112 research outputs found

    Comparing the use of edited and unedited text in parser self-training

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    We compare the use of edited text in the form of newswire and unedited text in the form of discussion forum posts as sources for training material in a self-training experiment involving the Brown reranking parser and a test set of sentences from an online sports discussion forum. We find that grammars induced from the two automatically parsed corpora achieve similar Parseval f-scores, with the grammars induced from the discussion forum material being slightly superior. An error analysis reveals that the two types of grammars do behave differently

    Holaaa!! Writin like u talk is kewl but kinda hard 4 NLP

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    We present work in progress aiming to build tools for the normalization of User-Generated Content (UGC). As we will see, the task requires the revisiting of the initial steps of NLP processing, since UGC (micro-blog, blog, and, generally, Web 2.0 user texts) presents a number of non-standard communicative and linguistic characteristics, and is in fact much closer to oral and colloquial language than to edited text. We present and characterize a corpus of UGC text in Spanish from three different sources: Twitter, consumer reviews and blogs. We motivate the need for UGC text normalization by analyzing the problems found when processing this type of text through a conventional language processing pipeline, particularly in the tasks of lemmatization and morphosyntactic tagging, and finally we propose a strategy for automatically normalizing UGC using a selector of correct forms on top of a pre-existing spell-checker.Postprint (published version

    The role of syntax and semantics in machine translation and quality estimation of machine-translated user-generated content

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    The availability of the Internet has led to a steady increase in the volume of online user-generated content, the majority of which is in English. Machine-translating this content to other languages can help disseminate the information contained in it to a broader audience. However, reliably publishing these translations requires a prior estimate of their quality. This thesis is concerned with the statistical machine translation of Symantec's Norton forum content, focusing in particular on its quality estimation (QE) using syntactic and semantic information. We compare the output of phrase-based and syntax-based English-to-French and English-to-German machine translation (MT) systems automatically and manually, and nd that the syntax-based methods do not necessarily handle grammar-related phenomena in translation better than the phrase-based methods. Although these systems generate suciently dierent outputs, the apparent lack of a systematic dierence between these outputs impedes its utilisation in a combination framework. To investigate the role of syntax and semantics in quality estimation of machine translation, we create SymForum, a data set containing French machine translations of English sentences from Norton forum content, their post-edits and their adequacy and uency scores. We use syntax in quality estimation via tree kernels, hand-crafted features and their combination, and nd it useful both alone and in combination with surface-driven features. Our analyses show that neither the accuracy of the syntactic parses used by these systems nor the parsing quality of the MT output aect QE performance. We also nd that adding more structure to French Treebank parse trees can be useful for syntax-based QE. We use semantic role labelling (SRL) for our semantic-based QE experiments. We experiment with the limited resources that are available for French and nd that a small manually annotated training set is substantially more useful than a much larger articially created set. We use SRL in quality estimation using tree kernels, hand-crafted features and their combination. Additionally, we introduce PAM, a QE metric based on the predicate-argument structure match between source and target. We nd that the SRL quality, especially on the target side, is the major factor negatively aecting the performance of the semantic-based QE. Finally, we annotate English and French Norton forum sentences with their phrase structure syntax using an annotation strategy adapted for user-generated text. We nd that user errors occur in only a small fraction of the data, but their correction does improve parsing performance. These treebanks (Foreebank) prove to be useful as supplementary training data in adapting the parsers to the forum text. The improved parses ultimately increase the performance of the semantic-based QE. However, a reliable semantic-based QE system requires further improvements in the quality of the underlying semantic role labelling

    The French Social Media Bank: a Treebank of Noisy User Generated Content

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    International audienceIn recent years, statistical parsers have reached high performance levels on well-edited texts. Domain adaptation techniques have improved parsing results on text genres differing from the journalistic data most parsers are trained on. However, such corpora usually comply with standard linguistic, spelling and typographic conventions. In the meantime, the emergence of Web 2.0 communication media has caused the apparition of new types of online textual data. Although valuable, e.g., in terms of data mining and sentiment analysis, such user-generated content rarely complies with standard conventions: they are noisy. This prevents most NLP tools, especially treebank based parsers, from performing well on such data. For this reason, we have developed the French Social Media Bank, the first user-generated content treebank for French, a morphologically rich language (MRL). The first release of this resource contains 1,700 sentences from various Web 2.0 sources, including data specifically chosen for their high noisiness. We describe here how we created this treebank and expose the methodology we used for fully annotating it. We also provide baseline POS tagging and statistical constituency parsing results, which are lower by far than usual results on edited texts. This highlights the high difficulty of automatically processing such noisy data in a MRL

    Robust Parsing for Ungrammatical Sentences

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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a research area that specializes in studying computational approaches to human language. However, not all of the natural language sentences are grammatically correct. Sentences that are ungrammatical, awkward, or too casual/colloquial tend to appear in a variety of NLP applications, from product reviews and social media analysis to intelligent language tutors or multilingual processing. In this thesis, we focus on parsing, because it is an essential component of many NLP applications. We investigate in what ways the performances of statistical parsers degrade when dealing with ungrammatical sentences. We also hypothesize that breaking up parse trees from problematic parts prevents NLP applications from degrading due to incorrect syntactic analysis. A parser is robust if it can overlook problems such as grammar mistakes and produce a parse tree that closely resembles the correct analysis for the intended sentence. We develop a robustness evaluation metric and conduct a series of experiments to compare the performances of state-of-the-art parsers on the ungrammatical sentences. The evaluation results show that ungrammatical sentences present challenges for statistical parsers, because the well-formed syntactic trees they produce may not be appropriate for ungrammatical sentences. We also define a new framework for reviewing the parses of ungrammatical sentences and extracting the coherent parts whose syntactic analyses make sense. We call this task parse tree fragmentation. The experimental results suggest that the proposed overall fragmentation framework is a promising way to handle syntactically unusual sentences

    Analyse syntaxique robuste du français : concilier méthodes statistiques et connaissances linguistiques dans l'outil Talismane

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    In this thesis we explore robust statistical syntax analysis for French. Our main concern is to explore methods whereby the linguist can inject linguistic knowledge and/or resources into the robust statistical engine in order to improve results for specific phenomena. We first explore the dependency annotation schema for French, concentrating on certain phenomena. Next, we look into the various algorithms capable of producing this annotation, and in particular on the transition-based parsing algorithm used in the rest of this thesis. After exploring supervised machine learning algorithms for NLP classification problems, we present the Talismane toolkit for syntax analysis, built within the framework of this thesis, including four statistical modules - sentence boundary detection, tokenisation, pos-tagging and parsing - as well as the various linguistic resources used for the baseline model, including corpora, lexicons and feature sets. Our first experiments attempt various machine learning configurations in order to identify the best baseline. We then look into improvements made possible by beam search and beam propagation. Finally, we present a series of experiments aimed at correcting errors related to specific linguistic phenomena, using targeted features. One our innovation is the introduction of rules that can impose or prohibit certain decisions locally, thus bypassing the statistical model. We explore the usage of rules for errors that the features are unable to correct. Finally, we look into the enhancement of targeted features by large scale linguistic resources, and in particular a semi-supervised approach using a distributional semantic resource.Dans cette thèse, nous explorons l'analyse syntaxique robuste statistique du français. Notre principal souci est de trouver des méthodes qui permettent au linguiste d'injecter des connaissances et/ou des ressources linguistiques dans un moteur statistique afin d'améliorer les résultats de certains phénomènes spécifiques. D'abord nous décrivons le schéma d'annotation en dépendances du français, et les algorithmes capables de produire cette annotation, en particulier le parsing par transitions. Après avoir exploré les algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique supervisé pour les problèmes de classification en TAL, nous présentons l'analyseur syntaxique Talismane développé dans le cadre de cette thèse et comprenant quatre modules statistiques – le découpage en phrases, la segmentation en mots, l'étiquetage morpho-syntaxique et le parsing – ainsi que les diverses ressources linguistiques utilisées par le modèle de base. Nos premières expériences tentent d'identifier la meilleure configuration de base parmi de nombreuses configurations possibles. Ensuite nous explorons les améliorations apportées par la recherche par faisceau et la propagation du faisceau. Enfin nous présentons une série d'expériences dont le but est de corriger des erreurs linguistiques spécifiques au moyen de traits ciblés. Une de nos innovations est l'introduction des règles qui imposent ou interdisent certaines décisions locales, permettant ainsi de contourner le modèle statistique. Nous explorons l'utilisation de règles pour les erreurs que les traits n'ont pu corriger. Finalement, nous présentons une expérience semi-supervisée avec une ressource de sémantique distributionnelle

    Detecting grammatical errors with treebank-induced, probabilistic parsers

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    Today's grammar checkers often use hand-crafted rule systems that define acceptable language. The development of such rule systems is labour-intensive and has to be repeated for each language. At the same time, grammars automatically induced from syntactically annotated corpora (treebanks) are successfully employed in other applications, for example text understanding and machine translation. At first glance, treebank-induced grammars seem to be unsuitable for grammar checking as they massively over-generate and fail to reject ungrammatical input due to their high robustness. We present three new methods for judging the grammaticality of a sentence with probabilistic, treebank-induced grammars, demonstrating that such grammars can be successfully applied to automatically judge the grammaticality of an input string. Our best-performing method exploits the differences between parse results for grammars trained on grammatical and ungrammatical treebanks. The second approach builds an estimator of the probability of the most likely parse using grammatical training data that has previously been parsed and annotated with parse probabilities. If the estimated probability of an input sentence (whose grammaticality is to be judged by the system) is higher by a certain amount than the actual parse probability, the sentence is flagged as ungrammatical. The third approach extracts discriminative parse tree fragments in the form of CFG rules from parsed grammatical and ungrammatical corpora and trains a binary classifier to distinguish grammatical from ungrammatical sentences. The three approaches are evaluated on a large test set of grammatical and ungrammatical sentences. The ungrammatical test set is generated automatically by inserting common grammatical errors into the British National Corpus. The results are compared to two traditional approaches, one that uses a hand-crafted, discriminative grammar, the XLE ParGram English LFG, and one based on part-of-speech n-grams. In addition, the baseline methods and the new methods are combined in a machine learning-based framework, yielding further improvements

    Rescaling Egocentric Vision: Collection, Pipeline and Challenges for EPIC-KITCHENS-100

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    This paper introduces the pipeline to extend the largest dataset in egocentric vision, EPIC-KITCHENS. The effort culminates in EPIC-KITCHENS-100, a collection of 100 hours, 20M frames, 90K actions in 700 variable-length videos, capturing long-term unscripted activities in 45 environments, using head-mounted cameras. Compared to its previous version (Damen in Scaling egocentric vision: ECCV, 2018), EPIC-KITCHENS-100 has been annotated using a novel pipeline that allows denser (54% more actions per minute) and more complete annotations of fine-grained actions (+128% more action segments). This collection enables new challenges such as action detection and evaluating the “test of time”—i.e. whether models trained on data collected in 2018 can generalise to new footage collected two years later. The dataset is aligned with 6 challenges: action recognition (full and weak supervision), action detection, action anticipation, cross-modal retrieval (from captions), as well as unsupervised domain adaptation for action recognition. For each challenge, we define the task, provide baselines and evaluation metrics.Published versionResearch at Bristol is supported by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Program (DTP), EPSRC Fellowship UMPIRE (EP/T004991/1). Research at Catania is sponsored by Piano della Ricerca 2016-2018 linea di Intervento 2 of DMI, by MISE - PON I&C 2014-2020, ENIGMA project (CUP: B61B19000520008) and by MIUR AIM - Attrazione e Mobilita Internazionale Linea 1 - AIM1893589 - CUP E64118002540007