311,585 research outputs found

    Community detection and role identification in directed networks: understanding the Twitter network of the care.data debate

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    With the rise of social media as an important channel for the debate and discussion of public affairs, online social networks such as Twitter have become important platforms for public information and engagement by policy makers. To communicate effectively through Twitter, policy makers need to understand how influence and interest propagate within its network of users. In this chapter we use graph-theoretic methods to analyse the Twitter debate surrounding NHS Englands controversial care.data scheme. Directionality is a crucial feature of the Twitter social graph - information flows from the followed to the followers - but is often ignored in social network analyses; our methods are based on the behaviour of dynamic processes on the network and can be applied naturally to directed networks. We uncover robust communities of users and show that these communities reflect how information flows through the Twitter network. We are also able to classify users by their differing roles in directing the flow of information through the network. Our methods and results will be useful to policy makers who would like to use Twitter effectively as a communication medium

    linkcomm: an R package for the generation, visualization, and analysis of link communities in networks of arbitrary size and type

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    Summary: An essential element when analysing the structure, function, and dynamics of biological networks is the identification of communities of related nodes. An algorithm proposed recently enhances this process by clustering the links between nodes, rather than the nodes themselves, thereby allowing each node to belong to multiple overlapping or nested communities. The R package ‘linkcomm’ implements this algorithm and extends it in several aspects: (i) the clustering algorithm handles networks that are weighted, directed, or both weighted and directed; (ii) several visualization methods are implemented that facilitate the representation of the link communities and their relationships; (iii) a suite of functions are included for the downstream analysis of the link communities including novel community-based measures of node centrality; (iv) the main algorithm is written in C++ and designed to handle networks of any size; and (v) several clustering methods are available for networks that can be handled in memory, and the number of communities can be adjusted by the user

    A novel framework for community modeling and characterization in directed temporal networks

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    Abstract We deal with the problem of modeling and characterizing the community structure of complex systems. First, we propose a mathematical model for directed temporal networks based on the paradigm of activity driven networks. Many features of real-world systems are encapsulated in our model, such as hierarchical and overlapping community structures, heterogeneous attitude of nodes in behaving as sources or drains for connections, and the existence of a backbone of links that model dyadic relationships between nodes. Second, we develop a method for parameter identification of temporal networks based on the analysis of the integrated network of connections. Starting from any existing community detection algorithm, our method enriches the obtained solution by providing an in-depth characterization of the very nature of the role of nodes and communities in generating the temporal link structure. The proposed modeling and characterization framework is validated on three synthetic benchmarks and two real-world case studies

    Proximity, Communities, and Attributes in Social Network Visualisation

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    The identification of groups in social networks drawn as graphs is an important task for social scientists whowish to know how a population divides with respect to relationships or attributes. Community detection algorithms identify communities (groups) in social networks by finding clusters in the graph: that is, sets of people (nodes) where the relationships (edges) between them are more numerous than their relationships with other nodes. This approach to determining communities is naturally based on the underlying structure of the network, rather than on attributes associated with nodes. In this paper, we report on an experiment that (a) compares the effectiveness of several force-directed graph layout algorithms for visually identifying communities, and (b) investigates their usefulness when group membership is based not on structure, but on attributes associated with the people in the network. We find algorithms that clearly separate communities with large distances to be most effective, while using colour to represent community membership is more successful than reliance on structural layout

    Properties of Healthcare Teaming Networks as a Function of Network Construction Algorithms

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    Network models of healthcare systems can be used to examine how providers collaborate, communicate, refer patients to each other. Most healthcare service network models have been constructed from patient claims data, using billing claims to link patients with providers. The data sets can be quite large, making standard methods for network construction computationally challenging and thus requiring the use of alternate construction algorithms. While these alternate methods have seen increasing use in generating healthcare networks, there is little to no literature comparing the differences in the structural properties of the generated networks. To address this issue, we compared the properties of healthcare networks constructed using different algorithms and the 2013 Medicare Part B outpatient claims data. Three different algorithms were compared: binning, sliding frame, and trace-route. Unipartite networks linking either providers or healthcare organizations by shared patients were built using each method. We found that each algorithm produced networks with substantially different topological properties. Provider networks adhered to a power law, and organization networks to a power law with exponential cutoff. Censoring networks to exclude edges with less than 11 shared patients, a common de-identification practice for healthcare network data, markedly reduced edge numbers and greatly altered measures of vertex prominence such as the betweenness centrality. We identified patterns in the distance patients travel between network providers, and most strikingly between providers in the Northeast United States and Florida. We conclude that the choice of network construction algorithm is critical for healthcare network analysis, and discuss the implications for selecting the algorithm best suited to the type of analysis to be performed.Comment: With links to comprehensive, high resolution figures and networks via figshare.co