3,206 research outputs found

    Nationalism and regional integration arrangements : a case study of Indonesia and the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement

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    This thesis analyses the relationship between Indonesian nationalism and ASEAN regional integration, with specific reference to the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA). Traditionally, the relationship between nationalism and regionalism has most often been characterised as contentious. This thesis, however, challenges the argument that nationalism and regionalism cannot co-exist, and argues instead that the two ideologies can stand in a symbiotic relationship to each other. The relationship between nationalism and regionalism can be conflicting or mutually exclusive, but can also sometimes be mutually reinforcing. Therefore, nationalists today are not necessarily hostile to free trade and closer economic ties with other states. In 1992, members of ASEAN agreed to closer economic integration through the formation of AFTA. In principle, this agreement was made to increase the international competitiveness of ASEAN industries and to make the Southeast Asian region an attractive investment location. This thesis analyses the contemporary attitude of Indonesians towards this trade agreement. During the signing of this trade agreement, little opposition was expressed by Indonesian domestic actors because within Indonesian politics at the time Indonesian foreign economic policy was the business of the President, the Nfinistry of Foreign Affairs, the military, and a handful of members of the academic I community. The wave of democratisation that emerged as a result of the economic crisis of 1997 allowed for the greater involvement of domestic actors in determining Indonesian foreign economic policy. Although the majority of the Indonesian political elite remain supportive of AFTA, some Indonesian pressure groups, particularly non-governmental. organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs), have expressed their scepticism. Despite this, scepticism about AFTA is not a result of increased nationalist sentiment in Indonesia, but is due instead to the lack of proper information disseminated to these pressure groups. i

    Special Economic Zone at the Crossroads: the Case of Batam

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    The establishment and development of Batam are very much related to Indonesia's development itself. Considering its strategic location, since the 1970s, the Indonesian government has planned and developed Batam to catch economy spillovers from Singapore. The decentralization induces new development paths through critical juncture restructure the institutional setting in the Batam government and innovation of ICT by the Batam Indonesia Free Zone Authority (BIFZA leaders. These new paths introduce new development trajectories for Batam that has relied on manufacturing and infrastructure for its economic development. The paper analyses the impact of the political economy shift on Batam's economic growth. Using historical institutionalism, the paper argues that the city exhibit urban economy resilience as, despite national politico-economy turbulence, the city creates new opportunities for alternative economic growth channels. The innovation, knowledge accumulation and strong informal ties allow the ICT sector to emerge as the driver of economic growth, adding to the manufacturing sector. This shows the importance of technology adaptation to avoid institutional lock-in and path dependence for local development

    The Rule Identification Urgency Solution (RIUS) Method in Preparation of Regional Regulation Academic Manuscripts

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    The purpose of this research was conducted to offer a new method in the preparation of academic texts on laws and regulations. Academic Manuscripts contain the results of research regarding the contents of the content or proposals submitted to be regulated in a provision of statutory regulations and or regional regulations. Provisions related to the preparation of academic manuscripts have been regulated in laws and regulations, but a special method is needed in preparing academic manuscripts so that they are in accordance with the needs of the community. In this study using normative legal research methods. The findings in this study are that there is a novelty method that can be used in the preparation of academic manuscripts, namely the Rule Identification Urgency Solution (RIUS). With the RIUS method, an academic text can be used as a basis or basis for argumentation in the formation of laws and regulations or regional regulations. In conclusion, the RIUS method is a method that can analyze the rule of law, identify problems, the urgency of why these regulations are needed, and the solutions that can be provided. The RIUS method was first applied by researchers in preparing academic texts for regional regulations in the Badung Regency Government and Jembrana Regency Government, in this case researchers as experts in preparing academic manuscripts. Suggestions that can be given are that in the preparation of academic papers it is best to focus on analyzing what problems occur in society so that a regulation is needed


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    Purpose of Study: Concentration fully reform the institutional aspects and teaching, still remaining implicates fundamen- tal problem that has not gotten way out until today. The fundamental problem in question is still ongoing inconsistencies between the various national education policies. The disharmony generates serious impacts in the process of education reform in the country after the collapse of the New Order. Especially for education stakeholders, this disharmony makes their confusion, how education reform agenda should be executed. They are confronted with education policies that sub- stantially contradict or at least overlap with one another. Worse yet, stakeholders of education in educational institutions is not only confused but also become a victim of unwanted effects (unintended impact) or wild effect (spillover impact) on the implementation of the policy. So whether the Islamic educational institutions and academic staff who manage this institution "forced" to accept other forms of discriminatory treatment as a result of the policy of disharmony. Methodology: This study is library research, using a qualitative type with a factual historical model. Results: The disharmony of education policy is still quite prominent since the presence of the reform era until now. Disharmony is very potential to develop institutions that involve Islamic education institutions or madrassas in Indonesia. Implications/Applications: The disharmony manifestation is the overlap between the policy of implementing religious affairs which have been the responsibility of the Ministry of Religion and the decentralization policy of education. The consequence of this disharmony, namely the Regional Government, has a reluctance to place madrassas as part of their authority

    Decentralization and Regional Autonomy in the Industrial Revolution 4.0era

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    Asas desentralisasi yang dioperasionalkan dalam konsep otonomi daerah bertujuan menyelenggarakan pemerintahan yang demokratis dan memberdayakan masyarakat. Pemerintah daerah selaku pelaksana delegasi yang diberi wewenang melaksanakannya menghadapi sejumlah permasalahan dan tantangan dalam menghadapi era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Tulisan berikut adalah studi literatur yang mengulas permasalahan dan tantangan pemerintah daerah di era digital 4.0 –terbatas- dalam sektor ekonomi, pendidikan dan ketenagakerjaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah menelaah beberapa hasil penelitian yang pernah dimuat di jurnal-jurnal yang menjelaskan apa saja tantangan dan permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam 3 sektor tersebut pada era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Temuan penelitian ini menginformasikan ragam tantangan dan permasalahan tersebut karena kompleksitas dimensi terdampak industri 4.0. Tantangan tersebut sekaligus menjadi peluang untuk dapat mengoptimalkan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan menciptakan nilai tambah bagi perkembangan daerah ke depan, serta mendukung pencapaian strategi pembangunan nasional dan pilar menuju Indonesia World Class Government

    Developing strategies for university, industry, and government partnership in Indonesia

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    The Government of Indonesia has launched an ambitious Master Plan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia Economic Development or MP3EI, with a view to promoting geographically dispersed growth through establishing seven economic corridors across the nation. The objective of this study is to review the current status of universities in Indonesia in terms of their capacity to work in partnership with industry and government. The review will assess whether they can contribute to the realization of such a vision, and it will make recommendations about future strategies and actions. The study was commissioned by the Ministry of National Planning (BAPPENAS) and the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP) program, which is funded by the European Union and the Australian-AID and administered by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

    A comparative review of export and investment promotion in Chile, Malaysia, South Korea and Indonesia

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    노트 : This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Chemonics Internationa

    Renegotiating boundaries

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    For decades almost the only social scientists who visited Indonesia’s provinces were anthropologists. Anybody interested in politics or economics spent most of their time in Jakarta, where the action was. Our view of the world’s fourth largest country threatened to become simplistic, lacking that essential graininess. Then, in 1998, Indonesia was plunged into a crisis that could not be understood with simplistic tools. After 32 years of enforced stability, the New Order was at an end. Things began to happen in - the provinces that no one was prepared for. Democratization was one, decentralization another. Ethnic and religious identities emerged that had lain buried under the blanket of the New Order’s modernizing ideology. Unfamiliar, sometimes violent forms of political competition and of rentseeking came to light. Decentralization was often connected with the neo-liberal desire to reduce state powers and make room for free trade and democracy. To what extent were the goals of good governance and a stronger civil society achieved? How much of the process was ‘captured’ by regional elites to increase their own powers? Amidst the new identity politics, what has happened to citizenship? These are among the central questions addressed in this book. This volume is the result of a two-year research project at KITLV. It brings together an international group of 24 scholars – mainly from Indonesia and the Netherlands but also from the United States, Australia, Germany, Canada and Portugal

    Soeharto's New Order and its Legacy

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    Indonesia’s President Soeharto led one of the most durable and effective authoritarian regimes of the second half of the twentieth century. Yet his rule ended in ignominy, and much of the turbulence and corruption of the subsequent years was blamed on his legacy. More than a decade after Soeharto’s resignation, Indonesia is a consolidating democracy and the time has come to reconsider the place of his regime in modern Indonesian history, and its lasting impact. This book begins this task by bringing together a collection of leading experts on Indonesia to examine Soeharto and his legacy from diverse perspectives. In presenting their analyses, these authors pay tribute to Harold Crouch, an Australian political scientist who remains one of the greatest chroniclers of the Soeharto regime and its aftermath
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