861 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of classical multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and seeding strategies for pairwise testing of Software Product Lines

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    Lopez-Herrejon, R. Erick, Ferrer J., Chicano F., Egyed A., & Alba E. (2014). Comparative analysis of classical multi-objective evolutionary algorithms and seeding strategies for pairwise testing of Software Product Lines. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2014, Beijing, China, July 6-11, 2014. 387–396.Software Product Lines (SPLs) are families of related software products, each with its own set of feature combinations. Their commonly large number of products poses a unique set of challenges for software testing as it might not be technologically or economically feasible to test of all them individually. SPL pairwise testing aims at selecting a set of products to test such that all possible combinations of two features are covered by at least one selected product. Most approaches for SPL pairwise testing have focused on achieving full coverage of all pairwise feature combinations with the minimum number of products to test. Though useful in many contexts, this single-objective perspective does not reflect the prevailing scenario where software engineers do face trade-offs between the objectives of maximizing the coverage or minimizing the number of products to test. In contrast and to address this need, our work is the first to propose a classical multi-objective formalisation where both objectives are equally important. In this paper, we study the application to SPL pairwise testing of four classical multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. We developed three seeding strategies — techniques that leverage problem domain knowledge — and measured their performance impact on a large and diverse corpus of case studies using two well-known multi-objective quality measures. Our study identifies the performance differences among the algorithms and corroborates that the more domain knowledge leveraged the better the search results. Our findings enable software engineers to select not just one solution (as in the case of single-objective techniques) but instead to select from an array of test suite possibilities the one that best matches the economical and technological constraints of their testing context.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Austrian Science Fund (FWF) project P25289- N15 and Lise Meitner Fellowship M1421-N15. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER under contract TIN2011-28194 and fellowship BES-2012-055967. Project 8.06/5.47.4142 in collaboration with the VSB-Tech. Univ. of Ostrava and Universidad de Málaga, Andalucía Tech

    Seeding Strategies for Multi-Objective Test Case Selection: An Application on Simulation-based Testing

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    The time it takes software systems to be tested is usually long. This is often caused by the time it takes the entire test suite to be executed. To optimize this, regression test selection approaches have allowed for improvements to the cost-effectiveness of verification and validation activities in the software industry. In this area, multi-objective algorithms have played a key role in selecting the appropriate subset of test cases from the entire test suite. In this paper, we propose a set of seeding strategies for the test case selection problem that generate the initial population of multi-objective algorithms.We integrated these seeding strategies with an NSGA-II algorithm for solving the test case selection problem in the context of simulation-based testing. We evaluated the strategies with six case studies and a total of 21 fitness combinations for each case study (i.e., a total of 126 problems). Our evaluation suggests that these strategies are indeed helpful for solving the multi-objective test case selection problem. In fact, two of the proposed seeding strategies outperformed the NSGA-II algorithm without seeding population with statistical significance for 92.8 and 96% of the problems

    Optimization Techniques for Automated Software Test Data Generation

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    Esta tesis propone una variedad de contribuciones al campo de pruebas evolutivas. Hemos abarcados un amplio rango de aspectos relativos a las pruebas de programas: código fuente procedimental y orientado a objetos, paradigmas estructural y funcional, problemas mono-objetivo y multi-objetivo, casos de prueba aislados y secuencias de pruebas, y trabajos teóricos y experimentales. En relación a los análisis llevados a cabo, hemos puesto énfasis en el análisis estadístico de los resultados para evaluar la significancia práctica de los resultados. En resumen, las principales contribuciones de la tesis son: Definición de una nueva medida de distancia para el operador instanceof en programas orientados a objetos: En este trabajo nos hemos centrado en un aspecto relacionado con el software orientado a objetos, la herencia, para proponer algunos enfoques que pueden ayudar a guiar la búsqueda de datos de prueba en el contexto de las pruebas evolutivas. En particular, hemos propuesto una medida de distancia para computar la distancia de ramas en presencia del operador instanceof en programas Java. También hemos propuesto dos operadores de mutación que modifican las soluciones candidatas basadas en la medida de distancia definida. Definición de una nueva medida de complejidad llamada ``Branch Coverage Expectation'': En este trabajo nos enfrentamos a la complejidad de pruebas desde un punto de vista original: un programa es más complejo si es más difícil de probar de forma automática. Consecuentemente, definimos la ``Branch Coverage Expectation'' para proporcionar conocimiento sobre la dificultad de probar programas. La fundación de esta medida se basa en el modelo de Markov del programa. El modelo de Markov proporciona fundamentos teóricos. El análisis de esta medida indica que está más correlacionada con la cobertura de rama que las otras medidas de código estáticas. Esto significa que esto es un buen modo de estimar la dificultad de probar un programa. Predicción teórica del número de casos de prueba necesarios para cubrir un porcentaje concreto de un programa: Nuestro modelo de Markov del programa puede ser usado para proporcionar una estimación del número de casos de prueba necesarios para cubrir un porcentaje concreto del programa. Hemos comparado nuestra predicción teórica con la media de las ejecuciones reales de un generador de datos de prueba. Este modelo puede ayudar a predecir la evolución de la fase de pruebas, la cual consecuentemente puede ahorrar tiempo y coste del proyecto completo. Esta predicción teórica podría ser también muy útil para determinar el porcentaje del programa cubierto dados un número de casos de prueba. Propuesta de enfoques para resolver el problema de generación de datos de prueba multi-objetivo: En ese capítulo estudiamos el problema de la generación multi-objetivo con el fin de analizar el rendimiento de un enfoque directo multi-objetivo frente a la aplicación de un algoritmo mono-objetivo seguido de una selección de casos de prueba. Hemos evaluado cuatro algoritmos multi-objetivo (MOCell, NSGA-II, SPEA2, y PAES) y dos algoritmos mono-objetivo (GA y ES), y dos algoritmos aleatorios. En términos de convergencia hacía el frente de Pareto óptimo, GA y MOCell han sido los mejores resolutores en nuestra comparación. Queremos destacar que el enfoque mono-objetivo, donde se ataca cada rama por separado, es más efectivo cuando el programa tiene un grado de anidamiento alto. Comparativa de diferentes estrategias de priorización en líneas de productos y árboles de clasificación: En el contexto de pruebas funcionales hemos tratado el tema de la priorización de casos de prueba con dos representaciones diferentes, modelos de características que representan líneas de productos software y árboles de clasificación. Hemos comparado cinco enfoques relativos al método de clasificación con árboles y dos relativos a líneas de productos, cuatro de ellos propuestos por nosotros. Los resultados nos indican que las propuestas para ambas representaciones basadas en un algoritmo genético son mejores que el resto en la mayoría de escenarios experimentales, es la mejor opción cuando tenemos restricciones de tiempo o coste. Definición de la extensión del método de clasificación con árbol para la generación de secuencias de pruebas: Hemos definido formalmente esta extensión para la generación de secuencias de pruebas que puede ser útil para la industria y para la comunidad investigadora. Sus beneficios son claros ya que indudablemente el coste de situar el artefacto bajo pruebas en el siguiente estado no es necesario, a la vez que reducimos significativamente el tamaño de la secuencia utilizando técnicas metaheurísticas. Particularmente nuestra propuesta basada en colonias de hormigas es el mejor algoritmo de la comparativa, siendo el único algoritmo que alcanza la cobertura máxima para todos los modelos y tipos de cobertura. Exploración del efecto de diferentes estrategias de seeding en el cálculo de frentes de Pareto óptimos en líneas de productos: Estudiamos el comportamiento de algoritmos clásicos multi-objetivo evolutivos aplicados a las pruebas por pares de líneas de productos. El grupo de algoritmos fue seleccionado para cubrir una amplia y diversa gama de técnicas. Nuestra evaluación indica claramente que las estrategias de seeding ayudan al proceso de búsqueda de forma determinante. Cuanta más información se disponga para crear esta población inicial, mejores serán los resultados obtenidos. Además, gracias al uso de técnicas multi-objetivo podemos proporcionar un conjunto de pruebas adecuado mayor o menor, en resumen, que mejor se adapte a sus restricciones económicas o tecnológicas. Propuesta de técnica exacta para la computación del frente de Pareto óptimo en líneas de productos software: Hemos propuesto un enfoque exacto para este cálculo en el caso multi-objetivo con cobertura paiwise. Definimos un programa lineal 0-1 y un algoritmo basado en resolutores SAT para obtener el frente de Pareto verdadero. La evaluación de los resultados nos indica que, a pesar de ser un fantástico método para el cálculo de soluciones óptimas, tiene el inconveniente de la escalabilidad, ya que para modelos grandes el tiempo de ejecución sube considerablemente. Tras realizar un estudio de correlaciones, confirmamos nuestras sospechas, existe una alta correlación entre el tiempo de ejecución y el número de productos denotado por el modelo de características del programa

    Multi-objective test case prioritization in highly configurable systems: A case study

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    Test case prioritization schedules test cases for execution in an order that attempts to accelerate the detection of faults. The order of test cases is determined by prioritization objectives such as covering code or critical components as rapidly as possible. The importance of this technique has been recognized in the context of Highly-Configurable Systems (HCSs), where the potentially huge number of configurations makes testing extremely challenging. However, current approaches for test case prioritization in HCSs suffer from two main limitations. First, the prioritization is usually driven by a single objective which neglects the potential benefits of combining multiple criteria to guide the detection of faults. Second, instead of using industry-strength case studies, evaluations are conducted using synthetic data, which provides no information about the effectiveness of different prioritization objectives. In this paper, we address both limitations by studying 63 combinations of up to three prioritization objectives in accelerating the detection of faults in the Drupal framework. Results show that non–functional properties such as the number of changes in the features are more effective than functional metrics extracted from the configuration model. Results also suggest that multi-objective prioritization typically results in faster fault detection than mono-objective prioritization.CICYT TIN2012-32273CICYT TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P12-TIC- 186

    Many-objective test suite generation for software product lines

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    A Software Product Line (SPL) is a set of products built from a number of features, the set of valid products being defined by a feature model. Typically, it does not make sense to test all products defined by an SPL and one instead chooses a set of products to test (test selection) and, ideally, derives a good order in which to test them (test prioritisation). Since one cannot know in advance which products will reveal faults, test selection and prioritisation are normally based on objective functions that are known to relate to likely effectiveness or cost. This paper introduces a new technique, the grid-based evolution strategy (GrES), which considers several objective functions that assess a selection or prioritisation and aims to optimise on all of these. The problem is thus a many-objective optimisation problem. We use a new approach, in which all of the objective functions are considered but one (pairwise coverage) is seen as the most important. We also derive a novel evolution strategy based on domain knowledge. The results of the evaluation, on randomly generated and realistic feature models, were promising, with GrES outperforming previously proposed techniques and a range of many-objective optimisation algorithms

    Search-based crash reproduction using behavioural model seeding

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    Search-based crash reproduction approaches assist developers during debugging by generating a test case which reproduces a crash given its stack trace. One of the fundamental steps of this approach is creating objects needed to trigger the crash. One way to overcome this limitation is seeding: using information about the application during the search process. With seeding, the existing usages of classes can be used in the search process to produce realistic sequences of method calls which create the required objects. In this study, we introduce behavioral model seeding: a new seeding method which learns class usages from both the system under test and existing test cases. Learned usages are then synthesized in a behavioral model (state machine). Then, this model serves to guide the evolutionary process. To assess behavioral model-seeding, we evaluate it against test-seeding (the state-of-the-art technique for seeding realistic objects) and no-seeding (without seeding any class usage). For this evaluation, we use a benchmark of 124 hard-to-reproduce crashes stemming from six open-source projects. Our results indicate that behavioral model-seeding outperforms both test seeding and no-seeding by a minimum of 6% without any notable negative impact on efficiency

    An Empirical Evaluation of Evolutionary Algorithms for Unit Test Suite Generation

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    Context: Evolutionary algorithms have been shown to be e ective at generating unit test suites optimised for code coverage. While many speci c aspects of these algorithms have been evaluated in detail (e.g., test length and di erent kinds of techniques aimed at improving performance, like seeding), the in uence of the choice of evolutionary algorithm has to date seen less attention in the literature. Objective: Since it is theoretically impossible to design an algorithm that is the best on all possible problems, a common approach in software engineering problems is to rst try the most common algorithm, a Genetic Algorithm, and only afterwards try to re ne it or compare it with other algorithms to see if any of them is more suited for the addressed problem. The objective of this paper is to perform this analysis, in order to shed light on the in uence of the search algorithm applied for unit test generation. Method: We empirically evaluate thirteen di erent evolutionary algorithms and two random approaches on a selection of non-trivial open source classes. All algorithms are implemented in the EvoSuite test generation tool, which includes recent optimisations such as the use of an archive during the search and optimisation for multiple coverage criteria. Results: Our study shows that the use of a test archive makes evolutionary algorithms clearly better than random testing, and it con rms that the DynaMOSA many-objective search algorithm is the most e ective algorithm for unit test generation. Conclusions: Our results show that the choice of algorithm can have a substantial in uence on the performance of whole test suite optimisation. Although we can make a recommendation on which algorithm to use in practice, no algorithm is clearly superior in all cases, suggesting future work on improved search algorithms for unit test generatio

    Performance evaluation metrics for multi-objective evolutionary algorithms in search-based software engineering: Systematic literature review

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    Many recent studies have shown that various multi-objective evolutionary algorithms have been widely applied in the field of search-based software engineering (SBSE) for optimal solutions. Most of them either focused on solving newly re-formulated problems or on proposing new approaches, while a number of studies performed reviews and comparative studies on the performance of proposed algorithms. To evaluate such performance, it is necessary to consider a number of performance metrics that play important roles during the evaluation and comparison of investigated algorithms based on their best-simulated results. While there are hundreds of performance metrics in the literature that can quantify in performing such tasks, there is a lack of systematic review conducted to provide evidence of using these performance metrics, particularly in the software engineering problem domain. In this paper, we aimed to review and quantify the type of performance metrics, number of objectives, and applied areas in software engineering that reported in primary studies-this will eventually lead to inspiring the SBSE community to further explore such approaches in depth. To perform this task, a formal systematic review protocol was applied for planning, searching, and extracting the desired elements from the studies. After considering all the relevant inclusion and exclusion criteria for the searching process, 105 relevant articles were identified from the targeted online databases as scientific evidence to answer the eight research questions. The preliminary results show that remarkable studies were reported without considering performance metrics for the purpose of algorithm evaluation. Based on the 27 performance metrics that were identified, hypervolume, inverted generational distance, generational distance, and hypercube-based diversity metrics appear to be widely adopted in most of the studies in software requirements engineering, software design, software project management, software testing, and software verification. Additionally, there are increasing interest in the community in re-formulating many objective problems with more than three objectives, yet, currently are dominated in re-formulating two to three objectives

    Statistical methods for biological sequence analysis for DNA binding motifs and protein contacts

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    Over the last decades a revolution in novel measurement techniques has permeated the biological sciences filling the databases with unprecedented amounts of data ranging from genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics to structural and ecological data. In order to extract insights from the vast quantity of data, computational and statistical methods are nowadays crucial tools in the toolbox of every biological researcher. In this thesis I summarize my contributions in two data-rich fields in biological sciences: transcription factor binding to DNA and protein structure prediction from protein sequences with shared evolutionary ancestry. In the first part of my thesis I introduce our work towards a web server for analysing transcription factor binding data with Bayesian Markov Models. In contrast to classical PWM or di-nucleotide models, Bayesian Markov models can capture complex inter-nucleotide dependencies that can arise from shape-readout and alternative binding modes. In addition to giving access to our methods in an easy-to-use, intuitive web-interface, we provide our users with novel tools and visualizations to better evaluate the biological relevance of the inferred binding motifs. We hope that our tools will prove useful for investigating weak and complex transcription factor binding motifs which cannot be predicted accurately with existing tools. The second part discusses a statistical attempt to correct out the phylogenetic bias arising in co-evolution methods applied to the contact prediction problem. Co-evolution methods have revolutionized the protein-structure prediction field more than 10 years ago, and, until very recently, have retained their importance as crucial input features to deep neural networks. As the co-evolution information is extracted from evolutionarily related sequences, we investigated whether the phylogenetic bias to the signal can be corrected out in a principled way using a variation of the Felsenstein's tree-pruning algorithm applied in combination with an independent-pair assumption to derive pairwise amino counts that are corrected for the evolutionary history. Unfortunately, the contact prediction derived from our corrected pairwise amino acid counts did not yield a competitive performance.2021-09-2