7 research outputs found

    Semaine d'Etude Mathématiques et Entreprises 6 : Représentation des fonctions de réponse radiométrique

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    Ce rapport rassemble les différentes pistes de réponses apportées au problème posé par l'entreprise Kolor lors de la 6ème Semaine d'Étude Maths-Entreprises de juin 2013. Le problème porte sur la représentation de fonctions de réponse radiométrique utilisées dans de nombreux logiciels de manipulation de photographies. Une grande partie du travail effectué a consisté à comprendre le problème et ses enjeux afin de le formaliser de façon mathématique. Après une description formelle des outils envisagés, nous les évaluons par rapport aux contraintes du problème afin de déterminer leurs avantages et inconvénients. D'un point de vue pratique, les outils sont présentés dans l'objectif d'être éventuellement développés et intégrés à un logiciel existant. Nous avons donc tenté, dans la mesure du possible, de prendre en compte la simplicité de ces outils que ce soit du côté développement ou du côté utilisation. Ce rapport s'articule en six parties. Après une description pratique du problème, nous en détaillons les principales caractéristiques. Dans une troisième partie, nous décrivons les trois outils envisagés. Les deux parties suivantes constituent l'étude des outils par rapport aux contraintes du problème. Finalement nous donnons une conclusion de cette étude

    Combinatorial models for topology-based geometric modeling

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    Many combinatorial (topological) models have been proposed in geometric modeling, computational geometry, image processing or analysis, for representing subdivided geometric objects, i.e. partitionned into cells of different dimensions: vertices, edges, faces, volumes, etc. We can distinguish among models according to the type of cells (regular or not regular ones), the type of assembly ("manifold" or "non manifold"), the type of representation (incidence graphs or ordered models), etc

    Procesado de geometría en CAGD mediante S-series

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    El diseño geométrico asistido por ordenador (CAGD) se basa en la representación de entidades geométricas en el estándar nurbs, por lo que se debe obtener una aproximación polinómica o racional de aquellas funciones trascendentes, entidades que no pueden ser expresadas en la base de Bernstein. En principio se podría pensar en una aproximación mediante series de Taylor truncadas. De esta forma se obtendría una buena aproximación alrededor de un punto, pero se precisarían grados muy elevados para errores pequeños y los programas de CAD tienen limitado el grado maximo admisible. Una forma de evitar estos grados elevados seria conectar varios desarrollos de Taylor, pero en este caso aparecerían huecos en la unión de dos expansiones, algo inaceptable en una representación para CAD. En esta tesis se introduce la herramienta matemática básica empleada en este trabajo, las s-series. Estas series resultan de la base s-monomial, basada en expansiones de hermite en un intervalo unitario de la variable. Asimismo, se describen las estrategias para calcular de manera eficiente la aproximación de una entidad mediante s-series. Seguidamente, se comparan las aproximaciones mediante s-series con las basadas en series de poisson. A continuación, se aproxima la clotoide como ejemplo de aplicación de las estrategias de aproximación mediante s-series expuestas. Finalmente, se aplican las s-series a las técnicas de deformación. El objetivo de este capítulo consiste en conseguir una aproximación polinómica Bernstein-Bezier de los objetos deformados

    Distributed cooperative trajectory generation for multiple autonomous vehicles using Pythagorean Hodograph Bézier curves

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    This dissertation presents a framework for multi-vehicle trajectory generation that enables efficient computation of sets of feasible, collision-free trajectories for teams of autonomous vehicles executing cooperative missions with common objectives. Existing methods for multi-vehicle trajectory generation generally rely on discretization in time or space and, therefore, ensuring safe separation between the paths comes at the expense of an increase in computational complexity. On the contrary, the proposed framework is based on a three-dimensional geometric-dynamic approach that uses continuous Bézier curves with Pythagorean hodographs, a class of polynomial functions with attractive mathematical properties and a collection of highly efficient computational procedures associated with them. The use of these curves is critical to generate cooperative trajectories that are guaranteed to satisfy minimum separation distances, a key feature from a safety standpoint. By the differential flatness property of the dynamic system, the dynamic constraints can be expressed in terms of the trajectories and, therefore, in terms of Bézier polynomials. This allows the proposed framework to efficiently evaluate and, hence, observe the dynamic constraints of the vehicles, and satisfy mission-specific assignments such as simultaneous arrival at predefined locations. The dissertation also addresses the problem of distributing the computation of the trajectories over the vehicles, in order to prevent a single point of failure, inherently present in a centralized approach. The formulated cooperative trajectory-generation framework results in a semi-infinite programming problem, that falls under the class of nonsmooth optimization problems. The proposed distributed algorithm combines the bundle method, a widely used solver for nonsmooth optimization problems, with a distributed nonlinear programming method. In the latter, a distributed formulation is obtained by introducing local estimates of the vector of optimization variables and leveraging on a particular structure, imposed on the local minimizer of an equivalent centralized optimization problem

    MS FT-2-2 7 Orthogonal polynomials and quadrature: Theory, computation, and applications

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    Quadrature rules find many applications in science and engineering. Their analysis is a classical area of applied mathematics and continues to attract considerable attention. This seminar brings together speakers with expertise in a large variety of quadrature rules. It is the aim of the seminar to provide an overview of recent developments in the analysis of quadrature rules. The computation of error estimates and novel applications also are described

    Generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature and applications

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    A simple numerical method for constructing the optimal generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas will be presented. These formulas exist in many cases in which real positive GaussKronrod formulas do not exist, and can be used as an adequate alternative in order to estimate the error of a Gaussian rule. We also investigate the conditions under which the optimal averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas and their truncated variants are internal