17,813 research outputs found

    Conceptual and socio-cognitive support for collaborative learning in videoconferencing environments

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    Studies have shown that videoconferences are an effective medium for facilitating communication between parties who are separated by distance. Furthermore, studies reveal that videoconferences are effective when used for distance learning, particularly when learners are engaged in complex collaborative learning tasks. However, as in face-to-face communication, learners benefit most when they receive additional support for such learning tasks. This article provides an overview of three empirical studies to illustrate more general insights regarding some of the more and less effective ways of supporting collaborative learning with videoconferencing. The focus is on conceptual support, such as structural visualization and socio-cognitive support, such as scripts. Based on the results of the three studies, conclusions can be drawn about the conceptual and socio-cognitive support measures that promote learning. Conclusions can also be reached about the need for employing both conceptual and socio-cognitive support to provide learners with the most benefit

    Successfully carrying out complex learning tasks through guiding teams’ qualitative and quantitative reasoning

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    Slof, B., Erkens, G., Kirschner, P. A., Janssen, J., & Jaspers, J. G. M. (2012). Successfully carrying out complex learning tasks through guiding teams' qualitative and quantitative reasoning. Instructional Science, 40, 623-643. DOI: 10.1007/s11251-011-9185-2This study investigated whether and how scripting learners’ use of representational tools in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)-environment fostered their collaborative performance on a complex business-economics task. Scripting the problem-solving process sequenced and made its phase-related part-task demands explicit, namely defining the problem and proposing multiple solutions, followed by determining suitability of the solutions and coming to a definitive problem solution. Two tools facilitated construction of causal or mathematical domain representations. Each was suited for carrying out the part-task demands of one specific problem-solving phase; the causal was matched to problem-solution phase and the mathematical (in the form of a simulation) to the solution-evaluation phase. Teams of learners (N = 34, Mean age = 15.7) in four experimental conditions carried out the part-tasks in a predefined order, but differed in the representational tool/tools they received during the collaborative problem-solving process. The tools were matched, partly matched or mismatched to the part-task demands. Teams in the causal-only (n = 9) and simulation-only (n = 9) conditions received either a causal or a simulation tool and were, thus, supported in only one of the two part-tasks. Teams in the simulation-causal condition (n = 9) received both tools, but in an order that was mismatched to the part-task demands. Teams in the causal-simulation condition (n = 7) received both tools in an order that matched the part-task demands of the problem phases. Results revealed that teams receiving part-task congruent tools constructed more task-appropriate representations and had more elaborated discussions about the domain. As a consequence, those teams performed better on the complex learning-task

    Knowledge convergence in computer-supported collaborative learning

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    This study investigates how two types of graphical representation tools influence the way in which learners use knowledge resources in two different collaboration conditions. In addition, the study explores the extent to which learners share knowledge with respect to individual outcomes under these different conditions. The study also analyzes the relationship between the use of knowledge resources and different types of knowledge. The type of external representation (content-specific vs. content-independent) and the collaboration condition (videoconferencing vs. face-to-face) were varied. Sixty-four (64) university students participated in the study. Results showed that learning partners converged strongly with respect to their use of resources during the collaboration process. Convergence with respect to outcomes was rather low, but relatively higher for application-oriented knowledge than for factual knowledge. With content-specific external representation, learners used more appropriate knowledge resources without sharing more knowledge after collaboration. Learners in the computer-mediated collaboration used a wider range of resources. Moreover, in exploratory qualitative and quantitative analyses, the study found evidence for a relation between aspects of the collaborative process and knowledge convergence

    Software scaffolds to promote regulation during scientific inquiry learning

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    This research addresses issues in the design of online scaffolds for regulation within inquiry learning environments. The learning environment in this study included a physics simulation, data analysis tools, and a model editor for students to create runnable models. A regulative support tool called the Process Coordinator (PC) was designed to assist students in planning, monitoring, and evaluating their investigative efforts within this environment. In an empirical evaluation, 20 dyads received a “full” version of the PC with regulative assistance; dyads in the control group (n = 15) worked with an “empty” PC which contained minimal structures for regulative support. Results showed that both the frequency and duration of regulative tool use differed in favor of the PC+ dyads, who also wrote better lab reports. PC− dyads viewed the content helpfiles more often and produced better domain models. Implications of these differential effects are discussed and suggestions for future research are advanced

    Visualization of argumentation as shared activity

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    The use of argumentation maps in CSCL does not always provide students with the intended support for their collaboration. In this chapter we compare two argumentation maps from two research projects, both meant to support the collaborative writing of argumentative essays based on external sources. In the COSAR-project, the Diagram-tool with which students could specify positions, proarguments, con-arguments, supports, refutations and conclusions in a free graphical format to write a social studies essay, was highly appreciated by students and teachers, but did not result in better essays. In the CRoCiCL-project, the Debate-tool with which students could specify positions, proarguments, con-arguments, supports and refutations in a structured graphical format, meant to visualize the argumentative strength of the positions, resulted in better history essays. The difference in representational guidance between both tools might explain these differences in effects, with the Debate-tool stimulating students to attend to the justification of positions and their strengths

    The Effects of constructing domain-specific representations on coordination processes and learning in a CSCL-environment

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    Slof, B., Erkens, G., & Kirschner, P. A. (2012). The effects of constructing domain-specific representations on coordination processes and learning in a CSCL-environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 1478-1489. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2012.03.011This study examined the effects of scripting learners’ use of two types of representational tools (i.e., causal and simulation) on their online collaborative problem-solving. Scripting sequenced the phase-related part-task demands and made them explicit. This entailed (1) defining the problem and proposing multiple solutions (i.e., problem-solution) and (2) evaluating solutions and coming to a definitive solution (i.e., solution-evaluation). The causal tool was hypothesized to be best suited for problem solution and the simulation tool for solution evaluation. Teams of learners in four experimental conditions carried out the part-tasks in a predefined order, but differed in the tools they received. Teams in the causal-only and simulation-only conditions received either a causal or a simulation tool for both part-tasks. Teams in the causal-simulation and simulation-causal conditions received both tools in suited and unsuited order respectively. Results revealed that teams using the tool suited to each part-task constructed more task appropriate representations and were better able to share and negotiate knowledge. As a consequence, they performed better on the complex learning-task. Although all learners individually gained more domain knowledge, no differences were obtained between conditions

    Fostering complex learning-task performance through scripting student use of computer supported representational tools

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    This study investigated whether scripting student use of computer supported representational tools fostered students’ collaborative performance of a complex business-economics problem. Scripting the problem-solving process sequenced and made its phase-related part-task demands explicit, namely (1) determining core concepts, (2) proposing multiple solutions, and (3) coming to a final solution. The representational tools facilitated students in constructing specific representations of the domain (i.e., conceptual, causal, or mathematical) and were each suited for carrying out the part-task demands of a specific phase. Student groups in four experimental conditions had to carry out all part-tasks in a predefined order, but differed in the representational tool(s) they received during their collaborative problem-solving process. In three mismatch conditions, student groups received either a conceptual, causal, or simulation representational tool which supported them in only carrying out one of the three part-tasks. In the match condition, student groups received the three representational tools in the specified order, each matching the part-task demands of a specific problem phase. The results revealed that student groups in the match condition constructed more task-appropriate representations and had more elaborated and meaningful discussions about the domain. As a consequence, those student groups performed better on the complex learning-task. However, similar results were obtained by student groups who only received a representational tool for constructing causal representations for all part-tasks

    Fostering complex learning-task performance through scripting student use of computer supported representational tools

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    Slof, B., Erkens, G., Kirschner, P. A., Janssen, J., & Phielix, C. (2010). Fostering complex learning-task performance through scripting student use of computer supported representational tools. Computers & Education, 55(4), 1707-1720.This study investigated whether scripting student use of computer supported representational tools fostered students’ collaborative performance of a complex business-economics problem. Scripting the problem-solving process sequenced and made its phase-related part-task demands explicit, namely (1) determining core concepts, (2) proposing multiple solutions, and (3) coming to a final solution. The representational tools facilitated students in constructing specific representations of the domain (i.e., conceptual, causal, or mathematical) and were each suited for carrying out the part-task demands of a specific phase. Student groups in four experimental conditions had to carry out all part-tasks in a predefined order, but differed in the representational tool(s) they received during their collaborative problem-solving process. In three mismatch conditions, student groups received either a conceptual, causal, or simulation representational tool which supported them in only carrying out one of the three part-tasks. In the match condition, student groups received the three representational tools in the specified order, each matching the part-task demands of a specific problem phase. The results revealed that student groups in the match condition constructed more task-appropriate representations and had more elaborated and meaningful discussions about the domain. As a consequence, those student groups performed better on the complex learning-task. However, similar results were obtained by student groups who only received a representational tool for constructing causal representations for all part-tasks

    A protocol for multidimensional assessment in university online courses

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    This paper presents a protocol developed for multidimensional assessment for e-learning experiences based on socioconstructivist principles. First, we describe the structure of an e-learning course where the protocol as been developed and tested; second, we describe the protocol and how it has been used in that course. We believe this protocol is a useful tool for a twofold reason: on the one hand, it takes into account the complexity of the pedagogical architecture of socioconstructivist courses – where many teaching models and learning strategies are mixed, different individual and collaborative activities are proposed and students are asked to build a variety of final products. On the other hand, it promotes students’ assumption of responsibility and active role, with a particular reference to self-assessment competences. Instances of how we have applied the protocol will be described in the paper. The assessment protocol we present here is complex, nevertheless flexible. Therefore, although we have tested it in a specific course, it could also be used in similar or simpler course