1,037 research outputs found

    Implementation and validation of a stride length estimation algorithm, using a single basic inertial sensor on healthy subjects and patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease

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    As low cost and highly portable sensors, inertial measurements units (IMU) have become increasingly used in gait analysis, embodying an efficient alternative to motion capture systems. Meanwhile, being able to compute reliably accurate spatial gait parameters using few sensors remains a relatively complex problematic. Providing a clinical oriented solution, our study presents a gyrometer and accelerometer based algorithm for stride length estimation. Compared to most of the numerous existing works where only an averaged stride length is computed from several IMU, or where the use of the magnetometer is incompatible with everyday use, our challenge here has been to extract each individual stride length in an easy-to-use algorithm requiring only one inertial sensor attached to the subject shank. Our results were validated on healthy subjects and patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease (PD). Estimated stride lengths were compared to GAITRite© walkway system data: the mean error over all the strides was less than 6% for healthy group and 10.3% for PD group. This method provides a reliable portable solution for monitoring the instantaneous stride length and opens the way to promising applications

    Map matching by using inertial sensors: literature review

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    This literature review aims to clarify what is known about map matching by using inertial sensors and what are the requirements for map matching, inertial sensors, placement and possible complementary position technology. The target is to develop a wearable location system that can position itself within a complex construction environment automatically with the aid of an accurate building model. The wearable location system should work on a tablet computer which is running an augmented reality (AR) solution and is capable of track and visualize 3D-CAD models in real environment. The wearable location system is needed to support the system in initialization of the accurate camera pose calculation and automatically finding the right location in the 3D-CAD model. One type of sensor which does seem applicable to people tracking is inertial measurement unit (IMU). The IMU sensors in aerospace applications, based on laser based gyroscopes, are big but provide a very accurate position estimation with a limited drift. Small and light units such as those based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical (MEMS) sensors are becoming very popular, but they have a significant bias and therefore suffer from large drifts and require method for calibration like map matching. The system requires very little fixed infrastructure, the monetary cost is proportional to the number of users, rather than to the coverage area as is the case for traditional absolute indoor location systems.Siirretty Doriast

    Pushing the limits of inertial motion sensing

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    Gait rehabilitation monitor

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    This work presents a simple wearable, non-intrusive affordable mobile framework that allows remote patient monitoring during gait rehabilitation, by doctors and physiotherapists. The system includes a set of 2 Shimmer3 9DoF Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), Bluetooth compatible from Shimmer, an Android smartphone for collecting and primary processing of data and persistence in a local database. Low computational load algorithms based on Euler angles and accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer signals were developed and used for the classification and identification of several gait disturbances. These algorithms include the alignment of IMUs sensors data by means of a common temporal reference as well as heel strike and stride detection algorithms to help segmentation of the remotely collected signals by the System app to identify gait strides and extract relevant features to feed, train and test a classifier to predict gait abnormalities in gait sessions. A set of drivers from Shimmer manufacturer is used to make the connection between the app and the set of IMUs using Bluetooth. The developed app allows users to collect data and train a classification model for identifying abnormal and normal gait types. The system provides a REST API available in a backend server along with Java and Python libraries and a PostgreSQL database. The machine-learning type is Supervised using Extremely Randomized Trees method. Frequency, time and time-frequency domain features were extracted from the collected and processed signals to train the classifier. To test the framework a set of gait abnormalities and normal gait were used to train a model and test the classifier.Este trabalho apresenta uma estrutura móvel acessível, simples e não intrusiva, que permite a monitorização e a assistência remota de pacientes durante a reabilitação da marcha, por médicos e fisioterapeutas que monitorizam a reabilitação da marcha do paciente. O sistema inclui um conjunto de 2 IMUs (Inertial Mesaurement Units) Shimmer3 da marca Shimmer, compatíveís com Bluetooth, um smartphone Android para recolha, e pré-processamento de dados e armazenamento numa base de dados local. Algoritmos de baixa carga computacional baseados em ângulos Euler e sinais de acelerómetros, giroscópios e magnetómetros foram desenvolvidos e utilizados para a classificação e identificação de diversas perturbações da marcha. Estes algoritmos incluem o alinhamento e sincronização dos dados dos sensores IMUs usando uma referência temporal comum, além de algoritmos de detecção de passos e strides para auxiliar a segmentação dos sinais recolhidos remotamente pelaappdestaframeworke identificar os passos da marcha extraindo as características relevantes para treinar e testar um classificador que faça a predição de deficiências na marcha durante as sessões de monitorização. Um conjunto de drivers do fabricante Shimmer é usado para fazer a conexão entre a app e o conjunto de IMUs através de Bluetooth. A app desenvolvida permite aos utilizadores recolher dados e treinar um modelo de classificação para identificar os tipos de marcha normais e patológicos. O sistema fornece uma REST API disponível num servidor backend recorrendo a bibliotecas Java e Python e a uma base de dados PostgreSQL. O tipo de machine-learning é Supervisionado usando Extremely Randomized Trees. Features no domínio do tempo, da frequência e do tempo-frequência foram extraídas dos sinais recolhidos e processados para treinar o classificador. Para testar a estrutura, um conjunto de marchas patológicas e normais foram utilizadas para treinar um modelo e testar o classificador

    Wearable Sensors in the Evaluation of Gait and Balance in Neurological Disorders

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    The aging population and the increased prevalence of neurological diseases have raised the issue of gait and balance disorders as a major public concern worldwide. Indeed, gait and balance disorders are responsible for a high healthcare and economic burden on society, thus, requiring new solutions to prevent harmful consequences. Recently, wearable sensors have provided new challenges and opportunities to address this issue through innovative diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Accordingly, the book “Wearable Sensors in the Evaluation of Gait and Balance in Neurological Disorders” collects the most up-to-date information about the objective evaluation of gait and balance disorders, by means of wearable biosensors, in patients with various types of neurological diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and cerebellar ataxia. By adopting wearable technologies, the sixteen original research articles and reviews included in this book offer an updated overview of the most recent approaches for the objective evaluation of gait and balance disorders

    An exploratory study evaluating the effectiveness of a data driven approach to identifying coordinative features that are associated with sprint velocity

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    Sprint performance is multifactorial in nature and is dependent on a variety of coordination and motor control features. During the sequential phases of a sprint, the athlete completes a series of spatiotemporal coordination strategies to achieve the fastest possible velocity. The overall aim of the study was to leverage wearable sensor technology and data- driven tools to objectively assess the kinematic and neuromuscular determinants of optimal sprint velocity from a large dataset of university-aged sprinters. To achieve this, we recruited participants to run three 60 m sprints as fast as possible, while being outfitted with wireless electromyography (EMG) and a full-body inertial measurement unit (IMU) suit to obtain full- body 3D kinematics. Five strides about peak sprint velocity were selected and used for inputs into a principal components analysis (PCA). Significant stepwise multivariable regression models were generated for both kinematic and EMG features identified using PCA, with the kinematic model outperforming the EMG model as the kinematic model displayed a higher R2 value. This suggests that the kinematic dataset used in this study is a better predictor of sprint performance when compared to the EMG dataset, and that both may be viable options in the development of data-driven objective sprint coaching tools

    Human Activity Recognition and Control of Wearable Robots

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    abstract: Wearable robotics has gained huge popularity in recent years due to its wide applications in rehabilitation, military, and industrial fields. The weakness of the skeletal muscles in the aging population and neurological injuries such as stroke and spinal cord injuries seriously limit the abilities of these individuals to perform daily activities. Therefore, there is an increasing attention in the development of wearable robots to assist the elderly and patients with disabilities for motion assistance and rehabilitation. In military and industrial sectors, wearable robots can increase the productivity of workers and soldiers. It is important for the wearable robots to maintain smooth interaction with the user while evolving in complex environments with minimum effort from the user. Therefore, the recognition of the user's activities such as walking or jogging in real time becomes essential to provide appropriate assistance based on the activity. This dissertation proposes two real-time human activity recognition algorithms intelligent fuzzy inference (IFI) algorithm and Amplitude omega (AωA \omega) algorithm to identify the human activities, i.e., stationary and locomotion activities. The IFI algorithm uses knee angle and ground contact forces (GCFs) measurements from four inertial measurement units (IMUs) and a pair of smart shoes. Whereas, the AωA \omega algorithm is based on thigh angle measurements from a single IMU. This dissertation also attempts to address the problem of online tuning of virtual impedance for an assistive robot based on real-time gait and activity measurement data to personalize the assistance for different users. An automatic impedance tuning (AIT) approach is presented for a knee assistive device (KAD) in which the IFI algorithm is used for real-time activity measurements. This dissertation also proposes an adaptive oscillator method known as amplitude omega adaptive oscillator (AωAOA\omega AO) method for HeSA (hip exoskeleton for superior augmentation) to provide bilateral hip assistance during human locomotion activities. The AωA \omega algorithm is integrated into the adaptive oscillator method to make the approach robust for different locomotion activities. Experiments are performed on healthy subjects to validate the efficacy of the human activities recognition algorithms and control strategies proposed in this dissertation. Both the activity recognition algorithms exhibited higher classification accuracy with less update time. The results of AIT demonstrated that the KAD assistive torque was smoother and EMG signal of Vastus Medialis is reduced, compared to constant impedance and finite state machine approaches. The AωAOA\omega AO method showed real-time learning of the locomotion activities signals for three healthy subjects while wearing HeSA. To understand the influence of the assistive devices on the inherent dynamic gait stability of the human, stability analysis is performed. For this, the stability metrics derived from dynamical systems theory are used to evaluate unilateral knee assistance applied to the healthy participants.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Aerospace Engineering 201

    Human Gait Based Relative Foot Sensing for Personal Navigation

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    Human gait dynamics were studied to aid the design of a robust personal navigation and tracking system for First Responders traversing a variety of GPS-denied environments. IMU packages comprised of accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometer are positioned on each ankle. Difficulties in eliminating drift over time make inertial systems inaccurate. A novel concept for measuring relative foot distance via a network of RF Phase Modulation sensors is introduced to augment the accuracy of inertial systems. The relative foot sensor should be capable of accurately measuring distances between each node, allowing for the geometric derivation of a drift-free heading and distance. A simulation to design and verify the algorithms was developed for five subjects in different gait modes using gait data from a VICON motion capture system as input. These algorithms were used to predict the distance traveled up to 75 feet, with resulting errors on the order of one percent

    Production of biodiesel from palm oil

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    The present researches study the alternative fuel to replace the diesel fuel and how to produce the alternative fuel. Diesel fuel which is made from fossil fuel due the anaerobic decomposition through million years cause many harmful effect to the environment and human health such as the greenhouse effect, air pollution, acidification and more. The aim of the study is to produce the biodiesel from vegetable oil which is palm oil. It starts with mixing the 50 ml of ethanol and 0.5 g of sodium hydroxide as catalyst. The dissolved catalyst then will be poured into the heated 250 ml of palm oil and be stirred for 30 minutes. After the content is mixed the transesterification method is carried out. The content then transferred to separating funnel for separating process. At the end, two layers which the bottom layer will be by- product and the upper layer will be biodiesel. The biodiesel will enter purification method which rinse it with hot distilled water and ready to be test which are the density, kinematic viscosity and heating value of the biodiesel. By using biodiesel as an alternative fuel, the environment and human health will be secure more and it may attract people to more concern about the benefits of the biodiesel

    Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning based Human Movement Analysis – Applications in Sports and Medicine

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    Die Analyse menschlicher Bewegung außerhalb des Labors unter realen Bedingungen ist in den letzten Jahren sowohl in sportlichen als auch in medizinischen Anwendungen zunehmend bedeutender geworden. Mobile Sensoren, welche am Körper getragen werden, haben sich in diesem Zusammenhang als wertvolle Messinstrumente etabliert. Auf Grund des Umfangs, der Komplexität, der Heterogenität und der Störanfälligkeit der Daten werden vielseitige Analysemethoden eingesetzt, um die Daten zu verarbeiten und auszuwerten. Zudem sind häufig Modellierungsansätze notwendig, da die gemessenen Größen nicht auf direktem Weg aussagekräftige biomechanische Variablen liefern. Seit wenigen Jahren haben sich hierfür Methoden des maschinellen Lernens als vielversprechende Instrumente zur Ermittlung von Zielvariablen, wie beispielsweise der Gelenkwinkel, herausgestellt. Aktuell befindet sich die Forschung an der Schnittstelle aus Biomechanik, mobiler Sensoren und maschinellem Lernen noch am Anfang. Der Bereich birgt grundsätzlich ein erhebliches Potenzial, um einerseits das Spektrum an mobilen Anwendungen im Sport, insbesondere in Sportarten mit komplexen Bewegungsanforderungen, wie beispielsweise dem Eishockey, zu erweitern. Andererseits können Methoden des maschinellen Lernens zur Abschätzung von Belastungen auf Körperstrukturen mittels mobiler Sensordaten genutzt werden. Vor allem die Anwendung mobiler Sensoren in Kombination mit Prädiktionsmodellen zur Ermittlung der Kniegelenkbelastung, wie beispielsweise der Gelenkmomente, wurde bisher nur unzureichend erforscht. Gleichwohl kommt der mobilen Erfassung von Gelenkbelastungen in der Diagnostik und Rehabilitation von Verletzungen sowie Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, festzustellen inwieweit tragbare Sensoren und Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens zur Quantifizierung sportlicher Bewegungsmerkmale sowie zur Ermittlung der Belastung von Körperstrukturen bei der Ausführung von Alltags- und Sportbewegungen eingesetzt werden können. Die Dissertation basiert auf vier Studien, welche in internationalen Fachzeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Prozess erschienen sind. Die ersten beiden Studien konzentrieren sich zum einen auf die automatisierte Erkennung von zeitlichen Events und zum anderen auf die mobile Leistungsanalyse während des Schlittschuhlaufens im Eishockey. Die beiden weiteren Studien präsentieren jeweils einen neuartigen Ansatz zur Schätzung von Belastungen im Kniegelenk mittels künstlich neuronalen Netzen. Zwei mobile Sensoren, welche in eine Kniebandage integriert sind, dienen hierbei als Datenbasis zur Ermittlung von Kniegelenkskräften während unterschiedlicher Sportbewegungen sowie von Kniegelenksmomenten während verschiedener Lokomotionsaufgaben. Studie I zeigt eine präzise, effiziente und einfache Methode zur zeitlichen Analyse des Schlittschuhlaufens im Eishockey mittels einem am Schlittschuh befestigten Beschleunigungssensor. Die Validierung des neuartigen Ansatzes erfolgt anhand synchroner Messungen des plantaren Fußdrucks. Der mittlere Unterschied zwischen den beiden Erfassungsmethoden liegt sowohl für die Standphasendauer als auch der Gangzyklusdauer unter einer Millisekunde. Studie II zeigt das Potenzial von Beschleunigungssensoren zur Technik- und Leistungsanalyse des Schlittschuhlaufens im Eishockey. Die Ergebnisse zeigen für die Standphasendauer und Schrittintensität sowohl Unterschiede zwischen beschleunigenden Schritten und Schritten bei konstanter Geschwindigkeit als auch zwischen Teilnehmern unterschiedlichen Leistungsniveaus. Eine Korrelationsanalyse offenbart, insbesondere für die Schrittintensität, einen starken Zusammenhang mit der sportlichen Leistung des Schlittschuhlaufens im Sinne einer verkürzten Sprintzeit. Studie III präsentiert ein tragbares System zur Erfassung von Belastungen im Kniegelenk bei verschiedenen sportlichen Bewegungen auf Basis zweier mobiler Sensoren. Im Speziellen werden unterschiedliche lineare Bewegungen, Richtungswechsel und Sprünge betrachtet. Die mittels künstlich neuronalem Netz ermittelten dreidimensionalen Kniegelenkskräfte zeigen, mit Ausnahme der mediolateralen Kraftkomponente, für die meisten analysierten Bewegungen eine gute Übereinstimmung mit invers-dynamisch berechneten Referenzdaten. Die abschließende Studie IV stellt eine Erweiterung des in Studie III entwickelten tragbaren Systems zur Ermittlung von Belastungen im Kniegelenk dar. Die ambulante Beurteilung der Gelenkbelastung bei Kniearthrose steht hierbei im Fokus. Die entwickelten Prädiktionsmodelle zeigen für das Knieflexionsmoment eine gute Übereinstimmung mit invers-dynamisch berechneten Referenzdaten für den Großteil der analysierten Bewegungen. Demgegenüber ist bei der Ermittlung des Knieadduktionsmoments mittels künstlichen neuronalen Netzen Vorsicht geboten. Je nach Bewegung, kommt es zu einer schwachen bis starken Übereinstimmung zwischen der mittels Prädiktionsmodell bestimmten Belastung und dem Referenzwert. Zusammenfassend tragen die Ergebnisse von Studie I und Studie II zur sportartspezifischen Leistungsanalyse im Eishockey bei. Zukünftig können sowohl die Trainingsqualität als auch die gezielte Verbesserung sportlicher Leistung durch den Einsatz von am Körper getragener Sensoren in hohem Maße profitieren. Die methodischen Neuerungen und Erkenntnisse aus Studie III und Studie IV ebnen den Weg für die Entwicklung neuartiger Technologien im Gesundheitsbereich. Mit Blick in die Zukunft können mobile Sensoren zur intelligenten Analyse menschlicher Bewegungen sinnvoll eingesetzt werden. Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt, dass die mobile Bewegungsanalyse zur Erleichterung der sportartspezifischen Leistungsdiagnostik unter Feldbedingungen beiträgt. Zudem zeigt die Arbeit, dass die mobile Bewegungsanalyse einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Gesundheitsdiagnostik und Rehabilitation nach akuten Verletzungen oder bei chronischen muskuloskelettalen Erkrankungen leistet