50 research outputs found

    Modeling variation of human motion

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    The synthesis of realistic human motion with large variations and different styles has a growing interest in simulation applications such as the game industry, psychological experiments, and ergonomic analysis. The statistical generative models are used by motion controllers in our motion synthesis framework to create new animations for different scenarios. Data-driven motion synthesis approaches are powerful tools for producing high-fidelity character animations. With the development of motion capture technologies, more and more motion data are publicly available now. However, how to efficiently reuse a large amount of motion data to create new motions for arbitrary scenarios poses challenges, especially for unsupervised motion synthesis. This thesis presents a series of works that analyze and model the variations of human motion data. The goal is to learn statistical generative models to create any number of new human animations with rich variations and styles. The work of the thesis will be presented in three main chapters. We first explore how variation is represented in motion data. Learning a compact latent space that can expressively contain motion variation is essential for modeling motion data. We propose a novel motion latent space learning approach that can intrinsically tackle the spatialtemporal properties of motion data. Secondly, we present our Morphable Graph framework for human motion modeling and synthesis for assembly workshop scenarios. A series of studies have been conducted to apply statistical motion modeling and synthesis approaches for complex assembly workshop use cases. Learning the distribution of motion data can provide a compact representation of motion variations and convert motion synthesis tasks to optimization problems. Finally, we show how the style variations of human activities can be modeled with a limited number of examples. Natural human movements display a rich repertoire of styles and personalities. However, it is difficult to get enough examples for data-driven approaches. We propose a conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) to combine large variations in the neutral motion database and style information from a limited number of examples.Die Synthese realistischer menschlicher Bewegungen mit großen Variationen und unterschiedlichen Stilen ist für Simulationsanwendungen wie die Spieleindustrie, psychologische Experimente und ergonomische Analysen von wachsendem Interesse. Datengetriebene Bewegungssyntheseansätze sind leistungsstarke Werkzeuge für die Erstellung realitätsgetreuer Charakteranimationen. Mit der Entwicklung von Motion-Capture-Technologien sind nun immer mehr Motion-Daten öffentlich verfügbar. Die effiziente Wiederverwendung einer großen Menge von Motion-Daten zur Erstellung neuer Bewegungen für beliebige Szenarien stellt jedoch eine Herausforderung dar, insbesondere für die unüberwachte Bewegungssynthesemethoden. Das Lernen der Verteilung von Motion-Daten kann eine kompakte Repräsentation von Bewegungsvariationen liefern und Bewegungssyntheseaufgaben in Optimierungsprobleme umwandeln. In dieser Dissertation werden eine Reihe von Arbeiten vorgestellt, die die Variationen menschlicher Bewegungsdaten analysieren und modellieren. Das Ziel ist es, statistische generative Modelle zu erlernen, um eine beliebige Anzahl neuer menschlicher Animationen mit reichen Variationen und Stilen zu erstellen. In unserem Bewegungssynthese-Framework werden die statistischen generativen Modelle von Bewegungscontrollern verwendet, um neue Animationen für verschiedene Szenarien zu erstellen. Die Arbeit in dieser Dissertation wird in drei Hauptkapiteln vorgestellt. Wir untersuchen zunächst, wie Variation in Bewegungsdaten dargestellt wird. Das Erlernen eines kompakten latenten Raums, der Bewegungsvariationen ausdrucksvoll enthalten kann, ist für die Modellierung von Bewegungsdaten unerlässlich. Wir schlagen einen neuartigen Ansatz zum Lernen des latenten Bewegungsraums vor, der die räumlich-zeitlichen Eigenschaften von Bewegungsdaten intrinsisch angehen kann. Zweitens stellen wir unser Morphable Graph Framework für die menschliche Bewegungsmodellierung und -synthese für Montage-Workshop- Szenarien vor. Es wurde eine Reihe von Studien durchgeführt, um statistische Bewegungsmodellierungs und syntheseansätze für komplexe Anwendungsfälle in Montagewerkstätten anzuwenden. Schließlich zeigen wir anhand einer begrenzten Anzahl von Beispielen, wie die Stilvariationen menschlicher Aktivitäten modelliertwerden können. Natürliche menschliche Bewegungen weisen ein reiches Repertoire an Stilen und Persönlichkeiten auf. Es ist jedoch schwierig, genügend Beispiele für datengetriebene Ansätze zu erhalten. Wir schlagen einen Conditional Variational Autoencoder (CVAE) vor, um große Variationen in der neutralen Bewegungsdatenbank und Stilinformationen aus einer begrenzten Anzahl von Beispielen zu kombinieren. Wir zeigen, dass unser Ansatz eine beliebige Anzahl von natürlich aussehenden Variationen menschlicher Bewegungen mit einem ähnlichen Stil wie das Ziel erzeugen kann

    Semi-Supervised Facial Animation Retargeting

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    This paper presents a system for facial animation retargeting that al- lows learning a high-quality mapping between motion capture data and arbitrary target characters. We address one of the main chal- lenges of existing example-based retargeting methods, the need for a large number of accurate training examples to define the corre- spondence between source and target expression spaces. We show that this number can be significantly reduced by leveraging the in- formation contained in unlabeled data, i.e. facial expressions in the source or target space without corresponding poses. In contrast to labeled samples that require time-consuming and error-prone manual character posing, unlabeled samples are easily obtained as frames of motion capture recordings or existing animations of the target character. Our system exploits this information by learning a shared latent space between motion capture and character param- eters in a semi-supervised manner. We show that this approach is resilient to noisy input and missing data and significantly improves retargeting accuracy. To demonstrate its applicability, we integrate our algorithm in a performance-driven facial animation system

    Human Motion Analysis: From Gait Modeling to Shape Representation and Pose Estimation

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    This dissertation presents a series of fundamental approaches to the human motion analysis from three perspectives, i.e., manifold learning-based gait motion modeling, articulated shape representation and efficient pose estimation. Firstly, a new joint gait-pose manifold (JGPM) learning algorithm is proposed to jointly optimize the gait and pose variables simultaneously. To enhance the representability and flexibility for complex motion modeling, we also propose a multi-layer JGPM that is capable of dealing with a variety of walking styles and various strides. We resort to a topologically-constrained Gaussian process latent variable model (GPLVM) to learn the multi-layer JGPM where two new techniques are introduced to facilitate model learning. First is training data diversification that creates a set of simulated motion data with different strides under limited data. Second is the topology-aware local learning that is to speed up model learning by taking advantage of the local topological structure. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by synthesizing the high-quality motions from the multi-layer model. The experimental results show that the multi-layer JGPM outperforms several existing GPLVM-based models in terms of the overall performance of motion modeling.On the other hand, to achieve efficient human pose estimation from a single depth sensor, we develop a generalized Gaussian kernel correlation (GKC)-based framework which supports not only body shape modeling, but also articulated pose tracking. We first generalize GKC from the univariate Gaussian to the multivariate one and derive a unified GKC function that provides a continuous and differentiable similarity measure between a template and an observation, both of which are represented by a collection of univariate and/or multivariate Gaussian kernels. Then, to facilitate the data matching and accommodate articulated body deformation, we embed a quaternion-based articulated skeleton into a collection of multivariate Gaussians-based template model and develop an articulated GKC (AGKC) which supports subject-specific shape modeling and articulated pose tracking for both the full-body and hand. Our tracking algorithm is simple yet effective and computationally efficient. We evaluate our algorithm on two benchmark depth datasets. The experimental results are promising and competitive when compared with state-of-the-art algorithms.Electrical Engineerin

    On human motion prediction using recurrent neural networks

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    Human motion modelling is a classical problem at the intersection of graphics and computer vision, with applications spanning human-computer interaction, motion synthesis, and motion prediction for virtual and augmented reality. Following the success of deep learning methods in several computer vision tasks, recent work has focused on using deep recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to model human motion, with the goal of learning time-dependent representations that perform tasks such as short-term motion prediction and long-term human motion synthesis. We examine recent work, with a focus on the evaluation methodologies commonly used in the literature, and show that, surprisingly, state-of-the-art performance can be achieved by a simple baseline that does not attempt to model motion at all. We investigate this result, and analyze recent RNN methods by looking at the architectures, loss functions, and training procedures used in state-of-the-art approaches. We propose three changes to the standard RNN models typically used for human motion, which result in a simple and scalable RNN architecture that obtains state-of-the-art performance on human motion prediction.Comment: Accepted at CVPR 1

    Modeling High-Dimensional Humans for Activity Anticipation using Gaussian Process Latent CRFs

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    Abstract—For robots, the ability to model human configura-tions and temporal dynamics is crucial for the task of anticipating future human activities, yet requires conflicting properties: On one hand, we need a detailed high-dimensional description of human configurations to reason about the physical plausibility of the prediction; on the other hand, we need a compact representation to be able to parsimoniously model the relations between the human and the environment. We therefore propose a new model, GP-LCRF, which admits both the high-dimensional and low-dimensional representation of humans. It assumes that the high-dimensional representation is generated from a latent variable corresponding to its low-dimensional representation using a Gaussian process. The gener-ative process not only defines the mapping function between the high- and low-dimensional spaces, but also models a distribution of humans embedded as a potential function in GP-LCRF along with other potentials to jointly model the rich context among humans, objects and the activity. Through extensive experiments on activity anticipation, we show that our GP-LCRF consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art results and reduces the predicted human trajectory error by 11.6%. I

    Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction for Motion Synthesis and Control

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    Synthesising motion of human character animations or humanoid robots is vastly complicated by the large number of degrees of freedom in their kinematics. Control spaces become so large, that automated methods designed to adaptively generate movements become computationally infeasible or fail to find acceptable solutions. In this thesis we investigate how demonstrations of previously successful movements can be used to inform the production of new movements that are adapted to new situations. In particular, we evaluate the use of nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques to find compact representations of demonstrations, and investigate how these can simplify the synthesis of new movements. Our focus lies on the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (GPLVM), because it has proven to capture the nonlinearities present in the kinematics of robots and humans. We present an in-depth analysis of the underlying theory which results in an alternative approach to initialise the GPLVM based on Multidimensional Scaling. We show that the new initialisation is better suited than PCA for nonlinear, synthetic data, but have to note that its advantage shrinks on motion data. Subsequently we show that the incorporation of additional structure constraints leads to low-dimensional representations which are sufficiently regular so that once learned dynamic movement primitives can be adapted to new situations without need for relearning. Finally, we demonstrate in a number of experiments where movements are generated for bimanual reaching, that, through the use of nonlinear dimensionality reduction, reinforcement learning can be scaled up to optimise humanoid movements

    Reducing animator keyframes

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    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present a body of work aimed at reducing the time spent by animators manually constructing keyframed animation. To this end we present a number of state of the art machine learning techniques applied to the domain of character animation. Data-driven tools for the synthesis and production of character animation have a good track record of success. In particular, they have been adopted thoroughly in the games industry as they allow designers as well as animators to simply specify the high-level descriptions of the animations to be created, and the rest is produced automatically. Even so, these techniques have not been thoroughly adopted in the film industry in the production of keyframe based animation [Planet, 2012]. Due to this, the cost of producing high quality keyframed animation remains very high, and the time of professional animators is increasingly precious. We present our work in four main chapters. We first tackle the key problem in the adoption of data-driven tools for key framed animation - a problem called the inversion of the rig function. Secondly, we show the construction of a new tool for data-driven character animation called the motion manifold - a representation of motion constructed using deep learning that has a number of properties useful for animation research. Thirdly, we show how the motion manifold can be extended as a general tool for performing data-driven animation synthesis and editing. Finally, we show how these techniques developed for keyframed animation can also be adapted to advance the state of the art in the games industry

    Exploiting Novel Deep Learning Architecture in Character Animation Pipelines

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    This doctoral dissertation aims to show a body of work proposed for improving different blocks in the character animation pipelines resulting in less manual work and more realistic character animation. To that purpose, we describe a variety of cutting-edge deep learning approaches that have been applied to the field of human motion modelling and character animation. The recent advances in motion capture systems and processing hardware have shifted from physics-based approaches to data-driven approaches that are heavily used in the current game production frameworks. However, despite these significant successes, there are still shortcomings to address. For example, the existing production pipelines contain processing steps such as marker labelling in the motion capture pipeline or annotating motion primitives, which should be done manually. In addition, most of the current approaches for character animation used in game production are limited by the amount of stored animation data resulting in many duplicates and repeated patterns. We present our work in four main chapters. We first present a large dataset of human motion called MoVi. Secondly, we show how machine learning approaches can be used to automate proprocessing data blocks of optical motion capture pipelines. Thirdly, we show how generative models can be used to generate batches of synthetic motion sequences given only weak control signals. Finally, we show how novel generative models can be applied to real-time character control in the game production

    Novel approaches for generating video textures

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    Video texture, a new type of medium, can produce a new video with a continuously varying stream of images from a recorded video. It is synthesized by reordering the input video frames in a way which can be played without any visual discontinuity. However, video texture still experiences few unappealing drawbacks. For instance, video texture techniques can only generate new videos by simply rearranging the order of frames in original videos. Therefore, all the individual frames are the same as before and the result would suffer from "dead-ends" if the current frame could not discover similar frames to make a transition. In this thesis, we propose several new approaches for synthesizing video textures. These approaches adopt dimensionality reduction and regression techniques to generate video textures. Not only the frames in the resulted video textures are new, but also the "Dead end" problem is avoided. First, we have extended die work of applying principal components analysis (PCA) and autoregressive (AR) process to generate video textures by replacing PCA with five other dimension reduction techniques. Based on our experiments, using these dimensionality reduction techniques has improved the quality of video textures compared with extraction of frame signatures using PCA. The synthesized video textures may contain similar motions as the input video and will never be repeated exactly. All frames synthesized have never appeared before. We also propose a new approach for generating video textures using probabilistic principal components analysis (PPCA) and Gaussian process dynamical model (GPDM). GPDM is a nonparametric model for learning high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical data sets. We adopt PPCA and GPDM on several movie clips to synthesize video textures which contain frames that never appeared before and with similar motions as original videos. Furthermore, we have proposed two ways of generating real-time video textures by applying the incremental Isomap and incremental Spati04emporal Isomap (IST-Isomap). Both approaches can produce good real-time video texture results. In particular, IST-Isomap, that we propose, is more suitable for sparse video data (e.g. cartoon