528 research outputs found

    Element-centric clustering comparison unifies overlaps and hierarchy

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    Clustering is one of the most universal approaches for understanding complex data. A pivotal aspect of clustering analysis is quantitatively comparing clusterings; clustering comparison is the basis for many tasks such as clustering evaluation, consensus clustering, and tracking the temporal evolution of clusters. In particular, the extrinsic evaluation of clustering methods requires comparing the uncovered clusterings to planted clusterings or known metadata. Yet, as we demonstrate, existing clustering comparison measures have critical biases which undermine their usefulness, and no measure accommodates both overlapping and hierarchical clusterings. Here we unify the comparison of disjoint, overlapping, and hierarchically structured clusterings by proposing a new element-centric framework: elements are compared based on the relationships induced by the cluster structure, as opposed to the traditional cluster-centric philosophy. We demonstrate that, in contrast to standard clustering similarity measures, our framework does not suffer from critical biases and naturally provides unique insights into how the clusterings differ. We illustrate the strengths of our framework by revealing new insights into the organization of clusters in two applications: the improved classification of schizophrenia based on the overlapping and hierarchical community structure of fMRI brain networks, and the disentanglement of various social homophily factors in Facebook social networks. The universality of clustering suggests far-reaching impact of our framework throughout all areas of science

    Ensemble clustering via heuristic optimisation

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel UniversityTraditional clustering algorithms have different criteria and biases, and there is no single algorithm that can be the best solution for a wide range of data sets. This problem often presents a significant obstacle to analysts in revealing meaningful information buried among the huge amount of data. Ensemble Clustering has been proposed as a way to avoid the biases and improve the accuracy of clustering. The difficulty in developing Ensemble Clustering methods is to combine external information (provided by input clusterings) with internal information (i.e. characteristics of given data) effectively to improve the accuracy of clustering. The work presented in this thesis focuses on enhancing the clustering accuracy of Ensemble Clustering by employing heuristic optimisation techniques to achieve a robust combination of relevant information during the consensus clustering stage. Two novel heuristic optimisation-based Ensemble Clustering methods, Multi-Optimisation Consensus Clustering (MOCC) and K-Ants Consensus Clustering (KACC), are developed and introduced in this thesis. These methods utilise two heuristic optimisation algorithms (Simulated Annealing and Ant Colony Optimisation) for their Ensemble Clustering frameworks, and have been proved to outperform other methods in the area. The extensive experimental results, together with a detailed analysis, will be presented in this thesis

    Unsupervised multiple kernel learning approaches for integrating molecular cancer patient data

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. A characteristic of this disease is its complexity leading to a wide variety of genetic and molecular aberrations in the tumors. This heterogeneity necessitates personalized therapies for the patients. However, currently defined cancer subtypes used in clinical practice for treatment decision-making are based on relatively few selected markers and thus provide only a coarse classifcation of tumors. The increased availability in multi-omics data measured for cancer patients now offers the possibility of defining more informed cancer subtypes. Such a more fine-grained characterization of cancer subtypes harbors the potential of substantially expanding treatment options in personalized cancer therapy. In this thesis, we identify comprehensive cancer subtypes using multidimensional data. For this purpose, we apply and extend unsupervised multiple kernel learning methods. Three challenges of unsupervised multiple kernel learning are addressed: robustness, applicability, and interpretability. First, we show that regularization of the multiple kernel graph embedding framework, which enables the implementation of dimensionality reduction techniques, can increase the stability of the resulting patient subgroups. This improvement is especially beneficial for data sets with a small number of samples. Second, we adapt the objective function of kernel principal component analysis to enable the application of multiple kernel learning in combination with this widely used dimensionality reduction technique. Third, we improve the interpretability of kernel learning procedures by performing feature clustering prior to integrating the data via multiple kernel learning. On the basis of these clusters, we derive a score indicating the impact of a feature cluster on a patient cluster, thereby facilitating further analysis of the cluster-specific biological properties. All three procedures are successfully tested on real-world cancer data. Comparing our newly derived methodologies to established methods provides evidence that our work offers novel and beneficial ways of identifying patient subgroups and gaining insights into medically relevant characteristics of cancer subtypes.Krebs ist eine der häufigsten Todesursachen weltweit. Krebs ist gekennzeichnet durch seine Komplexität, die zu vielen verschiedenen genetischen und molekularen Aberrationen im Tumor führt. Die Unterschiede zwischen Tumoren erfordern personalisierte Therapien für die einzelnen Patienten. Die Krebssubtypen, die derzeit zur Behandlungsplanung in der klinischen Praxis verwendet werden, basieren auf relativ wenigen, genetischen oder molekularen Markern und können daher nur eine grobe Unterteilung der Tumoren liefern. Die zunehmende Verfügbarkeit von Multi-Omics-Daten für Krebspatienten ermöglicht die Neudefinition von fundierteren Krebssubtypen, die wiederum zu spezifischeren Behandlungen für Krebspatienten führen könnten. In dieser Dissertation identifizieren wir neue, potentielle Krebssubtypen basierend auf Multi-Omics-Daten. Hierfür verwenden wir unüberwachtes Multiple Kernel Learning, welches in der Lage ist mehrere Datentypen miteinander zu kombinieren. Drei Herausforderungen des unüberwachten Multiple Kernel Learnings werden adressiert: Robustheit, Anwendbarkeit und Interpretierbarkeit. Zunächst zeigen wir, dass die zusätzliche Regularisierung des Multiple Kernel Learning Frameworks zur Implementierung verschiedener Dimensionsreduktionstechniken die Stabilität der identifizierten Patientengruppen erhöht. Diese Robustheit ist besonders vorteilhaft für Datensätze mit einer geringen Anzahl von Proben. Zweitens passen wir die Zielfunktion der kernbasierten Hauptkomponentenanalyse an, um eine integrative Version dieser weit verbreiteten Dimensionsreduktionstechnik zu ermöglichen. Drittens verbessern wir die Interpretierbarkeit von kernbasierten Lernprozeduren, indem wir verwendete Merkmale in homogene Gruppen unterteilen bevor wir die Daten integrieren. Mit Hilfe dieser Gruppen definieren wir eine Bewertungsfunktion, die die weitere Auswertung der biologischen Eigenschaften von Patientengruppen erleichtert. Alle drei Verfahren werden an realen Krebsdaten getestet. Den Vergleich unserer Methodik mit etablierten Methoden weist nach, dass unsere Arbeit neue und nützliche Möglichkeiten bietet, um integrative Patientengruppen zu identifizieren und Einblicke in medizinisch relevante Eigenschaften von Krebssubtypen zu erhalten

    A novel ensemble clustering for operational transients classification with application to a nuclear power plant turbine

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    International audienceThe objective of the present work is to develop a novel approach for combining in an ensemble multiple base clusterings of operational transients of industrial equipment, when the number of clusters in the final consensus clustering is unknown. A measure of pairwise similarity is used to quantify the co-association matrix that describes the similarity among the different base clusterings. Then, a Spectral Clustering technique of literature, embedding the unsupervised K-Means algorithm, is applied to the co-association matrix for finding the optimum number of clusters of the final consensus clustering, based on Silhouette validity index calculation. The proposed approach is developed with reference to an artificial case study, properly designed to mimic the signal trend behavior of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) turbine during shutdown. The results of the artificial case have been compared with those achieved by a state-of-art approach, known as Cluster-based Similarity Partitioning and Serial Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering Algorithms (CSPA-METIS). The comparison shows that the proposed approach is able to identify a final consensus clustering that classifies the transients with better accuracy and robustness compared to the CSPA-METIS approach. The approach is, then, validated on an industrial case concerning 149 shutdown transients of a NPP turbine

    Unsupervised Algorithms for Microarray Sample Stratification

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    The amount of data made available by microarrays gives researchers the opportunity to delve into the complexity of biological systems. However, the noisy and extremely high-dimensional nature of this kind of data poses significant challenges. Microarrays allow for the parallel measurement of thousands of molecular objects spanning different layers of interactions. In order to be able to discover hidden patterns, the most disparate analytical techniques have been proposed. Here, we describe the basic methodologies to approach the analysis of microarray datasets that focus on the task of (sub)group discovery.Peer reviewe

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith the tremendous growth of data produced in the recent years, it is impossible to identify patterns or test hypotheses without reducing data size. Data mining is an area of science that extracts useful information from the data by discovering patterns and structures present in the data. In this dissertation, we will largely focus on clustering which is often the first step in any exploratory data mining task, where items that are similar to each other are grouped together, making downstream data analysis robust. Different clustering techniques have different strengths, and the resulting groupings provide different perspectives on the data. Due to the unsupervised nature i.e., the lack of domain experts who can label the data, validation of results is very difficult. While there are measures that compute "goodness" scores for clustering solutions as a whole, there are few methods that validate the assignment of individual data items to their clusters. To address these challenges we focus on developing a framework that can generate, compare, combine, and evaluate different solutions to make more robust and significant statements about the data. In the first part of this dissertation, we present fast and efficient techniques to generate and combine different clustering solutions. We build on some recent ideas on efficient representations of clusters of partitions to develop a well founded metric that is spatially aware to compare clusterings. With the ability to compare clusterings, we describe a heuristic to combine different solutions to produce a single high quality clustering. We also introduce a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to sample different clusterings from the entire landscape to provide the users with a variety of choices. In the second part of this dissertation, we build certificates for individual data items and study their influence on effective data reduction. We present a geometric approach by defining regions of influence for data items and clusters and use this to develop adaptive sampling techniques to speedup machine learning algorithms. This dissertation is therefore a systematic approach to study the landscape of clusterings in an attempt to provide a better understanding of the data
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