1,548 research outputs found

    Uncertainty-wise software anti-patterns detection: A possibilistic evolutionary machine learning approach

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    Context: Code smells (a.k.a. anti-patterns) are manifestations of poor design solutions that can deteriorate software maintainability and evolution. Research gap: Existing works did not take into account the issue of uncertain class labels, which is an important inherent characteristic of the smells detection problem. More precisely, two human experts may have different degrees of uncertainty about the smelliness of a particular software class not only for the smell detection task but also for the smell type identification one. Unluckily, existing approaches usually reject and/or ignore uncertain data that correspond to software classes (i.e. dataset instances) with uncertain labels. Throwing away and/or disregarding the uncertainty factor could considerably degrade the detection/identification process effectiveness. From a solution approach viewpoint, there is no work in the literature that proposed a method that is able to detect and/or identify code smells while preserving the uncertainty aspect. Objective: The main goal of our research work is to handle the uncertainty factor, issued from human experts, in detecting and/or identifying code smells by proposing an evolutionary approach that is able to deal with anti-patterns classification with uncertain labels. Method: We suggest Bi-ADIPOK, as an effective search-based tool that is capable to tackle the previously mentioned challenge for both detection and identification cases. The proposed method corresponds to an EA (Evolutionary Algorithm) that optimizes a set of detectors encoded as PK-NNs (Possibilistic K-nearest neighbors) based on a bi-level hierarchy, in which the upper level role consists on finding the optimal PK-NNs parameters, while the lower level one is to generate the PK-NNs. A newly fitness function has been proposed fitness function PomAURPC-OVA_dist (Possibilistic modified Area Under Recall Precision Curve One-Versus-All_distance, abbreviated PAURPC_d in this paper). Bi-ADIPOK is able to deal with label uncertainty using some concepts stemming from the Possibility Theory. Furthermore, the PomAURPC-OVA_dist is capable to process the uncertainty issue even with imbalanced data. We notice that Bi-ADIPOK is first built and then validated using a possibilistic base of smell examples that simulates and mimics the subjectivity of software engineers opinions. Results: The statistical analysis of the obtained results on a set of comparative experiments with respect to four relevant state-of-the-art methods shows the merits of our proposal. The obtained detection results demonstrate that, for the uncertain environment, the PomAURPC-OVA_dist of Bi-ADIPOK ranges between 0.902 and 0.932 and its IAC lies between 0.9108 and 0.9407, while for the certain environment, the PomAURPC-OVA_dist lies between 0.928 and 0.955 and the IAC ranges between 0.9477 and 0.9622. Similarly, the identification results, for the uncertain environment, indicate that the PomAURPC-OVA_dist of Bi-ADIPOK varies between 0.8576 and 0.9273 and its IAC is between 0.8693 and 0.9318. For the certain environment, the PomAURPC-OVA_dist lies between 0.8613 and 0.9351 and the IAC values are between 0.8672 and 0.9476. With uncertain data, Bi-ADIPOK can find 35% more code smells than the second best approach (i.e., BLOP). Furthermore, Bi-ADIPOK has succeeded to reduce the number of false alarms (i.e., misclassified smelly instances) by 12%. In addition, our proposed approach can identify 43% more smell types than BLOP and reduces the number of false alarms by 32%. The same results have been obtained for the certain environment, demonstrating Bi-ADIPOK's ability to deal with such environment

    A systematic literature review on the code smells datasets and validation mechanisms

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    The accuracy reported for code smell-detecting tools varies depending on the dataset used to evaluate the tools. Our survey of 45 existing datasets reveals that the adequacy of a dataset for detecting smells highly depends on relevant properties such as the size, severity level, project types, number of each type of smell, number of smells, and the ratio of smelly to non-smelly samples in the dataset. Most existing datasets support God Class, Long Method, and Feature Envy while six smells in Fowler and Beck's catalog are not supported by any datasets. We conclude that existing datasets suffer from imbalanced samples, lack of supporting severity level, and restriction to Java language.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, 12 tables, Accepte

    Detection of code smells using machine learning techniques combined with data-balancing methods

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    Code smells are prevalent issues in software design that arise when implementation or design principles are violated. These issues manifest as symptoms or anomalies in the source code. Timely identification of code smells plays a crucial role in enhancing software quality and facilitating software maintenance. Previous studies have shown that code smell detection can be accomplished through the utilization of machine learning (ML) methods. However, despite their increasing popularity, research suggests that the suitability of these methods are not always appropriate due to the problem of imbalanced data. Consequently, the effectiveness of ML models may be negatively affected. This study aims to propose a novel method for detecting code smells by employing five ML algorithms, namely decision tree (DT), k-nearest neighbors (K-NN), support vector machine (SVM), XGboost (XGB), and multi-layer perceptron (MLP). Additionally, to tackle the challenge of imbalanced data, the proposed method incorporates the random oversampling technique. Experiments were conducted in this study using four datasets that encompassed code smells, specifically god-class, data-class, long-method, and feature-envy. The experimental outcomes were evaluated and compared using various performance metrics. Upon comparing the outcomes of our models on both the balanced and original datasets, we found that the XGB model achieved the highest accuracy of 100% for detecting the data class and long method on the original datasets. In contrast, the highest accuracy of 100% was obtained for the data class and long method using DT, SVM, and XGB models on the balanced datasets. According to the empirical findings, there is significant promise in using ML techniques for the accurate prediction of code smells

    FedCSD: A Federated Learning Based Approach for Code-Smell Detection

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    This paper proposes a Federated Learning Code Smell Detection (FedCSD) approach that allows organizations to collaboratively train federated ML models while preserving their data privacy. These assertions have been supported by three experiments that have significantly leveraged three manually validated datasets aimed at detecting and examining different code smell scenarios. In experiment 1, which was concerned with a centralized training experiment, dataset two achieved the lowest accuracy (92.30%) with fewer smells, while datasets one and three achieved the highest accuracy with a slight difference (98.90% and 99.5%, respectively). This was followed by experiment 2, which was concerned with cross-evaluation, where each ML model was trained using one dataset, which was then evaluated over the other two datasets. Results from this experiment show a significant drop in the model's accuracy (lowest accuracy: 63.80\%) where fewer smells exist in the training dataset, which has a noticeable reflection (technical debt) on the model's performance. Finally, the last and third experiments evaluate our approach by splitting the dataset into 10 companies. The ML model was trained on the company's site, then all model-updated weights were transferred to the server. Ultimately, an accuracy of 98.34% was achieved by the global model that has been trained using 10 companies for 100 training rounds. The results reveal a slight difference in the global model's accuracy compared to the highest accuracy of the centralized model, which can be ignored in favour of the global model's comprehensive knowledge, lower training cost, preservation of data privacy, and avoidance of the technical debt problem.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, Journal pape

    A novel approach for code smell detection : an empirical study

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    Code smells detection helps in improving understandability and maintainability of software while reducing the chances of system failure. In this study, six machine learning algorithms have been applied to predict code smells. For this purpose, four code smell datasets (God-class, Data-class, Feature-envy, and Long-method) are considered which are generated from 74 open-source systems. To evaluate the performance of machine learning algorithms on these code smell datasets, 10-fold cross validation technique is applied that predicts the model by partitioning the original dataset into a training set to train the model and test set to evaluate it. Two feature selection techniques are applied to enhance our prediction accuracy. The Chi-squared and Wrapper-based feature selection techniques are used to improve the accuracy of total six machine learning methods by choosing the top metrics in each dataset. Results obtained by applying these two feature selection techniques are compared. To improve the accuracy of these algorithms, grid search-based parameter optimization technique is applied. In this study, 100% accuracy was obtained for the Long-method dataset by using the Logistic Regression algorithm with all features while the worst performance 95.20 % was obtained by Naive Bayes algorithm for the Long-method dataset using the chi-square feature selection technique.publishedVersio

    Efficacy of Reported Issue Times as a Means for Effort Estimation

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    Software effort is a measure of manpower dedicated to developing and maintaining and software. Effort estimation can help project managers monitor their software, teams, and timelines. Conversely, improper effort estimation can result in budget overruns, delays, lost contracts, and accumulated Technical Debt (TD). Issue Tracking Systems (ITS) have become mainstream project management tools, with over 65,000 companies using Jira alone. ITS are an untapped resource for issue resolution effort research. Related work investigates issue effort for specific issue types, usually Bugs or similar. They model their developer-documented issue resolution times using features from the issues themselves. This thesis explores a novel issue effort estimation and prediction approach using developer-documented ITS effort in tandem with implementation metrics (commit metrics, package metrics, refactoring metrics, and smell metrics). We find consistent correlations between ITS effort and implementation metrics, ranging from weak to moderate strength. We also construct and evaluate several exploratory models to predict future package effort using our novel effort estimation, with inconclusive results

    A Machine-learning Based Ensemble Method For Anti-patterns Detection

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    Anti-patterns are poor solutions to recurring design problems. Several empirical studies have highlighted their negative impact on program comprehension, maintainability, as well as fault-proneness. A variety of detection approaches have been proposed to identify their occurrences in source code. However, these approaches can identify only a subset of the occurrences and report large numbers of false positives and misses. Furthermore, a low agreement is generally observed among different approaches. Recent studies have shown the potential of machine-learning models to improve this situation. However, such algorithms require large sets of manually-produced training-data, which often limits their application in practice. In this paper, we present SMAD (SMart Aggregation of Anti-patterns Detectors), a machine-learning based ensemble method to aggregate various anti-patterns detection approaches on the basis of their internal detection rules. Thus, our method uses several detection tools to produce an improved prediction from a reasonable number of training examples. We implemented SMAD for the detection of two well known anti-patterns: God Class and Feature Envy. With the results of our experiments conducted on eight java projects, we show that: (1) our method clearly improves the so aggregated tools; (2) SMAD significantly outperforms other ensemble methods.Comment: Preprint Submitted to Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevie

    Towards using intelligent techniques to assist software specialists in their tasks

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    L’automatisation et l’intelligence constituent des préoccupations majeures dans le domaine de l’Informatique. Avec l’évolution accrue de l’Intelligence Artificielle, les chercheurs et l’industrie se sont orientés vers l’utilisation des modèles d’apprentissage automatique et d’apprentissage profond pour optimiser les tâches, automatiser les pipelines et construire des systèmes intelligents. Les grandes capacités de l’Intelligence Artificielle ont rendu possible d’imiter et même surpasser l’intelligence humaine dans certains cas aussi bien que d’automatiser les tâches manuelles tout en augmentant la précision, la qualité et l’efficacité. En fait, l’accomplissement de tâches informatiques nécessite des connaissances, une expertise et des compétences bien spécifiques au domaine. Grâce aux puissantes capacités de l’intelligence artificielle, nous pouvons déduire ces connaissances en utilisant des techniques d’apprentissage automatique et profond appliquées à des données historiques représentant des expériences antérieures. Ceci permettra, éventuellement, d’alléger le fardeau des spécialistes logiciel et de débrider toute la puissance de l’intelligence humaine. Par conséquent, libérer les spécialistes de la corvée et des tâches ordinaires leurs permettra, certainement, de consacrer plus du temps à des activités plus précieuses. En particulier, l’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles est un sous-domaine de l’informatique qui vise à élever le niveau d’abstraction des langages, d’automatiser la production des applications et de se concentrer davantage sur les spécificités du domaine. Ceci permet de déplacer l’effort mis sur l’implémentation vers un niveau plus élevé axé sur la conception, la prise de décision. Ainsi, ceci permet d’augmenter la qualité, l’efficacité et productivité de la création des applications. La conception des métamodèles est une tâche primordiale dans l’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles. Par conséquent, il est important de maintenir une bonne qualité des métamodèles étant donné qu’ils constituent un artéfact primaire et fondamental. Les mauvais choix de conception, ainsi que les changements conceptuels répétitifs dus à l’évolution permanente des exigences, pourraient dégrader la qualité du métamodèle. En effet, l’accumulation de mauvais choix de conception et la dégradation de la qualité pourraient entraîner des résultats négatifs sur le long terme. Ainsi, la restructuration des métamodèles est une tâche importante qui vise à améliorer et à maintenir une bonne qualité des métamodèles en termes de maintenabilité, réutilisabilité et extensibilité, etc. De plus, la tâche de restructuration des métamodèles est délicate et compliquée, notamment, lorsqu’il s’agit de grands modèles. De là, automatiser ou encore assister les architectes dans cette tâche est très bénéfique et avantageux. Par conséquent, les architectes de métamodèles pourraient se concentrer sur des tâches plus précieuses qui nécessitent de la créativité, de l’intuition et de l’intelligence humaine. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons une cartographie des tâches qui pourraient être automatisées ou bien améliorées moyennant des techniques d’intelligence artificielle. Ensuite, nous sélectionnons la tâche de métamodélisation et nous essayons d’automatiser le processus de refactoring des métamodèles. A cet égard, nous proposons deux approches différentes: une première approche qui consiste à utiliser un algorithme génétique pour optimiser des critères de qualité et recommander des solutions de refactoring, et une seconde approche qui consiste à définir une spécification d’un métamodèle en entrée, encoder les attributs de qualité et l’absence des design smells comme un ensemble de contraintes et les satisfaire en utilisant Alloy.Automation and intelligence constitute a major preoccupation in the field of software engineering. With the great evolution of Artificial Intelligence, researchers and industry were steered to the use of Machine Learning and Deep Learning models to optimize tasks, automate pipelines, and build intelligent systems. The big capabilities of Artificial Intelligence make it possible to imitate and even outperform human intelligence in some cases as well as to automate manual tasks while rising accuracy, quality, and efficiency. In fact, accomplishing software-related tasks requires specific knowledge and skills. Thanks to the powerful capabilities of Artificial Intelligence, we could infer that expertise from historical experience using machine learning techniques. This would alleviate the burden on software specialists and allow them to focus on valuable tasks. In particular, Model-Driven Engineering is an evolving field that aims to raise the abstraction level of languages and to focus more on domain specificities. This allows shifting the effort put on the implementation and low-level programming to a higher point of view focused on design, architecture, and decision making. Thereby, this will increase the efficiency and productivity of creating applications. For its part, the design of metamodels is a substantial task in Model-Driven Engineering. Accordingly, it is important to maintain a high-level quality of metamodels because they constitute a primary and fundamental artifact. However, the bad design choices as well as the repetitive design modifications, due to the evolution of requirements, could deteriorate the quality of the metamodel. The accumulation of bad design choices and quality degradation could imply negative outcomes in the long term. Thus, refactoring metamodels is a very important task. It aims to improve and maintain good quality characteristics of metamodels such as maintainability, reusability, extendibility, etc. Moreover, the refactoring task of metamodels is complex, especially, when dealing with large designs. Therefore, automating and assisting architects in this task is advantageous since they could focus on more valuable tasks that require human intuition. In this thesis, we propose a cartography of the potential tasks that we could either automate or improve using Artificial Intelligence techniques. Then, we select the metamodeling task and we tackle the problem of metamodel refactoring. We suggest two different approaches: A first approach that consists of using a genetic algorithm to optimize set quality attributes and recommend candidate metamodel refactoring solutions. A second approach based on mathematical logic that consists of defining the specification of an input metamodel, encoding the quality attributes and the absence of smells as a set of constraints and finally satisfying these constraints using Alloy
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