76 research outputs found

    Changes in the Competitive Environment and Their Evaluation in the Context of COVID-19: A Case Study

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    Оцінюючи конкурентне середовище в контексті пандемії, слід враховувати глобальний масштаб пандемії, оскільки всі продукти, пов’язані з управлінням COVID-19, не мають регіональної конкуренції, а швидше переходять до глобальної конкуренції та конкурують із подібними продуктами чи замінниками. Слід зазначити, що до її спалаху не було продуктів, призначених для боротьби з пандемією. Навіть із початком пандемії було розроблено не так багато спеціалізованих продуктів, за винятком деяких загальних заходів захисту. Однак за два роки після початку пандемії на ринку з’явилися конкурентоспроможні продукти, призначені для боротьби з COVID-19. Глобальні масштаби пандемії автоматично створили всесвітній попит на таку продукцію, що призводить до глобального зсуву конкурентоспроможності. У результаті змінюється конкурентне середовище для продуктів, призначених для боротьби з COVID-19. Мета дослідження: оцінити конкурентоспроможну продукцію — сучасне та роботизоване обладнання для дезінфекції приміщень — наявну на ринку та розроблену. Завдання дослідження: розробити методику оцінки конкурентоспроможної продукції та вибрати критерії та методи оцінки; оцінити конкурентоспроможну продукцію за її функціональністю та технічними характеристиками; а також досліджувати канали та методи, що використовуються для виведення конкурентоспроможних продуктів на ринок, і аналізувати передову практику.При оценке конкурентной среды в условиях пандемии необходимо учитывать глобальный масштаб пандемии, поскольку все продукты, связанные с управлением COVID-19, не имеют региональной конкуренции, а скорее сразу переключаются на глобальную конкуренцию и конкурируют с аналогичными продуктами или заменителями. Следует отметить, что до ее вспышки не было продуктов, предназначенных для борьбы с пандемией. Даже с началом пандемии было разработано не так много специализированных продуктов, кроме некоторых средств общей защиты. Однако уже через два года после начала пандемии на рынке появились конкурентоспособные продукты, предназначенные для борьбы с COVID-19. Глобальные масштабы пандемии автоматически создали мировой спрос на такие продукты, что приводит к глобальному сдвигу в конкурентоспособности. В результате меняется конкурентная среда для продуктов, предназначенных для борьбы с COVID-19. Цель исследования: оценить конкурентоспособную продукцию — современное и роботизированное оборудование для дезинфекции помещений — представленное на рынке и разрабатываемое. Задачи исследования: Разработать методику оценки конкурентоспособной продукции и выбрать критерии и методы оценки; оценить конкурентоспособные продукты с точки зрения их функциональности и технических характеристик; и изучить каналы и методы, используемые для запуска конкурентоспособных продуктов на рынок, и провести анализ передовой практики.When evaluating the competitive environment in the context of the pandemic, the pandemic’s global scale must be considered, since all products related to COVID-19 management have no regional competition but rather immediately switch to global competition and compete with similar products or substitutes. It should be noted that no products intended for managing the pandemic were available before its outburst. Even with the onset of the pandemic, not many specialized products, except for some general protection measures, were developed. However, in the two years after the pandemic began, competitive products intended for managing COVID-19 emerged into the market. The global scale of the pandemic automatically created worldwide demand for such products , which leads to a global shift in competitiveness. As a result, the competitive environment for products intended to manage COVID-19 is changing. Research purpose: To evaluate the competitive products — modern and robotized indoor disinfection equipment — available in the market and those under development. Research objectives: To develop a methodology for evaluating the competitive products and to select evaluation criteria and methods; to evaluate the competitive products in terms of their functionality and technical characteristics; and to research the channels and methods employed to launch competitive products into the market and provide analysis of best practice.Дослідження виконано за фінансової підтримки Міністерства освіти і науки України, науково-дослідна тема № 0121U10047

    Understanding new products’ market performance using Google Trends

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    This paper seeks to empirically examine diffusion models and Google Trends’ ability to explain and nowcast the new product growth phenomenon. In addition to the selected diffusion models and Google Trends, this study proposes a new model that incorporates the two. The empirical analysis is based on the cases of the iPhone and the iPad. The results show that the new model exhibits a better curve fit among all the studied ones. In terms of nowcasting, although the performance of the new model differs from that of Google Trends in the two cases, they both produce more accurate results than the selected diffusion models

    Sustainable Prosperity in the New Economy?: Business Organization and High-Tech Employment in the United States

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    Lazonick explores the origins of the new era of employment insecurity and income inequality, and considers what governments, businesses, and individuals can do about it. He also asks whether the United States can refashion its high-tech business model to generate stable and equitable economic growth.https://research.upjohn.org/up_press/1029/thumbnail.jp

    16th Prof. Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference

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    Demand chain planning operations within capacity constraints : Nestlé ZAR.

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    Master of Commerce in Supply Chain Management. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2017.Organisations are currently faced with difficulties in effectively aligning demand plans to the volatile environments in which they operate. While operating environments and consumer needs change, capacity capabilities often do not reflect the demand plans. The absence of alignment results in inaccurate forecasts, thus putting the long-term sustainability of a business at risk. The focus and aim of the study is to understand how demand planning operations are aligned with capacity constraints at Nestlé ZAR. A quantitative explorative case study research design is being used and data was collected through a structured self-administered questionnaire in this study. The final sample size is 86, which comprised of employees from Demand and Supply Planning, Finance and Control, Sales and Marketing divisions. The sample includes top management, middle management, first level management and non-management. Data analysis uses descriptive and multivariate statistics. Ethical clearance was obtained from the University Ethics Committee and ethical principles were observed throughout the study. The study findings show that the organisation of interest in this study was perceived as adhering to capacity planning principles. The majority of the respondents perceived positively the capacity demand planning process. An average of 50% scored 22, which indicated a relatively high positive perception with regards to demand chain principles. The majority of the participants responded positively to the statements that information sharing achieves demand chain coordination and improves collaborative demand planning. An average of 50% scored 24, which indicated a relatively high positive perception with regards to information sharing. The results showed few capacity constraints that were perceived or experienced in this organisation. An average of 50% scored 17 which indicated that a moderate number of participants experience capacity constraints. Although the Spearman correlation did not sure any significant relationship between variables of interest in this study, the findings showed a wide range in the distribution of the responses of the participants in some items. This study highlighted that there is no one single approach to improving demand chain performance, but it was evident that allowing collaborative demand plans by using quality information shared can reduce impact of capacity constraints and improve planning performance. This study recommended that top management should provide full support to information sharing initiatives to facilitate the demand planning process. A national study to be conducted as this was conducted in one province, with a limited sample size. Keywords: Demand chain, information sharing, capacity

    Economic Restructuring and Emerging Patterns of Industrial Relations

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    This book\u27s essays analyze innovative responses by unions, corporations and governments to job loss caused by economic restructuring, drawing on examples from Western Europe and the U.S.https://research.upjohn.org/up_press/1200/thumbnail.jp