46 research outputs found

    The effect of structure, actuator, and sensor on the zeroes of controlled structures

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1991.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 131-135).by Farla Mindy Fleming.M.S

    Closed-loop control of product properties in metal forming

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    Metal forming processes operate in conditions of uncertainty due to parameter variation and imperfect understanding. This uncertainty leads to a degradation of product properties from customer specifications, which can be reduced by the use of closed-loop control. A framework of analysis is presented for understanding closed-loop control in metal forming, allowing an assessment of current and future developments in actuators, sensors and models. This leads to a survey of current and emerging applications across a broad spectrum of metal forming processes, and a discussion of likely developments.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant ID: EP/K018108/1)This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cirp.2016.06.00

    MIT Space Engineering Research Center

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    The Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) at MIT, started in Jul. 1988, has completed two years of research. The Center is approaching the operational phase of its first testbed, is midway through the construction of a second testbed, and is in the design phase of a third. We presently have seven participating faculty, four participating staff members, ten graduate students, and numerous undergraduates. This report reviews the testbed programs, individual graduate research, other SERC activities not funded by the Center, interaction with non-MIT organizations, and SERC milestones. Published papers made possible by SERC funding are included at the end of the report

    Eigenstructure assignment for helicopter flight control

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Analysis of the contribution of wind power plants to damp power system oscillations

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    Wind power has emerged as one of the most promising renewable energy sources. The very penetration levels of wind energy in power systems have altered several aspects of power system operation, such as system stability. Owing to the large penetration of wind power, transmission system operators (TSOs) have established special grid codes for wind farms connection. These grid codes require wind farms to provide ancillary services to the grid such as frequency and voltage regulation. In the near future, the capability of damping power system oscillations will be required. As a result of the development of such requirements, the concept of wind power plant (WPP) arises being de ned as a wind farm which is expected to behave similarly to a conventional power plant in terms of power generation, control and ancillary services. As future grid codes will require power oscillation damping contribution from wind power, the thesis is mainly focused on the analysis of the power system stabilizer (PSS) capability of wind power plants. The change produced by wind power plants based on di erent wind turbine technologies on power system small signal dynamics is analysed to determine their possible contribution to damp oscillations. The eff ect of the distance from the tie line to the wind power plant on the controller response and the influence of wind power plants proximity to synchronous generators are demonstrated to be critical factors. At this point several questions are raised as: What are the most critical factors? How can be ensure a proper contribution, at least the best possible response? Can it be ensured to be independent to the power system and the controller selected? To answer these questions, this thesis conducts research on proper selection of input-output signal pairs to damp out electromechanical oscillations using wind power plants without drawing attention to a particular control design. This is necessary conclusions about the power system independently of a particular controller. The capability to damp is an intrinsic characteristic of the system and should not be a ected by a particular controller (PSS). Firstly, di erent analysis techniques are compared, considering both controllability and observability measures and input-output interactions. This enables recommendations to be drawn so as to the selection of the the best signal pairs to damp power system oscillations considering di erent approaches, such as single-input single-output (SISO) and multivariable control (MIMO). Second, a new criterion to select the best input-output signals used by a PSS based on WPPs is presented, considering explicitly local and remote signals in the analysis. Taking into account fundamental design limitations and using controllability and observability concepts, the criterion is able to identify the most suitable pair of input-output local signals without consider any particular controller. Finally, due to the increase of wind power generation - including o shore locations - and the concept of an interconnected Pan-European network, a new o shore wind power plant AC network similar in design to the European SuperGrid \SuperNode", is analyzed. The cost e ect of choosing a nonstandard operating frequency on the o shore AC network is investigated. As the o shore AC network is isolated from onshore networks through the use of HVDC links, it may be operated in an asynchronous fashion and at a suitable frequency. The cost associated with operating the network at a fixed frequency in the range 20 to 120 Hz is investigated, focusing on the frequency-cost-scalings of electrical devices (such as cables, transformers and reactive compensation) and the related o shore infrastructures,L'energia e olica s'ha convertit en una de les fonts d'energia renovable m es prometedores. Actualment, l'elevat nivell de penetraci o de l'energia e olica a la xarxa el ectrica ha conduï t a la modi caci o del comportament de diversos aspectes d'aquesta, com per exemple, l'estabilitat. Degut a aquesta gran penetraci o, els operadors de xarxes de transmissi o (TSOs) han establert procediments d'operaci o especials per a la connexi o de grans parcs e olics. Aquests codis requereixen als parcs elics que realitzin serveis auxiliars al sistema el ectric com, per exemple, la regulaci o de freqü encia i la regulaci o de la pot encia reactiva. En un futur proper, la capacitat dels parcs e olics per esmorteir les oscil lacions del sistema de pot encia es requerir a (en l'actualitat ja existeixen esborranys de nous procediments d'operaci o que ho inclouen). A causa d'aquest requeriments, el concepte de central de generaci o d'energia e olica es de neix com un parc e olic que s'espera que es comporti de manera similar a una central de generaci o el ectrica convencional en termes de poder realitzar tasques tals com generaci o, control i serveis auxiliars. Ja que un futur requeriment dels operadors de xarxa ser a la contribuci o de l'energia e olica en l'esmorteiment de les oscil lacions de pot encia, en aquesta tesi s'estudia la capacitat de les centrals e oliques per actuar com estabilitzador dels sistemes el ectrics de pot encia. A m es a m es, s'analitza l'efecte de les centrals d'energia e olica al comportament din amic del sistema el ectric considerant l'estabilitat de petita senyal, per a determinar quina podr a ser la possible contribuci o proporcionada per aquestes tecnologies. S'ha estudiat que l'efecte de la dist ancia des d'el punt de connexi o amb la central d'energia e olica a la resposta del control estabilitzant i la influ encia de la proximitat de les centrals e oliques als generadors s ncrons s on factors cr tics. D'aquest fet surgeixen algunes preguntes com: Es aquest el factor m es cr tic? Com es pot assegurar una contribuci o adequada, si m es no la millor resposta possible, per ajudar a estabilitzar el sistema el ectric? Es poden asegurar quina ser a la contribuci o a l'estabilitat del sistema el ectric independentment de la xarxa i l'esquema de control escollit? Per respondre a aquestes preguntes, aquesta tesi ha realitzat investigacions sobre l'adequada selecci o de parells de senyals d'entrada-sortida per esmorteir les oscil lacions electromec aniques amb centrals e oliques evitant dissenyar el controlador i propossant met odes f acilment adaptables a qualsevol sistema el ectric. En primer lloc, s'han comparat diferents t ecniques d'an alisi tenint en compte tant les mesures de controlabilitat i observabilitat com les interaccions entre les senyals d'entrada i sortida. D'aquesta comparaci o, certes recomanacions es donen a l'hora de seleccionar els millors parells de senyals per esmorteir les oscil lacions del sistema el ectric de pot encia considerant diferents esquemes de control com ara entrada unica sortida unica (SISO) i control multivariable (MIMO). En segon lloc, s'ha proposat un nou criteri per seleccionar les senyals d'entrada i sortida utilitzades per un control estabilitzador per centrals d'energia e olica. On, a difer encia amb anteriors met odes de selecci o proposats, el criteri presentat considera expl citament tant senyals locals com senyals remotes dins el seu an alisi. Aquest criteri es capa c d'identi car la parella de senyals locals d'entrada i sortida m es adequada sense realitzar el disseny del controlador, considerant tant les limitacions fonamentals del disseny del controlador imposades per el sistema com els conceptes de controlabilitat i observabilitat. Finalment, a causa del augment de la generaci o d'energia e olica, principalment en localitzacions marines, i al concepte d'una xarxa el ectrica comuna Pan-Europea, s'ha realitzat l'an alisi d'un nou concepte de xarxa en corrent altern (AC) dins de les centrals d'energia e olica marina, amb un disseny similar al concepte investigat a la Super-Xarxa Europea \Supernode". En aquest treball s'ha investigat l'efecte que t e en els costos la tria una freqüencia nominal d'operaci o no est andard en dita xarxa en corrent altern. La xarxa en AC que es forma entre les turbines e oliques i el convertidor de transmissi o es aï llada tant de les xarxes terrestres per l' us d'enlla cos en corrent continu (HVDC) com de la pr opia de les turbines per el convertidor que porten incorporat. Aquest fet implica que aquesta xarxa pot ser operada sense sincronitzar a qualsevol freqüencia. En aquesta tesi, s'ha estudiat quin es el cost associat amb l'operaci o de la xarxa a una freqü encia fi xa dins del rang de 20-120 Hz, focalitzant principalment en l'escalat del costos dels diferents elements el ectrics (com ara cables, transformadors i compensaci o reatviva i infraestructures necessaris en instal lacions marines respecte la freqüencia

    Helicopter control law design using eigenstructure assignment.

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    Mitigation of power system oscillations is the problem of concern in the power industry as these oscillations, when exhibiting poor damping; affect the transmission line power transfer capability and power system stability. These oscillations greatly restrict power system operations and, in some cases, can also lead to widespread system disturbances. In this context, the Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) device, Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) employed to improve the transmission capability can be additionally utilized for damping control of power system oscillations. IPFC based damping controller design for power system stability requires proper and adequate mathematical representation of power system incorporating the FACTS device. This thesis reports the investigation on the development of steady state model, the dynamic nonlinear mathematical model of the power system installed with the IPFC for stability studies and the linearized extended Phillips Heffron model for the design of control techniques to enhance the damping of the lightly damped oscillations modes. In this context, the mathematical models of the single machine infinite bus (SMIB) power system and multi-machine power system incorporated with IPFC are established. The controllers for the IPFC are designed for enhancing the power system stability. The eigenvalue analysis and nonlinear simulation studies of the investigations conducted on the SMIB and Multi-machine power systems installed with IPFC demonstrate that the control designs are effective in damping the power system oscillations. The results presented in this thesis would provide useful information to electric power utilities engaged in scheduling and operating with the FACTS device, IPFC

    NDI-based neurocontroller for unmanned combat aerial vehicles during aerial refuelling.

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    The success of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs) requires further developments in the field of automated aerial refuelling (AAR) and control systems. AAR aircraft models identified thus far do not take the centre of gravity (cg) position movement into account during refuelling. A six-degree-of-freedom aircraft model was combined with a moving cg model for refuelling. The equations of motion for the aircraft in flight refuelling showed the aircraft dynamics to be coupled in the longitudinal and lateral-directional planes when the cg had moved away from the reference point. Applying assumptions specific to the flight conditions, simplified equations of motion were derived. Modal analysis of four cases for the linearised aircraft model during aerial refuelling was conducted. This revealed that the increase in mass was favourable to the stability of the Dutch Roll mode, but the mode did become more oscillatory initially as mass was increased, but as the cg moved forward, the mode became less oscillatory. The opposite was observed with the Phugoid mode. The Short Period Oscillation (SPO) decomposed into two first order modes during refuelling and these remained unchanged during the refuelling process. Three radial basis function (RBF) neural networks (RBFNN) were developed and trained to approximate the inverse plant dynamics and predicted commanded deflections of the elevator, aileron and rudder. Training data required for the network was randomly generated and the desired rates and commanded control surface deflections were computed. The training error was the smallest in the elevator deflection required during refuelling. A basic nonlinear dynamic inversion (NDI) controller without a neural network (NN) was designed for the aircraft. The performance of this controller was not satisfactory. The RBF was combined with the NDI to form a RBFNN-based controller. The longitudinal NDI RBFNN-based controller was less sensitive to modelling errors than the base NDI controller. The lateral NDI RBFNN-based controller’s performance was worse than the longitudinal controller, but showed potential as a technique for future consideration. Including the variation of aircraft inertia in the model has been recommended as further work, as well as exploring other neural network topologies in the NDI NN controller

    Iterative Learning Control design for uncertain and time-windowed systems

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    Iterative Learning Control (ILC) is a control strategy capable of dramatically increasing the performance of systems that perform batch repetitive tasks. This performance improvement is achieved by iteratively updating the command signal, using measured error data from previous trials, i.e., by learning from past experience. This thesis deals with ILC for time-windowed and uncertain systems. With the term "time-windowed systems", we mean systems in which actuation and measurement time intervals differ. With "uncertain systems", we refer to systems whose behavior is represented by incomplete or inaccurate models. To study the ILC design issues for time-windowed systems, we consider the task of residual vibration suppression in point-to-point motion problems. In this application, time windows are used to modify the original system to comply with the task. With the properties of the time-windowed system resulting in nonconverging behavior of the original ILC controlled system, we introduce a novel ILC design framework in which convergence can be achieved. Additionally, this framework reveals new design freedom in ILC for point-to-point motion problems, which is unknown in "standard" ILC. Theoretical results concerning the problem formulation and control design for these systems are supported by experimental results on a SISO and MIMO flexible structure. The analysis and design results of ILC for time-windowed systems are subsequently extended to the whole class of linear systems whose input and output are filtered with basis functions (which include time windows). Analysis and design theory of ILC for this class of systems reveals how different ILC objectives can be reached by design of separate parts of the ILC controller. Our research on ILC for uncertain systems is divided into two parts. In the first part, we formulate an approach to analyze the robustness properties of existing ILC controllers, using well developed µ theory. To exemplify our findings, we analyze the robustness properties of linear quadratic (LQ) norm optimal ILC controllers. Moreover, we show that the approach is applicable to the class of linear trial invariant ILC controlled systems with basis functions. In the second part, we present a finite time interval robust ILC control strategy that is robust against model uncertainty as given by an additive uncertainty model. For that, we exploit H1 control theory, however, modified such that the controller is not restricted to be causal and operates on a finite time interval. Furthermore, we optimize the robust controller so as to optimize performance while remaining robustly monotonically convergent. By means of experiments on a SISO flexible system, we show that this control strategy can indeed outperform LQ norm optimal ILC and causal robust ILC control strategies


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    Mitigation of power system oscillations is the problem of concern in the power industry as these oscillations, when exhibiting poor damping; affect the transmission line power transfer capability and power system stability. These oscillations greatly restrict power system operations and, in some cases, can also lead to widespread system disturbances. In this context, the Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) device, Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) employed to improve the transmission capability can be additionally utilized for damping control of power system oscillations. IPFC based damping controller design for power system stability requires proper and adequate mathematical representation of power system incorporating the FACTS device. This thesis reports the investigation on the development of steady state model, the dynamic nonlinear mathematical model of the power system installed with the IPFC for stability studies and the linearized extended Phillips Heffron model for the design of control techniques to enhance the damping of the lightly damped oscillations modes. In this context, the mathematical models of the single machine infinite bus (SMIB) power system and multi-machine power system incorporated with IPFC are established. The controllers for the IPFC are designed for enhancing the power system stability. The eigenvalue analysis and nonlinear simulation studies of the investigations conducted on the SMIB and Multi-machine power systems installed with IPFC demonstrate that the control designs are effective in damping the power system oscillations. The results presented in this thesis would provide useful information to electric power utilities engaged in scheduling and operating with the FACTS device, IPFC