571 research outputs found

    Analysis of algorithms for online uni-directional conversion problems

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    In an online uni-directional conversion problem, an online player wants to convert an asset DD to a desired asset YY. The objective of the player is to obtain the maximum amount of the desired asset. Competitive analysis is used as a tool for the design, and analysis of online algorithms for conversion problems. Although widely used, competitive analysis has its own set of drawbacks when the applicability of online algorithms in real world is considered. In this work, we investigate online uni- directional conversion problems with the objective to suggest measures for improving the applicability of online conversion algorithms in real world. First, we study competitive ratio as a coherent measure of risk and conclude that as it satisfies all the desirable axioms of coherence, competitive ratio can be used in practice. Secondly, we evaluate a selected set of online algorithms on real world as well bootstrap data to highlight the gap between theoretically guaranteed and experimentally achieved competitive ratio. The third aspect of the study deals with generating synthetic data that truly represents all possible scenarios such as market crashes. We suggest the use of Extreme Value Theory (EVT) approach. Using EVT approach, we generate synthetic data and execute a selected set of non-preemptive uni-directional online algorithms on it. The fourth contribution of the thesis includes the design and analysis of risk-aware reservation price algorithms for conversion problems. The proposed algorithms are flexible to accommodate the risk level of the online player whereas guaranteeing a bounded worst case competitive ratio as well. We evaluate our algorithms using the competitive analysis approach as well as testing the algorithms on the real world data. The results will help to improve the applicability of online conversion algorithms in real world. We conclude the work by discussing a number of open questions that will provide new directions for future research.In einem Online-uni-directional-conversion-Problem, möchte ein Online-Spieler ein Asset DD in ein gewünschtes Asset YY konvertieren. Das Ziel des Spielers ist es, den maximalen Wert des gewünschten Assets zu erhalten. Die competitive analysis wird als Hilfsmittel verwendet, um Online-Algorithmen für Conversion-Probleme zu entwerfen und zu analysieren. Obwohl die competitve analysis weit verbreitet ist, besitzt sie mehrere Nachteile wenn ihre Anwendbarkeit auf Online-Algorithmen in der realen Welt betrachtet wird. In dieser Arbeit werden wir online Uni-directional-conversion-Probleme betrachten, mit dem Ziel, Kennzahlen zu erarbeiten, um die Anwendbarkeit von Online-Conversion-Algorithmen in der realen Welt zu verbessern. In einem ersten Schritt untersuchen wir die competitive ratio als kohärentes Risikomaß und schließen, wenn es alle notwendigen Kohärenzaxiome erfüllt wurden, dass die competitive ratio in der Praxis eingesetzt werden kann. In einem zweiten Schritt evaluieren wir eine ausgewählte Menge an Online-Algorithmen in der realen Welt. Außerdem werden die Daten gebootstrapped, um den Unterschied zwischen der theoretisch garantierten und empirisch erreichten competitive ratio. Der dritte Aspekt dieser Arbeit betrachtet das Generieren von synthetischen Daten, welche alle möglichen Szenarien, wie beispielsweise einen Marktcrash, repräsentieren. Wir empfehlen dafür den Einsatz der Extreme-Value-Theorie (EVT). Mit der EVT generieren wir synthetische Daten und führen eine ausgewählte Menge an nicht-präemptiven Uni-directionalen-Online-Algorithmen über diesen aus. Der vierte Beitrag dieser Arbeit beinhaltet das Design und die Analyse von risk-aware Reservationspreis-Algorithmen für Conversion-Probleme. Die vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen können das Risikoniveau des Online-Spielers aufnehmen und garantieren eine begrenzte Worst-Case-Competitive-Ratio. Wir evaluieren unsere Algorithmen mit Hilfe des competitive-analysis-Ansatzes sowie dem Testen der Algorithmen auf realen Daten. Die Resultate werden in Form von Forschungsarbeiten präsentiert und helfen, die Anwendbarkeit von Online-Conversion-Algorithmen in der realen Welt zu verbessern. Wir schließen die Arbeit mit einer Diskussion über eine Reihe offener Fragen, welche neue Forschungsrichtungen für die Zukunft eröffnen

    Analysis of algorithms for online uni-directional conversion problems

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    In an online uni-directional conversion problem, an online player wants to convert an asset DD to a desired asset YY. The objective of the player is to obtain the maximum amount of the desired asset. Competitive analysis is used as a tool for the design, and analysis of online algorithms for conversion problems. Although widely used, competitive analysis has its own set of drawbacks when the applicability of online algorithms in real world is considered. In this work, we investigate online uni- directional conversion problems with the objective to suggest measures for improving the applicability of online conversion algorithms in real world. First, we study competitive ratio as a coherent measure of risk and conclude that as it satisfies all the desirable axioms of coherence, competitive ratio can be used in practice. Secondly, we evaluate a selected set of online algorithms on real world as well bootstrap data to highlight the gap between theoretically guaranteed and experimentally achieved competitive ratio. The third aspect of the study deals with generating synthetic data that truly represents all possible scenarios such as market crashes. We suggest the use of Extreme Value Theory (EVT) approach. Using EVT approach, we generate synthetic data and execute a selected set of non-preemptive uni-directional online algorithms on it. The fourth contribution of the thesis includes the design and analysis of risk-aware reservation price algorithms for conversion problems. The proposed algorithms are flexible to accommodate the risk level of the online player whereas guaranteeing a bounded worst case competitive ratio as well. We evaluate our algorithms using the competitive analysis approach as well as testing the algorithms on the real world data. The results will help to improve the applicability of online conversion algorithms in real world. We conclude the work by discussing a number of open questions that will provide new directions for future research.In einem Online-uni-directional-conversion-Problem, möchte ein Online-Spieler ein Asset DD in ein gewünschtes Asset YY konvertieren. Das Ziel des Spielers ist es, den maximalen Wert des gewünschten Assets zu erhalten. Die competitive analysis wird als Hilfsmittel verwendet, um Online-Algorithmen für Conversion-Probleme zu entwerfen und zu analysieren. Obwohl die competitve analysis weit verbreitet ist, besitzt sie mehrere Nachteile wenn ihre Anwendbarkeit auf Online-Algorithmen in der realen Welt betrachtet wird. In dieser Arbeit werden wir online Uni-directional-conversion-Probleme betrachten, mit dem Ziel, Kennzahlen zu erarbeiten, um die Anwendbarkeit von Online-Conversion-Algorithmen in der realen Welt zu verbessern. In einem ersten Schritt untersuchen wir die competitive ratio als kohärentes Risikomaß und schließen, wenn es alle notwendigen Kohärenzaxiome erfüllt wurden, dass die competitive ratio in der Praxis eingesetzt werden kann. In einem zweiten Schritt evaluieren wir eine ausgewählte Menge an Online-Algorithmen in der realen Welt. Außerdem werden die Daten gebootstrapped, um den Unterschied zwischen der theoretisch garantierten und empirisch erreichten competitive ratio. Der dritte Aspekt dieser Arbeit betrachtet das Generieren von synthetischen Daten, welche alle möglichen Szenarien, wie beispielsweise einen Marktcrash, repräsentieren. Wir empfehlen dafür den Einsatz der Extreme-Value-Theorie (EVT). Mit der EVT generieren wir synthetische Daten und führen eine ausgewählte Menge an nicht-präemptiven Uni-directionalen-Online-Algorithmen über diesen aus. Der vierte Beitrag dieser Arbeit beinhaltet das Design und die Analyse von risk-aware Reservationspreis-Algorithmen für Conversion-Probleme. Die vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen können das Risikoniveau des Online-Spielers aufnehmen und garantieren eine begrenzte Worst-Case-Competitive-Ratio. Wir evaluieren unsere Algorithmen mit Hilfe des competitive-analysis-Ansatzes sowie dem Testen der Algorithmen auf realen Daten. Die Resultate werden in Form von Forschungsarbeiten präsentiert und helfen, die Anwendbarkeit von Online-Conversion-Algorithmen in der realen Welt zu verbessern. Wir schließen die Arbeit mit einer Diskussion über eine Reihe offener Fragen, welche neue Forschungsrichtungen für die Zukunft eröffnen

    Online algorithms for conversion problems : an approach to conjoin worst-case analysis and empirical-case analysis

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    A conversion problem deals with the scenario of converting an asset into another asset and possibly back. This work considers financial assets and investigates online algorithms to perform the conversion. When analyzing the performance of online conversion algorithms, as yet the common approach is to analyze heuristic conversion algorithms from an experimental perspective, and to analyze guaranteeing conversion algorithms from an analytical perspective. This work conjoins these two approaches in order to verify an algorithms\u27 applicability to practical problems. We focus on the analysis of preemptive and non-preemptive online conversion problems from the literature. We derive both, empirical-case as well as worst-case results. Competitive analysis is done by considering worst-case scenarios. First, the question whether the applicability of heuristic conversion algorithms can be verified through competitive analysis is to be answered. The competitive ratio of selected heuristic algorithms is derived using competitive analysis. Second, the question whether the applicability of guaranteeing conversion algorithms can be verified through experiments is to be answered. Empirical-case results of selected guaranteeing algorithms are derived using exploratory data analysis. Backtesting is done assuming uncertainty about asset prices, and the results are analyzed statistically. Empirical-case analysis quantifies the return to be expected based on historical data. In contrast, the worst-case competitive analysis approach minimizes the maximum regret based on worst-case scenarios. Hence the results, presented in the form of research papers, show that combining this optimistic view with this pessimistic view provides an insight into the applicability of online conversion algorithms to practical problems. The work concludes giving directions for future work.Ein Conversion Problem befasst sich mit dem Eintausch eines Vermögenswertes in einen anderen Vermögenswert unter Berücksichtigung eines möglichen Rücktausches. Diese Arbeit untersucht Online-Algorithmen, die diesen Eintausch vornehmen. Der klassische Ansatz zur Performanceanalyse von Online Conversion Algorithmen ist, heuristische Algorithmen aus einer experimentellen Perspektive zu untersuchen; garantierende Algorithmen jedoch aus einer analytischen. Die vorliegende Arbeit verbindet diese beiden Ansätze mit dem Ziel, die praktische Anwendbarkeit der Algorithmen zu überprüfen. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Analyse des präemtiven und des nicht-präemtiven Online Conversion Problems aus der Literatur und ermitteln empirische sowie analytische Ergebnisse. Kompetitive Analyse wird unter Berücksichtigung von worst-case Szenarien durchgeführt. Erstens soll die Frage beantwortet werden, ob die Anwendbarkeit heuristischer Algorithmen durch Kompetitive Analyse verifiziert werden kann. Dazu wird der kompetitive Faktor von ausgewählten heuristischen Algorithmen mittels worst-case Analyse abgeleitet. Zweitens soll die Frage beantwortet werden, ob die Anwendbarkeit garantierender Algorithmen durch Experimente überprüft werden kann. Empirische Ergebnisse ausgewählter Algorithmen werden mit Hilfe der Explorativen Datenanalyse ermittelt. Backtesting wird unter der Annahme der Unsicherheit über zukünftige Preise der Vermögenswerte durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse statistisch ausgewertet. Die empirische Analyse quantifiziert die zu erwartende Rendite auf Basis historischer Daten. Im Gegensatz dazu, minimiert die Kompetitive Analyse das maximale Bedauern auf Basis von worst-case Szenarien. Die Ergebnisse, welche in Form von Publikationen präsentiert werden, zeigen, dass die Kombination der optimistischen mit der pessimistischen Sichtweise einen Rückschluss auf die praktische Anwendbarkeit der untersuchten Online-Algorithmen zulässt. Abschließend werden offene Forschungsfragen genannt

    QoP-Driven Scheduling for MPEG Video Decoding

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    MPEG video decoding algorithm has been embedded into many consumer electronic products. In this paper, we demonstrate that the completion ratio (CR) does not represent well the quality of presentation (QoP) of MPEG video. We then propose a new QoP metric, which 1) is based on frame completion ratio but 2) differentiates firm and soft deadlines and also 3) considers the frame dependency. We show that, on a set of simulated MPEG movies, the proposed QoP metric measures the QoP of the movies much better than the completion ratio. We then present a set of online scheduling algorithms that enhance QoP significantly, particularly for overloaded systems

    Some combinational optimization problems on radio network communication and machine scheduling

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    The combinatorial optimization problems coming from two areas are studied in this dissertation: network communication and machine scheduling. In the network communication area, the complexity of distributed broadcasting and distributed gossiping is studied in the setting of random networks. Two different models are considered: one is random geometric networks, the main model used to study properties of sensor and ad-hoc networks, where ri points are randomly placed in a unit square and two points are connected by an edge if they are at most a certain fixed distance r from each other. The other model is the so-called line-of-sight networks, a new network model introduced recently by Frieze et al. (SODA\u2707). The nodes in this model are randomly placed (with probability p) on an n x n grid and a node can communicate with all the nodes that are in at most a certain fixed distance r and which are in the same row or column. It can be shown that in many scenarios of both models, the random structure of these networks makes it possible to perform distributed gossiping in asymptotically optimal time 0(D), where D is the diameter of the network. The simulation results show that most algorithms especially the randomized algorithm works very fast in practice. In the scheduling area, the first problem is online scheduling a set of equal processing time tasks with precedence constraints so as to minimize the makespan. It can be shown that Hu \u27s algorithm yields an asymptotic competitive ratio of 3/2 for intree precedence constraints and an asymptotic competitive ratio of 1 for outtree precedences, and Coffinan-Graham algorithm yields an asymptotic competitive ratio of 1 for arbitrary precedence constraints and two machines.The second scheduling problem is the integrated production and delivery scheduling with disjoint windows. In this problem, each job is associated with a time window, and a profit. A job must be finished within its time window to get the profit. The objective is to pick a set ofjobs and schedule them to get the maximum total profit. For a single machine and unit profit, an optimal algorithm is proposed. For a single machine and arbitrary profit, a fully polynomial time approximation scheme(FPTAS) is proposed. These algorithms can be extended to multiple machines with approximation ratio less than e/(e - 1). The third scheduling problem studied in this dissertation is the preemptive scheduling algorithms with nested and inclusive processing set restrictions. The objective is to minimize the makespan of the schedule. It can be shown that there is no optimal online algorithm even for the case of inclusive processing set. Then a linear time optimal algorithm is given for the case of nested processing set, where all jobs are available for processing at time t = 0. A more complicated algorithm with running time 0(n log ri) is given that produces not only optimal but also maximal schedules. When jobs have different release times, an optimal algorithm is given for the nested case and a faster optimal algorithm is given for the inclusive processing set case

    Investigation of Innovation In Wine Industry Via Meta-Analysis

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    This study provides a systematic review of 76 relevant wine business studies published in the last 30 years. Our meta-analysis investigates six commonly used variables to explain wine innovation: absorptive capacity, technology adoption, sustainable practices, export orientation, firm size, and firm age. We also investigate the association between innovation and financial performance, using the reported effect sizes in the literature. Our meta-analysis reveals that absorptive capacity, technology adoption, sustainable practices, export orientation, and firm size positively correlate with innovation efforts, and innovation is positively associated with financial performance. However, we find no correlation between firm age and innovation. In addition to the meta-analysis, we apply basic text analytics and narrative review methodologies to identify a taxonomy of wine industry innovation according to four types of innovation. Based on our systematic literature review results, we make a series of managerial and policy recommendations for wine firms. Finally, we identify gaps in the literature and suggest future research directions

    Development and Simulation Assessment of Semiconductor Production System Enhancements for Fast Cycle Times

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    Long cycle times in semiconductor manufacturing represent an increasing challenge for the industry and lead to a growing need of break-through approaches to reduce it. Small lot sizes and the conversion of batch processes to mini-batch or single-wafer processes are widely regarded as a promising means for a step-wise cycle time reduction. Our analysis with discrete-event simulation and queueing theory shows that small lot size and the replacement of batch tools with mini-batch or single wafer tools are beneficial but lot size reduction lacks persuasive effectiveness if reduced by more than half. Because the results are not completely convincing, we develop a new semiconductor tool type that further reduces cycle time by lot streaming leveraging the lot size reduction efforts. We show that this combined approach can lead to a cycle time reduction of more than 80%

    samGlobal Environmental Resources

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    This volume contains two papers which use the ozone problem as the empirical starting of their analysis. Gladwin/Ugelow/Walter survey empirically the sectors of the economy which produce fluorcarbons. The regional origin of fluorcarbons in the world and possible international ozone management strategies (e.g. interactions between the USA and Europe) are discussed. Pethig attacks the issue of ozone management from a theoretical aspect and uses game theory in order to discuss potential solutions

    Mathematical optimization techniques for demand management in smart grids

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    The electricity supply industry has been facing significant challenges in terms of meeting the projected demand for energy, environmental issues, security, reliability and integration of renewable energy. Currently, most of the power grids are based on many decades old vertical hierarchical infrastructures where the electric power flows in one direction from the power generators to the consumer side and the grid monitoring information is handled only at the operation side. It is generally believed that a fundamental evolution in electric power generation and supply system is required to make the grids more reliable, secure and efficient. This is generally recognised as the development of smart grids. Demand management is the key to the operational efficiency and reliability of smart grids. Facilitated by the two-way information flow and various optimization mechanisms, operators benefit from real time dynamic load monitoring and control while consumers benefit from optimised use of energy. In this thesis, various mathematical optimization techniques and game theoretic frameworks have been proposed for demand management in order to achieve efficient home energy consumption scheduling and optimal electric vehicle (EV) charging. A consumption scheduling technique is proposed to minimise the peak consumption load. The proposed technique is able to schedule the optimal operation time for appliances according to the power consumption patterns of the individual appliances. A game theoretic consumption optimization framework is proposed to manage the scheduling of appliances of multiple residential consumers in a decentralised manner, with the aim of achieving minimum cost of energy for consumers. The optimization incorporates integration of locally generated and stored renewable energy in order to minimise dependency on conventional energy. In addition to the appliance scheduling, a mean field game theoretic optimization framework is proposed for electric vehicles to manage their charging. In particular, the optimization considers a charging station where a large number of EVs are charged simultaneously during a flexible period of time. The proposed technique provides the EVs an optimal charging strategy in order to minimise the cost of charging. The performances of all these new proposed techniques have been demonstrated using Matlab based simulation studies

    Sustainability efficiency and carbon inequality of the Chinese transportation system: a robust bayesian stochastic frontier analysis

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    This study focuses on the sustainability efficiency of the Chinese transportation system by investigating the relationship between CO2 emission levels and the respective freight and passenger turnovers for each transportation mode from January 1999 to December 2017. A novel Robust Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Analysis (RBSFA) is developed by taking carbon inequality into account. In this model, the aggregated variance/ covariance matrix for the three classical distributional assumptions of the inefficiency term – Gamma, Exponential, and Half-Normal – is minimized, yielding lower Deviance Information Criteria when compared to each classical assumption separately. Results are controlled for the impact of major macro-economic variables related to fiscal policy, monetary policy, inflationary pressure, and economic activity. Results indicate that the Chinese transportation system shows high sustainability efficiency with relatively small random fluctuations explained by macro-economic policies. Waterway, railway, and roadway transportation modes improved sustainability efficiency of freight traffic while only the railway transportation mode improved sustainability efficiency of passenger traffic. However, the air transportation mode decreased sustainability efficiency of both freight and passenger traffic. The present research helps in reaching governmental policies based not only on the internal dynamics of carbon inequality among different transportation modes, but also in terms of macro-economic impacts on the Chinese transportation sector.Indisponível