам и студентам области экономических наук и дисцтплины наук об управлении.The monograph deals with new approaches and urgent questions to create methodology of sustainable development. There is suggested usage of economic instruments for sustainable development on different management levels. Authors analyze and suggest scientific and methodological approaches to sustainable development. Special attention is paid to scientific and applied aspects of sustainable development into regional and territorial levels. It can be useful for specialists on environmental economics, innovative management and marketing, business economics, regional development, macro-economic regulation, and also for lecturers, post-graduates and students of HEIs economic specialties