6,016 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Credit Evaluation Approach Using Sensitivity-Optimized Weights for Supply Chain Finance

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    Supply chain financing provides important funding channels for micro and small enterprises (MSEs), but effectively evaluating their creditworthiness remains challenging. Past methods overly rely on static financial indicators and subjective judgment in determining credit evaluation weights. This study proposes a dynamic credit evaluation approach that uses sensitivity analysis to optimize the weighting scheme. An indicator system is constructed based on the unique characteristics of e-commerce MSEs. The weight optimization integrates subjective, objective, and sensitivity-based methods to reflect specific financing scenarios. A system dynamics model simulates the credit evaluation mechanism and identifies the sensitivity of each influencing factor. The resultant comprehensive weights are applied in a TOPSIS-GRA dynamic evaluation model to assess MSE credit levels over time. An empirical analysis of 20 online stores demonstrates the proposed model\u27s advantages in accurately revealing credit rankings relative to conventional static models. This research provides an effective data-driven weighting technique and dynamic evaluation framework for supply chain finance credit assessment

    Adoption of green innovation practices in SMEs sector: evidence from an emerging economy

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    In developing world, awareness and environmental concerns are forcing small and medium-sized enterprises to adopt green practices. Hence it is important to distinguish the major obstacles/barriers which hinders the adoption of green practices in SMEs. This study utilizes a framework (three-phase) to classify the major barriers/obstacles and solutions to eliminate these obstacles in green innovation adoption. In total, twenty-five barriers and fifteen solutions were recognized through review of existing literature and experts opinions. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchal Process (AHP) was utilized to rank these barriers and Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is employed to give appropriate ranks to strategies/solutions to overcome the identified obstacles. The findings of our study revealed that out of six major barriers, legal barriers were the most critical obstacles in green innovation adoption in Pakistani SMEs. Information barriers were the second critical green innovation adoption obstacles/barriers in SMEs, followed by technical-barriers, managerial-barriers, economic-barriers and marketbarriers. These findings will offer insights to SMEs stockholders to overcome and eradicate barriers to green innovation, who intend to adopt green practices instead of conventional ones. Our study analysis will assist SMEs in prioritizing the major factors influencing green innovation adoption

    Measuring the effects of different factors influencing on the readiness of smes towards digitalization: a multiple perspectives design of decision support system

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    The development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) becomes the benchmark and leading position for developing countries’ economies. The digital transformation demands strategies, desires, and awareness of Information Technology (IT)-based market players and investments. Despite the transformation of a digital business platform, many SMEs have stumbled in the middle road. Therefore, this study aimed to determine priority indicators in assessing SMEs’ readiness towards digitalization and evolving a readiness model for SMEs based on the Decision Support System (DSS) approach. Multiple stakeholders’ viewpoints, particularly regarding academicians, governments, investors, market places, and SMEs’ business actors as targeted respondents, were scrutinized quantitatively and qualitatively to verify the proposed factors. The priority weights of factors have been examined from economic and IT perspectives and derived through deploying the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) method. This study reveals the rank of measures necessary to assess the readiness of the digital revolution of SMEs. Transaction preparedness in SMEs’ cultural, educational, financial, and technological infrastructure views grows into the principal components during this assessment with 0.30 of vector value, accompanied by marketing and micro-environment at 0.24, management at 0.20, macro-environment at 0.03 and business activities at 0.02, respectively. For the recommendation purposes, the rubric segmented SME fitness into three levels, low, middle, and high performance. The prototype system DSS-SMEsReadiness was then evolved in order to simplify the adoption of the DSS method in the SME performance measurement model. The software analysis demonstrates that this application would assist decision-makers to ascertain SMEs’ readiness to digitalize. The future recommendation provides SMEs and stakeholders with knowledge transfers and acclimatization for taking the appropriate option about their business strategy, management resources, skills, and assistance programs for SMEs. This model attempts to reduce SME digitalization disruptions and achieve a digital business’s growth and sustainability in a nutshell

    Successful Innovation Sourcing: a Matter of Support plus Skills

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    Corporate Social Responsibility: from Construct to Praxis.

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    Aquesta tesi és organitzada en un compendi de tres articles, cada uns dels quals avança en el nostre coneixement sobre la responsabilitat social corporativa (RSC), des del constructe fins a la pràctica professional. Primerament, l'article 1, titulat "Construint La Torre de Babel: Una Aproximació Mitjançant Lògica Difusa" (escrit conjuntament amb el Dr. Josep Mª Lozano i F. Di Lorenzo), proposa i prova una aproximació epistemològica difusa per contestar a la pregunta: " Pot i hauria d'existir una definició de responsabilitat social? ". Emprant la teoria sobre conjunts difusos per a l'anàlisi sistemàtica de definicions en el camp de l'empresa i societat, demostra com aquestes definicions estan vinculades a les 3 metàfores més citades en el camp de l'empresa i societat (responsabilitat social de l'empresa (RSC), sostenibilitat corporativa (SC) i ciutadania corporativa (CC)). A continuació, l'article 2, titulat "Tipologia En Quatre Cel.les De Les Barreres i Oportunitats Clau Per a La Acció Social en les PYMEs" (escrit conjuntament amb el Dr. Josep Mª Lozano), és una revisió de literatura sobre " Quines són les barreres i oportunitats per a les PYMEs en el seu compromís amb l'acció socialment responsable (ASR)?". Aquest article proposa, partint de l'heteronimia de la notabilitat dels seus stakeholders, una tipologia de 4 classes de PYMEs en base el seu ASR. Finalment, l'article 3, titulat "Safari de Casos de Millors Pràctiques en ASR: utilitzant els prismàtics de l'orientació social de l'empresa (OSR) per identificar la RSC", és un estudi de casos multimètode, sobre la qüestió de " Com es veu la RSC a nivell empresarial? ". Les conclusions d'aquest estudi suggereixen que els dominis de la RSC són jeràrquics en la seva relació, amb l'econòmic com a base. A més, l'àmbit dels principis empresarials en matèria de RSC varia segons la seva àrea d'influència i el sentit del deure moral. En particular, l'estudi crida l'atenció sobre el domini discrecional com a factor diferencial entre les millors pràctiques en ASR i els casos de pràctiques habituals. Per acabar, aquest article construeix en la teoria sobre ASR mitjançant la integració de l'OSR i la seva reorientació per incloure el context de les PYMEs. D'aquesta forma, aquesta tesi doctoral obre diverses oportunitats per a noves línies d'investigació amb la teoria de lògica de conjunts difusos, la de RSC, CC. CS i PYMEs, i la teoria de OSR i ASR.Esta tesis está organizada en un compendio de tres artículos, cada uno de los cuales avanza en nuestro conocimiento sobre la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC), desde el constructo hasta la práctica profesional. Primeramente, el artículo 1, titulado "Construyendo La Torre de Babel: Una Aproximación Mediante Lógica Difusa" (escrito conjuntamente con el Dr. Josep Mª Lozano y F. Di Lorenzo), propone y prueba una aproximación epistemológica difusa para contestar a la pregunta: "¿Puede y debería existir una definición de responsabilidad social?". Mediante la utilización de la teoría sobre conjuntos difusos para el análisis sistemático de definiciones en el campo de la empresa y sociedad, demuestra como estas definiciones están vinculadas a las 3 metáforas más citadas en el campo de la empresa y sociedad (responsabilidad social de la empresa (RSC), sostenibilidad corporativa (SC) y ciudadanía corporativa (CC)). A continuación, el artículo 2, titulado "Tipología En Cuatro Celdas De Las Barreras y Oportunidades Clave Para La Acción Social en las PYMEs" (escrito conjuntamente con el Dr. Josep Mª Lozano), es una revisión de literatura sobre "¿Cuales son las barreras y oportunidades para las PYMEs en su compromiso con la acción socialmente responsable (ASR)?". Este artículo propone, en base a la heteronimía de la notabilidad de sus stakeholders, una tipología de 4 clases de PYMEs en base su ASR. Finalmente, el artículo 3, titulado "Safari de Casos de Mejores Prácticas en ASR: utilizando los prismáticos de la orientación social de la empresa (OSE) para identificar la RSC", es un estudio de casos multi-método, sobre la cuestión de "¿Cómo se ve la RSC a nivel empresarial?". Las conclusiones de este estudio sugieren que los dominios de la RSC son jerárquicos en su relación, con el económico como base. Además, el ámbito de los principios empresariales en materia de RSC varía según su área de influencia y el sentido del deber moral. En particular, el estudio llama la atención sobre el dominio discrecional como factor diferencial entre las mejores prácticas en ASR y los casos de prácticas habituales. Para terminar, este artículo construye en la teoría sobre ASR mediante la integración de la OSR y su reorientación para incluir el contexto de las PYMEs. De esta forma, esta tesis doctoral abre varias oportunidades para nuevas líneas de investigación con la teoría de lógica de conjuntos difusos, la de RSC, CC. CS y PYMEs, y la teoría de OSE y ASR.This thesis is organized in a compendium of three articles, each of which furthers our knowledge of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) from construct to practice. Firstly, article 1, entitled Constructing The Tower Of Babel: Towards A Fuzzy Logic Approach (co-authored with Dr. J.M. Lozano and F. Di Lorenzo) proposes and tests a fuzzy epistemological approach to answering the question "Does and can a definition for social accountability exist?". By employing fuzzy set theory for a systematic analysis of definitions within the business and society field demonstrates how they are linked to the 3 most cited metaphors (CSR, corporate sustainability (CS) and corporate citizenship (CC)) in the business and society field. Secondly, article 2, A Four-Cell Typology of Key Social Issue Drivers and Barriers of SME Social Performance (co-authored with Dr. J.M. Lozano) is a literature review of "What are the drivers and barriers to enterprise engagement in socially responsible action?". This article develops a small and medium sized enterprises (SME) four-cell ideal type of social issues management (SIM) response typology based on a proposed heteronomy of stakeholder salience. Thirdly, article 3, called A CSP Best Practice Case Safari: Using CSO Binoculars To Identify CSR, is an explanatory multi-method embedded multiple-case study design addressing the question of "What does corporate social responsibility at enterprise level look like?". The findings of this study suggest that the CSR domains are hierarchical in their relationship with the economic domain as a basis. Moreover that the scope of enterprise principles varies depending on their particular CSR domain influence and moral duty affiliation. In particular, the study calls attention to the discretionary domain as the differentiating factor between corporate social performance (CSP) best-practice and normal practice cases. Finally, this article builds CSP theory by integrating corporate social orientation (CSO) and reorienting it for the SME context. Therefore this thesis opens up several new lines of research opportunities for fuzzy set theory, CSR, CC, CS and SME theory, CSO and CSP theory