52 research outputs found

    Analysis of speech prosody using WaveNet embeddings : The Lombard effect

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    We present a novel methodology for speech prosody research based on the analysis of embeddings used to condition a convolutional WaveNet speech synthesis system. The methodology is evaluated using a corpus of Lombard speech, pre-processed in order to preserve only prosodic characteristics of the original recordings. The conditioning embeddings are trained to represent the combined influences of three sources of prosodic variation present in the corpus: the level and type of ambient noise, and the sentence focus type. We show that the resulting representations can be used to quantify the prosodic effects of the underlying influences, as well as interactions among them, in a statistically robust way. Comparing the results of our analysis with the results of a more traditional examination indicates that the presented methodology can be used as an alternative method of phonetic analysis of prosodic phenomena.Peer reviewe

    Comparative analysis of majority language influence on North Sámi prosody using WaveNet-based modeling

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    The Finnmark North Sami is a variety of North Sami language, an indigenous, endangered minority language spoken in the northernmost parts of Norway and Finland. The speakers of this language are bilingual, and regularly speak the majority language (Finnish or Norwegian) as well as their own North Sami variety. In this paper we investigate possible influences of these majority languages on prosodic characteristics of Finnmark North Sami, and associate them with prosodic patterns prevalent in the majority languages. We present a novel methodology that: (a) automatically finds the portions of speech (words) where the prosodic differences based on majority languages are most robustly manifested; and (b) analyzes the nature of these differences in terms of intonational patterns. For the first step, we trained convolutional WaveNet speech synthesis models on North Sami speech material, modified to contain purely prosodic information, and used conditioning embeddings to find words with the greatest differences between the varieties. The subsequent exploratory analysis suggests that the differences in intonational patterns between the two Finnmark North Sami varieties are not manifested uniformly across word types (based on part-of-speech category). Instead, we argue that the differences reflect phrase-level prosodic characteristics of the majority languages.Peer reviewe

    Efficient, end-to-end and self-supervised methods for speech processing and generation

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    Deep learning has affected the speech processing and generation fields in many directions. First, end-to-end architectures allow the direct injection and synthesis of waveform samples. Secondly, the exploration of efficient solutions allow to implement these systems in computationally restricted environments, like smartphones. Finally, the latest trends exploit audio-visual data with least supervision. In this thesis these three directions are explored. Firstly, we propose the use of recent pseudo-recurrent structures, like self-attention models and quasi-recurrent networks, to build acoustic models for text-to-speech. The proposed system, QLAD, turns out to synthesize faster on CPU and GPU than its recurrent counterpart whilst preserving the good synthesis quality level, which is competitive with state of the art vocoder-based models. Then, a generative adversarial network is proposed for speech enhancement, named SEGAN. This model works as a speech-to-speech conversion system in time-domain, where a single inference operation is needed for all samples to operate through a fully convolutional structure. This implies an increment in modeling efficiency with respect to other existing models, which are auto-regressive and also work in time-domain. SEGAN achieves prominent results in noise supression and preservation of speech naturalness and intelligibility when compared to the other classic and deep regression based systems. We also show that SEGAN is efficient in transferring its operations to new languages and noises. A SEGAN trained for English performs similarly to this language on Catalan and Korean with only 24 seconds of adaptation data. Finally, we unveil the generative capacity of the model to recover signals from several distortions. We hence propose the concept of generalized speech enhancement. First, the model proofs to be effective to recover voiced speech from whispered one. Then the model is scaled up to solve other distortions that require a recomposition of damaged parts of the signal, like extending the bandwidth or recovering lost temporal sections, among others. The model improves by including additional acoustic losses in a multi-task setup to impose a relevant perceptual weighting on the generated result. Moreover, a two-step training schedule is also proposed to stabilize the adversarial training after the addition of such losses, and both components boost SEGAN's performance across distortions.Finally, we propose a problem-agnostic speech encoder, named PASE, together with the framework to train it. PASE is a fully convolutional network that yields compact representations from speech waveforms. These representations contain abstract information like the speaker identity, the prosodic features or the spoken contents. A self-supervised framework is also proposed to train this encoder, which suposes a new step towards unsupervised learning for speech processing. Once the encoder is trained, it can be exported to solve different tasks that require speech as input. We first explore the performance of PASE codes to solve speaker recognition, emotion recognition and speech recognition. PASE works competitively well compared to well-designed classic features in these tasks, specially after some supervised adaptation. Finally, PASE also provides good descriptors of identity for multi-speaker modeling in text-to-speech, which is advantageous to model novel identities without retraining the model.L'aprenentatge profund ha afectat els camps de processament i generació de la parla en vàries direccions. Primer, les arquitectures fi-a-fi permeten la injecció i síntesi de mostres temporals directament. D'altra banda, amb l'exploració de solucions eficients permet l'aplicació d'aquests sistemes en entorns de computació restringida, com els telèfons intel·ligents. Finalment, les darreres tendències exploren les dades d'àudio i veu per derivar-ne representacions amb la mínima supervisió. En aquesta tesi precisament s'exploren aquestes tres direccions. Primer de tot, es proposa l'ús d'estructures pseudo-recurrents recents, com els models d’auto atenció i les xarxes quasi-recurrents, per a construir models acústics text-a-veu. Així, el sistema QLAD proposat en aquest treball sintetitza més ràpid en CPU i GPU que el seu homòleg recurrent, preservant el mateix nivell de qualitat de síntesi, competitiu amb l'estat de l'art en models basats en vocoder. A continuació es proposa un model de xarxa adversària generativa per a millora de veu, anomenat SEGAN. Aquest model fa conversions de veu-a-veu en temps amb una sola operació d'inferència sobre una estructura purament convolucional. Això implica un increment en l'eficiència respecte altres models existents auto regressius i que també treballen en el domini temporal. La SEGAN aconsegueix resultats prominents d'extracció de soroll i preservació de la naturalitat i la intel·ligibilitat de la veu comparat amb altres sistemes clàssics i models regressius basats en xarxes neuronals profundes en espectre. També es demostra que la SEGAN és eficient transferint les seves operacions a nous llenguatges i sorolls. Així, un model SEGAN entrenat en Anglès aconsegueix un rendiment comparable a aquesta llengua quan el transferim al català o al coreà amb només 24 segons de dades d'adaptació. Finalment, explorem l'ús de tota la capacitat generativa del model i l’apliquem a recuperació de senyals de veu malmeses per vàries distorsions severes. Això ho anomenem millora de la parla generalitzada. Primer, el model demostra ser efectiu per a la tasca de recuperació de senyal sonoritzat a partir de senyal xiuxiuejat. Posteriorment, el model escala a poder resoldre altres distorsions que requereixen una reconstrucció de parts del senyal que s’han malmès, com extensió d’ample de banda i recuperació de seccions temporals perdudes, entre d’altres. En aquesta última aplicació del model, el fet d’incloure funcions de pèrdua acústicament rellevants incrementa la naturalitat del resultat final, en una estructura multi-tasca que prediu característiques acústiques a la sortida de la xarxa discriminadora de la nostra GAN. També es proposa fer un entrenament en dues etapes del sistema SEGAN, el qual mostra un increment significatiu de l’equilibri en la sinèrgia adversària i la qualitat generada finalment després d’afegir les funcions acústiques. Finalment, proposem un codificador de veu agnòstic al problema, anomenat PASE, juntament amb el conjunt d’eines per entrenar-lo. El PASE és un sistema purament convolucional que crea representacions compactes de trames de veu. Aquestes representacions contenen informació abstracta com identitat del parlant, les característiques prosòdiques i els continguts lingüístics. També es proposa un entorn auto-supervisat multi-tasca per tal d’entrenar aquest sistema, el qual suposa un avenç en el terreny de l’aprenentatge no supervisat en l’àmbit del processament de la parla. Una vegada el codificador esta entrenat, es pot exportar per a solventar diferents tasques que requereixin tenir senyals de veu a l’entrada. Primer explorem el rendiment d’aquest codificador per a solventar tasques de reconeixement del parlant, de l’emoció i de la parla, mostrant-se efectiu especialment si s’ajusta la representació de manera supervisada amb un conjunt de dades d’adaptació.Postprint (published version

    Efficient, end-to-end and self-supervised methods for speech processing and generation

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    Deep learning has affected the speech processing and generation fields in many directions. First, end-to-end architectures allow the direct injection and synthesis of waveform samples. Secondly, the exploration of efficient solutions allow to implement these systems in computationally restricted environments, like smartphones. Finally, the latest trends exploit audio-visual data with least supervision. In this thesis these three directions are explored. Firstly, we propose the use of recent pseudo-recurrent structures, like self-attention models and quasi-recurrent networks, to build acoustic models for text-to-speech. The proposed system, QLAD, turns out to synthesize faster on CPU and GPU than its recurrent counterpart whilst preserving the good synthesis quality level, which is competitive with state of the art vocoder-based models. Then, a generative adversarial network is proposed for speech enhancement, named SEGAN. This model works as a speech-to-speech conversion system in time-domain, where a single inference operation is needed for all samples to operate through a fully convolutional structure. This implies an increment in modeling efficiency with respect to other existing models, which are auto-regressive and also work in time-domain. SEGAN achieves prominent results in noise supression and preservation of speech naturalness and intelligibility when compared to the other classic and deep regression based systems. We also show that SEGAN is efficient in transferring its operations to new languages and noises. A SEGAN trained for English performs similarly to this language on Catalan and Korean with only 24 seconds of adaptation data. Finally, we unveil the generative capacity of the model to recover signals from several distortions. We hence propose the concept of generalized speech enhancement. First, the model proofs to be effective to recover voiced speech from whispered one. Then the model is scaled up to solve other distortions that require a recomposition of damaged parts of the signal, like extending the bandwidth or recovering lost temporal sections, among others. The model improves by including additional acoustic losses in a multi-task setup to impose a relevant perceptual weighting on the generated result. Moreover, a two-step training schedule is also proposed to stabilize the adversarial training after the addition of such losses, and both components boost SEGAN's performance across distortions.Finally, we propose a problem-agnostic speech encoder, named PASE, together with the framework to train it. PASE is a fully convolutional network that yields compact representations from speech waveforms. These representations contain abstract information like the speaker identity, the prosodic features or the spoken contents. A self-supervised framework is also proposed to train this encoder, which suposes a new step towards unsupervised learning for speech processing. Once the encoder is trained, it can be exported to solve different tasks that require speech as input. We first explore the performance of PASE codes to solve speaker recognition, emotion recognition and speech recognition. PASE works competitively well compared to well-designed classic features in these tasks, specially after some supervised adaptation. Finally, PASE also provides good descriptors of identity for multi-speaker modeling in text-to-speech, which is advantageous to model novel identities without retraining the model.L'aprenentatge profund ha afectat els camps de processament i generació de la parla en vàries direccions. Primer, les arquitectures fi-a-fi permeten la injecció i síntesi de mostres temporals directament. D'altra banda, amb l'exploració de solucions eficients permet l'aplicació d'aquests sistemes en entorns de computació restringida, com els telèfons intel·ligents. Finalment, les darreres tendències exploren les dades d'àudio i veu per derivar-ne representacions amb la mínima supervisió. En aquesta tesi precisament s'exploren aquestes tres direccions. Primer de tot, es proposa l'ús d'estructures pseudo-recurrents recents, com els models d’auto atenció i les xarxes quasi-recurrents, per a construir models acústics text-a-veu. Així, el sistema QLAD proposat en aquest treball sintetitza més ràpid en CPU i GPU que el seu homòleg recurrent, preservant el mateix nivell de qualitat de síntesi, competitiu amb l'estat de l'art en models basats en vocoder. A continuació es proposa un model de xarxa adversària generativa per a millora de veu, anomenat SEGAN. Aquest model fa conversions de veu-a-veu en temps amb una sola operació d'inferència sobre una estructura purament convolucional. Això implica un increment en l'eficiència respecte altres models existents auto regressius i que també treballen en el domini temporal. La SEGAN aconsegueix resultats prominents d'extracció de soroll i preservació de la naturalitat i la intel·ligibilitat de la veu comparat amb altres sistemes clàssics i models regressius basats en xarxes neuronals profundes en espectre. També es demostra que la SEGAN és eficient transferint les seves operacions a nous llenguatges i sorolls. Així, un model SEGAN entrenat en Anglès aconsegueix un rendiment comparable a aquesta llengua quan el transferim al català o al coreà amb només 24 segons de dades d'adaptació. Finalment, explorem l'ús de tota la capacitat generativa del model i l’apliquem a recuperació de senyals de veu malmeses per vàries distorsions severes. Això ho anomenem millora de la parla generalitzada. Primer, el model demostra ser efectiu per a la tasca de recuperació de senyal sonoritzat a partir de senyal xiuxiuejat. Posteriorment, el model escala a poder resoldre altres distorsions que requereixen una reconstrucció de parts del senyal que s’han malmès, com extensió d’ample de banda i recuperació de seccions temporals perdudes, entre d’altres. En aquesta última aplicació del model, el fet d’incloure funcions de pèrdua acústicament rellevants incrementa la naturalitat del resultat final, en una estructura multi-tasca que prediu característiques acústiques a la sortida de la xarxa discriminadora de la nostra GAN. També es proposa fer un entrenament en dues etapes del sistema SEGAN, el qual mostra un increment significatiu de l’equilibri en la sinèrgia adversària i la qualitat generada finalment després d’afegir les funcions acústiques. Finalment, proposem un codificador de veu agnòstic al problema, anomenat PASE, juntament amb el conjunt d’eines per entrenar-lo. El PASE és un sistema purament convolucional que crea representacions compactes de trames de veu. Aquestes representacions contenen informació abstracta com identitat del parlant, les característiques prosòdiques i els continguts lingüístics. També es proposa un entorn auto-supervisat multi-tasca per tal d’entrenar aquest sistema, el qual suposa un avenç en el terreny de l’aprenentatge no supervisat en l’àmbit del processament de la parla. Una vegada el codificador esta entrenat, es pot exportar per a solventar diferents tasques que requereixin tenir senyals de veu a l’entrada. Primer explorem el rendiment d’aquest codificador per a solventar tasques de reconeixement del parlant, de l’emoció i de la parla, mostrant-se efectiu especialment si s’ajusta la representació de manera supervisada amb un conjunt de dades d’adaptació

    Reimagining Speech: A Scoping Review of Deep Learning-Powered Voice Conversion

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    Research on deep learning-powered voice conversion (VC) in speech-to-speech scenarios is getting increasingly popular. Although many of the works in the field of voice conversion share a common global pipeline, there is a considerable diversity in the underlying structures, methods, and neural sub-blocks used across research efforts. Thus, obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the reasons behind the choice of the different methods in the voice conversion pipeline can be challenging, and the actual hurdles in the proposed solutions are often unclear. To shed light on these aspects, this paper presents a scoping review that explores the use of deep learning in speech analysis, synthesis, and disentangled speech representation learning within modern voice conversion systems. We screened 621 publications from more than 38 different venues between the years 2017 and 2023, followed by an in-depth review of a final database consisting of 123 eligible studies. Based on the review, we summarise the most frequently used approaches to voice conversion based on deep learning and highlight common pitfalls within the community. Lastly, we condense the knowledge gathered, identify main challenges and provide recommendations for future research directions

    Latentin prosodia-avaruuden analysointi ja puhetyylien hallinta suomenkielisessä end-to-end puhesynteesissä

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    Viime vuosina syväoppimisen saralla tapahtunut kehitys on mahdollistanut neuroverkkoihin perustuvan puhesynteesin, joka lähes luonnollisen puheen tuottamisen lisäksi sallii syntetisoidun puheen akustisten ominaisuuksien hallinnan. Tämä merkitsee sitä, että on mahdollista tuottaa eloisaa puhetta eri tyyleillä, jotka sopivat kyseiseen kontekstiin. Yksi tapa, jolla tämä voidaan saavuttaa, on lisätä syntetisaattoriin referenssi-enkooderi, joka toimii pullonkaulana mallintaen prosodiaan liittyvän latentin avaruuden. Tämän tutkimuksen päämääränä oli analysoida kuinka referenssi-enkooderin latentti avaruus mallintaa moninaisia ja realistisia puhetyylejä, ja miten puheennosten akustiset ominaisuudet ja niiden latentin avaruuden representaatiot korreloivat keskenään. Toinen päämäärä oli arvioida kuinka syntetisoidun puheen tyyliä voi kontrolloida. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin referenssi-enkooderilla varustettua Tacotron 2 syntetisaattoria, joka oli koulutettu yhden naispuhujan luetulla puheella usealla puhetyylillä. Latenttia avaruutta analysoitiin tekemällä pääkomponenttianalyysi puhedatan kaikista puheennoksista otetuille referenssivektoreille, jotta saataisiin esille puhetyylien keskeisimmät erot. Olettaen puhetyyleillä olevan akustisia korrelaatteja, tutkittiin pääkomponenttien ja mitattujen akustisten ominaisuuksien välillä olevaa mahdollista yhteyttä. Syntetisoitua puhetta analysoitiin kahdella tapaa: objektiivisella evaluaatiolla, joka arvioi akustisia ominaisuuksia ja subjektiivisella evaluaatiolla, joka arvioi syntetisoidun puheen sopivuutta liittyen puhuttuun lauseeseen. Tulokset osoittivat, että referenssienkooderi mallinsi tyylillisiä eroja hyvin, mutta tyylit olivat monisyisiä ja niissä oli merkittävää sisäistä vaihtelua. Pääkomponenttianalyysi erotteli akustiset piirteet jossain määrin, ja tilastollinen analyysi osoitti yhteyden latentin avaruuden ja prosodisten ominaisuuksien välillä. Objektiivinen evaluaatio antoi ymmärtää, että syntetisaattori ei tuottanut tyylien kaikkia akustisia ominaisuuksia, mutta subjektiivinen evaluaatio näytti, että mallinnus riitti vaikuttamaan sopivuuteen liittyviin arvioihin. Toisin sanoen spontaanilla tyylillä syntetisoitua puhetta pidettiin formaalia sopivampana spontaaniin tekstityyliin ja päinvastoin.In recent years, advances in deep learning have made it possible to develop neural speech synthesizers that not only generate near natural speech but also enable us to control its acoustic features. This means it is possible to synthesize expressive speech with different speaking styles that fit a given context. One way to achieve this control is by adding a reference encoder on the synthesizer that works as a bottleneck modeling a prosody related latent space. The aim of this study was to analyze how the latent space of a reference encoder models diverse and realistic speaking styles, and what correlation there is between the phonetic features of encoded utterances and their latent space representations. Another aim was to analyze how the synthesizer output could be controlled in terms of speaking styles. The model used in the study was a Tacotron 2 speech synthesizer with a reference encoder that was trained with read speech uttered in various styles by one female speaker. The latent space was analyzed with principal component analysis on the reference encoder outputs for all of the utterances in order to extract salient features that differentiate the styles. Basing on the assumption that there are acoustic correlates to speaking styles, a possible connection between the principal components and measured acoustic features of the encoded utterances was investigated. For the synthesizer output, two evaluations were conducted: an objective evaluation assessing acoustic features and a subjective evaluation assessing appropriateness of synthesized speech in regard to the uttered sentence. The results showed that the reference encoder modeled stylistic differences well, but the styles were complex with major internal variation within the styles. The principal component analysis disentangled the acoustic features somewhat and a statistical analysis showed a correlation between the latent space and prosodic features. The objective evaluation suggested that the synthesizer did not produce all of the acoustic features of the styles, but the subjective evaluation showed that it did enough to affect judgments of appropriateness, i.e., speech synthesized in an informal style was deemed more appropriate than formal style for informal style sentences and vice versa

    HiFi-WaveGAN: Generative Adversarial Network with Auxiliary Spectrogram-Phase Loss for High-Fidelity Singing Voice Generation

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    Entertainment-oriented singing voice synthesis (SVS) requires a vocoder to generate high-fidelity (e.g. 48kHz) audio. However, most text-to-speech (TTS) vocoders cannot reconstruct the waveform well in this scenario. In this paper, we propose HiFi-WaveGAN to synthesize the 48kHz high-quality singing voices in real-time. Specifically, it consists of an Extended WaveNet served as a generator, a multi-period discriminator proposed in HiFiGAN, and a multi-resolution spectrogram discriminator borrowed from UnivNet. To better reconstruct the high-frequency part from the full-band mel-spectrogram, we incorporate a pulse extractor to generate the constraint for the synthesized waveform. Additionally, an auxiliary spectrogram-phase loss is utilized to approximate the real distribution further. The experimental results show that our proposed HiFi-WaveGAN obtains 4.23 in the mean opinion score (MOS) metric for the 48kHz SVS task, significantly outperforming other neural vocoders


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    Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder often characterized by reduced speech intelligibility through slow, uncoordinated control of speech production muscles. Automatic Speech recognition (ASR) systems may help dysarthric talkers communicate more effectively. However, robust dysarthria-specific ASR requires a significant amount of training speech is required, which is not readily available for dysarthric talkers. In this dissertation, we investigate dysarthric speech augmentation and synthesis methods. To better understand differences in prosodic and acoustic characteristics of dysarthric spontaneous speech at varying severity levels, a comparative study between typical and dysarthric speech was conducted. These characteristics are important components for dysarthric speech modeling, synthesis, and augmentation. For augmentation, prosodic transformation and time-feature masking have been proposed. For dysarthric speech synthesis, this dissertation has introduced a modified neural multi-talker TTS by adding a dysarthria severity level coefficient and a pause insertion model to synthesize dysarthric speech for varying severity levels. In addition, we have extended this work by using a label propagation technique to create more meaningful control variables such as a continuous Respiration, Laryngeal and Tongue (RLT) parameter, even for datasets that only provide discrete dysarthria severity level information. This approach increases the controllability of the system, so we are able to generate more dysarthric speech with a broader range. To evaluate their effectiveness for synthesis of training data, dysarthria-specific speech recognition was used. Results show that a DNN-HMM model trained on additional synthetic dysarthric speech achieves WER improvement of 12.2% compared to the baseline, and that the addition of the severity level and pause insertion controls decrease WER by 6.5%, showing the effectiveness of adding these parameters. Overall results on the TORGO database demonstrate that using dysarthric synthetic speech to increase the amount of dysarthric-patterned speech for training has a significant impact on the dysarthric ASR systems
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