13,979 research outputs found

    Predicting Graph Categories from Structural Properties

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    Complex networks are often categorized according to the underlying phenomena that they represent such as molecular interactions, re-tweets, and brain activity. In this work, we investigate the problem of predicting the category (domain) of arbitrary networks. This includes complex networks from different domains as well as synthetically generated graphs from five different network models. A classification accuracy of 96.6% is achieved using a random forest classifier with both real and synthetic networks. This work makes two important findings. First, our results indicate that complex networks from various domains have distinct structural properties that allow us to predict with high accuracy the category of a new previously unseen network. Second, synthetic graphs are trivial to classify as the classification model can predict with near-certainty the network model used to generate it. Overall, the results demonstrate that networks drawn from different domains (and network models) are trivial to distinguish using only a handful of simple structural properties

    Deterministic Dynamics and Chaos: Epistemology and Interdisciplinary Methodology

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    We analyze, from a theoretical viewpoint, the bidirectional interdisciplinary relation between mathematics and psychology, focused on the mathematical theory of deterministic dynamical systems, and in particular, on the theory of chaos. On one hand, there is the direct classic relation: the application of mathematics to psychology. On the other hand, we propose the converse relation which consists in the formulation of new abstract mathematical problems appearing from processes and structures under research of psychology. The bidirectional multidisciplinary relation from-to pure mathematics, largely holds with the "hard" sciences, typically physics and astronomy. But it is rather new, from the social and human sciences, towards pure mathematics

    Domain-mediated interactions for protein subfamily identification

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    Within a protein family, proteins with the same domain often exhibit different cellular functions, despite the shared evolutionary history and molecular function of the domain. We hypothesized that domain-mediated interactions (DMIs) may categorize a protein family into subfamilies because the diversified functions of a single domain often depend on interacting partners of domains. Here we systematically identified DMI subfamilies, in which proteins share domains with DMI partners, as well as with various functional and physical interaction networks in individual species. In humans, DMI subfamily members are associated with similar diseases, including cancers, and are frequently co-associated with the same diseases. DMI information relates to the functional and evolutionary subdivisions of human kinases. In yeast, DMI subfamilies contain proteins with similar phenotypic outcomes from specific chemical treatments. Therefore, the systematic investigation here provides insights into the diverse functions of subfamilies derived from a protein family with a link-centric approach and suggests a useful resource for annotating the functions and phenotypic outcomes of proteins.11Ysciescopu

    Supervised ANN vs. unsupervised SOM to classify EEG data for BCI: why can GMDH do better?

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    Construction of a system for measuring the brain activity (electroencephalogram (EEG)) and recognising thinking patterns comprises significant challenges, in addition to the noise and distortion present in any measuring technique. One of the most major applications of measuring and understanding EGG is the brain-computer interface (BCI) technology. In this paper, ANNs (feedforward back -prop and Self Organising Maps) for EEG data classification will be implemented and compared to abductive-based networks, namely GMDH (Group Methods of Data Handling) to show how GMDH can optimally (i.e. noise and accuracy) classify a given set of BCI’s EEG signals. It is shown that GMDH provides such improvements. In this endeavour, EGG classification based on GMDH will be researched for comprehensible classification without scarifying accuracy. GMDH is suggested to be used to optimally classify a given set of BCI’s EEG signals. The other areas related to BCI will also be addressed yet within the context of this purpose