102 research outputs found

    Waveforms and channel coding for 5G

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    Abstract. The fifth generation (5G) communication systems are required to perform significantly better than the existing fourth generation (4G) systems in data rate, capacity, coverage, latency, energy consumption and cost. Hence, 5G needs to achieve considerable enhancements in the areas of bandwidth, spectral, energy, and signaling efficiencies and cost per bit. The new radio access technology (RAT) of 5G physical layer needs to utilize an efficient waveform to meet the demands of 5G. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is considered as a baseline for up to 30 GHz. However, a major drawback of OFDM systems is their large peak to average power ratio (PAPR). Here in this thesis, a simple selective-mapping (SLM) technique using scrambling is proposed to reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals. This technique selects symbol sequences with high PAPR and scrambles them until a PAPR sequence below a specific threshold is generated. The computational complexity of the proposed scheme is considerably lower than that of the traditional SLM. Also, performance of the system is investigated through simulations and more than 4.5 dB PAPR reduction is achieved. In addition, performance of single carrier waveforms is analyzed in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems as an alternative to OFDM. Performance of a single carrier massive MIMO system is presented for both uplink and downlink with single user and multiple user cases and the effect of pre-coding on the PAPR is studied. A variety of channel configurations were investigated such as correlated channels, practical channels and the channels with errors in channel estimate. Furthermore, the candidate coding schemes are investigated for the new RAT in the 5G standard corresponding the activities in the third generation partnership project (3GPP). The schemes are evaluated in terms of block error rate (BLER), bit error rate (BER), computational complexity, and flexibility. These parameters comprise a suitable set to assess the performance of different services and applications. Turbo, low density parity check (LDPC), and polar codes are considered as the candidate schemes. These are investigated in terms of obtaining suitable rates, block lengths by proper design for a fair comparison. The simulations have been carried out in order to obtain BLER / BER performance for various code rates and block lengths, in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. Although polar codes perform well at short block lengths, LDPC has a relatively good performance at all the block lengths and code rates. In addition, complexity of the LDPC codes is relatively low. Furthermore, BLER/BER performances of the coding schemes in Rayleigh fading channels are investigated and found that the fading channel performance follows a similar trend as the performance in the AWGN channel

    Models of Control Channels in the LTE System

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    DizertačnĂ­ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ zpracovĂĄnĂ­m signĂĄlu fyzickĂœch ƙídicĂ­ch kanĂĄlĆŻ systĂ©mu LTE a vyĆĄetƙovĂĄnĂ­m bitovĂ© chybovosti pƙi pƙenosu ƙídicĂ­ informace z vysĂ­lače do pƙijĂ­mače v zĂĄvislosti na podmĂ­nkĂĄch pƙíjmu. PrĂĄce je rozdělena do dvou hlavnĂ­ch částĂ­. PrvnĂ­ část prĂĄce je zaměƙena na simulaci pƙenosu ƙídicĂ­ informace LTE v zĂĄkladnĂ­m pĂĄsmu. Jsou zde prezentovĂĄny vytvoƙenĂ© simulĂĄtory ƙídicĂ­ch kanĂĄlĆŻ ve směru uplink i downlink. Simulace jsou provedeny pro vĆĄechny druhy nastavenĂ­ systĂ©mu a zĂĄkladnĂ­ modely pƙenosovĂ©ho prostƙedĂ­. Jsou zde popsĂĄny vĂœsledky vlivu pouĆŸitĂ­ MIMO technologiĂ­ na kvalitu pƙíjmu ƙídicĂ­ informace pƙedevĆĄĂ­m v ĂșnikovĂœch kanĂĄlech. DruhĂĄ část prĂĄce je zaměƙena na moĆŸnost nasazenĂ­ systĂ©mu LTE ve sdĂ­lenĂ©m pĂĄsmu ISM (2.4 GHz). Jsou zde pƙedstaveny zĂĄkladnĂ­ koncepce pouĆŸitĂ­, na jejichĆŸ zĂĄkladě je vytvoƙen scĂ©náƙ simulacĂ­. Kapitola dĂĄle popisuje tvorbu simulĂĄtoru koexistence LTE a systĂ©mu Wi-Fi v pƙenesenĂ©m pĂĄsmu ISM 2.4GHz. Jsou zde uvedeny vĂœsledky simulacĂ­ koexistence LTE a ruĆĄivĂ©ho systĂ©mu Wi-Fi provedenĂœch dle vytvoƙenĂ©ho scĂ©náƙe. VĂœsledky simulacĂ­ koexistence LTE a Wi-Fi jsou ověƙeny měƙenĂ­m v laboratornĂ­ch podmĂ­nkĂĄch. Toto porovnĂĄnĂ­ je dĆŻleĆŸitĂ© z hlediska optimalizace simulĂĄtoru koexistence. Dle vĂœsledkĆŻ obou typĆŻ simulacĂ­ a měƙenĂ­ jsou stanovena provoznĂ­ doporučenĂ­, kterĂĄ majĂ­ pƙispět k bezpečnĂ©mu a spolehlivĂ©mu vysĂ­lĂĄnĂ­ a pƙíjmu ƙídicĂ­ch informacĂ­ LTE i pƙi nepƙíznivĂœch podmĂ­nkĂĄch pƙíjmu.The doctoral thesis is focused on a signal processing in the LTE physical control channels and performance analysis of control information transmission according to receiving conditions. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with simulation of the transmission of control information in baseband. The created simulators for uplink and downlink are presented. The simulations are performed for all possible system settings and various channel models. The MIMO influence on a quality of control information reception under fading channels is also presented. The second part of the thesis is focused on LTE utilization in shared channel ISM (2.4 GHz). The basic LTE application concept for ISM band is presented. This concept is fundamental to created simulation scenario. The chapter also presents the LTE and Wi-Fi coexistence simulator in 2.4 GHz ISM passband. The coexistence simulation are presented according to simulation scenario and the results are shown. The simulated coexistence analysis results are verified in laboratory environment. The comparison of the simulated and the measured coexistence analysis results is crucial for further optimization of the coexistence simulator. Recommendations for optimal and reliable operation of LTE are specified according to the simulated and the measured results. Recommendations should be useful to the reliable transmission of LTE control information in bad receiving conditions.

    Digital signal processing techniques for peak-to-average power ratio mitigation in MIMO–OFDM systems

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    The focus of this thesis is to mitigate the very large peak-to-average transmit power ratios (PAPRs) inherent to conventional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, particularly in the context of transmission over multi-input multi-output (MIMO) wireless broadband channels. This problem is important as a large PAPR generally needs an expensive radio frequency (RF) power amplifier at the transmitter due to the requirement for linear operation over a wide amplitude range and such a cost would be compounded when multiple transmit antennas are used. Advanced signal processing techniques which can reduce PAPR whilst retain the integrity of digital transmission therefore have considerable potential for application in emergent MIMO–OFDM wireless systems and form the technical contributions of this study. [Continues.

    Receiver algorithms that enable multi-mode baseband terminals

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    Performance analysis of multi-antenna and multi-user methods for 3G and beyond

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    Performance of cellular networks has become an issue with forecasted growing public demand for medium and high data rate services. Motivated by these expectations multi-antenna techniques such as transmit diversity (TD), channel-aware scheduling and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transceivers have received a lot of enthusiasm within wireless communications community. We first focus on closed-loop (CL) TD and introduce extended mode 1 and 2 (e-mode 1 and 2) algorithms that are designed based on universal terrestrial radio access (UTRA) frequency division duplex (FDD) CL mode 1 and 2. We derive analytical performance results for e-mode 1 and 2 in terms of signal to noise ratio (SNR) gain, link capacity and bit error probability (BEP). We also consider the effect of feedback errors to the performance of closed-loop system. In the analysis of channel-aware scheduling we focus on on-off scheduling (OOS) where user's feedback consists of only a single bit. Performance results in both downlink and uplink clearly indicate that most of the achievable gain from channel-aware scheduling can be obtained with very scarce channel state information (CSI). Results also show that the design of feedback channel is of great importance because feedback errors may seriously degrade the system performance. The third topic of the thesis concentrates on MIMO techniques that can be implemented in UTRA FDD uplink without major revisions to the current air interface. We show that the UTRA FDD uplink coverage and capacity performance can be boosted by single-input multiple-output (SIMO) and MIMO transceivers. The information MIMO employing parallel multiplexing instead of transmit diversity shows its potential when extremely high user data rates are needed.Solukkoverkkojen suorituskyky on noussut tÀrkeÀÀn rooliin nopeiden datapalveluiden kasvuennusteiden myötÀ. NÀiden kasvuodotusten perusteella moniantennitekniikat kuten lÀhetysdiversiteetti, kanavan huomioon ottava lÀhetyksen aikataulutus sekÀ useaa samanaikaista datavirtaa tukevat lÀhetinvastaanotinmenetelmÀt ovat saaneet osakseen paljon kiinnostusta langattoman tietoliikenteen tutkijayhteisössÀ. Tutkimuksessa keskitytÀÀn aluksi suljettua sÀÀtöÀ kÀyttÀviin lÀhetysdiversiteettimenetelmiin, missÀ yhteydessÀ esitellÀÀn laajennetut moodien 1 ja 2 algoritmit, jotka on aiemmin kehitetty kolmannen sukupolven WCDMA jÀrjestelmÀn suljetun sÀÀdön moodien 1 ja 2 pohjalta. Laajennetuille moodien 1 ja 2 algoritmeille johdetaan analyyttisiÀ suorituskykytuloksia kÀyttÀen mittarina signaali-kohinasuhteen parannusta, linkin kapasiteettia sekÀ bittivirheiden todennÀköisyyttÀ. Myös sÀÀtövirheiden vaikutusta jÀrjestelmÀn suorituskykyyn tarkastellaan. LÀhetyksen aikataulutuksen analyysi painottuu kytkettyyn aikataulutukseen, missÀ kÀyttÀjÀn sÀÀtöinformaatio sisÀltyy yhteen bittiin. SekÀ ylÀ- ettÀ alalinkin suorituskykytulokset osoittavat selvÀsti, ettÀ suurin osa mahdollisesta parannuksesta voidaan saavuttaa hyvin karkeaan kanavatilan informaatioon perustuen. Tulokset osoittavat myös, ettÀ sÀÀtökanavan suunnittelu on tÀrkeÀÀ, koska sÀÀtövirheet voivat vakavasti heikentÀÀ jÀrjestelmÀn suorituskykyÀ. Kolmannessa aihealueessa keskitytÀÀn moniantennitekniikoihin, jotka voidaan toteuttaa WCDMA jÀrjestelmÀn ylÀlinkissÀ ilman perustavanlaatuisia muutoksia nykyiseen ilmarajapintaan. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, ettÀ ylÀlinkin peittoa ja kapasiteettia voidaan parantaa tutkituilla moniantennitekniikoilla olipa lÀhettimessÀ yksi tai useampia antenneja. MenetelmÀ, jossa informaatio jaetaan useisiin rinnakkaisiin datavirtoihin sen sijaan ettÀ kÀytettÀisiin vain yhtÀ datavirtaa, osoittautuu erityisen lupaavaksi kun tarvitaan hyvin nopeita tiedonsiirtoyhteyksiÀ.reviewe
