433 research outputs found


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    Keraton is a result of the creation from the past. In order to compete in the digital era, Keraton has to make an advancement which is inline to the development of the digital era.  The aim of this paper is to describe the existentialism concept of Keraton Kasepuhan, Keraton Kanoman, and Keraton Kacirebonan, which are located in the city of Cirebon, in the digital era. The method used in this research is the qualitative-descriptive approach of the phenomena which appear in the field. The results are then matched with the theory to form the conclusion of the existentialism concept of the Keraton in this digital era. The obtained concept can be utilized as an example for other Keraton  in Indonesia to retain their existence especially for the generation of millennials

    The Projection Mapping Situational Layer: Tabletop Projection Mapping for Visualisation of Real-time Geospatial Data

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    This work presents a data-centric approach to the implementation of tabletop projection mapping, utilising the technology for data visualisation purposes with a focus on real-time geospatial data. The goal of the implementation is for multiple users or viewers to acquire a four-dimensional augmented overview of critical operations without the need for additional hardware. To that end, the Projection Mapping Situational Layer (PMSL) is presented as a tabletop projection mapping application where the real-time positions of sea vessels in the VesterĂ¥len district (of Norway) are visualised. Based on this implementation and on its described characteristics, PMSL can be used to facilitate situational and real-time location awareness.acceptedVersio

    Projection Mapping Motif Melayu

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    Teknik Projection mapping sebagai media baru menjadi peluang pemanfaatan teknologi multimedia yang mulai ramai diaplikasikan. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan teknologi yang biasa disebut dengan Augmented Reality Spatial sebagai pengembangan dan penyampaian informasi dengan mengangkat konten video motion graphic yang bertema motif melayu ditampilkan melalui proyektor dan ditembakkan pada gedung di Politeknik Negeri Batam. Metode penelitian dibagi pada beberapa tahapan dimulai dari observasi objek dan bidang, menentukan jumlah dan mempersiapkan proyektor, membuat replika virtual bidang projection, perancangan konten multimedia, mapping test, hingga pertunjukan projection mapping. Dari pengumpulan data responden yang melihat pertunjukan projection mapping didapatkan penilaian pada beberapa aspek kelayakan yaitu, kelayakan teknik projection mapping, kelayakan teknik audio dan kelayakan tema didominasi dengan hasil penilaian layak dan sangat layak. Pada aspek kelayakan visual dan kelayakan durasi harus dievaluasi kembali karena mendapatkan beberapa penilaian kurang layak


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    Proses pembelajaran dikelas akan mencapai tujuan memerlukan pendukung dalam pelaksanaanya. Pembelajaran yang berlangsung masih kurang bermakna bagi peserta didik. Hal itu terlihat dari hasil perolehan nilai ujian peserta didik. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran saat ini dilakukan secara daring (online) yang menyebabkan timbul berbagai macam permasalahan diantaranya sinyal internet yang tidak stabil, peserta merasa materi sulit dipahami, peserta merasa bosan dalam proses pembelajaran, kurangnya media pendukung dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring, kurangnya kreativitas dan kesulitan guru dalam penggunaan dan pembuatan perangkat ajar berbasis budaya, kurangnya pelatihan terhadap guru mengenai pentingnya media pembelajaran berbasis budaya, Guru belum mempunyai wawasan dan pengetahuan mengenai pengembangan dan penggunaan perangkat ajar matematika terutama yang pernagkat ajar berbasis budaya. Perangkat Ajar berbasis budaya adalah media pembelajaran yang menyajikan bahan pembelajaran yang didesign dengan mengkaitkan budaya yang dekat dengan peserta didik. Perangkat ajar berbasis budaya dapat membantu peserta didik dalam meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik. Pengabdian kemitraan masyarakat ini membahas mengenai pembuatan, perancangan dan penggunaan perangkat ajar berbasis budaya bagi  guru – guru SMK Swasta Pangeran Antasari Labuhan Deli


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    Accessibility plays a main role among the aspects that contribute to the conservation of Cultural Heritage sites. Seismic stability, fragility of the artefacts, conflicts, deterioration, natural disasters, climate change and visitors’ impact are only some of the possible causes that might lead to the inaccessibility of a heritage site for both researchers and visitors.The increasing potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the conservation field has resulted in the development of Augmented and Virtual reality (AR and VR) experiences. These ones can be very effective for what concerns the description of the visual experience, but also improve the understanding of a site and even became analytic research tools.This paper presents an inaccessible Buddhist temple in the Myanmar city of Bagan as a case study for the realization of a VR experience that aims at providing accessibility to knowledge and therefore a better understanding of the cultural value. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the VR for this purpose, a user study has been conducted and its results are reported.</p

    Representation Challenges

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    Proceedings of the 9th Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD) international conference 2021 (ASCAAD 2021): architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges.

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    The ASCAAD 2021 conference theme is Architecture in the age of disruptive technologies: transformation and challenges. The theme addresses the gradual shift in computational design from prototypical morphogenetic-centered associations in the architectural discourse. This imminent shift of focus is increasingly stirring a debate in the architectural community and is provoking a much needed critical questioning of the role of computation in architecture as a sole embodiment and enactment of technical dimensions, into one that rather deliberately pursues and embraces the humanities as an ultimate aspiration
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