31 research outputs found

    Intercomparison of Gridded Precipitation Datasets over a Sub-Region of the Central Himalaya and the Southwestern Tibetan Plateau

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    Precipitation is a central quantity of hydrometeorological research and applications. Especially in complex terrain, such as in High Mountain Asia (HMA), surface precipitation observations are scarce. Gridded precipitation products are one way to overcome the limitations of ground truth observations. They can provide datasets continuous in both space and time. However, there are many products available, which use various methods for data generation and lead to different precipitation values. In our study we compare nine different gridded precipitation products from different origins (ERA5, ERA5-Land, ERA-interim, HAR v2 10 km, HAR v2 2 km, JRA-55, MERRA-2, GPCC and PRETIP) over a subregion of the Central Himalaya and the Southwest Tibetan Plateau, from May to September 2017. Total spatially averaged precipitation over the study period ranged from 411 mm (GPCC) to 781 mm (ERA-Interim) with a mean value of 623 mm and a standard deviation of 132 mm. We found that the gridded products and the few observations, with few exceptions, are consistent among each other regarding precipitation variability and rough amount within the study area. It became obvious that higher grid resolution can resolve extreme precipitation much better, leading to overall lower mean precipitation spatially, but higher extreme precipitation events. We also found that generally high terrain complexity leads to larger differences in the amount of precipitation between products. Due to the considerable differences between products in space and time, we suggest carefully selecting the product used as input for any research application based on the type of application and specific research question. While coarse products such as ERA-Interim or ERA5 that cover long periods but have coarse grid resolution have previously shown to be able to capture long-term trends and help with identifying climate change features, this study suggests that more regional applications, such as glacier mass-balance modeling, require higher spatial resolution, as is reproduced, for example, in HAR v2 10 km.Peer Reviewe

    Remote Sensing of Precipitation: Part II

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    Precipitation is a well-recognized pillar in the global water and energy balances. The accurate and timely understanding of its characteristics at the global, regional and local scales is indispensable for a clearer insight on the mechanisms underlying the Earth’s atmosphere-ocean complex system. Precipitation is one of the elements that is documented to be greatly affected by climate change. In its various forms, precipitation comprises the primary source of freshwater, which is vital for the sustainability of almost all human activities. Its socio-economic significance is fundamental in managing this natural resource effectively, in applications ranging from irrigation to industrial and household usage. Remote sensing of precipitation is pursued through a broad spectrum of continuously enriched and upgraded instrumentation, embracing sensors which can be ground-based (e.g., weather radars), satellite-borne (e.g., passive or active space-borne sensors), underwater (e.g., hydrophones), aerial, or ship-borne. This volume hosts original research contributions on several aspects of remote sensing of precipitation, including applications which embrace the use of remote sensing in tackling issues such as precipitation estimation, seasonal characteristics of precipitation and frequency analysis, assessment of satellite precipitation products, storm prediction, rain microphysics and microstructure, and the comparison of satellite and numerical weather prediction precipitation products

    Remote Sensing of Precipitation: Volume 2

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    Precipitation is a well-recognized pillar in global water and energy balances. An accurate and timely understanding of its characteristics at the global, regional, and local scales is indispensable for a clearer understanding of the mechanisms underlying the Earth’s atmosphere–ocean complex system. Precipitation is one of the elements that is documented to be greatly affected by climate change. In its various forms, precipitation comprises a primary source of freshwater, which is vital for the sustainability of almost all human activities. Its socio-economic significance is fundamental in managing this natural resource effectively, in applications ranging from irrigation to industrial and household usage. Remote sensing of precipitation is pursued through a broad spectrum of continuously enriched and upgraded instrumentation, embracing sensors which can be ground-based (e.g., weather radars), satellite-borne (e.g., passive or active space-borne sensors), underwater (e.g., hydrophones), aerial, or ship-borne

    Precipitation Trends over the Indus Basin

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    A large population relies on water input to the Indus basin, yet basinwide precipitation amounts and trends are not well quantified. Gridded precipitation data sets covering different time periods and based on either station observations, satellite remote sensing, or reanalysis were compared with available station observations and analyzed for basinwide precipitation trends. Compared to observations, some data sets tended to greatly underestimate precipitation, while others overestimate it. Additionally, the discrepancies between data set and station precipitation showed significant time trends in many cases, suggesting that the precipitation trends of those data sets were not consistent with station data. Among the data sets considered, the station-based Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) gridded data set showed good agreement with observations in terms of mean amount, trend, and spatial and temporal pattern. GPCC had average precipitation of about 500 mm per year over the basin and an increase in mean precipitation of about 15% between 1891 and 2016. For the more recent past, since 1958 or 1979, no significant precipitation trend was seen. Among the remote sensing based data sets, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) compared best to station observations and, though available for a shorter time period than station-based data sets such as GPCC, may be especially valuable for parts of the basin without station data. The reanalyses tended to have substantial biases in precipitation mean amount or trend relative to the station data. This assessment of precipitation data set quality and precipitation trends over the Indus basin may be helpful for water planning and management

    Satellite-based remote sensing of rainfall in areas with sparse gauge networks and complex topography

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    Rainfall is an essential parameter in the analysis and research of water resource management. However, the complexity of rainfall combined with the uneven distribution of ground-based gauges and radar in developing countries’ mountainous and semi-arid areas limits its investigation. In this context, satellite-based rainfall products provide area-wide precipitation observations with a high spatio-temporal resolution, engaging them in hydrological management in ungauged basins. Therefore, in this study, I investigated method to establish a satellite-based rainfall algorithm for ungauged basins. The algorithm combines the new Integrated Multi-SatEllite Retrieval for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) (IMERG) rainfall products and second-generation geostationary orbit (GEO) systems developing rainfall retrieval techniques with the high spatio-temporal resolution using machine learning algorithms. For the first step, microwave satellite and Meteosat Second Generation Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (MSG SEVIRI) data for Iran were collected to develop a regionally based new rainfall retrieval technique. The method used geostationary multispectral infrared (IR) data to train Random forest (RF) models. I employed the microwave (MW) rainfall information from the IMERG as a reference for RF training. The rainfall area was delineated in the first step, followed by rainfall rate assignment. The validation results showed the new technique’s reliable performance in both rain area delineation and rain estimate, particularly when compared to IR-only IMERG. Multispectral IR data improves rainfall retrieval compared with one single band. In the next step, I investigated the applicability of the developed algorithm in Ecuador with different orography and rainfall regimes compared to Iran. For this aim, I used the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 (GOES-16) as the GEO satellite, which covers Ecuador at a suitable angle. The feature selection and algorithm tuning were performed to regionalize the models for Ecuador. The validation results show the reliable performance of the method in both rain area delineation and rain estimation in Ecuador. The results proved the suitability of the developed algorithm with different GEO systems and in different regions. Some inaccuracies at the Andes’ high elevation were evident after the spatial analysis of the validation indices. Evaluating the validation results against a high spatio-temporal radar network showed that the developed algorithm has difficulty capturing drizzles and extreme events dominant in the Andes’ high elevations and needs improvement. In summary, this research presents a new satellite-based technique for rainfall retrieval in a high spatio-temporal resolution for ungauged regions, which can be applied in parts of the world with different rainfall regimes. This findings could be used by planners and water managers regardless of the availability of rain gauges at ground. Furthermore, the research showed, for the very first time, the advantage of using the new generation of GEO satellite combined with microwave satellites integrated in GPM IMERG for estimating rainfall.Der Niederschlag ist ein wesentlicher Parameter bei der Analyse und Erforschung der Bewirtschaftung von Wasserressourcen. Die Komplexität des Niederschlags in Verbindung mit der ungleichmäßigen Verteilung von bodengestützten Messgeräten und Radar in den gebirgigen und halbtrockenen Gebieten von Entwicklungsländern schränkt jedoch seine Untersuchung ein. In diesem Zusammenhang liefern satellitengestützte Produkte flächendeckende Niederschlagsbeobachtungen mit einer hohen räumlich-zeitlichen Auflösung, die für das hydrologische Management in nicht beprobten Einzugsgebieten eingesetzt werden können. Daher konzentriert sich die vorliegende Untersuchung auf die Erstellung eines satellitengestützten Niederschlagsalgorithmus für nicht beprobte Einzugsgebiete. Die neuen IMERG (Integrated Multi-SatEllite Retrieval for Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)) Satellitenprodukte werden mit geostationären Orbit-Systemen (GEO) der zweiten Generation mittels Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens zur Niederschlagsermittlung mit hoher räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung kombiniert. In einem ersten Schritt wurden Mikrowellensatelliten- und Meteosat-Daten der zweiten Generation des Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (MSG SEVIRI) für den Iran gesammelt, um eine neue, regional basierte Methode zur Niederschlagsermittlung zu entwickeln. Die Methode verwendete geostationäre multispektrale Infrarotdaten (IR), um Random-Forest-Modelle (RF) zu trainieren. Als Referenz für das RF-Training wurden Mikrowellen-Niederschlagsdaten (MW) des IMERG verwendet. Im ersten Schritt wurde das Niederschlagsgebiet abgegrenzt, gefolgt von der Zuordnung der Niederschlagsmenge. Die Validierungsergebnisse zeigen, dass die neue Technik sowohl bei der Abgrenzung des Niederschlagsgebiets als auch bei der Niederschlagsschätzung zuverlässig funktioniert, insbesondere im Vergleich zum IR-only IMERG. Multispektrale IR-Daten verbessern die Niederschlagsermittlung im Vergleich zu einem einzelnen Band. Im nächsten Schritt wurde die Anwendbarkeit des entwickelten Algorithmus in Ecuador untersucht, das sich in Bezug auf die Orographie und das Niederschlagssystem vom Iran unterscheidet. Zu diesem Zweck wurde der Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 (GOES-16) als GEO-Satellit verwendet, der Ecuador in einem geeigneten Winkel abdeckt. Die Auswahl der Features und das Tuning des Algorithmus wurden durchgeführt, um die Modelle für Ecuador zu regionalisieren. Die Validierungsergebnisse zeigen die zuverlässige Leistung der Methode sowohl bei der Abgrenzung von Regengebieten als auch bei der Schätzung der Niederschlagsmenge in Ecuador. Die Ergebnisse belegen die Eignung des entwickelten Algorithmus für verschiedene GEO-Systeme und verschiedene Regionen. Nach der räumlichen Analyse der Validierungsindizes wurden einige Ungenauigkeiten in denhohen Lagen der Anden deutlich. Die Auswertung der Validierungsergebnisse anhand eines räumlich-zeitlichen Radarnetzes zeigt, dass der entwickelte Algorithmus Schwierigkeiten bei der Erfassung von Nieselregen und extremen Wetterereignissen hat, die in den hohen Lagen der Anden vorherrschen, und dahingehend verbessert werden muss. Diese Forschungsarbeit stellt ein neues satellitengestütztes Verfahren zur Niederschlagsermittlung mit hoher räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung vor, das auf Regionen ohne Bodenstationsmessungen und unterschiedliche Niederschlagsregime angewendet werden kann. Dieser Algorithmuskann von Planungs- und Wasserwirtschaftsämtern oder anderen einschlägigen Einrichtungen unabhängig von der Verfügbarkeit von Regenmessern am Boden genutzt werden. Darüber hinaus zeigte die Untersuchung zum ersten Mal den Vorteil der Nutzung der neuen Generation von GEO-Satelliten in Kombination mit den in IMERG integrierten Mikrowellensatelliten für die Bewertung der Niederschlagsmenge

    Consistency of satellite-based precipitation products in space and over time compared with gauge observations and snow- hydrological modelling in the Lake Titicaca region

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    This paper proposes a protocol to assess the space–time consistency of 12 satellite-based precipitation products (SPPs) according to various indicators, including (i) direct comparison of SPPs with 72 precipitation gauges; (ii) sensitivity of streamflow modelling to SPPs at the outlet of four basins; and (iii) the sensitivity of distributed snow models to SPPs using a MODIS snow product as reference in an unmonitored mountainous area. The protocol was applied successively to four different time windows (2000–2004, 2004–2008, 2008–2012 and 2000–2012) to account for the space–time variability of the SPPs and to a large dataset composed of 12 SPPs (CMORPH–RAW v.1, CMORPH–CRT v.1, CMORPH–BLD v.1, CHIRP v.2, CHIRPS v.2, GSMaP v.6, MSWEP v.2.1, PERSIANN, PERSIANN–CDR, TMPA–RT v.7, TMPA–Adj v.7 and SM2Rain–CCI v.2), an unprecedented comparison. The aim of using different space scales and timescales and indicators was to evaluate whether the efficiency of SPPs varies with the method of assessment, time window and location. Results revealed very high discrepancies between SPPs. Compared to precipitation gauge observations, some SPPs (CMORPH–RAW v.1, CMORPH–CRT v.1, GSMaP v.6, PERSIANN, and TMPA–RT v.7) are unable to estimate regional precipitation, whereas the others (CHIRP v.2, CHIRPS v.2, CMORPH–BLD v.1, MSWEP v.2.1, PERSIANN–CDR, and TMPA–Adj v.7) produce a realistic representation despite recurrent spatial limitation over regions with contrasted emissivity, temperature and orography. In 9 out of 10 of the cases studied, streamflow was more realistically simulated when SPPs were used as forcing precipitation data rather than precipitation derived from the available precipitation gauge networks, whereas the SPP's ability to reproduce the duration of MODIS-based snow cover resulted in poorer simulations than simulation using available precipitation gauges. Interestingly, the potential of the SPPs varied significantly when they were used to reproduce gauge precipitation estimates, streamflow observations or snow cover duration and depending on the time window considered. SPPs thus produce space–time errors that cannot be assessed when a single indicator and/or time window is used, underlining the importance of carefully considering their space–time consistency before using them for hydro-climatic studies. Among all the SPPs assessed, MSWEP v.2.1 showed the highest space–time accuracy and consistency in reproducing gauge precipitation estimates, streamflow and snow cover duration.</p

    Advanced Remote Sensing Precipitation Input for Improved Runoff Simulation : Local to regional scale modelling

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    Accurate precipitation data are crucial for hydrological modelling and rainwater runoff management. Precipitation variability exists through a wide range of spatial and temporal scales and cannot be captured well using sparse rain gauge networks. This limitation is further emphasised for urban and mountainous catchments, especially under global warming, causing an increased frequency of extreme events. Recent advances in remote sensing (RS) techniques make monitoring precipitation possible over larger areas at more regular resolutions than conventional rain gauge networks. The RS data can be biased mainly due to the indirect estimations prone to multiple error sources and temporally discrete observations. The wealth of spatiotemporal precipitation data by RS, however, calls for developing data-driven solutions for both the bias correction and hydrological modelling that, in turn, requires new procedures to assure generalization of the existing methods. The present dissertation comprises a comprehensive summary followed by five appended papers, attempting to evaluate quantitative precipitation estimations (QPE) by state-of-the-art instruments/products for local and regional hydrological applications. Accordingly, two recently installed dual polarimetric doppler X-band weather radars (X-WRs) in southern Sweden and multiple Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) products in Iran were studied at the relevant scales for urban hydrology (1–5-min and sub-km) and large water supply river–reservoir system operation (daily-monthly and 0.1°), respectively. The validation against rain gauge observations (Paper I and II) showed a significant dependency of the X-WR and GPM precipitation errors on the radial distance and regional precipitation pattern, respectively. Taking observations from local tipping bucket rain gauges at the 1–30-km ranges as a reference, the apparent problems with a single X-WR is related to the attenuation during heavy rains and overshooting (at higher elevation angle scans). An internationally bias-corrected GPM product called GPM-IMERG-Final shows a generally good correlation to synoptic observations of over 300 rain gauges in Iran except for extreme observations that are much better predicted by the GPM-IMERG Late product during spring, summer, and autumn seasons. To leverage the wealth of spatiotemporally complete and validated precipitation data for hydrological modelling, two novel data-driven procedures using artificial neural networks (ANNs) were developed. As in Paper III, the formulation of the new ANN input variables, namely, ECOVs and CCOVs, representing the event- and catchment-specific areal precipitation coverage ratios, improve monthly runoff estimations in all the studied sub-catchments of the Karkheh River basin (KRB) in the mountainous semi-arid climate of western Iran. Merging the doppler and dual-polarization data in the overlapping coverage of the two XWRs (Paper IV) via an ANN-based QPE improves rainfall detection and accuracy. ANN-assisted estimation of rainfall quantiles, compared to the merging with an empirically based regression model, also shows better results especially related to the extreme 5-min data. Finally, Paper V describes the impact of human activities such as agricultural developments that can equally affect the runoff variation. This fact is considered in Paper III by including MODIS Terra products as additional inputs

    Application of Climatic Data in Hydrologic Models

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    Over the past few decades, global warming and climate change have impacted the hydrologic cycle. Many models have been developed to simulate hydrologic processes. Obtaining accurate climatic data on local/meso, and global scales is essential for the realistic simulation of hydrologic processes. However, the limited availability of climatic data often poses a challenge to hydrologic modeling efforts. Hydrologic science is currently undergoing a revolution in which the field is being transformed by the multitude of newly available data streams. Historically, hydrologic models that have been developed to answer basic questions about the rainfall–runoff relationship, surface water, and groundwater storage/fluxes, land–atmosphere interactions, have been optimized for previously data-limited conditions. With the advent of remote sensing technologies and increased computational resources, the environment for water cycle researchers has fundamentally changed to one where there is now a flood of spatially distributed and time-dependent data. The bias in the climatic data is propagated through models and can yield estimation errors. Therefore, the bias in climatic data should be removed before their use in hydrologic models. Climatic data have been a core component of the science of hydrology. Their intrinsic role in understanding and managing water resources and developing sound water policies dictates their vital importance. This book aims to present recent advances concerning climatic data and their applications in hydrologic models

    Global-scale evaluation of 23 precipitation datasets using gaugeobservations and hydrological modeling

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    Abstract. We undertook a comprehensive evaluation of 23 gridded (quasi-)global (sub-)daily precipitation (P) datasets for the period 2000–2016. Thirteen non-gauge-corrected P datasets were evaluated using daily P gauge observations from 76 086 gauges worldwide. Another ten gauge-corrected datasets were evaluated using hydrological modeling, by calibrating the conceptual model HBV against streamflow records for each of 9053 small to medium-sized