9,576 research outputs found

    Komunikace – významný prostředek nespokojenosti managementu

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    Purpose of the article: Effective communication in an organization is one of the preconditions of its operation. The aim of the article is to point out the communication process in the complaints management, to emphasize importance of the communication in the business practice and the current state analyze of the communication in Slovak business subjects. The paper presents the partial results and conclusions of research carried out. Methodology/methods: The methodology of this study is based on the scientific methods of acquiring and processing data – observation, questionnaire, interview, qualitative methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, abstraction, etc.); quantitative methods (descriptive statistics such as frequency analysis, statistical analysis, confidence intervals) and graphical methods. Scientific aim: The scientific aim of the article is to prove the established differences between business subjects that are the result of systematic influence (for example quality management system, subject of business, duration of action in the market). Findings: The research results have revealed the strengths of business subjects and revealed the areas which need to be improved. In the first place, they should become aware of the fact that the communication process necessarily forms the part of the complaints management and is well founded. The positive effect also has implementation of the existing ISO 9000 series of standards into business practice, which was reflected in a higher level of complaints management. Conclusions: Following the knowledge of communication process and its functioning plus awareness of communication obstacles, it is possible to improve the effectiveness and the result of communication and by that affect the overall result of claim procedure. Therefore, communication can be considered as very significant element in the process of complaints and claims handling


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    The two terms, improvement and modernization are increasingly used to analyze tax issues, because the trend is towards ensuring optimal in terms of taxation and tax settlement to the criteria of normality, so that it becomes a key component of economic and social life of any nation. Through this article, we try to address some aspects to be taken into account when it comes to improving a tax system or tax activity, especially for the situation in Romania.improvement, optimal taxation, efficiency, fiscal management, fiscal rules


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    With direct support of the OECD and the World Bank the East-Central European stateshave been encouraged to adopt and implement codes of conduct and corporate governance principlesto minimize risk, boost performance, improve business access on stock markets, strengthening themarket position of firms, professional management, demonstrating transparency and socialresponsibility.corporate governance, governance principles, stakeholders, Romanian companies

    Consumer protection and financial literacy : lessons from nine country studies

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    The recent turmoil in financial markets worldwide has emphasized the need for adequate consumer protection and financial literacy for long-term stability of the financial sector. This Working Paper aims to summarize key lessons from reviews of consumer protection and financial literacy in nine middle-income countries of Europe and Central Asia (Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, the Russian Federationand Slovakia). All the country assessments used a systematic common approach, based on a set of Good Practices for Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy developed by the World Bank's Europe and Central Asia Region. The objective of the Working Paper is to contribute to the international dialog on strengthening financial consumer protection and financial literacy in emerging markets.A financial consumer protection regime should meet three objectives. First, consumers should receive accurate, simple, comparable information of a financial service or product, before and after buying it. Second, consumers should have access to expedient, inexpensive and efficient mechanisms for dispute resolution with financial institutions. Third, consumers should be able to receive financial education when and how they want it. A common challenge among the nine countries is the need of an adequate institutional structure for financial consumer protection. However independent of the specific institutional structures, financial consumers should have one single agency where to submit complaints and inquiries. Financial institutions should be required to apply fair, non-coercive and reasonable practices when selling and advertising financial products and services to consumers. Personal data should also be carefully protected.Financial Literacy,Access to Finance,Emerging Markets,Debt Markets,Bankruptcy and Resolution of Financial Distress

    Comparison of R&D Expenditures in Selected Countries

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    This paper analyzes the level of innovation expenditures and R&D fund sources in selected countries of the world in the period of 2000 - 2010. The issues presented indicate significant differences between the discussed countries with respect to the factors analyzed. The European countries at the top were apparently Finland, Denmark and Sweden. High R&D expenditures, with a significant share in business enterprise sector, and a large number of patent applications reflected on the strong economic growth in these countries. The level of R&D investments in these countries was sometimes greater than in the USA or Japan. Dynamic growth in both R&D and patent activity has also been observed in South Korea. Special attention has been paid in this paper to the new European Union members - Central Eastern European Countries. Among this group of countries Slovenia definitely had the highest position, where R&D expenditures were the largest and the structure of R&D funds by source reflected a businessdominance type. Estonia, Czech Republic and Hungary were the countries ‘catching up’ - where growth in R&D expenditures has been observed as well as better dynamics of growth and higher patent activity. Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Latvia had relatively disadvantageous situations in respect of R&D development and the innovative activity of business enterprises.Celem artykułu była analiza poziomu i struktury finansowania działalności badawczo-rozwojowej w wybranych krajach oraz skonfrontowanie tych wskaźników z aktywnością patentową i innowacyjnością przedsiębiorstw. Okres badawczy stanowiły lata 2000-2010. Do zobrazowania podobieństw i różnic w nakładach na działalność B+R pomiędzy analizowanymi krajami zastosowano analizę skupień metodą Warda. Poziom finansowania działalności B+R polaryzuje Europę. Kraje Europy Północnej i Europy Zachodniej charakteryzują większe nakłady na B+R i większy udział przedsiębiorców w finansowaniu tych działań. Kraje będące w czołówce to Finlandia, Dania i Szwecja. Korzystne wyniki osiągają też Niemcy i Austriacy. Rumunia, Bułgaria, Litwa, Polska, Słowacja, Łotwa i Węgry to kraje z relatywnie niekorzystną sytuacją w zakresie rozwoju działalności B+R i innowacyjności podmiotów gospodarczych. Spośród krajów wschodniego regionu zdecydowanie wyższe pozycje w tym kontekście zajmuje Słowenia. Realizacja celów polityki UE w wielu krajach jest jeszcze odległa. Dalsze analizy powinny koncentrować się na znalezieniu optymalnego poziomu inwestycji w B + R w różnych sektorach

    Corporate governance risk in the Slovak Republic

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    Fair Labor Association 2007 Annual Report

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    Assesses the progress made by companies in the move towards sustainable corporate responsibility in their labor standards. Breaks up data by company

    Quality Assurance Indicators of Long-Term Care in European Countries

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    This study reports on the quality indicators that were collected by the ANCIEN project partners in each country considered in Work Package 5 (Quality in Long-Term Care). The main contribution of this report is a classification of the quality assurance indicators in different European countries according to three dimensions: organisation type (indicators applied to formal institutional care \u2013 FIC, formal home-based care \u2013 FHBC, formal home nursing care - FHNC, and informal home care - IHC); quality dimensions (indicators about effectiveness, safety, patient value responsiveness, or coordination) and system dimensions (input, process, or outcome indicators). The countries that provided quality indicators, which are used at a national level or are recommended to be used at a local level by a national authority, are: Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. In total, we collected 390 quality indicators. Each quality indicator has been assigned to one or more options in each dimension

    Migrant Workers' Interactions with Welfare Benefits: A Review of Recent Evidence and its Relevance for the Tax Credits System

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    This literature review was conducted as part of the HMRC project "European migrant workers' understanding and experience of the tax credits system". The project aimed to identify the issues faced by migrant workers when claiming Child Tax Credit (CTC) and/or Working Tax Credit (WTC). The group of interest was migrant workers who had recently settled in the UK and resided there for less than five years. Four countries of origin were selected for the study: Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Portugal