20,904 research outputs found

    CaMKII activation supports reward-based neural network optimization through Hamiltonian sampling

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    Synaptic plasticity is implemented and controlled through over thousand different types of molecules in the postsynaptic density and presynaptic boutons that assume a staggering array of different states through phosporylation and other mechanisms. One of the most prominent molecule in the postsynaptic density is CaMKII, that is described in molecular biology as a "memory molecule" that can integrate through auto-phosporylation Ca-influx signals on a relatively large time scale of dozens of seconds. The functional impact of this memory mechanism is largely unknown. We show that the experimental data on the specific role of CaMKII activation in dopamine-gated spine consolidation suggest a general functional role in speeding up reward-guided search for network configurations that maximize reward expectation. Our theoretical analysis shows that stochastic search could in principle even attain optimal network configurations by emulating one of the most well-known nonlinear optimization methods, simulated annealing. But this optimization is usually impeded by slowness of stochastic search at a given temperature. We propose that CaMKII contributes a momentum term that substantially speeds up this search. In particular, it allows the network to overcome saddle points of the fitness function. The resulting improved stochastic policy search can be understood on a more abstract level as Hamiltonian sampling, which is known to be one of the most efficient stochastic search methods.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Scalable Bayesian Optimization Using Deep Neural Networks

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    Bayesian optimization is an effective methodology for the global optimization of functions with expensive evaluations. It relies on querying a distribution over functions defined by a relatively cheap surrogate model. An accurate model for this distribution over functions is critical to the effectiveness of the approach, and is typically fit using Gaussian processes (GPs). However, since GPs scale cubically with the number of observations, it has been challenging to handle objectives whose optimization requires many evaluations, and as such, massively parallelizing the optimization. In this work, we explore the use of neural networks as an alternative to GPs to model distributions over functions. We show that performing adaptive basis function regression with a neural network as the parametric form performs competitively with state-of-the-art GP-based approaches, but scales linearly with the number of data rather than cubically. This allows us to achieve a previously intractable degree of parallelism, which we apply to large scale hyperparameter optimization, rapidly finding competitive models on benchmark object recognition tasks using convolutional networks, and image caption generation using neural language models

    Trajectory-Based Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Policy gradient methods are powerful reinforcement learning algorithms and have been demonstrated to solve many complex tasks. However, these methods are also data-inefficient, afflicted with high variance gradient estimates, and frequently get stuck in local optima. This work addresses these weaknesses by combining recent improvements in the reuse of off-policy data and exploration in parameter space with deterministic behavioral policies. The resulting objective is amenable to standard neural network optimization strategies like stochastic gradient descent or stochastic gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Incorporation of previous rollouts via importance sampling greatly improves data-efficiency, whilst stochastic optimization schemes facilitate the escape from local optima. We evaluate the proposed approach on a series of continuous control benchmark tasks. The results show that the proposed algorithm is able to successfully and reliably learn solutions using fewer system interactions than standard policy gradient methods.Comment: Includes appendix. Accepted for ICML 201

    Guided Cost Learning: Deep Inverse Optimal Control via Policy Optimization

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    Reinforcement learning can acquire complex behaviors from high-level specifications. However, defining a cost function that can be optimized effectively and encodes the correct task is challenging in practice. We explore how inverse optimal control (IOC) can be used to learn behaviors from demonstrations, with applications to torque control of high-dimensional robotic systems. Our method addresses two key challenges in inverse optimal control: first, the need for informative features and effective regularization to impose structure on the cost, and second, the difficulty of learning the cost function under unknown dynamics for high-dimensional continuous systems. To address the former challenge, we present an algorithm capable of learning arbitrary nonlinear cost functions, such as neural networks, without meticulous feature engineering. To address the latter challenge, we formulate an efficient sample-based approximation for MaxEnt IOC. We evaluate our method on a series of simulated tasks and real-world robotic manipulation problems, demonstrating substantial improvement over prior methods both in terms of task complexity and sample efficiency.Comment: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2016, to appea

    Reconciling meta-learning and continual learning with online mixtures of tasks

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    Learning-to-learn or meta-learning leverages data-driven inductive bias to increase the efficiency of learning on a novel task. This approach encounters difficulty when transfer is not advantageous, for instance, when tasks are considerably dissimilar or change over time. We use the connection between gradient-based meta-learning and hierarchical Bayes to propose a Dirichlet process mixture of hierarchical Bayesian models over the parameters of an arbitrary parametric model such as a neural network. In contrast to consolidating inductive biases into a single set of hyperparameters, our approach of task-dependent hyperparameter selection better handles latent distribution shift, as demonstrated on a set of evolving, image-based, few-shot learning benchmarks.Comment: updated experimental result

    Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks

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    It is known that the learning rate is the most important hyper-parameter to tune for training deep neural networks. This paper describes a new method for setting the learning rate, named cyclical learning rates, which practically eliminates the need to experimentally find the best values and schedule for the global learning rates. Instead of monotonically decreasing the learning rate, this method lets the learning rate cyclically vary between reasonable boundary values. Training with cyclical learning rates instead of fixed values achieves improved classification accuracy without a need to tune and often in fewer iterations. This paper also describes a simple way to estimate "reasonable bounds" -- linearly increasing the learning rate of the network for a few epochs. In addition, cyclical learning rates are demonstrated on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets with ResNets, Stochastic Depth networks, and DenseNets, and the ImageNet dataset with the AlexNet and GoogLeNet architectures. These are practical tools for everyone who trains neural networks.Comment: Presented at WACV 2017; see https://github.com/bckenstler/CLR for instructions to implement CLR in Kera

    Parametrized Deep Q-Networks Learning: Reinforcement Learning with Discrete-Continuous Hybrid Action Space

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    Most existing deep reinforcement learning (DRL) frameworks consider either discrete action space or continuous action space solely. Motivated by applications in computer games, we consider the scenario with discrete-continuous hybrid action space. To handle hybrid action space, previous works either approximate the hybrid space by discretization, or relax it into a continuous set. In this paper, we propose a parametrized deep Q-network (P- DQN) framework for the hybrid action space without approximation or relaxation. Our algorithm combines the spirits of both DQN (dealing with discrete action space) and DDPG (dealing with continuous action space) by seamlessly integrating them. Empirical results on a simulation example, scoring a goal in simulated RoboCup soccer and the solo mode in game King of Glory (KOG) validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our method

    Reinforcement Learning for Batch Bioprocess Optimization

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    Bioprocesses have received a lot of attention to produce clean and sustainable alternatives to fossil-based materials. However, they are generally difficult to optimize due to their unsteady-state operation modes and stochastic behaviours. Furthermore, biological systems are highly complex, therefore plant-model mismatch is often present. To address the aforementioned challenges we propose a Reinforcement learning based optimization strategy for batch processes. In this work, we applied the Policy Gradient method from batch-to-batch to update a control policy parametrized by a recurrent neural network. We assume that a preliminary process model is available, which is exploited to obtain a preliminary optimal control policy. Subsequently, this policy is updatedbased on measurements from thetrueplant. The capabilities of our proposed approach were tested on three case studies (one of which is nonsmooth) using a more complex process model for thetruesystemembedded with adequate process disturbance. Lastly, we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy compared against current existing approaches such as nonlinear model predictive control

    Semantics, Representations and Grammars for Deep Learning

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    Deep learning is currently the subject of intensive study. However, fundamental concepts such as representations are not formally defined -- researchers "know them when they see them" -- and there is no common language for describing and analyzing algorithms. This essay proposes an abstract framework that identifies the essential features of current practice and may provide a foundation for future developments. The backbone of almost all deep learning algorithms is backpropagation, which is simply a gradient computation distributed over a neural network. The main ingredients of the framework are thus, unsurprisingly: (i) game theory, to formalize distributed optimization; and (ii) communication protocols, to track the flow of zeroth and first-order information. The framework allows natural definitions of semantics (as the meaning encoded in functions), representations (as functions whose semantics is chosen to optimized a criterion) and grammars (as communication protocols equipped with first-order convergence guarantees). Much of the essay is spent discussing examples taken from the literature. The ultimate aim is to develop a graphical language for describing the structure of deep learning algorithms that backgrounds the details of the optimization procedure and foregrounds how the components interact. Inspiration is taken from probabilistic graphical models and factor graphs, which capture the essential structural features of multivariate distributions.Comment: 20 pages, many diagram

    CNNs are Globally Optimal Given Multi-Layer Support

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    Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is the central workhorse for training modern CNNs. Although giving impressive empirical performance it can be slow to converge. In this paper we explore a novel strategy for training a CNN using an alternation strategy that offers substantial speedups during training. We make the following contributions: (i) replace the ReLU non-linearity within a CNN with positive hard-thresholding, (ii) reinterpret this non-linearity as a binary state vector making the entire CNN linear if the multi-layer support is known, and (iii) demonstrate that under certain conditions a global optima to the CNN can be found through local descent. We then employ a novel alternation strategy (between weights and support) for CNN training that leads to substantially faster convergence rates, nice theoretical properties, and achieving state of the art results across large scale datasets (e.g. ImageNet) as well as other standard benchmarks