70 research outputs found

    Unambiguous Tracking Method Based on Combined Correlation Functions for sine/cosine-BOC CBOC and AltBOC Modulated Signals

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    Unambiguous tracking for Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) modulated signals is an important requirement of modern Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers. An unambiguous tracking method based on combined correlation functions for even/odd order sine/cosine-BOC, Composite BOC(CBOC) and Alternate BOC(AltBOC) modulated signals is proposed. Firstly, a unitary mathematical formulation for all kinds of BOC modulations is introduced. Then an unambiguous tracking method is proposed based on the formulation and the idea of pseudo correlation function (PCF) method. Finally, the tracking loop based on the proposed method is designed. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method can remove side peaks while retaining the sharp main peak for all kinds of BOC modulations. The tracking performance for AltBOC is examined and the results show that the proposed method has better performance in thermal noise and long-delay multipath mitigation than the traditional unambiguous tracking methods

    GNSS-R as a source of opportunity for remote sensing of the cryosphere

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    This work evaluates the potential use of signals from the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) that scatter off the Earth surface for the retrieval of geophysical information from the cryosphere. For this purpose, the present study is based on data collected with a dedicated reflectometry GNSS receiver during two field campaigns, which were focused on two types of characteristic surfaces of the cryosphere: thin sea ice covers and thick dry snow accumulations. During the first experiment, the complete process of formation, evolution and melting of sea ice was monitorized for more than seven months in a bay located in Greenland. This type of ice is typically characterized by its thickness, concentration and roughness. Different observables from GNSS reflections are analyzed to try to infer these properties. The ice thickness is linked to the free-board level, defined as the height of the sea ice surface. Accurate phase altimetry is achieved, showing good agreement with an Arctic tide model. In addition, the long term results of ellipsoidal height retrievals are consistent with the evolution of the ice surface temperature product given by MODIS, which is a key parameter in the rate of growth of sea ice. On the other hand, the presence of salinity in the sea ice modifies its dielectric properties, resulting in different amplitude and phase for the co- and cross-polar components of the complex Fresnel coefficients. The polarimetric measurements obtained show good agreement with visual inspections of ice concentration from an Arctic weather station. Finally, the shape of the reflected signals and its phase dispersion are tested as potential signatures of surface roughness. For comparison, ice charts of the experimental area are employed. In particular, maximums in roughness given by the GNSS observables coincide with fast ice events. Fast ice is defined as ice anchored to the coast, where the tidal movements contribute to the development of strange patterns, cracks, and fissures on its surface, thus consistent with the GNSS-R roughness retrievals. The second experiment took place on Antarctica, monitoring a pristine snow area which is well-known for the calibration of remote sensing instruments. Due to the relative stability of the snow layers, the data acquisition was limited to ten continuous days. Interferometric beats were found after a first analysis of the amplitude from the collected signals, which were consistent with a multipath model where the reflector lies below the surface level. Motivated by these results, a forward model is developed that reconstructs the complex received signal as a sum of a finite number of reflections, coming from different snow layers (a snow density profile obtained from in-situ measurements). The interferometric information is then retrieved from the spectral analysis applied to time series from both real and modeled signals (lag-holograms). We find that the frequency bands predicted by the model are in general consistent with the data and the lag-holograms show repeatability for different days. Then, we attempt a proper inversion of the collected data to determine the dominant layers of the dry snow profile that contribute to L-band reflections, which are related to significant gradients of snow density/permittivity.Aquest treball avalua el possible ús dels senyals dels sistemes mundials de navegació per satèl lit (GNSS) que es reflecteixen a la superfície terrestre, per a l’extracció de la informació geofísica de la criosfera. Amb aquest propòsit, el present estudi es basa en dades recollides amb un reflectòmetre GNSS durant dues campanyes experimentals, centrades en dos tipus de superfícies característiques de la criosfera: cobertes de gel marí i gruixudes acumulacions de neu seca. En el primer experiment, el procés complet de formació, evolució i fusió del gel marí va ser monitoritzat durant més de set mesos a una badia situada a Groenlàndia. Aquest tipus de gel es caracteritza típicament amb el seu gruix, concentració i rugositat. Diferents observables de les reflexions GNSS són analitzats per tractar de fer una estimació d’aquestes propietats. El gruix de gel està relacionat amb el nivell de francbord, que a la seva vegada està relacionat amb l’alçada de la superfície de gel marí. S’ha aconseguit altimetria de fase precisa, que mostra correlació amb un model de marea de l’Àrtic. A més, els resultats a llarg termini de l’alçada elipsoidal segueixen l’evolució de les mesures de temperatura de superfície de gel donades per MODIS. La temperatura és un paràmetre clau en el ritme de creixement del gel marí. Per altra banda, la presència de sal a aquest tipus de gel modifica les seves propietats dielèctriques, el que implica variacions d’amplitud i fase per als coeficients de Fresnel complexos amb polaritzacions oposades. Les mesures polarimètriques obtingudes mostren concordança amb els valors de concentració de gel obtinguts des d’una estació meteorològica propera. Finalment, la forma de la senyal reflectida i la dispersió de la seva fase s’evaluen com a potencials indicadors de la rugositat de superfície. Per a la seva comparació, es fan servir mapes del gel de la zona experimental. En concret, els valors màxims a la rugositat estimada a partir pels observables GNSS coincideixen amb el gel fixe, que es refereix a gel ancorat a la costa, on els moviments de les marees contribueixen al desenvolupament de patrons estranys, esquerdes i fissures en la seva superfície. El segon experiment es va dur a terme a l’Antàrtida, monitoritzant una àrea de neu pristina que és ben coneguda per al calibratge d’instruments de teledetecció. A causa de la relativa estabilitat de les capes de neu, l’adquisició de dades es va limitar a deu dies consecutius. Es van trobar pulsacions interferomètriques a partir d’un primer anàlisi de l’amplitud de les senyals recollides, les quals eren compatibles amb un model de propagació multicamí a on el reflector es troba per sota del nivell de superfície. Com a conseqüència d’aquests resultats, s’ha desenvolupat un model que reconstrueix el senyal complexe rebut com la suma d’un nombre finit de reflexions, procedents de diferents capes de neu (determinat per mesures locals). La informació interferomètrica es recupera després de l’anàlisi espectral aplicat a les sèries temporals tant de les senyals reals, com de les modelades (lag-hologrames). Trobem que les bandes de freqüències predites pel model són en general consistents amb les dades i que els lag-hologrames mostren repetibilitat per dies diferents. Posteriorment, es realitza un anàlisi de les dades recollides per determinar les capes dominants del perfil de neu seca que contribueixen a les reflexions en banda L, i que a la seva vegada, estan relacionades amb gradents significatius de densitat/permitivitat.Este trabajo evalúa el posible uso de las señales de los sistemas globales de navegación por satélite (GNSS) que se reflejan en la superficie terrestre para la extracción de información geofísica de la criosfera. Con este propósito, el presente estudio se basa en datos recogidos con un reflectómetro GNSS durante dos campañas experimentales, centradas en dos tipos de superficies características de la criosfera: capas de hielo marino y gruesas acumulaciones de nieve seca. Durante el primer experimento, el proceso completo de formación, evolución y fusión del hielo marino fue monitorizado durante más de siete meses en una bahía ubicada en Groenlandia. Este tipo de hielo se caracteriza típicamente por su grosor, concentración y rugosidad. Diferentes observables de las reflexiones GNSS son analizados para tratar de estimar dichas propiedades. El espesor de hielo está relacionado con el nivel de francobordo o borda libre, que a su vez está relacionado con la altura de la superficie de hielo marino. Se ha logrado altimetría de fase precisa, mostrando correlación con un modelo de marea del Ártico. Además, los resultados a largo plazo de la altura elipsoidal siguen la evolución de las mediciones de temperatura de superficie de hielo proporcionadas por MODIS. La temperatura es un parámetro clave en el ritmo de crecimiento del hielo marino. Por otro lado, la presencia de sal en este tipo de hielo modifica sus propiedades dieléctricas, lo que implica variaciones en las amplitudes y fases de los coeficientes complejos de Fresnel con polarizaciones opuestas. Los resultados polarimétricos concuerdan con los valores de concentración de hielo obtenidos mediante inspección visual desde una estación meteorológica cercana. Por último, la forma de la señal reflejada y la dispersión de su fase son evaluadas como potenciales indicadores de la rugosidad de superficie. Para su comparación, se emplean mapas del hielo de la zona experimental. En particular, valores máximos de rugosidad estimada por los observables GNSS coinciden con hielo fijo, que se refiere al hielo anclado a la costa, donde los movimientos de las mareas contribuyen al desarrollo de patrones extraños, grietas y fisuras en su superficie. El segundo experimento se llevó a cabo en la Antártida, monitorizando una área de nieve pristina que es bien conocida para la calibración de instrumentos de teledetección. Debido a la relativa estabilidad de las capas de nieve, la adquisición de datos se limitó a diez días consecutivos. Se encontraron pulsaciones interferométricas a partir de un primer análisis de la amplitud de las señales recibidas, las cuales eran compatibles con un modelo de propagación multicamino donde el reflector se encuentra por debajo del nivel de la superficie. Como consecuencia de estos resultados, se ha desarrollado un modelo que reconstruye la señal recibida como la suma de un número finito de reflexiones, procedentes de diferentes capas de nieve (caracterizados por mediciones locales). La información interferométrica se recupera después del análisis espectral aplicado a las series temporales tanto de las señales reales, como de las modeladas (lag-hologramas). Encontramos que las bandas de frecuencias predichas por el modelo son en general consistentes con los datos y que los lag-hologramas muestran repetibilidad para días diferentes. Posteriormente, se realiza un análisis de los datos recogidos para determinar las capas dominantes del perfil de nieve seca que contribuyen a las reflexiones en banda L, y que a su vez, están relacionadas con gradientes significativos de densidad/permitivida

    Waveform Advancements and Synchronization Techniques for Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    To enable a new level of connectivity among machines as well as between people and machines, future wireless applications will demand higher requirements on data rates, response time, and reliability from the communication system. This will lead to a different system design, comprising a wide range of deployment scenarios. One important aspect is the evolution of physical layer (PHY), specifically the waveform modulation. The novel generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) technique is a prominent proposal for a flexible block filtered multicarrier modulation. This thesis introduces an advanced GFDM concept that enables the emulation of other prominent waveform candidates in scenarios where they perform best. Hence, a unique modulation framework is presented that is capable of addressing a wide range of scenarios and to upgrade the PHY for 5G networks. In particular, for a subset of system parameters of the modulation framework, the problem of symbol time offset (STO) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation is investigated and synchronization approaches, which can operate in burst and continuous transmissions, are designed. The first part of this work presents the modulation principles of prominent 5G candidate waveforms and then focuses on the GFDM basic and advanced attributes. The GFDM concept is extended towards the use of OQAM, introducing the novel frequency-shift OQAM-GFDM, and a new low complexity model based on signal processing carried out in the time domain. A new prototype filter proposal highlights the benefits obtained in terms of a reduced out-of-band (OOB) radiation and more attractive hardware implementation cost. With proper parameterization of the advanced GFDM, the achieved gains are applicable to other filtered OFDM waveforms. In the second part, a search approach for estimating STO and CFO in GFDM is evaluated. A self-interference metric is proposed to quantify the effective SNR penalty caused by the residual time and frequency misalignment or intrinsic inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI) for arbitrary pulse shape design in GFDM. In particular, the ICI can be used as a non-data aided approach for frequency estimation. Then, GFDM training sequences, defined either as an isolated preamble or embedded as a midamble or pseudo-circular pre/post-amble, are designed. Simulations show better OOB emission and good estimation results, either comparable or superior, to state-of-the-art OFDM system in wireless channels

    GNSS array-based acquisition: theory and implementation

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    This Dissertation addresses the signal acquisition problem using antenna arrays in the general framework of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers. The term GNSS classi es those navigation systems based on a constellation of satellites, which emit ranging signals useful for positioning. Although the American GPS is already available, which coexists with the renewed Russian Glonass, the forthcoming European contribution (Galileo) along with the Chinese Compass will be operative soon. Therefore, a variety of satellite constellations and signals will be available in the next years. GNSSs provide the necessary infrastructures for a myriad of applications and services that demand a robust and accurate positioning service. The positioning availability must be guaranteed all the time, specially in safety-critical and mission-critical services. Examining the threats against the service availability, it is important to take into account that all the present and the forthcoming GNSSs make use of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) techniques. The ranging signals are received with very low precorrelation signal-to-noise ratio (in the order of ���22 dB for a receiver operating at the Earth surface). Despite that the GNSS CDMA processing gain o ers limited protection against Radio Frequency interferences (RFI), an interference with a interference-to-signal power ratio that exceeds the processing gain can easily degrade receivers' performance or even deny completely the GNSS service, specially conventional receivers equipped with minimal or basic level of protection towards RFIs. As a consequence, RFIs (either intentional or unintentional) remain as the most important cause of performance degradation. A growing concern of this problem has appeared in recent times. Focusing our attention on the GNSS receiver, it is known that signal acquisition has the lowest sensitivity of the whole receiver operation, and, consequently, it becomes the performance bottleneck in the presence of interfering signals. A single-antenna receiver can make use of time and frequency diversity to mitigate interferences, even though the performance of these techniques is compromised in low SNR scenarios or in the presence of wideband interferences. On the other hand, antenna arrays receivers can bene t from spatial-domain processing, and thus mitigate the e ects of interfering signals. Spatial diversity has been traditionally applied to the signal tracking operation of GNSS receivers. However, initial tracking conditions depend on signal acquisition, and there are a number of scenarios in which the acquisition process can fail as stated before. Surprisingly, to the best of our knowledge, the application of antenna arrays to GNSS signal acquisition has not received much attention. This Thesis pursues a twofold objective: on the one hand, it proposes novel arraybased acquisition algorithms using a well-established statistical detection theory framework, and on the other hand demonstrates both their real-time implementation feasibility and their performance in realistic scenarios. The Dissertation starts with a brief introduction to GNSS receivers fundamentals, providing some details about the navigation signals structure and the receiver's architecture of both GPS and Galileo systems. It follows with an analysis of GNSS signal acquisition as a detection problem, using the Neyman-Pearson (NP) detection theory framework and the single-antenna acquisition signal model. The NP approach is used here to derive both the optimum detector (known as clairvoyant detector ) and the sov called Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) detector, which is the basis of almost all of the current state-of-the-art acquisition algorithms. Going further, a novel detector test statistic intended to jointly acquire a set of GNSS satellites is obtained, thus reducing both the acquisition time and the required computational resources. The eff ects of the front-end bandwidth in the acquisition are also taken into account. Then, the GLRT is extended to the array signal model to obtain an original detector which is able to mitigate temporally uncorrelated interferences even if the array is unstructured and moderately uncalibrated, thus becoming one of the main contributions of this Dissertation. The key statistical feature is the assumption of an arbitrary and unknown covariance noise matrix, which attempts to capture the statistical behavior of the interferences and other non-desirable signals, while exploiting the spatial dimension provided by antenna arrays. Closed form expressions for the detection and false alarm probabilities are provided. Performance and interference rejection capability are modeled and compared both to their theoretical bound. The proposed array-based acquisition algorithm is also compared to conventional acquisition techniques performed after blind null-steering beamformer approaches, such as the power minimization algorithm. Furthermore, the detector is analyzed under realistic conditions, accounting for the presence of errors in the covariance matrix estimation, residual Doppler and delay errors, and signal quantization e ects. Theoretical results are supported by Monte Carlo simulations. As another main contribution of this Dissertation, the second part of the work deals with the design and the implementation of a novel Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based GNSS real-time antenna-array receiver platform. The platform is intended to be used as a research tool tightly coupled with software de ned GNSS receivers. A complete signal reception chain including the antenna array and the multichannel phase-coherent RF front-end for the GPS L1/ Galileo E1 was designed, implemented and tested. The details of the digital processing section of the platform, such as the array signal statistics extraction modules, are also provided. The design trade-o s and the implementation complexities were carefully analyzed and taken into account. As a proof-of-concept, the problem of GNSS vulnerability to interferences was addressed using the presented platform. The array-based acquisition algorithms introduced in this Dissertation were implemented and tested under realistic conditions. The performance of the algorithms were compared to single antenna acquisition techniques, measured under strong in-band interference scenarios, including narrow/wide band interferers and communication signals. The platform was designed to demonstrate the implementation feasibility of novel array-based acquisition algorithms, leaving the rest of the receiver operations (mainly, tracking, navigation message decoding, code and phase observables, and basic Position, Velocity and Time (PVT) solution) to a Software De ned Radio (SDR) receiver running in a personal computer, processing in real-time the spatially- ltered signal sample stream coming from the platform using a Gigabit Ethernet bus data link. In the last part of this Dissertation, we close the loop by designing and implementing such software receiver. The proposed software receiver targets multi-constellation/multi-frequency architectures, pursuing the goals of e ciency, modularity, interoperability, and exibility demanded by user domains that require non-standard features, such as intermediate signals or data extraction and algorithms interchangeability. In this context, we introduce an open-source, real-time GNSS software de ned receiver (so-named GNSS-SDR) that contributes with several novel features such as the use of software design patterns and shared memory techniques to manage e ciently the data ow between receiver blocks, the use of hardware-accelerated instructions for time-consuming vector operations like carrier wipe-o and code correlation, and the availability to compile and run on multiple software platforms and hardware architectures. At this time of writing (April 2012), the receiver enjoys of a 2-dimensional Distance Root Mean Square (DRMS) error lower than 2 meters for a GPS L1 C/A scenario with 8 satellites in lock and a Horizontal Dilution Of Precision (HDOP) of 1.2.Esta tesis aborda el problema de la adquisición de la señal usando arrays de antenas en el marco general de los receptores de Sistemas Globales de Navegación por Satélite (GNSS). El término GNSS engloba aquellos sistemas de navegación basados en una constelación de satélites que emiten señales útiles para el posicionamiento. Aunque el GPS americano ya está disponible, coexistiendo con el renovado sistema ruso GLONASS, actualmente se está realizando un gran esfuerzo para que la contribución europea (Galileo), junto con el nuevo sistema chino Compass, estén operativos en breve. Por lo tanto, una gran variedad de constelaciones de satélites y señales estarán disponibles en los próximos años. Estos sistemas proporcionan las infraestructuras necesarias para una multitud de aplicaciones y servicios que demandan un servicio de posicionamiento confiable y preciso. La disponibilidad de posicionamiento se debe garantizar en todo momento, especialmente en los servicios críticos para la seguridad de las personas y los bienes. Cuando examinamos las amenazas de la disponibilidad del servicio que ofrecen los GNSSs, es importante tener en cuenta que todos los sistemas presentes y los sistemas futuros ya planificados hacen uso de técnicas de multiplexación por división de código (CDMA). Las señales transmitidas por los satélites son recibidas con una relación señal-ruido (SNR) muy baja, medida antes de la correlación (del orden de -22 dB para un receptor ubicado en la superficie de la tierra). A pesar de que la ganancia de procesado CDMA ofrece una protección inherente contra las interferencias de radiofrecuencia (RFI), esta protección es limitada. Una interferencia con una relación de potencia de interferencia a potencia de la señal que excede la ganancia de procesado puede degradar el rendimiento de los receptores o incluso negar por completo el servicio GNSS. Este riesgo es especialmente importante en receptores convencionales equipados con un nivel mínimo o básico de protección frente las RFIs. Como consecuencia, las RFIs (ya sean intencionadas o no intencionadas), se identifican como la causa más importante de la degradación del rendimiento en GNSS. El problema esta causando una preocupación creciente en los últimos tiempos, ya que cada vez hay más servicios que dependen de los GNSSs Si centramos la atención en el receptor GNSS, es conocido que la adquisición de la señal tiene la menor sensibilidad de todas las operaciones del receptor, y, en consecuencia, se convierte en el factor limitador en la presencia de señales interferentes. Un receptor de una sola antena puede hacer uso de la diversidad en tiempo y frecuencia para mitigar las interferencias, aunque el rendimiento de estas técnicas se ve comprometido en escenarios con baja SNR o en presencia de interferencias de banda ancha. Por otro lado, los receptores basados en múltiples antenas se pueden beneficiar del procesado espacial, y por lo tanto mitigar los efectos de las señales interferentes. La diversidad espacial se ha aplicado tradicionalmente a la operación de tracking de la señal en receptores GNSS. Sin embargo, las condiciones iniciales del tracking dependen del resultado de la adquisición de la señal, y como hemos visto antes, hay un número de situaciones en las que el proceso de adquisición puede fallar. En base a nuestro grado de conocimiento, la aplicación de los arrays de antenas a la adquisición de la señal GNSS no ha recibido mucha atención, sorprendentemente. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es doble: por un lado, proponer nuevos algoritmos para la adquisición basados en arrays de antenas, usando como marco la teoría de la detección de señal estadística, y por otro lado, demostrar la viabilidad de su implementación y ejecución en tiempo real, así como su medir su rendimiento en escenarios realistas. La tesis comienza con una breve introducción a los fundamentos de los receptores GNSS, proporcionando algunos detalles sobre la estructura de las señales de navegación y la arquitectura del receptor aplicada a los sistemas GPS y Galileo. Continua con el análisis de la adquisición GNSS como un problema de detección, aplicando la teoría del detector Neyman-Pearson (NP) y el modelo de señal de una única antena. El marco teórico del detector NP se utiliza aquí para derivar tanto el detector óptimo (conocido como detector clarividente) como la denominada Prueba Generalizada de la Razón de Verosimilitud (en inglés, Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT)), que forma la base de prácticamente todos los algoritmos de adquisición del estado del arte actual. Yendo más lejos, proponemos un nuevo detector diseñado para adquirir simultáneamente un conjunto de satélites, por lo tanto, obtiene una reducción del tiempo de adquisición y de los recursos computacionales necesarios en el proceso, respecto a las técnicas convencionales. El efecto del ancho de banda del receptor también se ha tenido en cuenta en los análisis. A continuación, el detector GLRT se extiende al modelo de señal de array de antenas para obtener un detector nuevo que es capaz de mitigar interferencias no correladas temporalmente, incluso utilizando arrays no estructurados y moderadamente descalibrados, convirtiéndose así en una de las principales aportaciones de esta tesis. La clave del detector es asumir una matriz de covarianza de ruido arbitraria y desconocida en el modelo de señal, que trata de captar el comportamiento estadístico de las interferencias y otras señales no deseadas, mientras que utiliza la dimensión espacial proporcionada por los arrays de antenas. Se han derivado las expresiones que modelan las probabilidades teóricas de detección y falsa alarma. El rendimiento del detector y su capacidad de rechazo a interferencias se han modelado y comparado con su límite teórico. El algoritmo propuesto también ha sido comparado con técnicas de adquisición convencionales, ejecutadas utilizando la salida de conformadores de haz que utilizan algoritmos de filtrado de interferencias, como el algoritmo de minimización de la potencia. Además, el detector se ha analizado bajo condiciones realistas, representadas con la presencia de errores en la estimación de covarianzas, errores residuales en la estimación del Doppler y el retardo de señal, y los efectos de la cuantificación. Los resultados teóricos se apoyan en simulaciones de Monte Carlo. Como otra contribución principal de esta tesis, la segunda parte del trabajo trata sobre el diseño y la implementación de una nueva plataforma para receptores GNSS en tiempo real basados en array de antenas que utiliza la tecnología de matriz programable de puertas lógicas (en ingles Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)). La plataforma está destinada a ser utilizada como una herramienta de investigación estrechamente acoplada con receptores GNSS definidos por software. Se ha diseñado, implementado y verificado la cadena completa de recepción, incluyendo el array de antenas y el front-end multi-canal para las señales GPS L1 y Galileo E1. El documento explica en detalle el procesado de señal que se realiza, como por ejemplo, la implementación del módulo de extracción de estadísticas de la señal. Los compromisos de diseño y las complejidades derivadas han sido cuidadosamente analizadas y tenidas en cuenta. La plataforma ha sido utilizada como prueba de concepto para solucionar el problema presentado de la vulnerabilidad del GNSS a las interferencias. Los algoritmos de adquisición introducidos en esta tesis se han implementado y probado en condiciones realistas. El rendimiento de los algoritmos se comparó con las técnicas de adquisición basadas en una sola antena. Se han realizado pruebas en escenarios que contienen interferencias dentro de la banda GNSS, incluyendo interferencias de banda estrecha y banda ancha y señales de comunicación. La plataforma fue diseñada para demostrar la viabilidad de la implementación de nuevos algoritmos de adquisición basados en array de antenas, dejando el resto de las operaciones del receptor (principalmente, los módulos de tracking, decodificación del mensaje de navegación, los observables de código y fase, y la solución básica de Posición, Velocidad y Tiempo (PVT)) a un receptor basado en el concepto de Radio Definida por Software (SDR), el cual se ejecuta en un ordenador personal. El receptor procesa en tiempo real las muestras de la señal filltradas espacialmente, transmitidas usando el bus de datos Gigabit Ethernet. En la última parte de esta Tesis, cerramos ciclo diseñando e implementando completamente este receptor basado en software. El receptor propuesto está dirigido a las arquitecturas de multi-constalación GNSS y multi-frecuencia, persiguiendo los objetivos de eficiencia, modularidad, interoperabilidad y flexibilidad demandada por los usuarios que requieren características no estándar, tales como la extracción de señales intermedias o de datos y intercambio de algoritmos. En este contexto, se presenta un receptor de código abierto que puede trabajar en tiempo real, llamado GNSS-SDR, que contribuye con varias características nuevas. Entre ellas destacan el uso de patrones de diseño de software y técnicas de memoria compartida para administrar de manera eficiente el uso de datos entre los bloques del receptor, el uso de la aceleración por hardware para las operaciones vectoriales más costosas, como la eliminación de la frecuencia Doppler y la correlación de código, y la disponibilidad para compilar y ejecutar el receptor en múltiples plataformas de software y arquitecturas de hardware. A fecha de la escritura de esta Tesis (abril de 2012), el receptor obtiene un rendimiento basado en la medida de la raíz cuadrada del error cuadrático medio en la distancia bidimensional (en inglés, 2-dimensional Distance Root Mean Square (DRMS) error) menor de 2 metros para un escenario GPS L1 C/A con 8 satélites visibles y una dilución de la precisión horizontal (en inglés, Horizontal Dilution Of Precision (HDOP)) de 1.2

    Geodetic Sciences

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    Space geodetic techniques, e.g., global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), satellite gravimetry and altimetry, and GNSS Reflectometry & Radio Occultation, are capable of measuring small changes of the Earth�s shape, rotation, and gravity field, as well as mass changes in the Earth system with an unprecedented accuracy. This book is devoted to presenting recent results and development in space geodetic techniques and sciences, including GNSS, VLBI, gravimetry, geoid, geodetic atmosphere, geodetic geophysics and geodetic mass transport associated with the ocean, hydrology, cryosphere and solid-Earth. This book provides a good reference for geodetic techniques, engineers, scientists as well as user community

    Dual operative radar for vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication

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    The research presented in this Thesis deals with the concepts of joint radar and communication system for automotive application. The novel systems developed include a joint radar and communication system based on the fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) and two interference mitigation frameworks. In the joint radar and communication system the FrFT is used to embed the data information into a radar waveform in order to obtain a signal sharing Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM) characteristics while allowing data transmission. Furthermore, in the proposed system multi user operations are allowed by assigning a specific order of the FrFT to each user. In this way, a fractional order division multiplexing can be implemented allowing the allocation of more than one user in the same frequency band with the advantage that the range resolution does not depend on the number of the users that share the same frequency band but only from the assigned of the FrFT. Remarkably, the predicted simulated radar performance of the proposed joint radar and communication system when using Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK) encoding is not significantly affected by the transmitted data. In order to fully describe the proposed waveform design, the signal model when the bits of information are modulated using either BFSK or Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) encoding is derived. This signal model will result also useful in the interference mitigation frameworks. In multi user scenarios to prevent mutual radar interference caused by users that share the same frequency band at the same time, each user has to transmit waveforms that are uncorrelated with those of other users. However, due to spectrum limitations, the uncorrelated property cannot always be satisfied even by using fractional order division multiplexing, thus interference is unavoidable. In order to mitigate the interference, two frameworks are introduced. In a joint radar communication system, the radar also has access to the communication data. With a near-precision reconstruction of the communication signal, this interference can be subtracted. In these two frameworks the interfering signal can be reconstructed using the derived mathematical model of the proposed FrFT waveform. In the first framework the subtraction between the received and reconstructed interference signals is carried out in a coherent manner, where the amplitude and phase of the two signals are taken into account. The performance of this framework is highly depend on the correct estimation of the Doppler frequency of the interfering user. A small error on the Doppler frequency can lead to a lack of synchronization between the received and reconstructed signal. Consequently, the subtraction will not be performed in a correct way and further interference components can be introduced. In order to solve the problem of the lack of the synchronization an alternative framework is developed where the subtraction is carried out in non-coherent manner. In the proposed framework, the subtraction is carried out after that the received radar signal and the reconstructed interference are processed, respectively. The performance is tested on simulated and real signals. The simulated and experimental results show that this framework is capable of mitigating the interference from other users successfully.The research presented in this Thesis deals with the concepts of joint radar and communication system for automotive application. The novel systems developed include a joint radar and communication system based on the fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) and two interference mitigation frameworks. In the joint radar and communication system the FrFT is used to embed the data information into a radar waveform in order to obtain a signal sharing Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM) characteristics while allowing data transmission. Furthermore, in the proposed system multi user operations are allowed by assigning a specific order of the FrFT to each user. In this way, a fractional order division multiplexing can be implemented allowing the allocation of more than one user in the same frequency band with the advantage that the range resolution does not depend on the number of the users that share the same frequency band but only from the assigned of the FrFT. Remarkably, the predicted simulated radar performance of the proposed joint radar and communication system when using Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK) encoding is not significantly affected by the transmitted data. In order to fully describe the proposed waveform design, the signal model when the bits of information are modulated using either BFSK or Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) encoding is derived. This signal model will result also useful in the interference mitigation frameworks. In multi user scenarios to prevent mutual radar interference caused by users that share the same frequency band at the same time, each user has to transmit waveforms that are uncorrelated with those of other users. However, due to spectrum limitations, the uncorrelated property cannot always be satisfied even by using fractional order division multiplexing, thus interference is unavoidable. In order to mitigate the interference, two frameworks are introduced. In a joint radar communication system, the radar also has access to the communication data. With a near-precision reconstruction of the communication signal, this interference can be subtracted. In these two frameworks the interfering signal can be reconstructed using the derived mathematical model of the proposed FrFT waveform. In the first framework the subtraction between the received and reconstructed interference signals is carried out in a coherent manner, where the amplitude and phase of the two signals are taken into account. The performance of this framework is highly depend on the correct estimation of the Doppler frequency of the interfering user. A small error on the Doppler frequency can lead to a lack of synchronization between the received and reconstructed signal. Consequently, the subtraction will not be performed in a correct way and further interference components can be introduced. In order to solve the problem of the lack of the synchronization an alternative framework is developed where the subtraction is carried out in non-coherent manner. In the proposed framework, the subtraction is carried out after that the received radar signal and the reconstructed interference are processed, respectively. The performance is tested on simulated and real signals. The simulated and experimental results show that this framework is capable of mitigating the interference from other users successfully

    New methods and architectures for high sensitivity hybrid GNSS receivers in challenging environments

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    GNSS satellite navigation systems are constantly evolving and have been already used in many applications. With the advent of the new systems Galileo and BeiDou as well as the modernization of GPS and GLONASS systems, new satellites and numerous new frequencies and signals will appear in the coming years and will open door to countless new applications that are currently impossible. The rapid evolution of mobile telephony and personal navigation devices (PND) requires better use of navigation systems in non-ideal environments, especially the need for positioning in deep urban area. On the one hand, users are waiting for a high positioning accuracy, because of the proximity to various points of interest. On the other hand, urban environment brings specific difficulties in receiving GNSS signals. GNSS navigation signals cannot be properly captured in urban and "indoor" environments. Signal levels are very low and it is almost impossible to acquire and track signals autonomously because of the strong attenuation of signals due to obstacles. In addition, indoor and urban positioning are also subject to multipath problems, masking, interference and jamming. Under these conditions, we must be able to process highly degraded or very short signals that do not allow the receiver to go through the tracking process. Thus, this leads us to the need to rethink the architecture of GNSS receiver for modern applications. This thesis project consists of developing new GNSS methods and architectures of high sensitivity and robustness to signal degradations and designing new algorithms integrated into a hybrid GNSS receiver capable of operating in deep urban environments. The methodology involves the use of the new concept of “Collective Detection (CD)”, also called “collaborative acquisition”. The collaborative approach that treats multi-satellite signals all together opens an interesting solution. Many techniques exist in the literature to solve the problems of positioning in urban environments, but we propose the new Collective Detection approach because of its performance as both a Direct Positioning (DP) method, providing a coarse position/clock-bias solution directly from acquisition, and High-Sensitivity (HS) acquisition method, by application of vector detection of all satellites in view. Indeed, the correct combination of the correlation values of several satellites can reduce the required Carrier-to-Noise Ratio (C/No) level of the satellite signals which cannot be acquired individually by standard signal processing (acquisition and tracking) but make it possible to use them constructively to a positioning solution. The combination of different GNSS signals can considerably increase the acquisition sensitivity of the receiver. Despite the advantages of this approach, it also has drawbacks such as the high computational burden because of the large number of candidate points in the position/clock-bias domain. Thus, the work proposed in this thesis consists of reducing the complexity of the CD by optimizing the search for candidate points in position/clock-bias domain. Finally, the goal is to apply the CD approach to Cooperative GNSS Positioning for modern navigation in harsh environments. For that, algorithms for optimally exploiting receiver resources by selecting the best satellites or the reference station will be developed according to certain criteria such as the C/No level, the elevation angle, and the geometric configuration of the visible satellites. The ultimate goal is to propose a design of a new smart receiver “High Sensitivity Cognitive GNSS Receiver (HSCGR)” to optimally receive and process GNSS signals

    NB-IoT via non terrestrial networks

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    Massive Internet of Things is expected to play a crucial role in Beyond 5G (B5G) wireless communication systems, offering seamless connectivity among heterogeneous devices without human intervention. However, the exponential proliferation of smart devices and IoT networks, relying solely on terrestrial networks, may not fully meet the demanding IoT requirements in terms of bandwidth and connectivity, especially in areas where terrestrial infrastructures are not economically viable. To unleash the full potential of 5G and B5G networks and enable seamless connectivity everywhere, the 3GPP envisions the integration of Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs) into the terrestrial ones starting from Release 17. However, this integration process requires modifications to the 5G standard to ensure reliable communications despite typical satellite channel impairments. In this framework, this thesis aims at proposing techniques at the Physical and Medium Access Control layers that require minimal adaptations in the current NB-IoT standard via NTN. Thus, firstly the satellite impairments are evaluated and, then, a detailed link budget analysis is provided. Following, analyses at the link and the system levels are conducted. In the former case, a novel algorithm leveraging time-frequency analysis is proposed to detect orthogonal preambles and estimate the signals’ arrival time. Besides, the effects of collisions on the detection probability and Bit Error Rate are investigated and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access approaches are proposed in the random access and data phases. The system analysis evaluates the performance of random access in case of congestion. Various access parameters are tested in different satellite scenarios, and the performance is measured in terms of access probability and time required to complete the procedure. Finally, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to jointly design the access and data phases, determining the number of satellite passages, the Random Access Periodicity, and the number of uplink repetitions that maximize the system's spectral efficiency

    GNSS reflectometry for land remote sensing applications

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    Soil moisture and vegetation biomass are two essential parameters from a scienti c and economical point of view. On one hand, they are key for the understanding of the hydrological and carbon cycle. On the other hand, soil moisture is essential for agricultural applications and water management, and vegetation biomass is crucial for regional development programs. Several remote sensing techniques have been used to measure these two parameters. However, retrieving soil moisture and vegetation biomass with the required accuracy, and the appropriate spatial and temporal resolutions still remains a major challenge. The use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) reflected signals as sources of opportunity for measuring soil moisture and vegetation biomass is assessed in this PhD Thesis. This technique, commonly known as GNSS-Reflectometry (GNSS-R), has gained increasing interest among the scienti c community during the last two decades due to its unique characteristics. Previous experimental works have already shown the capabilities of GNSS-R to sense small reflectivity changes on the surface. The use of the co- and cross-polarized reflected signals was also proposed to mitigate nuisance parameters, such as soil surface roughness, in the determination of soil moisture. However, experimental evidence of the suitability of that technique could not be demonstrated. This work analyses from a theoretical and an experimental point of view the capabilities of polarimetric observations of GNSS reflected signals for monitoring soil moisture and vegetation biomass. The Thesis is structured in four main parts. The fi rst part examines the fundamental aspects of the technique and provides a detailed review of the GNSS-R state of the art for soil moisture and vegetation monitoring. The second part deals with the scattering models from land surfaces. A comprehensive description of the formation of scattered signals from rough surfaces is provided. Simulations with current state of the art models for bare and vegetated soils were performed in order to analyze the scattering components of GNSS reflected signals. A simpli ed scattering model was also developed in order to relate in a straightforward way experimental measurements to soil bio-geophysical parameters. The third part reviews the experimental work performed within this research. The development of a GNSS-R instrument for land applications is described, together with the three experimental campaigns carried out in the frame of this PhD Thesis. The analysis of the GNSS-R and ground truth data is also discussed within this part. As predicted by models, it was observed that GNSS scattered signals from natural surfaces are a combination of a coherent and an incoherent scattering components. A data analysis technique was proposed to separate both scattering contributions. The use of polarimetric observations for the determination of soil moisture was demonstrated to be useful under most soil conditions. It was also observed that forests with high levels of biomass could be observed with GNSS reflected signals. The fourth and last part of the Thesis provides an analysis of the technology perspectives. A GNSS-R End-to-End simulator was used to determine the capabilities of the technique to observe di erent soil reflectivity conditions from a low Earth orbiting satellite. It was determined that high accuracy in the estimation of reflectivity could be achieved within reasonable on-ground resolution, as the coherent scattering component is expected to be the predominant one in a spaceborne scenario. The results obtained in this PhD Thesis show the promising potential of GNSS-R measurements for land remote sensing applications, which could represent an excellent complementary observation for a wide range of Earth Observation missions such as SMOS, SMAP, and the recently approved ESA Earth Explorer Mission Biomass.La humedad del suelo y la biomasa de la vegetaci on son dos parametros clave desde un punto de vista tanto cient co como econ omico. Por una parte son esenciales para el estudio del ciclo del agua y del carbono. Por otra parte, la humedad del suelo es esencial para la gesti on de las cosechas y los recursos h dricos, mientras que la biomasa es un par ametro fundamental para ciertos programas de desarrollo. Varias formas de teledetección se han utilizado para la observaci on remota de estos par ametros, sin embargo, su monitorizaci on con la precisi on y resoluci on necesarias es todav a un importante reto tecnol ogico. Esta Tesis evalua la capacidad de medir humedad del suelo y biomasa de la vegetaci on con señales de Sistemas Satelitales de Posicionamiento Global (GNSS, en sus siglas en ingl es) reflejadas sobre la Tierra. La t ecnica se conoce como Reflectometr í a GNSS (GNSS-R), la cual ha ganado un creciente inter es dentro de la comunidad científ ca durante las dos ultimas d ecadas. Experimentos previos a este trabajo ya demostraron la capacidad de observar cambios en la reflectividad del terreno con GNSS-R. El uso de la componente copolar y contrapolar de la señal reflejada fue propuesto para independizar la medida de humedad del suelo de otros par ametros como la rugosidad del terreno. Sin embargo, no se pudo demostrar una evidencia experimental de la viabilidad de la t ecnica. En este trabajo se analiza desde un punto de vista te orico y experimental el uso de la informaci on polarim etrica de la señales GNSS reflejadas sobre el suelo para la determinaci on de humedad y biomasa de la vegetaci on. La Tesis se estructura en cuatro partes principales. En la primera parte se eval uan los aspectos fundamentales de la t ecnica y se da una revisi on detallada del estado del arte para la observaci on de humedad y vegetaci on. En la segunda parte se discuten los modelos de dispersi on electromagn etica sobre el suelo. Simulaciones con estos modelos fueron realizadas para analizar las componentes coherente e incoherente de la dispersi on de la señal reflejada sobre distintos tipos de terreno. Durante este trabajo se desarroll o un modelo de reflexi on simpli cado para poder relacionar de forma directa las observaciones con los par ametros geof sicos del suelo. La tercera parte describe las campañas experimentales realizadas durante este trabajo y discute el an alisis y la comparaci on de los datos GNSS-R con las mediciones in-situ. Como se predice por los modelos, se comprob o experimentalmente que la señal reflejada est a formada por una componente coherente y otra incoherente. Una t ecnica de an alisis de datos se propuso para la separacióon de estas dos contribuciones. Con los datos de las campañas experimentales se demonstr o el bene cio del uso de la informaci on polarim etrica en las señales GNSS reflejadas para la medici on de humedad del suelo, para la mayor a de las condiciones de rugosidad observadas. Tambi en se demostr o la capacidad de este tipo de observaciones para medir zonas boscosas densamente pobladas. La cuarta parte de la tesis analiza la capacidad de la t ecnica para observar cambios en la reflectividad del suelo desde un sat elite en orbita baja. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la reflectividad del terreno podr a medirse con gran precisi on ya que la componente coherente del scattering ser a la predominante en ese tipo de escenarios. En este trabajo de doctorado se muestran la potencialidades de la t ecnica GNSS-R para observar remotamente par ametros del suelo tan importantes como la humedad del suelo y la biomasa de la vegetaci on. Este tipo de medidas pueden complementar un amplio rango de misiones de observaci on de la Tierra como SMOS, SMAP, y Biomass, esta ultima recientemente aprobada para la siguiente misi on Earth Explorer de la ESA