139 research outputs found

    Modeling Nonintersective Adjectives Using Operator Logics

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    Our topic is one that involves the interface between natural language and mathematical logic. First-order predicate language/logic does a good job approximating many parts of (English) speech, i.e., nouns, verbs and prepositions, but fails decidedly when it comes to, say, adjectives. In particular, it cannot account for the quite different ways in which the adjectives green and big modify a noun such as chair. In the former case, we can easily view a world in which the class of green chairs is the intersection of the class of green things with the class of chair-things. By contrast, the way big modifies a noun depends on the noun itself: a big chair is microscopic when compared to the smallest of galaxies. We investigate logical languages inspired by this phenomenon; particularly those with variables ranging over individuals and with variable-binding operators akin to generalized quantifiers

    Modal Hybrid Logic

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    This is an extended version of the lectures given during the 12-th Conference on Applications of Logic in Philosophy and in the Foundations of Mathematics in Szklarska Poręba (7–11 May 2007). It contains a survey of modal hybrid logic, one of the branches of contemporary modal logic. In the first part a variety of hybrid languages and logics is presented with a discussion of expressivity matters. The second part is devoted to thorough exposition of proof methods for hybrid logics. The main point is to show that application of hybrid logics may remarkably improve the situation in modal proof theory

    The New Trivium

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    Worlds and Objects of Epistemic Space : A study of Jaakko Hintikka's modal semantics

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    This study focuses on meaning and knowledge by assessing a distinctive view regarding their relation, namely the modal view of Jaakko Hintikka. The development of this view has not been previously scrutinized. By paying close attention to the texts of Hintikka, I show that, despite the extensive deployment of mathematical tools, the articulation of the view remained intuitive and vague. The study calls attention to several points at which Hintikka omits relevant details or disregards foundational questions. Attempts are made to articulate Hintikka’s certain ideas in a more specific manner, and new problems that result are identified. The central claim argued for is that Hintikka’s exposition was unsatisfactory in many respects and hence the view, as it stands, falls short in its explanatory scope compared to current theories in the intersection of logic, semantics, and epistemology. However, I argue that, despite its shortcomings, the prospects of the modal view are not exhausted. This is verified by introducing a new interpretation of the framework and by sketching new applications relevant in philosophy of language and in epistemology. It is also pointed out that certain early advances of the view closely resemble, and therefore anticipate, the central tenets of the currently influential two-dimensional approaches in logic and semantics.Tutkimus paneutuu merkityksen ja tiedon käsitteisiin tarkastelemalla Jaakko Hintikan työtä modaalisen semantiikan parissa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että Hintikka jätti modaalisen semantiikan kehitystyössään avoimeksi useita perustavia kysymyksiä ja yksityiskohtia. Tutkimuksessa pyritään artikuloimaan täsmällisemmin joitakin Hintikan näkemyksiä, ja tunnistetaan uusia syntyviä ongelmia. Keskeisenä väitteenä on, että Hintikan teoreettinen työ jäi monilta osin epätyydyttäväksi, ja siten hänen modaalinen näkemyksensä ei yllä selitysvoimaltaan ja sovelluspotentiaaliltaan samalle tasolle kuin nykyiset filosofiset teoriat, jotka operoivat logiikan, semantiikan ja epistemologian risteyskohdissa. Tästä huolimatta tutkimuksessa argumentoidaan, että Hintikan teoreettinen viitekehys tarjoaa myös uusia kiinnostavia näköaloja. Tämä todennetaan tarjoamalla Hintikan viitekehykselle uusi tulkinta, ja soveltamalla sitä uusiin kielifilosofisiin kysymyksiin. Tutkimus nostaa myös esiin kirjallisuudessa ohitetun tosiasian, että Hintikan työ ennakoi tärkeällä tavalla nykyisin vaikutusvaltaisia kaksi-dimensionaalisia lähestymistapoja logiikassa ja semantiikassa

    Nominal tense logic and other sorted intensional frameworks

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    This thesis introduces of a system of tense logic called nominal tense logic (NTL), and several extensions. Its primary aim is to establish that these systems are logically interesting, and can provide useful models of natural language tense, temporal reference, and their interaction. Languages of nominal tense logic are a simple augmentation of Priorean tense logic. They add to the familiar Priorean languages a new sort of atomic symbol, nominals. Like propositional variables, nominals are atomic sentences and may be freely combined with other wffs using the usual connectives. When interpreting these languages we handle the Priorean components standardly, but insist that nominals must be true at one and only one time. We can think of nominals as naming this time. Logically, the change increases the expressive power of tensed languages. There are certain intuitions about the flow of time, such as irreflexivity, that cannot be expressed in Priorean languages; with nominals they can. The effects of this increase in expressive power on the usual model theoretic results for tensed languages discussed, and completeness and decidability results for several temporally interesting classes of frames are given. Various extensions of the basic system are also investigated and similar results are proved. In the final chapter a brief treatment of similarly referential interval based logics is presented. As far as natural language semantics is concerned, the change is an important one. A familiar criticism of Priorean tense logic is that as it lacks any mechanism for temporal reference, it cannot provide realistic models of natural language temporal usage. Natural language tense is at least partly about referring to times, and nowadays the deictic and anaphoric properties of tense are a focus of research. The thesis presents a uniform treatment of certain temporally referring expressions such as indexicals, and simple discourse phenomena