687 research outputs found

    Planning under time pressure

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    Heuristic search is a technique used pervasively in artificial intelligence and automated planning. Often an agent is given a task that it would like to solve as quickly as possible. It must allocate its time between planning the actions to achieve the task and actually executing them. We call this problem planning under time pressure. Most popular heuristic search algorithms are ill-suited for this setting, as they either search a lot to find short plans or search a little and find long plans. The thesis of this dissertation is: when under time pressure, an automated agent should explicitly attempt to minimize the sum of planning and execution times, not just one or just the other. This dissertation makes four contributions. First we present new algorithms that use modern multi-core CPUs to decrease planning time without increasing execution. Second, we introduce a new model for predicting the performance of iterative-deepening search. The model is as accurate as previous offline techniques when using less training data, but can also be used online to reduce the overhead of iterative-deepening search, resulting in faster planning. Third we show offline planning algorithms that directly attempt to minimize the sum of planning and execution times. And, fourth we consider algorithms that plan online in parallel with execution. Both offline and online algorithms account for a user-specified preference between search and execution, and can greatly outperform the standard utility-oblivious techniques. By addressing the problem of planning under time pressure, these contributions demonstrate that heuristic search is no longer restricted to optimizing solution cost, obviating the need to choose between slow search times and expensive solutions

    Best-first heuristic search for multicore machines

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    To harness modern multicore processors, it is imperative to develop parallel versions of fundamental algorithms. In this paper, we compare different approaches to parallel best-first search in a shared-memory setting. We present a new method, PBNF, that uses abstraction to partition the state space and to detect duplicate states without requiring frequent locking. PBNF allows speculative expansions when necessary to keep threads busy. We identify and fix potential livelock conditions in our approach, proving its correctness using temporal logic. Our approach is general, allowing it to extend easily to suboptimal and anytime heuristic search. In an empirical comparison on STRIPS planning, grid pathfinding, and sliding tile puzzle problems using 8-core machines, we show that A*, weighted A* and Anytime weighted A* implemented using PBNF yield faster search than improved versions of previous parallel search proposals

    Heuristic search under time and cost bounds

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    Intelligence is difficult to formally define, but one of its hallmarks is the ability find a solution to a novel problem. Therefore it makes good sense that heuristic search is a foundational topic in artificial intelligence. In this context search refers to the process of finding a solution to the problem by considering a large, possibly infinite, set of potential plans of action. Heuristic refers to a rule of thumb or a guiding, if not always accurate, principle. Heuristic search describes a family of techniques which consider members of the set of potential plans of action in turn, as determined by the heuristic, until a suitable solution to the problem is discovered. This work is concerned primarily with suboptimal heuristic search algorithms. These algorithms are not inherently flawed, but they are suboptimal in the sense that the plans that they return may be more expensive than a least cost, or optimal, plan for the problem. While suboptimal heuristic search algorithms may not return least cost solutions to the problem, they are often far faster than their optimal counterparts, making them more attractive for many applications. The thesis of this dissertation is that the performance of suboptimal search algorithms can be improved by taking advantage of information that, while widely available, has been overlooked. In particular, we will see how estimates of the length of a plan, estimates of plan cost that do not err on the side of caution, and measurements of the accuracy of our estimators can be used to improve the performance of suboptimal heuristic search algorithms

    Analysis and Implementation of Admissible Heuristics in 8 Puzzle Problem

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    N-puzzle problem has been one of the basic problem since the beginning of artificial intelligence. The most popular version of n-puzzle among people is 8-puzzle problem. It consists of an area divided into 3x3 grid containing 8 numbered (to identify) tiles and one empty grid. We are given an initial state and we have to reach the goal state which is also specified. In this project, we have used various informed search methods like a*algorithm, ida* algorithm to solve the puzzle. Various heuristic involved in the informed search like number of misplaced tiles, Manhattan distance were analyzed; Manhattan distance being one of the most popular ones. Drawbacks of the heuristics are mentioned and an improvement in Manhattan distance heuristic is implemented

    Heuristinen yhteistyöhaku ohjelmistoagenttien avulla

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    Parallel algorithms extend the notion of sequential algorithms by permitting the simultaneous execution of independent computational steps. When the independence constraint is lifted and executions can freely interact and intertwine, parallel algorithms become concurrent and may behave in a nondeterministic way. Parallelism has over the years slowly risen to be a standard feature of high-performance computing, but concurrency, being even harder to reason about, is still considered somewhat notorious and undesirable. As such, the implicit randomness available in concurrency is rarely made use of in algorithms. This thesis explores concurrency as a means to facilitate algorithmic cooperation in a heuristic search setting. We use agents, cooperating software entities, to build a single-source shortest path (SSSP) search algorithm based on parallelized A∗, dubbed A!. We show how asynchronous information sharing gives rise to implicit randomness, which cooperating agents use in A! to maintain a collective secondary ranking heuristic and focus search space exploration. We experimentally show that A! consistently outperforms both vanilla A∗ and a noncooperative, explicitly randomized A∗ variant in the standard n-puzzle sliding tile problem context. The results indicate that A! performance increases with the addition of more agents, but that the returns are diminishing. A! is observed to be sensitive to heuristic improvement, but also constrained by search overhead from limited path diversity. A hybrid approach combining both implicit and explicit randomness is also evaluated and found to not be an improvement over A! alone. The studied A! implementation based on vanilla A∗ is not as such competitive against state-of-the-art parallel A∗ algorithms, but rather a first step in applying concurrency to speed up heuristic SSSP search. The empirical results imply that concurrency and nondeterministic cooperation can successfully be harnessed in algorithm design, inviting further inquiry into algorithms of this kind.Rinnakkaisalgoritmit sallivat useiden riippumattomien ohjelmakäskyjen suorittamisen samanaikaisesti. Kun riippumattomuusrajoite poistetaan ja käskyjen suorittamisen järjestystä ei hallita, rinnakkaisalgoritmit voivat käskysuoritusten samanaikaisuuden vuoksi käyttäytyä epädeterministisellä tavalla. Rinnakkaisuus on vuosien saatossa noussut tärkeään rooliin tietotekniikassa ja samalla hallitsematonta samanaikaisuutta on yleisesti alettu pitää ongelmallisena ja ei-toivottuna. Samanaikaisuudesta kumpuavaa epäsuoraa satunnaisuutta hyödynnetään harvoin algoritmeissa. Tämä työ käsittelee käskysuoritusten samanaikaisuuden hyödyntämistä osana heuristista yhteistyöhakua. Työssä toteutetaan agenttien, yhteistyökykyisten ohjelmistokomponenttien, avulla uudenlainen A!-hakualgoritmi. A! perustuu rinnakkaiseen A∗ -algoritmiin, joka ratkaisee yhden lähteen lyhimmän polun hakuongelman. Työssä näytetään, miten ajastamaton viestintä agenttien välillä johtaa epäsuoraan satunnaisuuteen, jota A!-agentit kollektiivisesti hyödyntävät toissijaisen järjestämisheuristiikan ylläpitämisessä ja edelleen haun kohdentamisessa. Työssä näytetään kokeellisesti, kuinka A! suoriutuu niin tavanomaista kuin satunnaistettuakin A∗ -algoritmia paremmin n-puzzle pulmapelin ratkaisemisessa. Tulokset osoittavat, että A!-algoritmin suorituskyky kasvaa lisäagenttien myötä, mutta myös sen, että hyöty on joka lisäyksen jälkeen suhteellisesti pienempi. A! osoittautuu heuristiikan hyödyntämisen osalta verrokkeja herkemmäksi, mutta myös etsintäpolkujen monimuotoisuuden kannalta vaatimattomaksi. Yksinkertaisen suoraa ja epäsuoraa satunnaisuutta yhdistävän hybridialgoritmin ei todeta tuovan lisäsuorituskykyä A!-algoritmiin verrattuna. Empiiriset kokeet osoittavat, että hallitsematonta samanaikaisuutta ja epädeterminististä yhteistyötä voi onnistuneesti hyödyntää algoritmisuunnittelussa, mikä kannustaa lisätutkimuksiin näitä soveltavan algoritmiikan parissa

    Symbolic Search in Planning and General Game Playing

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    Search is an important topic in many areas of AI. Search problems often result in an immense number of states. This work addresses this by using a special datastructure, BDDs, which can represent large sets of states efficiently, often saving space compared to explicit representations. The first part is concerned with an analysis of the complexity of BDDs for some search problems, resulting in lower or upper bounds on BDD sizes for these. The second part is concerned with action planning, an area where the programmer does not know in advance what the search problem will look like. This part presents symbolic algorithms for finding optimal solutions for two different settings, classical and net-benefit planning, as well as several improvements to these algorithms. The resulting planner was able to win the International Planning Competition IPC 2008. The third part is concerned with general game playing, which is similar to planning in that the programmer does not know in advance what game will be played. This work proposes algorithms for instantiating the input and solving games symbolically. For playing, a hybrid player based on UCT and the solver is presented

    Route planning methods for a modular warehouse system

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    In this study, procedures are presented that can be used to determine the routes of the packages transported within a modular storage system. The problem is a variant of robot motion planning problem. The structures of the procedures are developed in three steps for the simultaneous movement of multiple unit-sized packages in a modular warehouse. The proposed heuristic methods consist of route planning, tagging, and main control components. In order to demonstrate the solution performance of the methods, various experiments were conducted with different data sets and the solution times and qualities of the proposed methods were compared with previous studies. It was found that the proposed methods provide better solutions when taking the number of steps and solution time into consideration

    Exploring Fog of War Concepts in Wargame Scenarios

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    This thesis explores fog of war concepts through three submitted journal articles. The Department of Defense and U.S. Air Force are attempting to analyze war scenarios to aid the decision-making process; fog modeling improves realism in these wargame scenarios. The first article Navigating an Enemy Contested Area with a Parallel Search Algorithm [1] investigates a parallel algorithm\u27s speedup, compared to the sequential implementation, with varying map configurations in a tile-based wargame. The parallel speedup tends to exceed 50 but in certain situations. The sequential algorithm outperforms it depending on the configuration of enemy location and amount on the map. The second article Modeling Fog of War Effects in AFSIM [2] introduces the FAT for the AFSIM to introduce and manipulate fog in wargame scenarios. FAT integrates into AFSIM version 2.7.0 and scenario results verify the tool\u27s fog effects for positioning error, hits, and probability affect the success rate. The third article Applying Fog Analysis Tool to AFSIM Multi-Domain CLASS scenarios [3] furthers the verification of FAT to introduce fog across all war fighting domains using a set of CLASS scenarios. The success rate trends with fog impact for each domain scenario support FAT\u27s effectiveness in disrupting the decision-making process for multi-domain operations. The three articles demonstrate fog can affect search, tasking, and decision-making processes for various types of wargame scenarios. The capabilities introduced in this thesis support wargame analysts to improve decision-making in AFSIM military scenarios