138 research outputs found

    Designing a Smart City Internet of Things Platform with Microservice Architecture

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is being adopted in different application domains and is recognized as one of the key enablers of the Smart City vision. Despite the standard-ization efforts and wide adoption of Web standards and cloud computing technologies, however, building large-scale Smart City IoT platforms in practice remains challenging. The dynamically changing IoT environment requires these systems to be able to scale and evolve over time adopting new technologies and requirements. In response to the similar challenges in building large-scale distributed applications and platforms on the Web, microservice architecture style has emerged and gained a lot of popularity in the industry in recent years. In this work, we share our early experience of applying the microservice architecture style to design a Smart City IoT platform. Our experience suggests significant benefits provided by this architectural style compared to the more generic Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) approaches, as well as highlights some of the challenges it introduces

    Size Matters: Microservices Research and Applications

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    In this chapter we offer an overview of microservices providing the introductory information that a reader should know before continuing reading this book. We introduce the idea of microservices and we discuss some of the current research challenges and real-life software applications where the microservice paradigm play a key role. We have identified a set of areas where both researcher and developer can propose new ideas and technical solutions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1706.0735

    Adoption of microservices in industrial information systems: a systematic literature review

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    The internet, digitalization and globalization have transformed customer expectations and the way business is done. Product life cycles have shortened, products need to be customizable, and the production needs to be scalable. These changes reflect also to the industrial operations. Quick technological advancements have increased the role of software in industrial facilities. The software in use has to enable untraditional flexibility, interoperability and scalability. Microservices based architecture has been seen as the state of the art way for developing flexible, interoperable and scalable software. Microservices have been applied to cloud native applications for consumers with enormous success. The goal of this thesis is to analyze how to adopt microservices to indstrial information systems. General information and characteristics of microservices are provided as background information and a systematic literature review is conducted to answer the research problem. Material for the systematic literature review was found from multiple digital libraries and 17 scientific papers matched the set inclusion cirteria. The material was then analyzed with an extensively documentated method. The thesis brought together the available publications on the topic. Guidelines for adopting microservices to industrial information systems were derived based on the analysis. Real time applications need special attention when using microservices architecture, the developers need to use proper tools for the tasks, and the developers and users need to be properly introduced to service-oriented systems. Based on this thesis microservices seems like a suitable approach for developing flexible industrial information systems, which satisfy the new business requirements

    Guidelines for Testing Microservice-based Applications

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    Há uma tendência no desenvolvimento de software de adotar uma arquitetura baseada em microserviços. Apesar de vários benefícios como maior modularização, escalabilidade e manutenibilidade, esta abordagem levanta outros desafios para a organização. Ao aplicar este padrão de arquitetura, a estratégia de teste precisa de ser ajustada. Um sistema baseado em microserviços é inerentemente distribuído e pressupõe que os vários serviços estejam em constante comunicação entre si, através de conexões de rede, para responder aos requisitos de negócio. Testar um microserviço por si só é mais fácil, pois este está naturalmente isolado do resto do sistema, mas a execução de testes de integração torna-se mais complexa. A utilização de microserviços também oferece várias opções sobre onde e o que testar. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar, comparar e sistematizar soluções e abordagens atuais para o desenvolvimento de testes em sistemas baseados em microserviços e propor um conjunto de diretrizes, métodos e boas práticas universais para facilitar o seu processo de testagem, ajudando as organizações a produzir testes com qualidade, mais valiosos e com menos custos. De modo a perceber os problemas e desafios enfrentados a testar microserviços, um projeto em forma de prova de conceito (PoC) e utilizando uma arquitetura baseadas em microserviços foi planeado, desenhado e testes, relativos a alguns casos de uso foram investigados. Também foram sugeridos um conjunto de indicadores que pretendem medir a qualidade e valor da estratégia de testes. Para cada indicador foi proposto onde pode ser recolhido, um racional com a explicação do seu propósito e uma escala de medida. Este trabalho concluiu que, apesar da existência de estratégias e frameworks de testes capazes de ajudar as organizações a testar as suas aplicações corretamente, é necessária a mentalidade certa para atingir uma estratégia de testes de qualidade. Deste modo, este trabalho propõe um conjunto de recomendações e boas práticas que promovem a mentalidade correta para desenhar e implementar testes sobre todas as camadas do sistema. São também sugeridos passos a seguir para definir e decompor cenários de teste, e soluções para os vários tipos de testes estudados. Assim, este trabalho pode também ser considerado uma base de conhecimento na área de testes em microserviços e ajudar a acelerar a sua adoção.There’s a trend in software development to adopt a microservice-based architecture. Despite several benefits such as increased modularization, scalability and maintainability, this approach brings other challenges to the table. When applying this architectural pattern, the testing strategy needs to be adapted. A microservice-based application presupposes that the various services that compose the system are communication with each other, across network boundaries, to fulfil business requirements and is inherently distributed. Testing a microservice by itself is easier, as it is naturally isolated from the rest of the system, but integration testing becomes more challenging. Microservices also offer several options about where and what to test. This work focus on studying, comparing, and systemizing current solutions and approaches for testing in microservice-based systems and proposing a set of universal guidelines, methods, and best practices to facilitate microservice-based application testing, helping organizations produce more valuable and quality tests with less costs. To understand the problems and challenges presented by microservices testing, a proof-ofconcept (PoC) project, using a microservice-based architecture, was designed and tests for some use cases were explored. Furthermore, indicators to measure test quality and value were proposed, describing it source, rational and measurement scale. This works concludes that, although many testing approaches and frameworks exist that can help organizations test their applications correctly, they need to be used with the right mindset. To achieved this, this work proposes a set of guidelines and best practices that promote the right mindset for designing and implementation tests at all system layers. It also proposes a workflow for test definition and decomposition, and solutions for the various studied testing types


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    Service-oriented architecture (SOA) has gained much popularity lately, in both practice and academia. Since SOA concepts and technology are maturing, companies have started to engage in projects that will fundamentally transform IS landscapes over the next decade. While the growing body of SOA research is mostly technology-oriented, the IS community needs to investigate the strategic, organizational, and managerial issues associated with SOA implementation. This paper profiles SOA and Web services research since 2000 with a focus on practices, adoption, and impact. Drawing on a sample of 175 papers in academic journals and conference proceedings, we establish transparency of the current state of research. Our analysis finds that the science base for SOA research from an IS perspective is still under construction thereby reflecting the novelty of the underlying technologies. We conclude that business aspects remain underserved and derive a number of recommendations for the IS community on how to proceed with SOA research

    Lifecycle-Support in Architectures for Ontology-Based Information Systems

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    Ontology-based applications play an increasingly important role in the public and corporate Semantic Web. While today there exist a range of tools and technologies to support specific ontology engineering and management activities, architectural design guidelines for building ontology-based applications are missing. In this paper, we present an architecture for ontology-based applications—covering the complete ontology-lifecycle—that is intended to support software engineers in designing and developing ontology based-applications. We illustrate the use of the architecture in a concrete case study using the NeOn toolkit as one implementation of the architecture


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    A smart city uses information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance quality, performance and interactivity of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption and to improve contact between citizens and government. Sectors that have been developing smart city technology include government services, transport and traffic management, energy, health care, water and waste. Smart city applications are developed with the goal of improving the management of urban flows and allowing for real time responses to challenges. A smart city may therefore be more prepared to respond to challenges than one with a simple 'transactional' relationship with its citizens