19 research outputs found

    Simultaneous denoising and enhancement of signals by a fractal conservation law

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    In this paper, a new filtering method is presented for simultaneous noise reduction and enhancement of signals using a fractal scalar conservation law which is simply the forward heat equation modified by a fractional anti-diffusive term of lower order. This kind of equation has been first introduced by physicists to describe morphodynamics of sand dunes. To evaluate the performance of this new filter, we perform a number of numerical tests on various signals. Numerical simulations are based on finite difference schemes or Fast and Fourier Transform. We used two well-known measuring metrics in signal processing for the comparison. The results indicate that the proposed method outperforms the well-known Savitzky-Golay filter in signal denoising. Interesting multi-scale properties w.r.t. signal frequencies are exhibited allowing to control both denoising and contrast enhancement

    Edge Aware Anisotropic Diffusion for 3D Scalar Data

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    Fig. 1: The left half of the figure demonstrates the consistency in smoothing of our method compared to the existing method. The right half of the figure demonstrates the de-noising capabilities of our method. All the images from (a-c) were obtained byrenderingan iso-surface of 153. (a) Diffused with an existing diffusion model proposed by Krissian et al. [20] with k = 40, and100 iterations (b) The original Sheep’s heart data. (c) Diffused with our method with σ = 1 and the same number of iterations. The yellow circle indicates aregionwheretheiso-surfacehasbothhighandmediumrangegradient magnitude, and the blue circle marks a region where the gradient magnitude is much lower. Note the inconsistent smoothing in (a) inside the yellow circle. (d) The tooth data contaminated with Poisson noise (SNR=12.8) (e)Theoriginaltoothdata(f)Diffusedwithourmethod(SNR=25.76) withσ = 1 and 25 iterations. We used the exact same transfer function to render all the images in(d-f). Abstract—Inthispaperwepresentanovelanisotropicdiffusionmodel targeted for 3D scalar field data. Our model preserves material boundaries as well as fine tubular structures while noise is smoothed out. One of the major novelties is the use of the directional second derivative to define material boundaries instead of the gradient magnitude for thresholding. This results in a diffusion model that has much lower sensitivity to the diffusion parameter and smoothes material boundaries consistently compared to gradient magnitude based techniques. We empirically analyze the stability and convergence of the proposed diffusion and demonstrate its de-noising capabilities for both analytic and real data. We also discuss applications in the context of volume rendering

    Mathematical approaches to digital color image denoising

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    Many mathematical models have been designed to remove noise from images. Most of them focus on grey value images with additive artificial noise. Only very few specifically target natural color photos taken by a digital camera with real noise. Noise in natural color photos have special characteristics that are substantially different from those that have been added artificially. In this thesis previous denoising models are reviewed. We analyze the strengths and weakness of existing denoising models by showing where they perform well and where they don't. We put special focus on two models: The steering kernel regression model and the non-local model. For Kernel Regression model, an adaptive bilateral filter is introduced as complementary to enhance it. Also a non-local bilateral filter is proposed as an application of the idea of non-local means filter. Then the idea of cross-channel denoising is proposed in this thesis. It is effective in denoising monochromatic images by understanding the characteristics of digital noise in natural color images. A non-traditional color space is also introduced specifically for this purpose. The cross-channel paradigm can be applied to most of the exisiting models to greatly improve their performance for denoising natural color images.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Haomin Zhou; Committee Member: Luca Dieci; Committee Member: Ronghua Pan; Committee Member: Sung Ha Kang; Committee Member: Yang Wan

    Bilateral filter in image processing

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    The bilateral filter is a nonlinear filter that does spatial averaging without smoothing edges. It has shown to be an effective image denoising technique. It also can be applied to the blocking artifacts reduction. An important issue with the application of the bilateral filter is the selection of the filter parameters, which affect the results significantly. Another research interest of bilateral filter is acceleration of the computation speed. There are three main contributions of this thesis. The first contribution is an empirical study of the optimal bilateral filter parameter selection in image denoising. I propose an extension of the bilateral filter: multi resolution bilateral filter, where bilateral filtering is applied to the low-frequency sub-bands of a signal decomposed using a wavelet filter bank. The multi resolution bilateral filter is combined with wavelet thresholding to form a new image denoising framework, which turns out to be very effective in eliminating noise in real noisy images. The second contribution is that I present a spatially adaptive method to reduce compression artifacts. To avoid over-smoothing texture regions and to effectively eliminate blocking and ringing artifacts, in this paper, texture regions and block boundary discontinuities are first detected; these are then used to control/adapt the spatial and intensity parameters of the bilateral filter. The test results prove that the adaptive method can improve the quality of restored images significantly better than the standard bilateral filter. The third contribution is the improvement of the fast bilateral filter, in which I use a combination of multi windows to approximate the Gaussian filter more precisely

    Mini-Workshop: Anisotropic Motion Laws

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    Anisotropic motion laws play a key role in many applications ranging from materials science, biophysics to image processing. All these highly diversified disciplines have made it necessary to develop common mathematical foundations and framworks to deal with anisotropy in geometric motion. The workshop brings together leading experts from various fields to address well-posedness, accuracy, and computational efficiency of the mathematical models and algorithms

    A survey on variational optic flow methods for small displacements

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    Optic fow describes the displacement field in an image sequence. Its reliable computation constitutes one of the main challenges in computer vision, and variational methods belong to the most successful techniques for achieving this goal. Variational methods recover the optic flow field as a minimiser of a suitable energy functional that involves data and smoothness terms. In this paper we present a survey on different model assumptions for each of these terms and illustrate their impact by experiments. We restrict ourselves to rotationally invariant convex functionals with a linearised data term. Such models are appropriate for small displacements. Regarding the data term, constancy assumptions on the brightness, the gradient, the Hessian, the gradient magnitude, the Laplacian, and the Hessian determinant are investigated. Local integration and nonquadratic penalisation are considered in order to improve robustness under noise. With respect to the smoothness term, we review a recent taxonomy that links regularisers to diffusion processes. It allows to distinguish five types of regularisation strategies: homogeneous, isotropic image-driven, anisotropic image-driven, isotropic flow-driven, and anisotropic flow-driven. All these regularisations can be performed either in the spatial or the spatiotemporal domain. After discussing well-posedness results for convex optic flow functionals, we sketch some numerical ideas in order to achieve realtime performance on a standard PC by means of multigrid methods, and we survey a simple and intuitive confidence measure

    Noise Estimation, Noise Reduction and Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction in MRI Images of the Brain

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    Rician noise and intensity inhomogeneity are two common types of image degradation that manifest in the acquisition of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system images of the brain. Many noise reduction and intensity inhomogeneity correction algorithms are based on strong parametric assumptions. These parametric assumptions are generic and do not account for salient features that are unique to specific classes and different levels of degradation in natural images. This thesis proposes the 4-neighborhood clique system in a layer-structured Markov random field (MRF) model for noise estimation and noise reduction. When the test image is the only physical system under consideration, it is regarded as a single layer Markov random field (SLMRF) model, and as a double layer MRF model when the test images and classical priors are considered. A scientific principle states that segmentation trivializes the task of bias field correction. Another principle states that the bias field distorts the intensity but not the spatial attribute of an image. This thesis exploits these two widely acknowledged scientific principles in order to propose a new model for correction of intensity inhomogeneity. The noise estimation algorithm is invariant to the presence or absence of background features in an image and more accurate in the estimation of noise levels because it is potentially immune to the modeling errors inherent in some current state-of-the-art algorithms. The noise reduction algorithm derived from the SLMRF model does not incorporate a regularization parameter. Furthermore, it preserves edges, and its output is devoid of the blurring and ringing artifacts associated with Gaussian and wavelet based algorithms. The procedure for correction of intensity inhomogeneity does not require the computationally intensive task of estimation of the bias field map. Furthermore, there is no requirement for a digital brain atlas which will incorporate additional image processing tasks such as image registration

    Framework For Kernel Based BM3D Algorithm

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    Patch-based approaches such as Block Matching and 3D collaborative Filtering (BM3D) algorithm represent the current state-of-the-art in image denoising. However, BM3D still suffers from degradation in performance in smooth areas as well as loss of image details, specifically in the presence of high noise levels. Integrating shape adaptive methods with BM3D improves the denoising outcome including the visual quality of the denoised image; and also maintains image details. In this study, we proposed a framework that produces multiple images using various shapes. These images were aggregated at the pixel or patch levels for both stages in BM3D, and when appropriately aggregated, resulted in better denoising performance than BM3D by 1.15 dB, on average


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    Abstrak Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kualitas citra medis dengan melakukan pengurangan noise. Citra medis sering dipengaruhi oleh noise yang tidak diinginkan. Noise pada citra medis dapat menyulitkan ahli medis menterjemahkan penyakit. Oleh karena itu, noise perlu dikurangi. Pengurangan noise pada citra biasanya memberikan efek kabur pada seluruh bagian citra termasuk bagian tepinya. Bagian tepi citra merupakan bagian yang sangat penting terutama pada citra medis karena tepi pada citra medis menunjukkan batas-batas pada bagian tubuh. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu metode untuk mereduksi noise pada citra yang dapat menjaga tepi dari efek pengaburan. Metode untuk mereduksi noise tanpa mengaburkan tepi adalah metode difusi nonlinier anisotropik. Untuk mendapatkan output pengurangan noise terbaik pada penelitian ini dilakukan uji coba beberapa iterasi, variasi nilai standar deviasi dan kecepatan difusi dari metode tersebut. Tahapan pada metodeini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahap : penambahan noise pada citra input, filter gaussian, penghitungan gradien dari hasil pemfilteran gaussian, penghitungan skala difusifitas, diskritisasi persamaan difusi nonlinear anisotropik. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 5 citra rontgen, 5 citra CT-Scan dan 5 citra MRI. Masing-masing citra output dihitung nilai Mean Square Error(MSE) dan Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR) Berdasarkan nilai tersebut dapat ditentukan kualitas citra hasil. Hasil pengujian menggunakan metode difusi non linear anisotropik didapatkan pengurangan noise terbaik terjadi pada citra ber-noise speckle. Pada citra ber-noise gaussian pengurangan noise terbaik saat menggunakan standar deviasi bernilai satu. Pengurangan noise gaussian saat standar deviasi bernilai satu didapatkan rata-rata persentase penurunan nilai MSE sebesar 77,26% dan persentase kenaikan PSNR sebesar 30,90%. Untuk noise speckle dan poison nilai standar deviasi yang terbaik yang diperoleh bervariasi tergantung dari jenis citra medis yang diimputkan, ukuran dan besar noise-nya. Kata Kunci : difusi nonlinier anisotropik, tepi, noise pada citr

    MS FT-2-2 7 Orthogonal polynomials and quadrature: Theory, computation, and applications

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    Quadrature rules find many applications in science and engineering. Their analysis is a classical area of applied mathematics and continues to attract considerable attention. This seminar brings together speakers with expertise in a large variety of quadrature rules. It is the aim of the seminar to provide an overview of recent developments in the analysis of quadrature rules. The computation of error estimates and novel applications also are described