116 research outputs found

    The Sparse-grid based Nonlinear Filter: Theory and Applications

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    Filtering or estimation is of great importance to virtually all disciplines of engineering and science that need inference, learning, information fusion, and knowledge discovery of dynamical systems. The filtering problem is to recursively determine the states and/or parameters of a dynamical system from a sequence of noisy measurements made on the system. The theory and practice of optimal estimation of linear Gaussian dynamical systems have been well established and successful, but optimal estimation of nonlinear and non-Gaussian dynamical systems is much more challenging and in general requires solving partial differential equations and intractable high-dimensional integrations. Hence, Gaussian approximation filters are widely used. In this dissertation, three innovative point-based Gaussian approximation filters including sparse Gauss-Hermite quadrature filter, sparse-grid quadrature filter, and the anisotropic sparse-grid quadrature filter are proposed. The relationship between the proposed filters and conventional Gaussian approximation filters is analyzed. In particular, it is proven that the popular unscented Kalman filter and the cubature Kalman filter are subset of the proposed sparse-grid filters. The sparse-grid filters are employed in three aerospace applications including spacecraft attitude estimation, orbit determination, and relative navigation. The results show that the proposed filters can achieve better estimation accuracy than the conventional Gaussian approximation filters, such as the extended Kalman filter, the cubature Kalman filter, the unscented Kalman filter, and is computationally more efficient than the Gauss-Hermite quadrature filter

    Quadrature filters for one-step randomly delayed measurements

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    In this paper, two existing quadrature filters, viz., the Gauss–Hermite filter (GHF) and the sparse-grid Gauss–Hermite filter (SGHF) are extended to solve nonlinear filtering problems with one step randomly delayed measurements. The developed filters are applied to solve a maneuvering target tracking problem with one step randomly delayed measurements. Simulation results demonstrate the enhanced accuracy of the proposed delayed filters compared to the delayed cubature Kalman filter and delayed unscented Kalman filter

    Gene regulatory network inference by point-based Gaussian approximation filters incorporating the prior information

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    Examinar a ampliação do uso de TICs por organizações sociais e governamentais na gestão da cidade é o objetivo do presente estudo. Nossa intenção é entender de que forma as tecnologias da informação e comunicação podem ser uma via alternativa que redefine as relações entre Estado e sociedade, substituindo políticas urbanas tradicionais por formas colaborativas de interação dos atores sociais. Entre os resultados alcançados pela pesquisa, é possível destacar a elaboração de uma metodologia capaz de mapear os princípios de organização, articulação, conexão e interação que constituem a existência de redes tecnossociais. A aplicação da metodologia nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo demonstrou indicadores, gráficos e práticas políticas. A análise desses dados revela como as redes se constituem por uma arquitetura móvel, fluída, flexível, organizadas em torno de políticas comuns de ação e formadas por uma identidade coletiva que aproxima os atores das redes tecnossociais. Os princípios que mediam esta coesão são de compartilhamento, confiança e solidariedade, que redefinem as formas da organização do poder em direção a alternativas de organização política e desenvolvimento social

    Adaptive Sparse-grid Gauss-Hermite Filter

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    In this paper, a new nonlinear filter based on sparse-grid quadrature method has been proposed. The proposed filter is named as adaptive sparse-grid Gauss–Hermite filter (ASGHF). Ordinary sparse-grid technique treats all the dimensions equally, whereas the ASGHF assigns a fewer number of points along the dimensions with lower nonlinearity. It uses adaptive tensor product to construct multidimensional points until a predefined error tolerance level is reached. The performance of the proposed filter is illustrated with two nonlinear filtering problems. Simulation results demonstrate that the new algorithm achieves a similar accuracy as compared to sparse-grid Gauss–Hermite filter (SGHF) and Gauss–Hermite filter (GHF) with a considerable reduction in computational load. Further, in the conventional GHF and SGHF, any increase in the accuracy level may result in an unacceptably high increase in the computational burden. However, in ASGHF, a little increase in estimation accuracy is possible with a limited increase in computational burden by varying the error tolerance level and the error weighting parameter. This enables the online estimator to operate near full efficiency with a predefined computational budget