70 research outputs found

    ICOPER Project - Deliverable 4.3 ISURE: Recommendations for extending effective reuse, embodied in the ICOPER CD&R

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    The purpose of this document is to capture the ideas and recommendations, within and beyond the ICOPER community, concerning the reuse of learning content, including appropriate methodologies as well as established strategies for remixing and repurposing reusable resources. The overall remit of this work focuses on describing the key issues that are related to extending effective reuse embodied in such materials. The objective of this investigation, is to support the reuse of learning content whilst considering how it could be originally created and then adapted with that ‘reuse’ in mind. In these circumstances a survey on effective reuse best practices can often provide an insight into the main challenges and benefits involved in the process of creating, remixing and repurposing what we are now designating as Reusable Learning Content (RLC). Several key issues are analysed in this report: Recommendations for extending effective reuse, building upon those described in the previous related deliverables 4.1 Content Development Methodologies and 4.2 Quality Control and Web 2.0 technologies. The findings of this current survey, however, provide further recommendations and strategies for using and developing this reusable learning content. In the spirit of ‘reuse’, this work also aims to serve as a foundation for the many different stakeholders and users within, and beyond, the ICOPER community who are interested in reusing learning resources. This report analyses a variety of information. Evidence has been gathered from a qualitative survey that has focused on the technical and pedagogical recommendations suggested by a Special Interest Group (SIG) on the most innovative practices with respect to new media content authors (for content authoring or modification) and course designers (for unit creation). This extended community includes a wider collection of OER specialists. This collected evidence, in the form of video and audio interviews, has also been represented as multimedia assets potentially helpful for learning and useful as learning content in the New Media Space (See section 4 for further details). Section 2 of this report introduces the concept of reusable learning content and reusability. Section 3 discusses an application created by the ICOPER community to enhance the opportunities for developing reusable content. Section 4 of this report provides an overview of the methodology used for the qualitative survey. Section 5 presents a summary of thematic findings. Section 6 highlights a list of recommendations for effective reuse of educational content, which were derived from thematic analysis described in Appendix A. Finally, section 7 summarises the key outcomes of this work

    Mobile Learning: location, collaboration and scaffolding inquiry

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    Critiques of mobile learning pedagogy are concerned with whether such approaches are technology led. This chapter discusses how the particular features of mobile learning can be harnessed to provide new learning opportunities in relation to collaboration, inquiry and location-based learning. Technology supported inquiry learning is a situation rich with possibilities for collaboration. In particular, mobile learning offers new possibilities for scaffolding collaboration together with its other better-known features such as scaffolding the transfer between settings and making learning relevant by making use of the possibilities of location-based learning. These features are considered as part of mobile learning models, in particular mobile collaborative learning models


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi di era revolusi industri 4.0 telah mendorong dunia pendidikan untuk mengembangkan media digital dalam pembelajaran. Pengembangan modul digital tentunya membutuhkan perangkat teknologi yang dapat mengemas menjadi media yang efektif untuk mendukung literasi digital siswa. Oleh karena itu perangkat pengembangan modul digital dan format publikasi modul menjadi hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul digital berformat EPUB menggunakan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka. Model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) diadaptasi untuk mengembangkan modul digital. Secara keseluruhan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penelitian telah melewati proses validasi oleh ahli materi, media dan pembelajaran. Persentase skor validasi masing-masing sebesar 96,47%, 87,62%, dan 92,72%. Respon siswa juga menunjukan hal yang positif dengan persentase rata-rata nilai sebesar 85,73%. Skor ini termasuk pada kategori Sangat Baik. Dengan demikian modul digital ini dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran yang efektif di sekolah untuk mendukung literasi digital siswa

    Pengembangan E-Pub Untuk Administrasi Sistem Jaringan

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    Abstrak: Pembelajaran di SMK merupakan pendidikan vokasi memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Mata pelajaran Adminsitrasi Sistem Jaringan (ASJ) pada kompetensi keahlian Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ) mempelajari tentang prosedur bagaimana sebuah komputer dapat berperan menjadi server sehingga membutuhkan ketelitian untuk melakukan konfigurasi layanan jaringan  yang sesuai prosedur.  Tujuan penelitian ini menemukan efektifitas pengembangan buku digital ePub sebagai bahan ajar pendamping dalam proses pembelajaran. Pengembangan buku digital ePub menggunakan model ADDIE dengan teknik analisis data bersifat deskriptif. Hasil validasi kelayakan produk pengembangan yaitu ahli isi/materi TKJ sebesar 90,67%, ahli media pembelajaran sebesar 90,52%, dan ahli desain pembelajaran sebesar 96%. Evaluasi produk kepada pengguna (siswa) melalui angket mendapatkan respon yang sangat baik. Uji coba produk yang telah dilakukan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas pembelajaran dengan meningkatnya nilai tes akhir siswa. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk yang telah dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran Administrasi Sistem Jaringan. Abstract: Learning in vocational schools is a vocational education has its own characteristics. Network System Administration (ASJ) subjects in Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) competencies learn about procedures how a computer can act as a server so it requires accuracy to configure network services according to procedure. The purpose of this study is to find the effectiveness of ePub digital book development as a teaching material in the learning process. Development of ePub digital books using ADDIE models with descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of the or validation of the feasibility of product development are content experts / TKJ by 90.67%, learning media experts by 90.52%, and learning design experts by 96%. Product evaluations to users (students) through a questionnaire get a very good response. Product trials that have been carried out can increase the effectiveness of learning by increasing student final test scores. So it can be concluded that the product that has been developed is feasible to use in learning Network Administration System

    The Development of Statistic Instructional Materials for Integrated Student about Electronic Publishing Based Statistical Literacy

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    Good instructional materials are arranged systematically and they enable students to learn independently, up to date, easily digestible and designed in accordance with the applicable curriculum. This research aimed to determine the process and results of the development of integrated statistical instructional materials EPUB-based statistical literacy properly (valid, practical, and effective) and to determine whether there were significant differences between the pretest-posttest results. The type of research used was Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE type development model. The subjects in this research were 53 students of the mathematics education study program at Universitas Palangkaraya (UPR) and 41 students of the PGSD study program at Universitas Mushammadiyah Palangkaraya (UMPR). Data analysis used T-test and N-Gain test. The research results obtained were as follows: (1) The instructional materials developed contained statistical literacy and multimedia based, namely EPUB (2) The average validity obtained from the validator's assessment was 89.42% very valid of 89.42% (3) The average percentage of student responses to EPUB-based statistical literacy integrated instructional materials was 89.82%. Overall, instructional materials were in the very practical category. (4) student learning completeness reached 80.76%, there were 30 of 31 UPR students completed and student learning completeness reached 78, 80%, there were 22 UMPR students completed and it can be concluded that the use of EPUB was effective. (5) Furthermore, a significant difference can be seen from the UPR average of the experiment class posttest was 84.23 while the posttest control class was 61.23. It means that the post-test results of the experiment class were higher than the post-test results of the control class with a difference of 23 and the result of the N-gain score for the experiment class is 56.3% while the control class is only 4.24%. Meanwhile, a significant difference can also be seen from the average UMPR of the posttest experiment class was 78.14 while the posttest control class was 63.00. It means that the post-test results of the experiment class were higher than the post-test results of the control class with a difference of 15.14 and the results of the N-gain score for the experiment class are 56% while the control class was only 10%
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