91 research outputs found

    Feedback-Based Gameplay Metrics and Gameplay Performance Segmentation: An audio-visual approach for assessing player experience.

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    Gameplay metrics is a method and approach that is growing in popularity amongst the game studies research community for its capacity to assess players’ engagement with game systems. Yet, little has been done, to date, to quantify players’ responses to feedback employed by games that conveys information to players, i.e., their audio-visual streams. The present thesis introduces a novel approach to player experience assessment - termed feedback-based gameplay metrics - which seeks to gather gameplay metrics from the audio-visual feedback streams presented to the player during play. So far, gameplay metrics - quantitative data about a game state and the player's interaction with the game system - are directly logged via the game's source code. The need to utilise source code restricts the range of games that researchers can analyse. By using computer science algorithms for audio-visual processing, yet to be employed for processing gameplay footage, the present thesis seeks to extract similar metrics through the audio-visual streams, thus circumventing the need for access to, whilst also proposing a method that focuses on describing the way gameplay information is broadcast to the player during play. In order to operationalise feedback-based gameplay metrics, the present thesis introduces the concept of gameplay performance segmentation which describes how coherent segments of play can be identified and extracted from lengthy game play sessions. Moreover, in order to both contextualise the method for processing metrics and provide a conceptual framework for analysing the results of a feedback-based gameplay metric segmentation, a multi-layered architecture based on five gameplay concepts (system, game world instance, spatial-temporal, degree of freedom and interaction) is also introduced. Finally, based on data gathered from game play sessions with participants, the present thesis discusses the validity of feedback-based gameplay metrics, gameplay performance segmentation and the multi-layered architecture. A software system has also been specifically developed to produce gameplay summaries based on feedback-based gameplay metrics, and examples of summaries (based on several games) are presented and analysed. The present thesis also demonstrates that feedback-based gameplay metrics can be conjointly analysed with other forms of data (such as biometry) in order to build a more complete picture of game play experience. Feedback based game-play metrics constitutes a post-processing approach that allows the researcher or analyst to explore the data however they wish and as many times as they wish. The method is also able to process any audio-visual file, and can therefore process material from a range of audio-visual sources. This novel methodology brings together game studies and computer sciences by extending the range of games that can now be researched but also to provide a viable solution accounting for the exact way players experience games

    Video Abstracting at a Semantical Level

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    One the most common form of a video abstract is the movie trailer. Contemporary movie trailers share a common structure across genres which allows for an automatic generation and also reflects the corresponding moviea s composition. In this thesis a system for the automatic generation of trailers is presented. In addition to action trailers, the system is able to deal with further genres such as Horror and comedy trailers, which were first manually analyzed in order to identify their basic structures. To simplify the modeling of trailers and the abstract generation itself a new video abstracting application was developed. This application is capable of performing all steps of the abstract generation automatically and allows for previews and manual optimizations. Based on this system, new abstracting models for horror and comedy trailers were created and the corresponding trailers have been automatically generated using the new abstracting models. In an evaluation the automatic trailers were compared to the original Trailers and showed a similar structure. However, the automatically generated trailers still do not exhibit the full perfection of the Hollywood originals as they lack intentional storylines across shots

    Interdisciplinarity in the Age of the Triple Helix: a Film Practitioner's Perspective

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    This integrative chapter contextualises my research including articles I have published as well as one of the creative artefacts developed from it, the feature film The Knife That Killed Me. I review my work considering the ways in which technology, industry methods and academic practice have evolved as well as how attitudes to interdisciplinarity have changed, linking these to Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff’s ‘Triple Helix’ model (1995). I explore my own experiences and observations of opportunities and challenges that have been posed by the intersection of different stakeholder needs and expectations, both from industry and academic perspectives, and argue that my work provides novel examples of the applicability of the ‘Triple Helix’ to the creative industries. The chapter concludes with a reflection on the evolution and direction of my work, the relevance of the ‘Triple Helix’ to creative practice, and ways in which this relationship could be investigated further

    The Geography of Home: Systems Awareness in a Changing World

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    Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our times, yet it continues to be a topic that is not addressed with the urgency and action that it fully deserves. This lack of understanding is largely due to discrepancies in the ways that climate science is communicated and taught to the general public. The recent declaration of the Anthropocene, a new geologic epoch named for the influence of humans on Earth, warrants new ways of communicating about climate change. Art allows for novel ways of understanding these issues and contrasts the typically elitist methods of climate communication that tend to remain in the hands of scientists and academics. Over the course of the last year, I have begun the process of writing a book that deconstructs the dichotomous fields of art and science. Through merging personal narratives and drawings with information about climate science, the Anthropocene, sense of place, and systems theory, I hope to form a cohesive narrative about what it is like to be a young person exploring these topics while on the precipice of the Anthropocene; the questions that have arisen, the concerns, the fear, the chaos, and the hope. The intended audience for the Geography of Home is anyone who is searching for a new type of climate communication, one that centers around personal experience and relationships between natural and social systems. By combining art and words into a graphic novel, The Geography of Home becomes a launching point for a new type of discourse and understanding of the rapidly evolving issues of the Anthropocene

    Sketch-based digital storyboards and floor plans for authoring computer-generated film pre-visuals

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    Pre-visualisation is an important tool for planning films during the pre-production phase of filmmaking. Existing pre-visualisation authoring tools do not effectively support the user in authoring pre-visualisations without impairing software usability. These tools require the user to either have programming skills, be experienced in modelling and animation, or use drag-and-drop style interfaces. These interaction methods do not intuitively fit with pre-production activities such as floor planning and storyboarding, and existing tools that apply a storyboarding metaphor do not automatically interpret user sketches. The goal of this research was to investigate how sketch-based user interfaces and methods from computer vision could be used for supporting pre-visualisation authoring using a storyboarding approach. The requirements for such a sketch-based storyboarding tool were determined from literature and an interview with Triggerfish Animation Studios. A framework was developed to support sketch-based pre-visualisation authoring using a storyboarding approach. Algorithms for describing user sketches, recognising objects and performing pose estimation were designed to automatically interpret user sketches. A proof of concept prototype implementation of this framework was evaluated in order to assess its usability benefit. It was found that the participants could author pre-visualisations effectively, efficiently and easily. The results of the usability evaluation also showed that the participants were satisfied with the overall design and usability of the prototype tool. The positive and negative findings of the evaluation were interpreted and combined with existing heuristics in order to create a set of guidelines for designing similar sketch-based pre-visualisation authoring tools that apply the storyboarding approach. The successful implementation of the proof of concept prototype tool provides practical evidence of the feasibility of sketch-based pre-visualisation authoring. The positive results from the usability evaluation established that sketch-based interfacing techniques can be used effectively with a storyboarding approach for authoring pre-visualisations without impairing software usability

    Analyse de l'espace des chemins pour la composition des ombres et lumières

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    La réalisation des films d'animation 3D s'appuie de nos jours sur les techniques de rendu physiquement réaliste, qui simulent la propagation de la lumière dans chaque scène. Dans ce contexte, les graphistes 3D doivent jouer avec les effets de lumière pour accompagner la mise en scène, dérouler la narration du film, et transmettre son contenu émotionnel aux spectateurs. Cependant, les équations qui modélisent le comportement de la lumière laissent peu de place à l'expression artistique. De plus, l'édition de l'éclairage par essai-erreur est ralentie par les longs temps de rendu associés aux méthodes physiquement réalistes, ce qui rend fastidieux le travail des graphistes. Pour pallier ce problème, les studios d'animation ont souvent recours à la composition, où les graphistes retravaillent l'image en associant plusieurs calques issus du processus de rendu. Ces calques peuvent contenir des informations géométriques sur la scène, ou bien isoler un effet lumineux intéressant. L'avantage de la composition est de permettre une interaction en temps réel, basée sur les méthodes classiques d'édition en espace image. Notre contribution principale est la définition d'un nouveau type de calque pour la composition, le calque d'ombre. Un calque d'ombre contient la quantité d'énergie perdue dans la scène à cause du blocage des rayons lumineux par un objet choisi. Comparée aux outils existants, notre approche présente plusieurs avantages pour l'édition. D'abord, sa signification physique est simple à concevoir : lorsque l'on ajoute le calque d'ombre et l'image originale, toute ombre due à l'objet choisi disparaît. En comparaison, un masque d'ombre classique représente la fraction de rayons bloqués en chaque pixel, une information en valeurs de gris qui ne peut servir que d'approximation pour guider la composition. Ensuite, le calque d'ombre est compatible avec l'éclairage global : il enregistre l'énergie perdue depuis les sources secondaires, réfléchies au moins une fois dans la scène, là où les méthodes actuelles ne considèrent que les sources primaires. Enfin, nous démontrons l'existence d'une surestimation de l'éclairage dans trois logiciels de rendu différents lorsque le graphiste désactive les ombres pour un objet ; notre définition corrige ce défaut. Nous présentons un prototype d'implémentation des calques d'ombres à partir de quelques modifications du Path Tracing, l'algorithme de choix en production. Il exporte l'image originale et un nombre arbitraire de calques d'ombres liés à différents objets en une passe de rendu, requérant un temps supplémentaire de l'ordre de 15% dans des scènes à géométrie complexe et contenant plusieurs milieux participants. Des paramètres optionnels sont aussi proposés au graphiste pour affiner le rendu des calques d'ombres.The production of 3D animated motion picture now relies on physically realistic rendering techniques, that simulate light propagation within each scene. In this context, 3D artists must leverage lighting effects to support staging, deploy the film's narrative, and convey its emotional content to viewers. However, the equations that model the behavior of light leave little room for artistic expression. In addition, editing illumination by trial-and-error is tedious due to the long render times that physically realistic rendering requires. To remedy these problems, most animation studios resort to compositing, where artists rework a frame by associating multiple layers exported during rendering. These layers can contain geometric information on the scene, or isolate a particular lighting effect. The advantage of compositing is that interactions take place in real time, and are based on conventional image space operations. Our main contribution is the definition of a new type of layer for compositing, the shadow layer. A shadow layer contains the amount of energy lost in the scene due to the occlusion of light rays by a given object. Compared to existing tools, our approach presents several advantages for artistic editing. First, its physical meaning is straightforward: when a shadow layer is added to the original image, any shadow created by the chosen object disappears. In comparison, a traditional shadow matte represents the ratio of occluded rays at a pixel, a grayscale information that can only serve as an approximation to guide compositing operations. Second, shadow layers are compatible with global illumination: they pick up energy lost from secondary light sources that are scattered at least once in the scene, whereas the current methods only consider primary sources. Finally, we prove the existence of an overestimation of illumination in three different renderers when an artist disables the shadow of an object; our definition fixes this shortcoming. We present a prototype implementation for shadow layers obtained from a few modifications of path tracing, the main rendering algorithm in production. It exports the original image and any number of shadow layers associated with different objects in a single rendering pass, with an additional 15% time in scenes containing complex geometry and multiple participating media. Optional parameters are also proposed to the artist to fine-tune the rendering of shadow layers