191 research outputs found

    Saturation Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11 in Presence of Non Ideal Transmission Channel and Capture Effects

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    In this paper, we provide a saturation throughput analysis of the IEEE 802.11 protocol at the data link layer by including the impact of both transmission channel and capture effects in Rayleigh fading environment. Impacts of both non-ideal channel and capture effects, specially in an environment of high interference, become important in terms of the actual observed throughput. As far as the 4-way handshaking mechanism is concerned, we extend the multi-dimensional Markovian state transition model characterizing the behavior at the MAC layer by including transmission states that account for packet transmission failures due to errors caused by propagation through the channel. This way, any channel model characterizing the physical transmission medium can be accommodated, including AWGN and fading channels. We also extend the Markov model in order to consider the behavior of the contention window when employing the basic 2-way handshaking mechanism. Under the usual assumptions regarding the traffic generated per node and independence of packet collisions, we solve for the stationary probabilities of the Markov chain and develop expressions for the saturation throughput as a function of the number of terminals, packet sizes, raw channel error rates, capture probability, and other key system parameters. The theoretical derivations are then compared to simulation results confirming the effectiveness of the proposed models.Comment: To appear on IEEE Transactions on Communications, 200

    A Markov Chain Approach to IEEE 802.11WLAN Performance Analysis

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    Wireless communication always attracts extensive research interest, as it is a core part of modern communication technology. During my PhD study, I have focused on two research areas of wireless communication: IEEE 802.11 network performance analysis, and wireless cooperative retransmission. The first part of this thesis focuses on IEEE 802.11 network performance analysis. Since IEEE 802.11 technology is the most popular wireless access technology, IEEE 802.11 network performance analysis is always an important research area. In this area, my work includes the development of three analytical models for various aspects of IEEE 802.11 network performance analysis. First, a two-dimensional Markov chain model is proposed for analysing the performance of IEEE 802.11e EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access). With this analytical model, the saturated throughput is obtained. Compared with the existing analytical models of EDCA, the proposed model includes more correct details of EDCA, and accordingly its results are more accurate. This better accuracy is also proved by the simulation study. Second, another two-dimensional Markov chain model is proposed for analysing the coexistence performance of IEEE 802.11 DCF (Distributed Coordination Function) and IEEE 802.11e EDCA wireless devices. The saturated throughput is obtained with the proposed analytical model. The simulation study verifies the proposed analytical model, and it shows that the channel access priority of DCF is similar to that of the best effort access category in EDCA in the coexistence environment. The final work in this area is a hierarchical Markov chain model for investigating the impact of data-rate switching on the performance of IEEE 802.11 DCF. With this analytical model,the saturated throughput can be obtained. The simulation study verifies the accuracy of the model and shows the impact of the data-rate switching under different network conditions. A series of threshold values for the channel condition as well as the number of stations are obtained to decide whether the data-rate switching should be active or not. The second part of this thesis focuses on wireless cooperative retransmission. In this thesis, two uncoordinated distributed wireless cooperative retransmission strategies for single-hop connection are presented. In the proposed strategies, each uncoordinated cooperative neighbour randomly decide whether it should transmit to help the frame delivery depending on some pre-calculated optimal transmission probabilities. In Strategy 1, the source only transmits once in the first slot, and only the neighbours are involved in the retransmission attempts in the subsequent slots. In Strategy 2, both the source and the neighbours participate in the retransmission attempts. Both strategies are first analysed with a simple memoryless channel model, and the results show the superior performance of Strategy 2. With the elementary results for the memoryless channel model, a more realistic two-state Markov fading channel model is used to investigate the performance of Strategy 2. The simulation study verifies the accuracy of our analysis and indicates the superior performance of Strategy 2 compared with the simple retransmission strategy and the traditional two-hop strategy

    Mac-Phy Cross-Layer analysis and design of Mimo-Ofdm Wlans based on fast link adaptation

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    The latestWLAN standard, known as IEEE 802.11n, has notably increased the network capacity with respect to its predecessors thanks to the incorporation of the multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) technology. Nonetheless, the new amendment, as its previous ones, does not specify how crucial configuration mechanisms, most notably the adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) algorithm should be implemented. The AMC process has proved essential to fully exploit the system resources in light of varying channel conditions. In this dissertation, a closed-loop AMC technique, referred to as fast link adaption (FLA) algorithm, that effectively selects themodulation and coding scheme (MCS) for multicarriermultiantennaWLAN networks is proposed. The FLA algorithm determines the MCS that maximizes the throughput while satisfying a quality of service (QoS) constraint, usually defined in the form of an objective packet error rate (PER). To this end, FLA uses a packet/bit error rate prediction methodology based on the exponential effective SNRmetric (EESM). The FLA algorithm performance has been evaluated under IEEE 802.11n systems that thanks to the incorporation of a feedbackmechanismare able to implement closed- loop AMC mechanisms. Initially, this AMC technique relies only on physical layer information but it is subsequently extended to also take into account themediumaccess control (MAC) sublayer performance. At the physical layer, the FLA algorithm has demonstrated its effectivity by performing very close to optimality in terms of throughput, while satisfying a prescribed PER constraint. The FLA algorithm has also been evaluated using imperfect channel information. It has been observed that the proposed FLA technique is rather robust against imperfect channel information, and only in highly-frequency selective channels, imperfect channel knowledge causes a noticeable degradation in throughput. At the MAC sublayer, the FLA algorithm has been complemented with a timeout strategy that weighs down the influence of the available channel information as this becomes outdated. This channel information outdate is caused by the MAC sublayer whose user multiplexing policy potentially results in large delays between acquiring the instant in which the channel state information is acquired and that in which the channel is accessed. Results demonstrate the superiority of FLA when compared to open-loop algorithms under saturated and non-saturated conditions and irrespective of the packet length, number of users, protocol (CSMA/CA or CDMA/E2CA) and access scheme (Basic Access or RTS/CTS). Additionally, several analytical models have been developed to estimate the system performance at the MAC sublayer. These models account for all operational details of the IEEE 802.11n MAC sublayer, such as finite number of retries, anomalous slot or channel errors. In particular, a semi-analytical model that assesses the MAC layer throughput under saturated conditions, considering the AMC performance is first introduced. Then, an analytical model that allows the evaluation of the QoS performance under non-saturated conditions is presented. This model focuses on single MCS and it is able to accurately predict very important system performance metrics such as blocking probability, delay, probability of discard or goodput thanks to the consideration of the finite queues on each station. Finally, the previous non-saturated analytical approach is used to define a semi-analytical model in order to estimate the system performance when considering AMC algorithms (i.e. whenmultiple MCSs are available)La darrera versió de l’estàndard deWLAN, anomenada IEEE 802.11n, ha augmentat la seva capacitat notablement en relació als sistemes anteriors gràcies a la incorporació de la tecnologia de múltiples antenes en transmissió i recepció (MIMO). No obstant això, la nova proposta, al igual que les anteriors, segueix sense especificar com s’han d’implementar elsmecanismes de configuraciómés crucials, un dels quals és l’algoritme de codificació imodulació adaptativa (AMC). Aquests algoritmes ja han demostrat la seva importància a l’hora demaximitzar el rendiment del sistema tenint en compte les condicions canviants del canal. En aquesta tesis s’ha proposat un algoritme AMC de llaç tancat, anomenat adaptació ràpida de l’enllaç (FLA), que selecciona eficientment l’esquema demodulació i codificació adaptativa per xarxes WLAN basades en arquitectures multiportadora multiantena. L’algoritme FLA determina el mode de transmissió capaç de maximitzar el throughput per les condicions de canal actuals, mentre satisfà un requisit de qualitat de servei en forma de taxa d’error per paquet (PER). FLA utilitza una metodologia de predicció de PER basada en l’estimació de la relació senyal renou (SNR) efectiva exponencial (EESM). El rendiment de l’algoritme FLA ha estat avaluat en sistemes IEEE 802.11n, ja que aquests, gràcies a la incorporació d’unmecanisme de realimentació demodes de transmissió, poden adoptar solucions AMC de llaç tancat. En una primera part, l’estudi s’ha centrat a la capa física i després s’ha estès a la subcapa MAC. A la capa física s’ha demostrat l’efectivitat de l’algoritme FLA aconseguint un rendiment molt proper al que ens proporcionaria un esquema AMC òptim en termes de throughput, alhora que es satisfan els requisits de PER objectiu. L’algoritme FLA també ha estat avaluat utilitzant informació imperfecte del canal. S’ha vist que l’algoritme FLA proposat és robust en front dels efectes d’estimació imperfecte del canal, i només en canals altament selectius en freqüència, la informació imperfecte del canal provoca una davallada en el rendiment en termes de throughput. A la subcapa MAC, l’algoritme FLA ha estat complementat amb una estratègia de temps d’espera que disminueix la dependència amb la informació de canal disponible a mesura que aquesta va quedant desfassada respecte de l’estat actual. Aquesta informació de canal desfassada és conseqüència de la subcapa MAC que degut a la multiplexació d’usuaris introdueix grans retards entre que es determina el mode de transmissió més adequat i la seva utilització per a l’accés al canal. Els resultats obtinguts han demostrat la superioritat de FLA respecte d’altres algoritmes de llaç obert en condicions de saturació i de no saturació, i independentment de la longitud de paquet, nombre d’usuaris, protocol (CSMA/CA i CSMA/E2CA) i esquema d’accés (Basic Access i RTS/CTS). Amés, s’han desenvolupat diversosmodels analítics per tal d’estimar el rendiment del sistema a la subcapa MAC. Aquests models consideren tots els detalls de funcionament de la subcapaMAC del 802.11n, comper exemple un nombre finit de retransmissions de cada paquet, l’slot anòmal o els errors introduïts pel canal. Inicialment s’ha proposat unmodel semi-analític que determina el throughtput en condicions de saturació, considerant el rendiment dels algoritmes AMC. Després s’ha presentat un model analític que estima el rendiment del sistema per condicions de no saturació, mitjançat elmodelat de cues finites a cada estació. Aquestmodel consideramodes de transmissió fixes i és capaç de determinar de manera molt precisa mètriques de rendimentmolt importants comsón la probabilitat de bloqueig de cada estació, el retard mitjà del paquets, la probabilitat de descart o la mesura del goodput. Finalment, el model analític de no saturació s’ha utilitzat per definir un model semi-analític per tal d’estimar el rendiment del sistema quan es considera l’ús d’algoritmes AMC

    Optimization of the interoperability and dynamic spectrum management in mobile communications systems beyond 3G

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    The future wireless ecosystem will heterogeneously integrate a number of overlapped Radio Access Technologies (RATs) through a common platform. A major challenge arising from the heterogeneous network is the Radio Resource Management (RRM) strategy. A Common RRM (CRRM) module is needed in order to provide a step toward network convergence. This work aims at implementing HSDPA and IEEE 802.11e CRRM evaluation tools. Innovative enhancements to IEEE 802.11e have been pursued on the application of cross-layer signaling to improve Quality of Service (QoS) delivery, and provide more efficient usage of radio resources by adapting such parameters as arbitrary interframe spacing, a differentiated backoff procedure and transmission opportunities, as well as acknowledgment policies (where the most advised block size was found to be 12). Besides, the proposed cross-layer algorithm dynamically changes the size of the Arbitration Interframe Space (AIFS) and the Contention Window (CW) duration according to a periodically obtained fairness measure based on the Signal to Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and transmission time, a delay constraint and the collision rate of a given machine. The throughput was increased in 2 Mb/s for all the values of the load that have been tested whilst satisfying more users than with the original standard. For the ad hoc mode an analytical model was proposed that allows for investigating collision free communications in a distributed environment. The addition of extra frequency spectrum bands and an integrated CRRM that enables spectrum aggregation was also addressed. RAT selection algorithms allow for determining the gains obtained by using WiFi as a backup network for HSDPA. The proposed RAT selection algorithm is based on the load of each system, without the need for a complex management system. Simulation results show that, in such scenario, for high system loads, exploiting localization while applying load suitability optimization based algorithm, can provide a marginal gain of up to 450 kb/s in the goodput. HSDPA was also studied in the context of cognitive radio, by considering two co-located BSs operating at different frequencies (in the 2 and 5 GHz bands) in the same cell. The system automatically chooses the frequency to serve each user with an optimal General Multi-Band Scheduling (GMBS) algorithm. It was shown that enabling the access to a secondary band, by using the proposed Integrated CRRM (iCRRM), an almost constant gain near 30 % was obtained in the throughput with the proposed optimal solution, compared to a system where users are first allocated in one of the two bands and later not able to handover between the bands. In this context, future cognitive radio scenarios where IEEE 802.11e ad hoc modes will be essential for giving access to the mobile users have been proposed

    Performance Analysis of Distributed MAC Protocols for Wireless Networks

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    How to improve the radio resource utilization and provide better quality-of-service (QoS) is an everlasting challenge to the designers of wireless networks. As an indispensable element of the solution to the above task, medium access control (MAC) protocols coordinate the stations and resolve the channel access contentions so that the scarce radio resources are shared fairly and efficiently among the participating users. With a given physical layer, a properly designed MAC protocol is the key to desired system performance, and directly affects the perceived QoS of end users. Distributed random access protocols are widely used MAC protocols in both infrastructure-based and infrastructureless wireless networks. To understand the characteristics of these protocols, there have been enormous efforts on their performance study by means of analytical modeling in the literature. However, the existing approaches are inflexible to adapt to different protocol variants and traffic situations, due to either many unrealistic assumptions or high complexity. In this thesis, we propose a simple and scalable generic performance analysis framework for a family of carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) based distributed MAC protocols, regardless of the detailed backoff and channel access policies, with more realistic and fewer assumptions. It provides a systematic approach to the performance study and comparison of diverse MAC protocols in various situations. Developed from the viewpoint of a tagged station, the proposed framework focuses on modeling the backoff and channel access behavior of an individual station. A set of fixed point equations is obtained based on a novel three-level renewal process concept, which leads to the fundamental MAC performance metric, average frame service time. With this result, the important network saturation throughput is then obtained straightforwardly. The above distinctive approach makes the proposed analytical framework unified for both saturated and unsaturated stations. The proposed framework is successfully applied to study and compare the performance of three representative distributed MAC protocols: the legacy p-persistent CSMA/CA protocol, the IEEE 802.15.4 contention access period MAC protocol, and the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function, in a network with homogeneous service. It is also extended naturally to study the effects of three prevalent mechanisms for prioritized channel access in a network with service differentiation. In particular, the novel concepts of ``virtual backoff event'' and ``pre-backoff waiting periods'' greatly simplify the analysis of the arbitration interframe space mechanism, which is the most challenging one among the three, as shown in the previous works reported in the literature. The comparison with comprehensive simulations shows that the proposed analytical framework provides accurate performance predictions in a broad range of stations. The results obtained provide many helpful insights into how to improve the performance of current protocols and design better new ones

    Interference in vehicle-to-vehicle communication networks - analysis, modeling, simulation and assessment

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    In wireless vehicular communication networks the periodic transmission of status updates by all vehicles represents a basic service primitive, in particular for safety related applications. Due to the limited communication resources the question raises how much data each node may provide such that the quality of service required by applications can still be guaranteed under realistic interference conditions. Local broadcasts capacity is introduced and analyzed to tackle this open question

    Cross-Layer Techniques for Efficient Medium Access in Wi-Fi Networks

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    IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) wireless networks share the wireless medium using a Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. The MAC protocol is a central determiner of Wi-Fi networks’ efficiency–the fraction of the capacity available in the physical layer that Wi-Fi-equipped hosts can use in practice. The MAC protocol’s design is intended to allow senders to share the wireless medium fairly while still allowing high utilisation. This thesis develops techniques that allow Wi-Fi senders to send more data using fewer medium acquisitions, reducing the overhead of idle periods, and thus improving end-to-end goodput. Our techniques address the problems we identify with Wi-Fi’s status quo. Today’s commodity Linux Wi-Fi/IP software stack and Wi-Fi cards waste medium acquisitions as they fail to queue enough packets that would allow for effective sending of multiple frames per wireless medium acquisition. In addition, for bi-directional protocols such as TCP, TCP data and TCP ACKs contend for the wireless channel, wasting medium acquisitions (and thus capacity). Finally, the probing mechanism used for bit-rate adaptation in Wi-Fi networks increases channel acquisition overhead. We describe the design and implementation of Aggregate Aware Queueing (AAQ), a fair queueing discipline, that coordinates scheduling of frame transmission with the aggregation layer in the Wi-Fi stack, allowing more frames per channel acquisition. Furthermore, we describe Hierarchical Acknowledgments (HACK) and Transmission Control Protocol Acknowledgment Optimisation (TAO), techniques that reduce channel acquisitions for TCP flows, further improving goodput. Finally, we design and implement Aggregate Aware Rate Control (AARC), a bit-rate adaptation algorithm that reduces channel acquisition overheads incurred by the probing mechanism common in today’s commodity Wi-Fi systems. We implement our techniques on real Wi-Fi hardware to demonstrate their practicality, and measure their performance on real testbeds, using off-the-shelf commodity Wi-Fi hardware where possible, and software-defined radio hardware for those techniques that require modification of the Wi-Fi implementation unachievable on commodity hardware. The techniques described in this thesis offer up to 2x aggregate goodput improvement compared to the stock Linux Wi-Fi stack
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