5,462 research outputs found

    Efficient multitasking of Choleski matrix factorization on CRAY supercomputers

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    A Choleski method is described and used to solve linear systems of equations that arise in large scale structural analysis. The method uses a novel variable-band storage scheme and is structured to exploit fast local memory caches while minimizing data access delays between main memory and vector registers. Several parallel implementations of this method are described for the CRAY-2 and CRAY Y-MP computers demonstrating the use of microtasking and autotasking directives. A portable parallel language, FORCE, is used for comparison with the microtasked and autotasked implementations. Results are presented comparing the matrix factorization times for three representative structural analysis problems from runs made in both dedicated and multi-user modes on both computers. CPU and wall clock timings are given for the parallel implementations and are compared to single processor timings of the same algorithm

    Exploration of Dynamic Memory

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    Since the advent of the Java programming language and the development of real-time garbage collection, Java has become an option for implementing real-time applications. The memory management choices provided by real-time garbage collection allow for real-time eJava developers to spend more of their time implementing real-time solutions. Unfortunately, the real-time community is not convinced that real-time garbage collection works in managing memory for Java applications deployed in a real-time context. Consequently, the Real-Time for Java Expert Group formulated the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) standards to make Java a real-time programming language. In lieu of garbage collection, the RTSJ proposed a new memory model called scopes, and a new type of thread called NoHeapRealTimeThread (NHRT), which takes advantage of scopes. While scopes and NHRTs promise predictable allocation and deallocation behaviors, no asymptotic studies have been conducted to investigate the costs associated with these technologies. To understand the costs associated with using these technologies to manage memory, computations and analyses of time and space overheads associated with scopes and NHRTs are presented. These results provide a framework for comparing the RTSJ’s memory management model with real-time garbage collection. Another facet of this research concerns the optimization of novel approaches to garbage collection on multiprocessor systems. Such approaches yield features that are suitable for real-time systems. Although multiprocessor, concurrent garbage collection is not the same as real-time garbage collection, advancements in multiprocessor concurrent garbage collection have demonstrated the feasibility of building low latency multiprocessor real-time garbage collectors. In the nineteen-sixties, only three garbage collection schemes were available, namely reference counting garbage collection, mark-sweep garbage collection, and copying garbage collection. These classical approaches gave new insight into the discipline of memory management and inspired researchers to develop new, more elaborate memory-management techniques. Those insights resulted in a plethora of automatic memory management algorithms and techniques, and a lack of uniformity in the language used to reason about garbage collection. To bring a sense of uniformity to the language used to reason about garbage collection technologies, a taxonomy for comparing garbage collection technologies is presented

    Garbage Collection for Java Distributed Objects

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    We present a distributed garbage collection algorithm for Java distributed objects using the object model provided by the Java Support for Distributed Objects (JSDA) object model and using weak references in Java. The algorithm can also be used for any other Java based distributed object models that use the stub-skeleton paradigm. Furthermore, the solution could also be applied to any language that supports weak references as a mean of interaction with the local garbage collector. We also give a formal definition and a proof of correctness for the proposed algorithm

    Automated Verification of Practical Garbage Collectors

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    Garbage collectors are notoriously hard to verify, due to their low-level interaction with the underlying system and the general difficulty in reasoning about reachability in graphs. Several papers have presented verified collectors, but either the proofs were hand-written or the collectors were too simplistic to use on practical applications. In this work, we present two mechanically verified garbage collectors, both practical enough to use for real-world C# benchmarks. The collectors and their associated allocators consist of x86 assembly language instructions and macro instructions, annotated with preconditions, postconditions, invariants, and assertions. We used the Boogie verification generator and the Z3 automated theorem prover to verify this assembly language code mechanically. We provide measurements comparing the performance of the verified collector with that of the standard Bartok collectors on off-the-shelf C# benchmarks, demonstrating their competitiveness

    Cornucopia: Temporal safety for CHERI heaps

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    Use-after-free violations of temporal memory safety continue to plague software systems, underpinning many high-impact exploits. The CHERI capability system shows great promise in achieving C and C++ language spatial memory safety, preventing out-of-bounds accesses. Enforcing language-level temporal safety on CHERI requires capability revocation, traditionally achieved either via table lookups (avoided for performance in the CHERI design) or by identifying capabilities in memory to revoke them (similar to a garbage-collector sweep). CHERIvoke, a prior feasibility study, suggested that CHERI’s tagged capabilities could make this latter strategy viable, but modeled only architectural limits and did not consider the full implementation or evaluation of the approach. Cornucopia is a lightweight capability revocation system for CHERI that implements non-probabilistic C/C++ temporal memory safety for standard heap allocations. It extends the CheriBSD virtual-memory subsystem to track capability flow through memory and provides a concurrent kernel-resident revocation service that is amenable to multi-processor and hardware acceleration. We demonstrate an average overhead of less than 2% and a worst-case of 8.9% for concurrent revocation on compatible SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks on a multi-core CHERI CPU on FPGA, and we validate Cornucopia against the Juliet test suite’s corpus of temporally unsafe programs. We test its compatibility with a large corpus of C programs by using a revoking allocator as the system allocator while booting multi-user CheriBSD. Cornucopia is a viable strategy for always-on temporal heap memory safety, suitable for production environments.This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), under contracts FA8750-10-C-0237 (“CTSRD”) and HR0011-18-C-0016 (“ECATS”). We also acknowledge the EPSRC REMS Programme Grant (EP/K008528/1), the ABP Grant (EP/P020011/1), the ERC ELVER Advanced Grant (789108), the Gates Cambridge Trust, Arm Limited, HP Enterprise, and Google, Inc

    List Processing in Real Time on a Serial Computer

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    Key Words and Phrases: real-time, compacting, garbage collection, list processing, virtual memory, file or database management, storage management, storage allocation, LISP, CDR-coding, reference counting. CR Categories: 3.50, 3.60, 373, 3.80, 4.13, 24.32, 433, 4.35, 4.49 This report describes research done at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Support for the laboratory's artificial intelligence research is provided in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Office of Naval Research contract N00014-75-C-0522.A real-time list processing system is one in which the time required by each elementary list operation (CONS, CAR, CDR, RPLACA, RPLACD, EQ, and ATOM in LISP) is bounded by a (small) constant. Classical list processing systems such as LISP do not have this property because a call to CONS may invoke the garbage collector which requires time proportional to the number of accessible cells to finish. The space requirement of a classical LISP system with N accessible cells under equilibrium conditions is (1.5+μ)N or (1+μ)N, depending upon whether a stack is required for the garbage collector, where μ>0 is typically less than 2. A list processing system is presented which: 1) is real-time--i.e. T(CONS) is bounded by a constant independent of the number of cells in use; 2) requires space (2+2μ)N, i.e. not more than twice that of a classical system; 3) runs on a serial computer without a time-sharing clock; 4) handles directed cycles in the data structures; 5) is fast--the average time for each operation is about the same as with normal garbage collection; 6) compacts--minimizes the working set; 7) keeps the free pool in one contiguous block--objects of nonuniform size pose no problem; 8) uses one phase incremental collection--no separate mark, sweep, relocate phases; 9) requires no garbage collector stack; 10) requires no "mark bits", per se; 11) is simple--suitable for microcoded implementation. Extensions of the system to handle a user program stack, compact list representation ("CDR-coding"), arrays of non-uniform size, and hash linking are discussed. CDR-coding is shown to reduce memory requirements for N LISP cells to ≈(I+μ)N. Our system is also compared with another approach to the real-time storage management problem, reference counting, and reference counting is shown to be neither competitive with our system when speed of allocation is critical, nor compatible, in the sense that a system with both forms of garbage collection is worse than our pure one.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agenc

    Efficient Algorithms for Coastal Geographic Problems

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    The increasing performance of computers has made it possible to solve algorithmically problems for which manual and possibly inaccurate methods have been previously used. Nevertheless, one must still pay attention to the performance of an algorithm if huge datasets are used or if the problem iscomputationally difficult. Two geographic problems are studied in the articles included in this thesis. In the first problem the goal is to determine distances from points, called study points, to shorelines in predefined directions. Together with other in-formation, mainly related to wind, these distances can be used to estimate wave exposure at different areas. In the second problem the input consists of a set of sites where water quality observations have been made and of the results of the measurements at the different sites. The goal is to select a subset of the observational sites in such a manner that water quality is still measured in a sufficient accuracy when monitoring at the other sites is stopped to reduce economic cost. Most of the thesis concentrates on the first problem, known as the fetch length problem. The main challenge is that the two-dimensional map is represented as a set of polygons with millions of vertices in total and the distances may also be computed for millions of study points in several directions. Efficient algorithms are developed for the problem, one of them approximate and the others exact except for rounding errors. The solutions also differ in that three of them are targeted for serial operation or for a small number of CPU cores whereas one, together with its further developments, is suitable also for parallel machines such as GPUs.Tietokoneiden suorituskyvyn kasvaminen on tehnyt mahdolliseksi ratkaista algoritmisesti ongelmia, joita on aiemmin tarkasteltu paljon ihmistyötä vaativilla, mahdollisesti epätarkoilla, menetelmillä. Algoritmien suorituskykyyn on kuitenkin toisinaan edelleen kiinnitettävä huomiota lähtömateriaalin suuren määrän tai ongelman laskennallisen vaikeuden takia. Väitöskirjaansisältyvissäartikkeleissatarkastellaankahtamaantieteellistä ongelmaa. Ensimmäisessä näistä on määritettävä etäisyyksiä merellä olevista pisteistä lähimpään rantaviivaan ennalta määrätyissä suunnissa. Etäisyyksiä ja tuulen voimakkuutta koskevien tietojen avulla on mahdollista arvioida esimerkiksi aallokon voimakkuutta. Toisessa ongelmista annettuna on joukko tarkkailuasemia ja niiltä aiemmin kerättyä tietoa erilaisista vedenlaatua kuvaavista parametreista kuten sameudesta ja ravinteiden määristä. Tehtävänä on valita asemajoukosta sellainen osa joukko, että vedenlaatua voidaan edelleen tarkkailla riittävällä tarkkuudella, kun mittausten tekeminen muilla havaintopaikoilla lopetetaan kustannusten säästämiseksi. Väitöskirja keskittyy pääosin ensimmäisen ongelman, suunnattujen etäisyyksien, ratkaisemiseen. Haasteena on se, että tarkasteltava kaksiulotteinen kartta kuvaa rantaviivan tyypillisesti miljoonista kärkipisteistä koostuvana joukkonapolygonejajaetäisyyksiäonlaskettavamiljoonilletarkastelupisteille kymmenissä eri suunnissa. Ongelmalle kehitetään tehokkaita ratkaisutapoja, joista yksi on likimääräinen, muut pyöristysvirheitä lukuun ottamatta tarkkoja. Ratkaisut eroavat toisistaan myös siinä, että kolme menetelmistä on suunniteltu ajettavaksi sarjamuotoisesti tai pienellä määrällä suoritinytimiä, kun taas yksi menetelmistä ja siihen tehdyt parannukset soveltuvat myös voimakkaasti rinnakkaisille laitteille kuten GPU:lle. Vedenlaatuongelmassa annetulla asemajoukolla on suuri määrä mahdollisia osajoukkoja. Lisäksi tehtävässä käytetään aikaa vaativia operaatioita kuten lineaarista regressiota, mikä entisestään rajoittaa sitä, kuinka monta osajoukkoa voidaan tutkia. Ratkaisussa käytetäänkin heuristiikkoja, jotkaeivät välttämättä tuota optimaalista lopputulosta.Siirretty Doriast