110 research outputs found

    Spoken dialogue systems: architectures and applications

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    171 p.Technology and technological devices have become habitual and omnipresent. Humans need to learn tocommunicate with all kind of devices. Until recently humans needed to learn how the devices expressthemselves to communicate with them. But in recent times the tendency has become to makecommunication with these devices in more intuitive ways. The ideal way to communicate with deviceswould be the natural way of communication between humans, the speech. Humans have long beeninvestigating and designing systems that use this type of communication, giving rise to the so-calledSpoken Dialogue Systems.In this context, the primary goal of the thesis is to show how these systems can be implemented.Additionally, the thesis serves as a review of the state-of-the-art regarding architectures and toolkits.Finally, the thesis is intended to serve future system developers as a guide for their construction. For that

    A Situational Analysis of Current Speech-Synthesis Systems for Child Voices: A Scoping Review of Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence

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    Background: Speech synthesis has customarily focused on adult speech, but with the rapid development of speech-synthesis technology, it is now possible to create child voices with a limited amount of child-speech data. This scoping review summarises the evidence base related to developing synthesised speech for children. (2) Method: The included studies were those that were (1) published between 2006 and 2021 and (2) included child participants or voices of children aged between 2–16 years old. (3) Results: 58 studies were identified. They were discussed based on the languages used, the speech-synthesis systems and/or methods used, the speech data used, the intelligibility of the speech and the ages of the voices. Based on the reviewed studies, relative to adult-speech synthesis, developing child-speech synthesis is notably more challenging. Child speech often presents with acoustic variability and articulatory errors. To account for this, researchers have most often attempted to adapt adult-speech models, using a variety of different adaptation techniques. (4) Conclusions: Adapting adult speech has proven successful in child-speech synthesis. It appears that the resulting quality can be improved by training a large amount of pre-selected speech data, aided by a neural-network classifier, to better match the children’s speech. We encourage future research surrounding individualised synthetic speech for children with CCN, with special attention to children who make use of low-resource languages

    A Strategy for Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding Based on Graphs of Linguistic Units

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    [EN] In this thesis, the problem of multilingual spoken language understanding is addressed using graphs to model and combine the different knowledge sources that take part in the understanding process. As a result of this work, a full multilingual spoken language understanding system has been developed, in which statistical models and graphs of linguistic units are used. One key feature of this system is its ability to combine and process multiple inputs provided by one or more sources such as speech recognizers or machine translators. A graph-based monolingual spoken language understanding system was developed as a starting point. The input to this system is a set of sentences that is provided by one or more speech recognition systems. First, these sentences are combined by means of a grammatical inference algorithm in order to build a graph of words. Next, the graph of words is processed to construct a graph of concepts by using a dynamic programming algorithm that identifies the lexical structures that represent the different concepts of the task. Finally, the graph of concepts is used to build the best sequence of concepts. The multilingual case happens when the user speaks a language different to the one natively supported by the system. In this thesis, a test-on-source approach was followed. This means that the input sentences are translated into the system's language, and then they are processed by the monolingual system. For this purpose, two speech translation systems were developed. The output of these speech translation systems are graphs of words that are then processed by the monolingual graph-based spoken language understanding system. Both in the monolingual case and in the multilingual case, the experimental results show that a combination of several inputs allows to improve the results obtained with a single input. In fact, this approach outperforms the current state of the art in many cases when several inputs are combined.[ES] En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la comprensión multilingüe del habla utilizando grafos para modelizar y combinar las diversas fuentes de conocimiento que intervienen en el proceso. Como resultado se ha desarrollado un sistema completo de comprensión multilingüe que utiliza modelos estadísticos y grafos de unidades lingüísticas. El punto fuerte de este sistema es su capacidad para combinar y procesar múltiples entradas proporcionadas por una o varias fuentes, como reconocedores de habla o traductores automáticos. Como punto de partida se desarrolló un sistema de comprensión multilingüe basado en grafos. La entrada a este sistema es un conjunto de frases obtenido a partir de uno o varios reconocedores de habla. En primer lugar, se aplica un algoritmo de inferencia gramatical que combina estas frases y obtiene un grafo de palabras. A continuación, se analiza el grafo de palabras mediante un algoritmo de programación dinámica que identifica las estructuras léxicas correspondientes a los distintos conceptos de la tarea, de forma que se construye un grafo de conceptos. Finalmente, se procesa el grafo de conceptos para encontrar la mejo secuencia de conceptos. El caso multilingüe ocurre cuando el usuario habla una lengua distinta a la original del sistema. En este trabajo se ha utilizado una estrategia test-on-source, en la cual las frases de entrada se traducen al lenguaje del sistema y éste las trata de forma monolingüe. Para ello se han propuesto dos sistemas de traducción del habla cuya salida son grafos de palabras, los cuales son procesados por el algoritmo de comprensión basado en grafos. Tanto en la configuración monolingüe como en la multilingüe los resultados muestran que la combinación de varias entradas permite mejorar los resultados obtenidos con una sola entrada. De hecho, esta aproximación consigue en muchos casos mejores resultados que el actual estado del arte cuando se utiliza una combinación de varias entradas.[CA] Aquesta tesi tracta el problema de la comprensió multilingüe de la parla utilitzant grafs per a modelitzar i combinar les diverses fonts de coneixement que intervenen en el procés. Com a resultat s'ha desenvolupat un sistema complet de comprensió multilingüe de la parla que utilitza models estadístics i grafs d'unitats lingüístiques. El punt fort d'aquest sistema és la seua capacitat per combinar i processar múltiples entrades proporcionades per una o diverses fonts, com reconeixedors de la parla o traductors automàtics. Com a punt de partida, es va desenvolupar un sistema de comprensió monolingüe basat en grafs. L'entrada d'aquest sistema és un conjunt de frases obtingut a partir d'un o més reconeixedors de la parla. En primer lloc, s'aplica un algorisme d'inferència gramatical que combina aquestes frases i obté un graf de paraules. A continuació, s'analitza el graf de paraules mitjançant un algorisme de programació dinàmica que identifica les estructures lèxiques corresponents als distints conceptes de la tasca, de forma que es construeix un graf de conceptes. Finalment, es processa aquest graf de conceptes per trobar la millor seqüència de conceptes. El cas multilingüe ocorre quan l'usuari parla una llengua diferent a l'original del sistema. En aquest treball s'ha utilitzat una estratègia test-on-source, en la qual les frases d'entrada es tradueixen a la llengua del sistema, i aquest les tracta de forma monolingüe. Per a fer-ho es proposen dos sistemes de traducció de la parla l'eixida dels quals són grafs de paraules. Aquests grafs són posteriorment processats per l'algorisme de comprensió basat en grafs. Tant per la configuració monolingüe com per la multilingüe els resultats mostren que la combinació de diverses entrades és capaç de millorar el resultats obtinguts utilitzant una sola entrada. De fet, aquesta aproximació aconsegueix en molts casos millors resultats que l'actual estat de l'art quan s'utilitza una combinació de diverses entrades.Calvo Lance, M. (2016). A Strategy for Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding Based on Graphs of Linguistic Units [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62407TESI

    Speech verification for computer assisted pronunciation training

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    Computer assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) is an approach that uses computer technology and computer-based resources in teaching and learning pronunciation. It is also part of computer assisted language learning (CALL) technology that has been widely applied to online learning platforms in the past years. This thesis deals with one of the central tasks in CAPT, i.e. speech veri- fication. The goal is to provide a framework that identifies pronunciation errors in speech data of second language (L2) learners and generates feedback with information and instruction for error correction. Furthermore, the framework is supposed to support the adaptation to new L1-L2 language pairs with minimal adjustment and modification. The central result is a novel approach to L2 speech verification, which combines both modern language technologies and linguistic expertise. For pronunciation verification, we select a set of L2 speech data, create alias phonemes from the errors annotated by linguists, then train an acoustic model with mixed L2 and gold standard data and perform HTK phoneme recognition to identify the error phonemes. For prosody verification, FD-PSOLA and Dynamic time warping are both applied to verify the differences in duration, pitch and stress. Feedback is generated for both verifications. Our feedback is presented to learners not only visually as with other existing CAPT systems, but also perceptually by synthesizing the learner’s own audio, e.g. for prosody verification, the gold standard prosody is transplanted onto the learner’s own voice. The framework is self-adaptable under semi-supervision, and requires only a certain amount of mixed gold standard and annotated L2 speech data for boot- strapping. Verified speech data is validated by linguists, annotated in case of wrong verification, and used in the next iteration of training. Mary Annotation Tool (MAT) is developed as an open-source component of MARYTTS for both annotating and validating. To deal with uncertain pauses and interruptions in L2 speech, the silence model in HTK is also adapted, and used in all components of the framework where forced alignment is required. Various evaluations are conducted that help us obtain insights into the applicability and potential of our CAPT system. The pronunciation verification shows high accuracy in both precision and recall, and encourages us to acquire more error-annotated L2 speech data to enhance the trained acoustic model. To test the effect of feedback, a progressive evaluation is carried out and it shows that our perceptual feedback helps learners realize their errors, which they could not otherwise observe from visual feedback and textual instructions. In order to im- prove the user interface, a questionnaire is also designed to collect the learners’ experiences and suggestions.Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT) ist ein Ansatz, der mittels Computer und computergestützten Ressourcen das Erlernen der korrekten Aussprache im Fremdsprachenunterricht erleichtert. Dieser Ansatz ist ein Teil der Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Technologie, die seit mehreren Jahren auf Online-Lernplattformen häufig zum Einsatz kommt. Diese Arbeit ist der Sprachverifikation gewidmet, einer der zentralen Aufgaben innerhalb des CAPT. Das Ziel ist, ein Framework zur Identifikation von Aussprachefehlern zu entwickeln fürMenschen, die eine Fremdsprache (L2-Sprache) erlernen. Dabei soll Feedback mit fehlerspezifischen Informationen und Anweisungen für eine richtige Aussprache erzeugt werden. Darüber hinaus soll das Rahmenwerk die Anpassung an neue Sprachenpaare (L1-L2) mit minimalen Adaptationen und Modifikationen unterstützen. Das zentrale Ergebnis ist ein neuartiger Ansatz für die L2-Sprachprüfung, der sowohl auf modernen Sprachtechnologien als auch auf corpuslinguistischen Ansätzen beruht. Für die Ausspracheüberprüfung erstellen wir Alias-Phoneme aus Fehlern, die von Linguisten annotiert wurden. Dann trainieren wir ein akustisches Modell mit gemischten L2- und Goldstandarddaten und führen eine HTK-Phonemerkennung3 aus, um die Fehlerphoneme zu identifizieren. Für die Prosodieüberprüfung werden sowohl FD-PSOLA4 und Dynamic Time Warping angewendet, um die Unterschiede in der Dauer, Tonhöhe und Betonung zwischen dem Gesprochenen und dem Goldstandard zu verifizieren. Feedbacks werden für beide Überprüfungen generiert und den Lernenden nicht nur visuell präsentiert, so wie in anderen vorhandenen CAPT-Systemen, sondern auch perzeptuell vorgestellt. So wird unter anderem für die Prosodieverifikation die Goldstandardprosodie auf die eigene Stimme des Lernenden übergetragen. Zur Anpassung des Frameworks an weitere L1-L2 Sprachdaten muss das System über Maschinelles Lernen trainiert werden. Da es sich um ein semi-überwachtes Lernverfahren handelt, sind nur eine gewisseMenge an gemischten Goldstandardund annotierten L2-Sprachdaten für das Bootstrapping erforderlich. Verifizierte Sprachdaten werden von Linguisten validiert, im Falle einer falschen Verifizierung nochmals annotiert, und bei der nächsten Iteration des Trainings verwendet. Für die Annotation und Validierung wurde das Mary Annotation Tool (MAT) als Open-Source-Komponente von MARYTTS entwickelt. Um mit unsicheren Pausen und Unterbrechungen in der L2-Sprache umzugehen, wurde auch das sogenannte Stillmodell in HTK angepasst und in allen Komponenten des Rahmenwerks verwendet, in denen Forced Alignment erforderlich ist. Unterschiedliche Evaluierungen wurden durchgeführt, um Erkenntnisse über die Anwendungspotenziale und die Beschränkungen des Systems zu gewinnen. Die Ausspracheüberprüfung zeigt eine hohe Genauigkeit sowohl bei der Präzision als auch beim Recall. Dadurch war es möglich weitere fehlerbehaftete L2-Sprachdaten zu verwenden, um somit das trainierte akustische Modell zu verbessern. Um die Wirkung des Feedbacks zu testen, wird eine progressive Auswertung durchgeführt. Das Ergebnis zeigt, dass perzeptive Feedbacks dabei helfen, dass die Lernenden sogar Fehler erkennen, die sie nicht aus visuellen Feedbacks und Textanweisungen beobachten können. Zudem wurden mittels Fragebogen die Erfahrungen und Anregungen der Benutzeroberfläche der Lernenden gesammelt, um das System künftig zu verbessern. 3 Hidden Markov Toolkit 4 Pitch Synchronous Overlap and Ad

    Supporting Spoken Assistant Systems with a Graphical User Interface that Signals Incremental Understanding and Prediction State

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    Kennington C, Schlangen D. Supporting Spoken Assistant Systems with a Graphical User Interface that Signals Incremental Understanding and Prediction State. In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue. 2016

    Essential Speech and Language Technology for Dutch: Results by the STEVIN-programme

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    Computational Linguistics; Germanic Languages; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Computing Methodologie

    Spoken dialogue systems: architectures and applications

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    171 p.Technology and technological devices have become habitual and omnipresent. Humans need to learn tocommunicate with all kind of devices. Until recently humans needed to learn how the devices expressthemselves to communicate with them. But in recent times the tendency has become to makecommunication with these devices in more intuitive ways. The ideal way to communicate with deviceswould be the natural way of communication between humans, the speech. Humans have long beeninvestigating and designing systems that use this type of communication, giving rise to the so-calledSpoken Dialogue Systems.In this context, the primary goal of the thesis is to show how these systems can be implemented.Additionally, the thesis serves as a review of the state-of-the-art regarding architectures and toolkits.Finally, the thesis is intended to serve future system developers as a guide for their construction. For that

    Getting Past the Language Gap: Innovations in Machine Translation

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    In this chapter, we will be reviewing state of the art machine translation systems, and will discuss innovative methods for machine translation, highlighting the most promising techniques and applications. Machine translation (MT) has benefited from a revitalization in the last 10 years or so, after a period of relatively slow activity. In 2005 the field received a jumpstart when a powerful complete experimental package for building MT systems from scratch became freely available as a result of the unified efforts of the MOSES international consortium. Around the same time, hierarchical methods had been introduced by Chinese researchers, which allowed the introduction and use of syntactic information in translation modeling. Furthermore, the advances in the related field of computational linguistics, making off-the-shelf taggers and parsers readily available, helped give MT an additional boost. Yet there is still more progress to be made. For example, MT will be enhanced greatly when both syntax and semantics are on board: this still presents a major challenge though many advanced research groups are currently pursuing ways to meet this challenge head-on. The next generation of MT will consist of a collection of hybrid systems. It also augurs well for the mobile environment, as we look forward to more advanced and improved technologies that enable the working of Speech-To-Speech machine translation on hand-held devices, i.e. speech recognition and speech synthesis. We review all of these developments and point out in the final section some of the most promising research avenues for the future of MT