5 research outputs found

    Comprehending Kademlia Routing - A Theoretical Framework for the Hop Count Distribution

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    The family of Kademlia-type systems represents the most efficient and most widely deployed class of internet-scale distributed systems. Its success has caused plenty of large scale measurements and simulation studies, and several improvements have been introduced. Its character of parallel and non-deterministic lookups, however, so far has prevented any concise formal analysis. This paper introduces the first comprehensive formal model of the routing of the entire family of systems that is validated against previous measurements. It sheds light on the overall hop distribution and lookup delays of the different variations of the original protocol. It additionally shows that several of the recent improvements to the protocol in fact have been counter-productive and identifies preferable designs with regard to routing overhead and resilience.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    A Lightweight Approach for Improving the Lookup Performance in Kademlia-type Systems

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    Discovery of nodes and content in large-scale distributed systems is generally based on Kademlia, today. Understanding Kademlia-type systems to improve their performance is essential for maintaining a high service quality for an increased number of participants, particularly when those systems are adopted by latency-sensitive applications. This paper contributes to the understanding of Kademlia by studying the impact of \emph{diversifying} neighbours' identifiers within each routing table bucket on the lookup performance. We propose a new, yet backward-compatible, neighbour selection scheme that attempts to maximize the aforementioned diversity. The scheme does not cause additional overhead except negligible computations for comparing the diversity of identifiers. We present a theoretical model for the actual impact of the new scheme on the lookup's hop count and validate it against simulations of three exemplary Kademlia-type systems. We also measure the performance gain enabled by a partial deployment for the scheme in the real KAD system. The results confirm the superiority of the systems that incorporate our scheme.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, conference version 'Diversity Entails Improvement: A new Neighbour Selection Scheme for Kademlia-type Systems' at IEEE P2P 201

    KeLLy – Efficient, Scalable Link Layer Topology Discovery

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    Network infrastructures are becoming increasingly flexible and dynamic not only due to softwarization and virtualization, but also due to increasing mobility in 5G and 6G networks, which consider drones and satellites to be part of the core infrastructure. Since the network topology may change frequently, it becomes challenging to get an up-to-date view of its current state. This paper introduces KeLLy, an efficient, scalable link layer topology discovery algorithm focussing on large-scale networks (evaluated up to 100,000 nodes). KeLLy discovers various large topologies in seconds, guarantees discovery of all nodes (and a high percentage of links), while inducing low, predictable overhead by querying only a subset (4%) of nodes

    Proof of Latency Using a Verifiable Delay Function

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    In this thesis I present an interactive public-coin protocol called Proof of Latency (PoL) that aims to improve connections in peer-to-peer networks by measuring latencies with logical clocks built from verifiable delay functions (VDF). PoL is a tuple of three algorithms, Setup(e, λ), VCOpen(c, e), and Measure(g, T, l_p, l_v). Setup creates a vector commitment (VC), from which a vector commitment opening corresponding to a collaborator's public key is taken in VCOpen, which then gets used to create a common reference string used in Measure. If no collusion gets detected by neither party, a signed proof is ready for advertising. PoL is agnostic in terms of the individual implementations of the VC or VDF used. This said, I present a proof of concept in the form of a state machine implemented in Rust that uses RSA-2048, Catalano-Fiore vector commitments and Wesolowski's VDF to demonstrate PoL. As VDFs themselves have been shown to be useful in timestamping, they seem to work as a measurement of time in this context as well, albeit requiring a public performance metric for each peer to compare to during the measurement. I have imagined many use cases for PoL, like proving a geographical location, working as a benchmark query, or using the proofs to calculate VDFs with the latencies between peers themselves. As it stands, PoL works as a distance bounding protocol between two participants, considering their computing performance is relatively similar. More work is needed to verify the soundness of PoL as a publicly verifiable proof that a third party can believe in.Tässä tutkielmassa esitän interaktiivisen protokollan nimeltä Proof of latency (PoL), joka pyrkii parantamaan yhteyksiä vertaisverkoissa mittaamalla viivettä todennettavasta viivefunktiosta rakennetulla loogisella kellolla. Proof of latency koostuu kolmesta algoritmista, Setup(e, λ), VCOpen(c, e) ja Measure(g, T, l_p, l_v). Setup luo vektorisitoumuksen, josta luodaan avaus algoritmissa VCOpen avaamalla vektorisitoumus indeksistä, joka kuvautuu toisen mittaavan osapuolen julkiseen avaimeen. Tätä avausta käytetään luomaan yleinen viitemerkkijono, jota käytetään algoritmissa Measure alkupisteenä molempien osapuolien todennettavissa viivefunktioissa mittaamaan viivettä. Jos kumpikin osapuoli ei huomaa virheitä mittauksessa, on heidän allekirjoittama todistus valmis mainostettavaksi vertaisverkossa. PoL ei ota kantaa sen käyttämien kryptografisten funktioiden implementaatioon. Tästä huolimatta olen ohjelmoinut protokollasta prototyypin Rust-ohjelmointikielellä käyttäen RSA-2048:tta, Catalano-Fiore--vektorisitoumuksia ja Wesolowskin todennettavaa viivefunktiota protokollan esittelyyn. Todistettavat viivefunktiot ovat osoittaneet hyödyllisiksi aikaleimauksessa, mikä näyttäisi osoittavan niiden soveltumisen myös ajan mittaamiseen tässä konteksissa, huolimatta siitä että jokaisen osapuolen tulee ilmoittaa julkisesti teholukema, joka kuvaa niiden tehokkuutta viivefunktioiden laskemisessa. Toinen osapuoli käyttää tätä lukemaa arvioimaan valehteliko toinen viivemittauksessa. Olen kuvitellut monta käyttökohdetta PoL:lle, kuten maantieteellisen sijainnin todistaminen, suorituskykytestaus, tai itse viivetodistuksien käyttäminen uusien viivetodistusten laskemisessa vertaisverkon osallistujien välillä. Tällä hetkellä PoL toimii etäisyydenmittausprotokollana kahden osallistujan välillä, jos niiden suorituskyvyt ovat tarpeeksi lähellä toisiaan. Protokolla tarvitsee lisätutkimusta sen suhteen, voiko se toimia uskottavana todistuksena kolmansille osapuolille kahden vertaisverkon osallistujan välisestä viiveestä

    Confidential Data-Outsourcing and Self-Optimizing P2P-Networks: Coping with the Challenges of Multi-Party Systems

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    This work addresses the inherent lack of control and trust in Multi-Party Systems at the examples of the Database-as-a-Service (DaaS) scenario and public Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs). In the DaaS field, it is shown how confidential information in a database can be protected while still allowing the external storage provider to process incoming queries. For public DHTs, it is shown how these highly dynamic systems can be managed by facilitating monitoring, simulation, and self-adaptation